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7/30/2015, 11:24 AM
Yes the Cincy Cop went to Far IMHO but I dont think he should be tried for Murder and held on 1 Mill. Bond.

I watched the Vid the Cop was Polite and friendly until the driver started Bowing up and attempted to just drive away.

https://scontent-dfw1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtf1/v/t1.0-9/10501843_10154573032310173_7489198911381830618_n.j pg?oh=38ad78162b012cd607892b38e6e27209&oe=563E87D0

7/30/2015, 12:01 PM
Police and other public safety/law enforcement personnel all need a course on this new era of Internet accountability.

Whereas traffic stops used to only be recorded by the provided police cars, now cops must assume that they are being recorded from all angles, audio and video, at all times.

The body cams that are being proposed are a good start not just for police, but also those dealing with law enforcement, because they seem to forget that they may be getting recorded as well. A visible sign that all parties are being held accountable would keep everyone in check.

This is a good reminder for everyone as well: The Internet is forever. You are being recorded right now as we speak. Don't do or say (or type) something you'll come to regret later.

7/30/2015, 12:18 PM
An honest Cop that is just trying to do his Job then go home to his family shouldnt have to put up with mouthy rude people. If they want to bow up he should be able to take em down and then take em to jail. if they run shoot em, Screw it,

All these Prosecutors and Mayors condeming Police in general are going to get some Good Officers killed. Mark my words.

Tear Down This Wall
7/30/2015, 12:37 PM
I do not condone at all what the cop did. I think a more experienced cop just lets the guy drive away, radios ahead for assistance, and gives whatever chase there is.

That being said, it's now out that this "nice" and "good" guy piled up 70+ criminal charges over 20 years and had 12 or 13 kids, accounts differ, with different women. The guy was basically a steaming crap pile of what the rap community glorifies daily. I'm sure they are all proud of him today.

You can't really say he had it coming, but...the guy certainly wasn't out making the world a better place. So, it's no surprise that he couldn't or wouldn't produce his driver's license, or that he had an open bottle of alcohol in his car, or that he refused to get out of the car.

If you've got nothing to hide, why not just comply?

Score: Officer = idiot; Dead Criminal = also idiot. Fate brought together two idiots one night, and so you got what you got.

Gee, wonder if this "good" and "nice" guy DuBose has a life insurance policy to take care of his kids in case he died young. Probably not.

Stupid is, stupid does.

Tear Down This Wall
7/30/2015, 12:39 PM
An honest Cop that is just trying to do his Job then go home to his family shouldnt have to put up with mouthy rude people. If they want to bow up he should be able to take em down and then take em to jail. if they run shoot em, Screw it,

All these Prosecutors and Mayors condeming Police in general are going to get some Good Officers killed. Mark my words.

They already have: http://www.policeone.com/ambush/articles/8056547-Remembering-officers-ambushed-and-murdered-in-2014/

Serenity Now
7/30/2015, 12:50 PM
I do not condone at all what the cop did. I think a more experienced cop just lets the guy drive away, radios ahead for assistance, and gives whatever chase there is.

That being said, it's now out that this "nice" and "good" guy piled up 70+ criminal charges over 20 years and had 12 or 13 kids, accounts differ, with different women. The guy was basically a steaming crap pile of what the rap community glorifies daily. I'm sure they are all proud of him today.

You can't really say he had it coming, but...the guy certainly wasn't out making the world a better place. So, it's no surprise that he couldn't or wouldn't produce his driver's license, or that he had an open bottle of alcohol in his car, or that he refused to get out of the car.

If you've got nothing to hide, why not just comply?

Score: Officer = idiot; Dead Criminal = also idiot. Fate brought together two idiots one night, and so you got what you got.

Gee, wonder if this "good" and "nice" guy DuBose has a life insurance policy to take care of his kids in case he died young. Probably not.

Stupid is, stupid does.

I kind of agree with you. Except, it doesn't matter what this guy's past is. He didn't deserve to die like that. This is an example of the officer video providing the facts that the first person account doesn't provide.

I think if we paid cops more they'd be better at it.

Tear Down This Wall
7/30/2015, 01:23 PM
I kind of agree with you. Except, it doesn't matter what this guy's past is. He didn't deserve to die like that. This is an example of the officer video providing the facts that the first person account doesn't provide.

