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View Full Version : Sen. Cruz Rips Mitch McConnell to Pieces

7/24/2015, 11:49 PM

I have never seen anything like that on the Senate floor in my entire life. It's damned near unprecedented and historic. Sen. Cruz rips McConnell to shreds over his leadership and, more specifically, the Import-Export Bank. Amazing. Simply amazing.

And all of you people who have taken issue with me when I say that Republican leadership is absolutely no different than Democratic leadership should listen closely to what Sen. Cruz says -- he outright says the Senate under McConnell and a GOP majority is actionably no different than the Senate under Reid and a Democratic majority.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
7/25/2015, 12:54 AM
Republican Cruz did indeed give a great and unprecedented speech, as you said. It earned him interviews on both the Limbaugh and Levin radio shows today. I believe Trump's candor and courage against the MSM is opening up various political candidates, although a few might have done it anyway, such as Cruz, Fiorino, and I expect the same from Walker and Paul

I don't know of any who have taken issue with you Sicem, on whether the Repub. leadership has done well so far in their new majority roles, but I know that there is NOBODY with even a flicker of spark in the democrats, and there hasn't been since Zell Miller, who wasn't even a candidate for president, and he has been gone for some time.

7/25/2015, 09:08 AM
And all of you people who have taken issue with me when I say that Republican leadership is absolutely no different than Democratic leadership should listen closely to what Sen. Cruz says -- he outright says the Senate under McConnell and a GOP majority is actionably no different than the Senate under Reid and a Democratic majority.

What Cruz says would seem to contradict the very point you were making (concerning reflexively marking a straight line ballot). When did rank and file democrats ever take to the floor to to criticize Reid, et.al about their vacuous leadership in such a high profile way?

7/25/2015, 12:23 PM
What Cruz says would seem to contradict the very point you were making (concerning reflexively marking a straight line ballot). When did rank and file democrats ever take to the floor to to criticize Reid, et.al about their vacuous leadership in such a high profile way?

Ted Cruz is a different kind of Republican. Unfortunately he is in the minority. The sooner we have more Ted Cruz's and fewer Mitch McConnells and John Boehners, the sooner this country will begin it's recovery. It's quite obvious that the overabundance of spineless Rhinos we've had up in Washington now for decades will not standup and defend the very convictions that got them elected in the first place. Talk a good game back home with all of the conservative talking points, get re-elected, and then go back to Washington and morph into a big government, spend happy milquetoast Democrat wannabe. Ted Cruz will make that stand.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
7/25/2015, 02:20 PM
As long as Trump really wants to eliminate the democrat candidate by staying in the GOP, the country WILL be able to defeat them.

7/25/2015, 02:29 PM
Ted Cruz is a different kind of Republican. Unfortunately he is in the minority. The sooner we have more Ted Cruz's and fewer Mitch McConnells and John Boehners, the sooner this country will begin it's recovery. It's quite obvious that the overabundance of spineless Rhinos we've had up in Washington now for decades will not standup and defend the very convictions that got them elected in the first place. Talk a good game back home with all of the conservative talking points, get re-elected, and then go back to Washington and morph into a big government, spend happy milquetoast Democrat wannabe. Ted Cruz will make that stand.

Cruz still shouldn't get a pass for that initial TPP vote. And he's dead wrong on Iran. But, nonetheless, he remains my second choice and I'd be more than happy to see Cruz as President.

7/27/2015, 11:15 AM
Cruz has the balls and tells it like it is. I will not vote repub this go around because of McCorkle's and Boner's lies... They are dem lite and not even a good dem lite...

7/27/2015, 01:29 PM
If Jeb is the GOP candidate I am sitting the next election out or I will vote 3rd party again.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
7/27/2015, 01:30 PM
Cruz has the balls and tells it like it is. I will not vote repub this go around because of McCorkle's and Boner's lies... They are dem lite and not even a good dem lite..."and, we thank you for that"- the DNC

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
7/27/2015, 01:31 PM
If Jeb is the GOP candidate I am sitting the next election out or I will vote 3rd party again.bully!haha

Tear Down This Wall
7/27/2015, 03:03 PM
Cruz is a different kind of politician - he doesn't give a crap what either party thinks of him. Not many of those in D.C. - or, anywhere else.

I haven't voted in about a decade, but am leaning toward registering to vote again if Cruz gets the nomination. If he's elected, neither party's "leaders" like him, so they'd kind of be forced to work together. That'd be pretty fun to watch for 4-8 years.

7/27/2015, 03:25 PM
A lot of you guys tend to like those political candidates that don't give a crap what anybody thinks. Personally, I'd like my president to give a crap what I think.

7/27/2015, 04:55 PM
A lot of you guys tend to like those political candidates that don't give a crap what anybody thinks. Personally, I'd like my president to give a crap what I think.

Im leaning to The Donald right now, He says what I think and dont really give a sh!t if folks like it not. He tells it like it is, Cruz is right behind him. I want the established politicians shat in their drawers!

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
7/27/2015, 05:40 PM
Cruz is a different kind of politician - he doesn't give a crap what either party thinks of him. Not many of those in D.C. - or, anywhere else.

