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RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
7/12/2015, 03:06 PM
I went to it for fun, to see the Donald in person, and was surprised at the massive turnout, on only 2 days notice, at least I was only aware of it for 2 days. The article says over 5000 showed up. I have no idea if that's accurate, but the line to get in wrapped around the massive Phoenix Convention Center at least twice, in 102 degree heat. The below report from the AZ Republic is presented from the end back to the beginning, and is a pretty good depiction of what happened.


RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
7/12/2015, 03:12 PM
Big applause lines I remember were: charging the Mex. govt. $100K per illegal that enters the country, rebuilding the US military to become a deterrent force again, ridding Obamacare, and the mention of McCain had loud and resounding BOO's.

7/13/2015, 08:16 AM
If on the ballot in Texas, I would vote for him...over a RINO any day...

Serenity Now
7/13/2015, 11:05 AM
Bankrupt 3 times. Married 4 times (I could have transposed those #'s). Does anyone care about these things? Especially all of you "marriage is sacred" folks...

7/13/2015, 11:21 AM
Bankrupt 3 times. Married 4 times (I could have transposed those #'s). Does anyone care about these things? Especially all of you "marriage is sacred" folks...

Just who are these "marriage is sacred" folks?

7/13/2015, 12:41 PM
No, all I care about is someone to close the border, stop the illegals, prosecute those who hire them and enforce our damn laws...

7/13/2015, 02:37 PM
No, all I care about is someone to close the border, stop the illegals, prosecute those who hire them and enforce our damn laws...

What he said!^

7/13/2015, 10:53 PM
some thing in KC this weekend believe a hispanic thing. Invited GOP candidates, BUT Trump, no one came. ...had billary, and 2 others...course the news shows their comments about him and the GOP and how angry they are. Course billary's comment was "one word...ENOUGH". lol, of course billary...you don't want the truth out there.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
7/14/2015, 12:48 AM
CORRECTION: the Trump speech/rally had over 15,000 people. Basically 2 day's notice.

7/14/2015, 08:28 AM
I think the KC thing was a La Raza convention... No self respecting repub or conservative would be near a La Raza dealio.

7/15/2015, 04:19 PM
I think the KC thing was a La Raza convention... No self respecting repub or conservative would be near a La Raza dealio.

yeah...but of course the news here made sure they let the organizers say several times they invited all of the GOP candidats but no one accepted. Then they let billary go off on Trump.

I'm mixed, what I do know is the media is allowing billary to continue to rail on Trump but forgets to mention he is talking about ILLEGAL immigrants...not legal.

7/15/2015, 04:42 PM
Just who are these "marriage is sacred" folks?

I thought that was you, Vet.


7/15/2015, 04:43 PM
I thought that was you, Vet.


heh, NO I done played that silly ****in game 3 times. Im out!

rock on sooner
7/15/2015, 08:36 PM
yeah...but of course the news here made sure they let the organizers say several times they invited all of the GOP candidats but no one accepted. Then they let billary go off on Trump.

I'm mixed, what I do know is the media is allowing billary to continue to rail on Trump but forgets to mention he is talking about ILLEGAL immigrants...not legal.

Only issue is how he defines illegal...everything he says so far is that ALL those
coming over are bad...although "he assumes some are okay". Trump is all about
Trump, nothing else. After some debates and caucuses, he'll fall away...he'll find
some reason to say that since he can't make $326 million a year in politics he wants
to do something else. This guy is the best SHILL I have ever seen. Now, having said
that, if you Pubs want this guy to be your standard bearer, then, IMO, may God have
mercy on us...he'll have our guys fighting all over the world, against whatever a**hole
that pi$$ed the Donald off....Graham, Perry, Paul, et al have more gravitas but, oh my
lowered, the Saints preserve us....this bunch, as well as, the Dems have us hurting so
much...Huckabee, Fiorina, Rubio, Bush, Christie, Walker, so many targets, so little time..
Clinton, Sanders, Mallory, Webb...it is ALL bad..Hells Bells...let's all move to Canada...
Finally, it is my fervent prayer that the Iowa Cauceses winnow at least nine Pubs and two
Dems so there is less hot air and more substance...welp, this rant is my opinion at this early
stage, so now I will return to my malt beverage and chips...anyone want a fresh one while
I'm up?