I think if we paid cops more they'd be better at it.

Yes, I already said that in the first sentence. Cop was clearly in the wrong. And experienced cop let's the guy drive off knowing he'll be caught in a few mintues after more police officers are called to help give chase.

Agree on cop pay. Except...not to borrow from another thread topics...if we're throwing all sorts of taxpayer money at caring for illegals' children - school, food, housing - along with our own poor, and funding the sexual proclivities of everyone, and the results of those, where does the extra money come from? The already cash-strapped middle class?

You see the problem, right? Few people argue against raising the pay of teachers, police officers, firemen etc. But, where does the money come from when you are already propping up more than half the population with taxpayer dollars already?

Yes, by all means raise the salaries of teachers, cop, and firefighters. But, realize that it must come from moving the money away from entitlements.

7/30/2015, 01:32 PM
My 1st sentence said HE went too far.
My statement of going to get Cops killed that just want to do their job, is meaning a Cop is going to hesitate in a situation where there is NO time for hesitation and the Good guy loses.

Ive been in those kinds of situations , Worked out for me. Wont always work out for others.

7/30/2015, 02:15 PM
I kind of agree with you. Except, it doesn't matter what this guy's past is. He didn't deserve to die like that. This is an example of the officer video providing the facts that the first person account doesn't provide.

I think if we paid cops more they'd be better at it.

No, the guy didn't deserve to be shot but if I am pulled over for whatever reason I completely understand that any attempt to resist or run will be met by a considerable amount of reaction from the police officer. I think some people who are police officers really don't have the type of personality to do that job and after a certain amount of time of dealing with the dregs of society they just snap.

I think a good movie for all of you to watch is "Bring Out Your Dead" with Nicholas Cage. It is a pretty accurate description of how dealing with the seedier parts of society in your job on a day to day basis can wreak all kinds of havoc on your mental health and physical well being.

Serenity Now
7/30/2015, 02:15 PM
My 1st sentence said HE went too far.
My statement of going to get Cops killed that just want to do their job, is meaning a Cop is going to hesitate in a situation where there is NO time for hesitation and the Good guy loses.

Ive been in those kinds of situations , Worked out for me. Wont always work out for others.

I hope you're sitting down. I agree with you. The only thing that I disagree with on this thread is that his priors and how many children he may or may not have fathered shouldn't be in the discussion.

7/30/2015, 02:19 PM
The police in this country are unlike police in any other western nation. They're absolute lunatics by comparison.

7/30/2015, 02:22 PM
I hope you're sitting down. I agree with you. The only thing that I disagree with on this thread is that his priors and how many children he may or may not have fathered shouldn't be in the discussion.

Has no bearing on the Facts thats for sure. I think it was just mentioned to give us some insight in to what type of person this guy was.
Kinda Like the Trayvon/ Brown kids being portrayed as innocent angelic's,

Simple Fact DONT resist. and Bad things wont happen to you.
Yes Ive met cops and even served with a few who were total arseholes. Just do what they say and go on your way. IF they really **** you off, Turn in a Formal complaint. Believe me. A cop gets very many of those and he wont be around long.

Tear Down This Wall
7/30/2015, 03:12 PM
I hope you're sitting down. I agree with you. The only thing that I disagree with on this thread is that his priors and how many children he may or may not have fathered shouldn't be in the discussion.

Why not? It goes to his mindset, potentially, right? If we are going to argue that the police officer is racist or trigger happy or unfit because of his actions in the matter, why can't we explore what the mindset is of someone who is uncooperative with police after 20 years of run-ins with the law?

The backgrounds of both the officer and the victim are fair game, in my opinion. I think it is extremely rare for people without a criminal background to disobey or confront an officer. Especially when you are talking about a request as simple - and, expected - in a traffic stop as 'show me you license.'

Come on, man. At some point, these communities look around and realize there is a reason this isn't happening to Asians, Russians, Pakistanis, and other minority/immigrant groups.

At some point, you have to say, "That guy was a criminal." Same thing I say about white people killed because of their criminal acts - had it coming to him.

If you accept - and, worse, defend - criminal behavior, don't be surprised to wake up and find your neighborhood or city is now a carbon copy of Detroit.

