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View Full Version : Kenyan -American F*ck him

7/27/2015, 05:34 PM
We need a 100% American as Leader not some Hyphenated Buttheaded asshat!


7/27/2015, 10:13 PM
this country is going in a downward spiral....

he can be proud to be part african, but I can't be proud to be from german decent...or the southerns can't be proud of their flag..."white power"...but the black pathers can be all for "black power"....

there will be a race war within 10 years I'd guess...

7/27/2015, 10:20 PM
I wish he would just stay over there----He probably would do less damage being out of the country

Serenity Now
7/27/2015, 11:33 PM
Could Someone post the part that is objectionable? I read the link and saw nothing untoward.

Curly Bill
7/27/2015, 11:53 PM
Could Someone post the part that is objectionable? I read the link and saw nothing untoward.

Obama being president.

7/27/2015, 11:58 PM
Obama being president.

i think that's his point

Curly Bill
7/28/2015, 12:06 AM
i think that's his point

If so it's the first time he's been right on here. We should all be offended that that traitorous, socialist, racist, piece of trash is the POTUS.

Serenity Now
7/28/2015, 12:10 AM
If so it's the first time he's been right on here. We should all be offended that that traitorous, socialist, racist, piece of trash is the POTUS.

So what in the link that he said is objectionable?

7/28/2015, 12:20 AM
So what in the link that he said is objectionable?

Pay Tention !
He's a Kenyan- American !

7/28/2015, 12:23 AM
If so it's the first time he's been right on here. We should all be offended that that traitorous, socialist, racist, piece of trash is the POTUS.

Bingo !

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
7/28/2015, 12:43 AM
I wish he would just stay over there----He probably would do less damage being out of the countryWouldn't that be the schnitz?!

Serenity Now
7/28/2015, 08:45 AM
Pay Tention !
He's a Kenyan- American !

If he said that speech while visiting Durant you'd have a point. He said it while IN KENYA. http://www.keepcalm-o-matic.co.uk/p/haters-gonna-hate-always/ The vast right wing butt hurt brigade.

7/28/2015, 09:04 AM
If he said that speech while visiting Durant you'd have a point. He said it while IN KENYA. http://www.keepcalm-o-matic.co.uk/p/haters-gonna-hate-always/ The vast right wing butt hurt brigade.

I aint Butt hurt Ya Maroon. The Man is the LEADER of the UNITED STATES , Not ****in Kenya!

Serenity Now
7/28/2015, 09:22 AM
I aint Butt hurt Ya Maroon. The Man is the LEADER of the UNITED STATES , Not ****in Kenya!

A post with "F*ck him" in the title = butt hurt. I think it's in the dictionary.

7/28/2015, 10:09 AM
A post with "F*ck him" in the title = butt hurt. I think it's in the dictionary.

Nope Ya Maroon. It just shows how much I despise that clown.

Serenity Now
7/28/2015, 10:19 AM
Nope Ya Maroon. It just shows how much I despise that clown.

We're saying the same thing. You blowing up over something miniscule = butt hurt. I nice ointment should fix that.

7/28/2015, 10:34 AM
We're saying the same thing. You blowing up over something miniscule = butt hurt. I nice ointment should fix that.

Give him some of what you use on your lips.....

Tear Down This Wall
7/28/2015, 10:36 AM

7/28/2015, 10:51 AM
We're saying the same thing. You blowing up over something miniscule = butt hurt. I nice ointment should fix that.

Tell me, Is it painful to be so stupid?

rock on sooner
7/28/2015, 07:02 PM
Welp, normally I'd stay out of this pi$$ing match but, I've researched my ancestory
on my mom's side as far back as the 1300's.....A Scottish king who was murdered
while on the throne, various and sundry adventures later on in pubs, decendant entered
in SOUTH CAROLINA, later fought for the Confederacy (private..don't know the outfit),
moved on to Arkansas...somewhere along the way, besides Scot, English and Irish lineage,
some "frisky" ancestors brought Cherokee and Choctaw into the mix and as late as the
early 1900's, before statehood, there was some "settling"...then along came the Dust
Bowl and the move to Cali...I give you this story with this...if I were President, I could
claim Scottish royalty, Irish thuggery, English snobbery, Cherokee and Choctaw pride
(with a claim to being "native"). Having said all this, hanging Kenyan on Obama or any
thing to do with his heritage (ummm, born in Hawaii to a blonde American woman from
Kansas that got together with a Kenyan) is RILLY off the wall. Now, I know this is a "right
of center" (he said, tongue in cheek) board, but, Geez, c'mon guys.....:biggrin:

7/28/2015, 07:19 PM
Rock, Obammy called himself a Kenyan-American.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
7/28/2015, 07:25 PM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DoyBgTAZrFwdafuque!...I lasted 2:25

Serenity Now
7/28/2015, 08:13 PM
He has half siblings that are 4/4 Kenyan, right? This is all much ado about nothing.

rock on sooner
7/28/2015, 08:26 PM
Rock, Obammy called himself a Kenyan-American.