I haven't voted in about a decade, but am leaning toward registering to vote again if Cruz gets the nomination. If he's elected, neither party's "leaders" like him, so they'd kind of be forced to work together. That'd be pretty fun to watch for 4-8 years.You ain't seen a hissyfit nor a sh*t storm in the MSM and their Democrat party like you will see if Cruz, Trump, or maybe a couple others win the presidency

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
7/27/2015, 08:19 PM
A lot of you guys tend to like those political candidates that don't give a crap what anybody thinks. Personally, I'd like my president to give a crap what I think.If by anybody you mean the democrats and their sycophants, you would be right.

Tear Down This Wall
7/28/2015, 10:42 AM
A lot of you guys tend to like those political candidates that don't give a crap what anybody thinks. Personally, I'd like my president to give a crap what I think.

That's because "anybody" in Washington, D.C. means lobbyist; it doesn't mean you. The Republicans and Democrats are both sold out to lobbyist.

Cruz isn't an acrylic dickhat with his hand out to the highest bidder like the rest of them.

7/28/2015, 11:22 AM
If by anybody you mean the democrats and their sycophants, you would be right.

So you want the President to completely disregard half of the country? Yikes.

7/28/2015, 11:22 AM
"and, we thank you for that"- the DNC
Yep, I know, but voting in opposition to the dims, gets me what? These clowns need to be shown the door, after their lies and broken promises gave them a mandate and majority...

7/28/2015, 11:26 AM
So you want the President to completely disregard half of the country? Yikes.
Yes, those people listed are basically idiots or freeloaders. A few hard working true believer liberals sprinkled in there, but that ideology is not self-sustaining.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
7/28/2015, 01:30 PM
So you want the President to completely disregard half of the country? Yikes."Really Lester, Really? Well, the current president ignores more folks than that. Is that what you really want?

7/28/2015, 02:17 PM
Yes, those people listed are basically idiots or freeloaders.

"Your vote doesn't count because you're stupid."

7/28/2015, 03:20 PM
"Your vote doesn't count because you don't agree with me."


7/29/2015, 09:27 AM
"Your vote doesn't count because you're stupid."

Do you doubt the basic level of intelligence of many Americans, esp. "low information voters"? Expose' videos of what people will sign is proof enough...

7/29/2015, 09:28 AM

Many that may not agree with me, are thinking and have a cogent thought process. However, the majority of Americans do not, sad...

7/29/2015, 09:29 AM
I don't think the GOP establishment really understands that they are playing with fire by rapidly alienating their base. Trump's popularity should be raising all kinds of red flags with the party but they act like they are fine being permanently in the minority.

Cruz would destroy any candidate in the field in a one-on-one debate.

Tear Down This Wall
7/29/2015, 01:28 PM
I don't think the GOP establishment really understands that they are playing with fire by rapidly alienating their base. Trump's popularity should be raising all kinds of red flags with the party but they act like they are fine being permanently in the minority.

Cruz would destroy any candidate in the field in a one-on-one debate.

What do they care? They've already run the Bushes, Dole, McCain, and Romney since 1988. Old Bush lost his second term, Dole and the others lost as well.

It is funny, though, watching the mental gymnastics of it all as they try to convince themselves that giving up social issues will endear them to enough "independent" voters to cover the loss of Conservative voters.

7/29/2015, 04:00 PM
What do they care? They've already run the Bushes, Dole, McCain, and Romney since 1988. Old Bush lost his second term, Dole and the others lost as well.

It is funny, though, watching the mental gymnastics of it all as they try to convince themselves that giving up social issues will endear them to enough "independent" voters to cover the loss of Conservative voters.

The Republican coalition depends on social conservatives for the numbers of voters needed to compete for the presidency. However, the arc of society (sorry Maggie) is bending towards "live and let live" socially, as those threatened by gay marriage, racial diversity, and the end of Prohibition 2.0 are basically dying off.

This portends a new phase in the economic elite's evolving attempts to control the levers of government power. In the 50's, all they could do was lick their wounds, toast the image of FDR riding his wheelchair into hell, and, fortunately for all of us, reinvest most of their revenue back into their enterprises to avoid the high taxes.

After the Powell memorandum, they started working to build their political infrastructure and buy Republican politicians. Eventually they had enough wealth to buy most of the Democrats too. Ref. Clinton, B; Obama; and Clinton, H.

They know that won't work forever either, as long as we have even a semblance of a fair vote. But they're preparing for that, too, by training the police to be the enemy of racial minorities, protesters (the Wall Street ones anyway), and eventually anyone that gets in their way. http://www.salon.com/2015/07/28/the_real_jade_helm_berkeley_pd_show_citizens_what_ police_militarization_looks_like_during_manhunt_fo r_laudromat_robber/

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
7/29/2015, 04:16 PM
What do they care? They've(R's) already run the Bushes, Dole, McCain, and Romney since 1988. Old Bush lost his second term, Dole and the others lost as well.

It is funny, though, watching the mental gymnastics of it all as they try to convince themselves that giving up social issues will endear them to enough "independent" voters to cover the loss of Conservative voters.Bush 1(1988)won on the back of Ronald Reagan.

What you have called "funny" I think is shameful, instead of funny. Their recalcitrance has yielded this country der Schlickmeister and Bear, who have caused incalculable damage to the country.