Serenity Now
7/30/2015, 03:33 PM
Why not? It goes to his mindset, potentially, right? If we are going to argue that the police officer is racist or trigger happy or unfit because of his actions in the matter, why can't we explore what the mindset is of someone who is uncooperative with police after 20 years of run-ins with the law?

The backgrounds of both the officer and the victim are fair game, in my opinion. I think it is extremely rare for people without a criminal background to disobey or confront an officer. Especially when you are talking about a request as simple - and, expected - in a traffic stop as 'show me you license.'

Come on, man. At some point, these communities look around and realize there is a reason this isn't happening to Asians, Russians, Pakistanis, and other minority/immigrant groups.

At some point, you have to say, "That guy was a criminal." Same thing I say about white people killed because of their criminal acts - had it coming to him.

If you accept - and, worse, defend - criminal behavior, don't be surprised to wake up and find your neighborhood or city is now a carbon copy of Detroit.

Except that you can't make that determination from the beginning of any traffic stop. I think of the guy in Detroit who was charged with a felony because he pulled over in a parking lot in the first lighted lot he could find. A college student with no priors who had to deal with that mess on a traffic stop where he didn't even match the car that he was supposedly pulled over in suspicion of.

Tear Down This Wall
7/30/2015, 03:45 PM
Except that you can't make that determination from the beginning of any traffic stop. I think of the guy in Detroit who was charged with a felony because he pulled over in a parking lot in the first lighted lot he could find. A college student with no priors who had to deal with that mess on a traffic stop where he didn't even match the car that he was supposedly pulled over in suspicion of.

The cop didn't pull the guy over, walk up, and just shoot him in the head. So, that sentence makes no sense. The confrontation occurred when the victim became uncooperative.

That is where his mindset comes into play: what is the point of being uncooperative in a traffic stop? For 97% of people, nothing. For the criminal element, much. With as many crimes as that guy had in his background, he may not be able to keep up with whether or not he had an outstanding warrant.

So, knowing an officer would discover his license was suspended upon a check of it, and that there might be an outstanding warrant or two as well, you can see that his mindset could quickly turn to uncooperative.

If there is no criminal past, and no suspension of driving privileges, there is no logically point to being confrontational with an officer.

Both mindsets were at play, in my opinion. You had an inexperienced cop who ran across an experienced criminal. The results were, then, not to be totally unexpected.

7/30/2015, 11:24 PM
I kind of agree with you. Except, it doesn't matter what this guy's past is. He didn't deserve to die like that. This is an example of the officer video providing the facts that the first person account doesn't provide.

I think if we paid cops more they'd be better at it.

being in education...I hear this "pay teachers more they'd be better"...hate to burst the bubble, but us teachers don't sit around thinking...."dang, if they just paid us more we'd be more dedicated", doubt the police do that as well. Folks don't go into teaching for the money OR summer off, most work other jobs.

7/30/2015, 11:28 PM
Except that you can't make that determination from the beginning of any traffic stop. I think of the guy in Detroit who was charged with a felony because he pulled over in a parking lot in the first lighted lot he could find. A college student with no priors who had to deal with that mess on a traffic stop where he didn't even match the car that he was supposedly pulled over in suspicion of.

your pulling out 2 out of 100's. Well, we can say the same thing, the anti-police group shows a few bad apples and says ALL cops are racist and bad...can't have it both ways.

7/31/2015, 12:41 AM
being in education...I hear this "pay teachers more they'd be better"...hate to burst the bubble, but us teachers don't sit around thinking...."dang, if they just paid us more we'd be more dedicated", doubt the police do that as well. Folks don't go into teaching for the money OR summer off, most work other jobs.


7/31/2015, 12:43 AM
Except that you can't make that determination from the beginning of any traffic stop. I think of the guy in Detroit who was charged with a felony because he pulled over in a parking lot in the first lighted lot he could find. A college student with no priors who had to deal with that mess on a traffic stop where he didn't even match the car that he was supposedly pulled over in suspicion of.

You say Yer thinking of "That guy" Please tell us WHAT Guy?