Ya dint never hear of "pandering"...these come to mind....Patton kissing a$$ with
the Germans (and pi$$ing off the Russians), JFK with "Ich bin......". Reagan at the
wall"..Hell's bells! They all do it...every prez, abroad, tries to find a way to sweet
talk the locals. Holy cow, there are 16 Pubs and 4 Dems doing that right now in the
good ol' US of A, at every stop! Now, a few are going over the top to try to outdo
Mr Trump, but, ya get my point.....

7/28/2015, 09:02 PM
He has half siblings that are 4/4 Kenyan, right? This is all much ado about nothing.----Don't you ever get tired of having to take up for the idiot?

7/28/2015, 09:19 PM
He has half siblings that are 4/4 Kenyan, right? This is all much ado about nothing.

If you think what he said is right, Thats your Opinion and yer entitled to it.

For MY part I want and Prefer OUR President to Refer to himself as AMERICAN.

Serenity Now
7/28/2015, 10:13 PM
----Don't you ever get tired of having to take up for the idiot?

I tire of so much hate. It seems like the guy can't do anything without you guys hating on him. This is a great example.

I defended W as well. Some hate filled lib refused to type his name. I said that you should show respect to the office.

7/29/2015, 12:03 AM
I tire of so much hate. It seems like the guy can't do anything without you guys hating on him. This is a great example.

I defended W as well. Some hate filled lib refused to type his name
. I said that you should show respect to the office.

What a Load of Horse sh1t. In Principal i'd tend to agree. But I believe you mean this literally.
I respect MOST Police officers, how ever if I see one being a total dick I have NO respect for him, His "Office" nor the Dept, that hired him.

Any one can bring disgrace to whatever Office they are in. Thereby nullifying any respect for said office,

7/29/2015, 09:21 AM
Any white American that votes for the Democratic party is a traitor to their children.

7/29/2015, 09:33 AM
SN...If I were in Norway or Germany making a speech, I would have spoken of my Norway or German heritage and what a proud tradition it brought to my family and personal make up, not that I was Norwegian or German or hyphenated-American. That is just WRONG and for zippy, quite stupid and intentionally inflammatory.

7/29/2015, 09:37 AM
I tire of so much hate. It seems like the guy can't do anything without you guys hating on him. This is a great example.

I defended W as well. Some hate filled lib refused to type his name. I said that you should show respect to the office.

Why do I get the feeling most of the posters on this board think your veracity in very low concerning the above post?

7/29/2015, 10:12 AM
I tire of so much hate. It seems like the guy can't do anything without you guys hating on him. This is a great example.

I defended W as well. Some hate filled lib refused to type his name. I said that you should show respect to the office.---Barack is the most divisive President ever I get tired of that ----Nothing but hate from the Left for anyone they do not agree with. And guess who the leader is Barack

Serenity Now
7/29/2015, 10:15 AM
Why do I get the feeling most of the posters on this board think your veracity in very low concerning the above post?

It was when Soonerfamily had a politics board. There was a guy that was similar to 8th who refused to type the name "Bush". Believe me or not.

Serenity Now
7/29/2015, 10:17 AM
SN...If I were in Norway or Germany making a speech, I would have spoken of my Norway or German heritage and what a proud tradition it brought to my family and personal make up, not that I was Norwegian or German or hyphenated-American. That is just WRONG and for zippy, quite stupid and intentionally inflammatory.

Except that people are classified as "african american" over the last 30 years. He was making the point that not only was he half "african-american", he was actually a "kenyan-american". He was speaking in KENYA. Jeez

7/29/2015, 10:22 AM
Except that people are classified as "african american" over the last 30 years. He was making the point that not only was he half "african-american", he was actually half "kenyan-american". He was speaking in KENYA. Jeez

Take a Pain pill yer stupid is showing.