7/31/2015, 09:10 AM

Serenity Now
7/31/2015, 09:13 AM
being in education...I hear this "pay teachers more they'd be better"...hate to burst the bubble, but us teachers don't sit around thinking...."dang, if they just paid us more we'd be more dedicated", doubt the police do that as well. Folks don't go into teaching for the money OR summer off, most work other jobs.

Over time, more good teachers would stay in teaching (or stay in Oklahoma) and more qualified teachers would come to teaching as opposed to accounting or nursing. As it stands many kids in college steer away from teaching because of the pay.

Curly Bill
7/31/2015, 09:19 AM
Over time, more good teachers would stay in teaching (or stay in Oklahoma) and more qualified teachers would come to teaching as opposed to accounting or nursing. As it stands many kids in college steer away from teaching because of the pay.

Finally, you got something right. Many teachers do leave because of the pay - they can either make more doing something else, or the pay isn't enough to make them put up with the BS that comes with being a teacher now.

Serenity Now
7/31/2015, 09:26 AM
Finally, you got something right. Many teachers do leave because of the pay - they can either make more doing something else, or the pay isn't enough to make them put up with the BS that comes with being a teacher now.

I expect a positive from you on this to bring me up to -1,878,123.

7/31/2015, 09:55 AM
I expect a positive from you on this to bring me up to -1,878,123.

Too late...:D

Curly Bill
7/31/2015, 10:03 AM
Too late...:D

Bahahahahahaha! :cheerful:

Curly Bill
7/31/2015, 10:05 AM
I expect a positive from you on this to bring me up to -1,878,123.

I thought I left you some nice notes yesterday?! :sneakiness:

Serenity Now
7/31/2015, 10:18 AM
I thought I left you some nice notes yesterday?! :sneakiness:

Thread: Every Cop in this country should resign!
7/30/2015 10:10 AM
Curly Bill
Thread: I'm a pretty good President, If I ran, I would win a third term
even obama hates you
7/30/2015 10:10 AM
Curly Bill
Thread: I'm a pretty good President, If I ran, I would win a third term
do you hold office in the party of losers
7/30/2015 10:09 AM
Curly Bill
Thread: I'm a pretty good President, If I ran, I would win a third term
no wonder you identify with the party of losers
7/30/2015 10:09 AM
Curly Bill
Thread: I'm a pretty good President, If I ran, I would win a third term
even your parents hated you being around
7/30/2015 10:06 AM
Curly Bill
Thread: I'm a pretty good President, If I ran, I would win a third term
everyone hates you
7/30/2015 10:06 AM
Curly Bill
Thread: I'm a pretty good President, If I ran, I would win a third term
you have lice and smell bad
7/30/2015 10:04 AM
Curly Bill
Thread: I'm a pretty good President, If I ran, I would win a third term
retarded commie lover
7/30/2015 10:04 AM
Curly Bill
Thread: I'm a pretty good President, If I ran, I would win a third term
retarded loser
7/30/2015 10:04 AM
Curly Bill
Thread: I'm a pretty good President, If I ran, I would win a third term
7/30/2015 10:01 AM
Curly Bill
Thread: I'm a pretty good President, If I ran, I would win a third term
What's up commie?

Curly Bill
7/31/2015, 10:24 AM
Where'd ya get those? Doesn't look like my work.

7/31/2015, 11:42 AM
Where'd ya get those? Doesn't look like my work.

Only a Loser Doosh would post spek comments.

Serenity Now
7/31/2015, 11:43 AM
Only a Loser Doosh would post spek comments.

According to Curly, that's what I am.

7/31/2015, 11:51 AM
According to Curly, that's what I am.

And by your OWN hand you have admitted it .:cheerful:

Serenity Now
7/31/2015, 12:09 PM
And by your OWN hand you have admitted it .:cheerful:

I've never dealt with "spek" and have no allegiance to any rules/regulations relating to its confidentiality. I'd never post someone's PM's. However, I would expect that Curly might paste the ones where I called him a P U S S. According to him he's got 53,000,000 positive spek. Whatever that means. I think he thinks it's comparable to bitcoin.

Curly Bill
7/31/2015, 12:33 PM
Serenity keeps sending me PM's that make me uncomfortable, if ya know what I mean.

Curly Bill
7/31/2015, 12:34 PM
...and I got 56,000,000 in positive SPEK, because I'm awesome and people love me!

Curly Bill
7/31/2015, 12:35 PM
Oh...and I didn't come on here being a progressive d*uche! ;)

Curly Bill
7/31/2015, 12:36 PM
Because people, and by people I mean real people that work for a living and aren't losers, hate progressives.

Serenity Now
7/31/2015, 12:38 PM
Serenity keeps sending me PM's that make me uncomfortable, if ya know what I mean.

Two in May and one in June. That's some spam there. Doesn't make you any less of a puss even with your tough avatar.

Curly Bill
7/31/2015, 12:40 PM
Two in May and one in June. That's some spam there. Doesn't make you any less of a puss even with your tough avatar.

What makes me tough is that I'm not a handwringing progressive beta male.

Serenity Now
7/31/2015, 12:48 PM
What makes me tough is that I'm not a handwringing progressive beta male.

I'm your huckleberry.

Curly Bill
7/31/2015, 12:51 PM
I'm your huckleberry.

By huckleberry, you mean a handwringing progressive beta male right? Are you really angst-ridden too?

Serenity Now
7/31/2015, 01:08 PM
By huckleberry, you mean a handwringing progressive beta male right? Are you really angst-ridden too?
That really depends on how much coffee I had on that particular day.

Curly Bill
7/31/2015, 01:13 PM
That really depends on how much coffee I had on that particular day.

You may need to lay off that stuff. Vet and Turd both say you've been sending them suggestive PMs also. You might be getting a little too fired up. Maybe mix in some decaf along the way?

Serenity Now
7/31/2015, 01:20 PM
My sent folder goes back to 2011 and, out of the 10 total, I don't find any to those two. I offered condolences to a poster who apparently had a death in the family in June of 2011. Sic'em and I figured out that we were from roughly the same area (I'm just a lot older) and a few educated me as to the ways of this place and how you and Turd fight the spek battles that I find so entertaining. This will give you another one to hit me with. Victory!

Oh, and you're a liar.

Curly Bill
7/31/2015, 01:25 PM
My sent folder goes back to 2011 and, out of the 10 total, I don't find any to those two. I offered condolences to a poster who apparently had a death in the family in June of 2011. Sic'em and I figured out that we were from roughly the same area (I'm just a lot older) and a few educated me as to the ways of this place and how you and Turd fight the spek battles that I find so entertaining. This will give you another one to hit me with. Victory!

Oh, and you're a liar.

I'm a liar? Why, that's just mean and hurtful! You might wanna check in with HQ, because you progressive folks are supposed to care more for your fellow man than to call them hurtful names.

8/2/2015, 12:25 PM
Over time, more good teachers would stay in teaching (or stay in Oklahoma) and more qualified teachers would come to teaching as opposed to accounting or nursing. As it stands many kids in college steer away from teaching because of the pay.

so your saying the teachers that have 15+ years are bad? really...appreciate the compliment. (26 yrs). Everyone going into teaching is under qualified...hmmm, ok.

Just like dunba$$ 8th, I'd invite you to come to my school, take over a classroom for a week...see how you like it. It'll have to been close to testing time so you can feel the real pressure of trying to get kids that are behind on a good testing level.

I'd say, since I'm actually IN education I might have just a bit more realistic view. People don't go into teaching because of the money. It's funny when I see someone try to control/guide a group of kids, that have NO CLUE.

Just like someone has an innate ability to be good with math, drawing, etc....I believe teachers are like that. Probably a lot of police officers are that way as well. Are there some folks that are not good? yes, (just like EVERY JOB) I've taught with some. Guess what? they are no longer teaching. I'd even go so far as to say the teachers in the urban schools are better than the suburban schools. (personal experience with my own kids).

This is def off the op topic, but the same can be said for police. They have a hard job, 95% of their interaction with folks is negative. Then some dumba$$ goes off and people wonder why the cops get physical. Do what they say, file a complaint the next day. This dude was NOT a stand up NORMAL citizen.

Serenity Now
8/2/2015, 02:48 PM
You took that completely wrong.

Are experienced and qualified teachers leaving Oklahoma for other states?

Do some potentially good teachers choose nursing or some other profession?