7/29/2015, 10:23 AM
Except that people are classified as "african american" over the last 30 years. He was making the point that not only was he half "african-american", he was actually half "kenyan-american". He was speaking in KENYA. Jeez---Like I said don't you get tired of having to defend him?---Barack is in way over his head

Serenity Now
7/29/2015, 10:23 AM
Take a Pain pill yer stupid is showing.

I agree that there is some stupidity showing in this thread.

Serenity Now
7/29/2015, 10:24 AM
---Like I said don't y
ou get tired of having to defend him?

Against stupidity? No. Against the trade partnership? Yes. I don't agree with that stupid stuff.

7/29/2015, 12:59 PM
Any white American that votes for the Democratic party is a traitor to their children.

I see. Obama has to say "American," but you get to be a "white American."

If I'm not working for an inclusive America, then I'm a traitor to my children.

7/29/2015, 01:03 PM
I see. Obama has to say "American," but you get to be a "white American."

If I'm not working for an inclusive America, then I'm a traitor to my children.

An inclusive American doesn't support politicians that villify and despise the white race....or don't you believe what Obama said in his autobiography regarding his mother's race?

7/29/2015, 01:07 PM
Except that people are classified as "african american" over the last 30 years. He was making the point that not only was he half "african-american", he was actually a "kenyan-american". He was speaking in KENYA. Jeez
I certainly didn't and WOULDN'T classify myself as Norwegian-American or German-American to anyone... All of this hyphenated American is stupid and done to promote division.

7/29/2015, 01:15 PM
An inclusive American doesn't support politicians that villify and despise the white race....or don't you believe what Obama said in his autobiography regarding his mother's race?

I support Obama when he does things I agree with and oppose him when he does things I don't agree with. He's about 40-60, which is better than Bush 43's 5-95.

Did he say whatever he said about whites when he was younger, or did he say he still felt that way when he wrote the book? Since I voted Republican when I was young and foolish, I allow for personal growth in others.

Tear Down This Wall
7/29/2015, 01:23 PM
I tire of so much hate. It seems like the guy can't do anything without you guys hating on him. This is a great example.

I defended W as well. Some hate filled lib refused to type his name. I said that you should show respect to the office.

Disagreement does not equal "hate." And, therein lies much of the problem with political discourse: if I disagree with any politician, party, or idea, it's mistakenly called hate instead of what it really is - I just disagree and have a different point of view.

Some people cannot stand disagreement with their positions, so they default into saying you "hate" instead of trying to defend their politician, party,or idea.

It's much easier to just say, "Oh, they hate this person or party" than it is to actually use your brain.

Again, Idiocracy.

7/29/2015, 01:25 PM
"I'm the first Kenyan-American to be president of the United States. That goes without saying," Obama said

Has he ever acted like he wasn't?

Serenity Now
7/29/2015, 01:33 PM
Disagreement does not equal "hate." And, therein lies much of the problem with political discourse: if I disagree with any politician, party, or idea, it's mistakenly called hate instead of what it really is - I just disagree and have a different point of view.

Some people cannot stand disagreement with their positions, so they default into saying you "hate" instead of trying to defend their politician, party,or idea.

It's much easier to just say, "Oh, they hate this person or party" than it is to actually use your brain.

Again, Idiocracy.

You've not read this thread.

7/29/2015, 02:45 PM
You've not read this thread.


Serenity Now
7/29/2015, 02:53 PM

Love that movie.

7/29/2015, 07:35 PM
Disagreement does not equal "hate." And, therein lies much of the problem with political discourse: if I disagree with any politician, party, or idea, it's mistakenly called hate instead of what it really is - I just disagree and have a different point of view.

Some people cannot stand disagreement with their positions, so they default into saying you "hate" instead of trying to defend their politician, party,or idea.

It's much easier to just say, "Oh, they hate this person or party" than it is to actually use your brain.

Again, Idiocracy.

"f@ck him" isn't exactly just disagreement

7/29/2015, 09:13 PM
"f@ck him" isn't exactly just disagreement

No, The F*ck him was just showing my total disdain for the fuc*ker.

hawaii 5-0
8/2/2015, 04:01 PM
JFK said he was a Berliner.

I had always thot he was Irish-American.

I think Obama was just encouraging all the Kenyans to enroll to vote early.


rock on sooner
8/2/2015, 08:01 PM

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
8/2/2015, 08:05 PM
I think Obama was just encouraging all the Kenyans to enroll to vote early.

5-0Kenyans SHOULD vote early and often, and anywhere they want.