My wife is a teacher and has won to different state teacher of the year awards for her particular discipline. She can retire next year at 53 but won't. I wanted to go in to teaching. My attorney father effectively disallowed it because of teacher pay.

My oldest wants to be a teacher. I have advised her to get certified in Arkansas or Texas so she can make 10,000 more per year. My daughters boyfriend wants to be a coach and a teacher. He chose another degree tract because of the pay. He'd be great at it.

8/2/2015, 03:07 PM
There isn't a profession in this country that bitches and moans about their pay more than teachers do, and no other public employee gets the time off that they do. Teacher pay should be 45-50k tops. It could stand to be bumped up a little, but honestly the incessant whining from the education community makes me less inclined to support them.

The real solution is to completely abolish public education, privatize education from bottom to top, and let the free market decide how much a teacher is worth.

8/2/2015, 10:26 PM
and poor people would pay for this how?

yet another conservative solution where the answer is "don't be poor"

it's already hard enough to not be poor if your parents were poor, but i get that you aren't really going to understand that.

as for cops, i think this goes directly to the Broken Windows Theory and using cops to generate revenue.

if someone that owes child support has to fear going to jail because of a traffic stop, then they might not cooperate with cops.

when you have no money or a crappy job, getting into the endless cycle of tickets, court costs, jail time, losing crappy job, etc... from any run-in with a cop can really tank your life.

Curly Bill
8/2/2015, 10:34 PM
and poor people would pay for this how?

yet another conservative solution where the answer is "don't be poor"

it's already hard enough to not be poor if your parents were poor, but i get that you aren't really going to understand that.

as for cops, i think this goes directly to the Broken Windows Theory and using cops to generate revenue.

if someone that owes child support has to fear going to jail because of a traffic stop, then they might not cooperate with cops.

when you have no money or a crappy job, getting into the endless cycle of tickets, court costs, jail time, losing crappy job, etc... from any run-in with a cop can really tank your life.

You and the rest of the handwringers could give em all your money?

8/2/2015, 10:37 PM
i'm just a pragmatist.

Curly Bill
8/2/2015, 10:49 PM
i'm just a pragmatist.

Ok, you and the rest of the pragmatists can give em all your money.

8/2/2015, 11:12 PM
and poor people would pay for this how?

yet another conservative solution where the answer is "don't be poor"

it's already hard enough to not be poor if your parents were poor, but i get that you aren't really going to understand that.

as for cops, i think this goes directly to the Broken Windows Theory and using cops to generate revenue.

if someone that owes child support has to fear going to jail because of a traffic stop, then they might not cooperate with cops.

when you have no money or a crappy job, getting into the endless cycle of tickets, court costs, jail time, losing crappy job, etc... from any run-in with a cop can really tank your life.

Dave whats scary to me is YOU and folks like you really believe this crap. I was from a Poor home, I was taught to stay clean and respect authority.Work hard and take care of my responsibility!
A lot of Poor parents in this country have worked Crappy jobs and sacrificed for their Children to be better off than they were.
Being poor and having a Crappy job does not excuse you from being responsible for your actions!

Now here we have a Poor underprivileged Member of Society that has gunned down a Cop in memphis.
Wheres the OUT RAGE??? Oh it was a white Cop killed and a Black thug that killed him.
Give me a break
Quit apologizing for something you Nor I ever had a hand in, And quit Pandering to the Thugs who never suffered From it.

8/2/2015, 11:20 PM
How far would you have gotten without an education?

I'm not apologizing, I'm explaining. Cops aren't your friend. They are the modern tax collector.

8/2/2015, 11:45 PM
How far would you have gotten without an education?

I'm not apologizing, I'm explaining. Cops aren't your friend. They are the modern tax collector.

Everyone has the same opportunity for an education that i had,I fail to see a Point there.
Yes there are Bad cops But there's more BAD guys.

The next time you have an emergency make sure you call 1-800- thug.that would be 1-800-8484. dont call 911 they will just take yer money!

8/2/2015, 11:51 PM
There isn't a profession in this country that bitches and moans about their pay more than teachers do, and no other public employee gets the time off that they do. Teacher pay should be 45-50k tops. It could stand to be bumped up a little, but honestly the incessant whining from the education community makes me less inclined to support them.

The real solution is to completely abolish public education, privatize education from bottom to top, and let the free market decide how much a teacher is worth.

2 things
#1 I've NEVER bitched about my pay...nor do 90% of the educators I know.

#2 Try adding up the cost of a sitter/daycare. You'll agree that's "free market", right? Believe me it's done...it usually works out to, I believe, about 77K a year...well ABOVE the avg salary. Nice try though. (my calculation of 77K is based on 23 kids in a room -my district's avg..some states it's 30+, not the 30 listed below)

From another rant about teachers getting paid too much for the little time they work:
That's right. Let's give them $3.00 an hour and only the hours they worked; not any of that silly planning time, or any time they spend before or after school. That would be $19.50 a day (7:45 to 3:00 PM with 45 min. off for lunch and planning -- that equals 6-1/2 hours).
So each parent should pay $19.50 a day for these teachers to baby-sit their children. Now how many students do they teach in a day...maybe 30? So that's $19.50 x 30 = $585 a day.

However, remember they only work 180 days a year!!! I am not going to pay them for any vacations.


That's $585 X 180= $105,300 per year. (Hold on! My calculator needs new batteries).

What about those special education teachers and the ones with Master's degrees? Well, we could pay them minimum wage ($7.75), and just to be fair, round it off to $8.00 an hour. That would be $8 X 6-1/2 hours X 30 children X 180 days = $280,800 per year.

Wait a minute -- there's something wrong here! There sure is!

The average teacher's salary (nationwide) is $50,000.

$50,000/180 days = $277.77 per day / 30 students = $9.25 / 6.5 hours = $1.42 per hour per student -- a very inexpensive baby-sitter and they even EDUCATE your kids!)


* back to OP, yes, the background of this guy IS important...and cops have a hardass job.

8/2/2015, 11:56 PM
You took that completely wrong.

Are experienced and qualified teachers leaving Oklahoma for other states? don't know..I'm not in Okla, but same issue here

Do some potentially good teachers choose nursing or some other profession? yes, like any job

My wife is a teacher and has won to different state teacher of the year awards for her particular discipline. She can retire next year at 53 but won't. I wanted to go in to teaching. My attorney father effectively disallowed it because of teacher pay.

My oldest wants to be a teacher. I have advised her to get certified in Arkansas or Texas so she can make 10,000 more per year.she needs her masters as well My daughters boyfriend wants to be a coach and a teacher. He chose another degree tract because of the pay. He'd be great at it.

the biggest issue is the pressure for test scores. If your kids teach in a suburban area, then it'll a lot easier....coaching as well. Going urban is where the issue is. I just saw Blind Side for the first time. I have had many kids just like "Big Mike", thing is very few react like he did by the time they are that old..it's usually negative. I'm sure the folks in Ferguson wanted their Mike to be just like Big Mike...but he wasn't.

8/3/2015, 07:27 AM
Everyone has the same opportunity for an education that i had,I fail to see a Point there.
Yes there are Bad cops But there's more BAD guys.

The next time you have an emergency make sure you call 1-800- thug.that would be 1-800-8484. dont call 911 they will just take yer money!

I was responding to sicem's desire to shut down schools.

And it's not like I fault cops completely for these interactions. I think they are used for the wrong things. Sure they should be out there, but enforcing minor traffic violations makes the majority of their interactions with the public negative

8/3/2015, 07:49 AM
I was responding to sicem's desire to shut down schools.

And it's not like I fault cops completely for these interactions. I think they are used for the wrong things. Sure they should be out there, but enforcing minor traffic violations makes the majority of their interactions with the public negative

I will grant you the fact there are some cops who go on power trips, But it really is pretty simple to avoid those kinds, Its called DONT BREAK THE LAW.
I put my cruise control on just about every time I go anywhere , I check my lights and turn signals regularly, I pay attention to traffic and the signs around me,

The ONLY time a cop has ever harassed me is when I was negligent in those things except that one time in Watts, and I made him take me to jail cause he was an Azz!
Kept that Speed trap artist off the streets for well over 2 hours LOL

8/4/2015, 07:45 AM
The lack of respect/no respect for anything among a certain segment of the population is appalling.......