7/18/2015, 06:17 PM
Does anyone really think Trump is a real candidate? I don't think he has any desire to be POTUS. He makes his money by selling his name and there is no better way to keep your name in the media and popular culture than running a campaign for President. He's sticking his foot in his mouth so often that I sometimes wonder if he's not a plant by the Democratic party.

I don't know that we'll ever have an answer to that question anyway. For the most part anyone that would vote for him is already on his side. Once candidates start dropping out their voters will shift to one of the other candidates and he'll stay about where he is percentage wise.

There are so many things that I don't understand about the infatuation with Trump. I don't understand why anyone would dare invest their hard earned money with anything associated with his name. How many times did we see a condo complex with the name Trump on it (whether or not he was involved or just sold his name) where the investors lost everything they put into it? One thing you have to realize is that when you invest with the name Trump you may lose but the venture is organized in a way that he can't lose.

The guy is a narcississt. He inherited hundreds of millions and almost lost it all. He views bankruptcy as a wise business decision rather than an action of last resort. Maybe I'm old fashioned but in my eyes that shows a complete lack of morality. (I had a similar choice years ago and I could have encouraged someone to declare bankruptcy but instead chose to do what I felt was the ethical thing and pay off her debt. It was a bad business decision but a wise moral one.)

In either case, the fact that anyone would put their hard earned money in a venture with the Trump name on it just astounds me.

7/18/2015, 06:23 PM
Don't get me wrong. Sometimes bankruptcy is a necessary action and we all win when people take risks and sometimes those risks don't pan out. But when I see someone justifying it as "just a business decision" I start to question their character. If someone gives me their hard earned money, I'm going to do everything possible to pay them back. If that means I dip into reserves that are not used to secure the debt then so be it. To me that is the right thing to do.

I had a relative who owned a business and it didn't work out. She made arrangements to forgive a portion of the debt and pay off what she could. Her credit suffured. Although she had no legal obligation to do so and none of it would help her credit situation, she spent the next 10 years trying to make good on the debt. To me that is a person with a moral code. The Donald would think she was an idiot.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
7/18/2015, 11:34 PM
I don't get the impression he's a crook like Hilry and her husband. Or a totalitarian socialist like the democrat candidates are. So, he's welcome to the competition, in my opinion.

7/19/2015, 10:06 PM
Only issue is how he defines illegal...everything he says so far is that ALL those
coming over are bad...although "he assumes some are okay". Trump is all about
Trump, nothing else. After some debates and caucuses, he'll fall away...he'll find
some reason to say that since he can't make $326 million a year in politics he wants
to do something else. This guy is the best SHILL I have ever seen. Now, having said
that, if you Pubs want this guy to be your standard bearer, then, IMO, may God have
mercy on us...he'll have our guys fighting all over the world, against whatever a**hole
that pi$$ed the Donald off....Graham, Perry, Paul, et al have more gravitas but, oh my
lowered, the Saints preserve us....this bunch, as well as, the Dems have us hurting so
much...Huckabee, Fiorina, Rubio, Bush, Christie, Walker, so many targets, so little time..
Clinton, Sanders, Mallory, Webb...it is ALL bad..Hells Bells...let's all move to Canada...
Finally, it is my fervent prayer that the Iowa Cauceses winnow at least nine Pubs and two
Dems so there is less hot air and more substance...welp, this rant is my opinion at this early
stage, so now I will return to my malt beverage and chips...anyone want a fresh one while
I'm up?

yup...it's a giant CF.

I wouldn't vote for him...but it's nice to have everyone's panties in a wad~

7/20/2015, 07:49 AM
Does anyone really think Trump is a real candidate? I don't think he has any desire to be POTUS. He makes his money by selling his name and there is no better way to keep your name in the media and popular culture than running a campaign for President. He's sticking his foot in his mouth so often that I sometimes wonder if he's not a plant by the Democratic party.

I don't know that we'll ever have an answer to that question anyway. For the most part anyone that would vote for him is already on his side. Once candidates start dropping out their voters will shift to one of the other candidates and he'll stay about where he is percentage wise.

There are so many things that I don't understand about the infatuation with Trump. I don't understand why anyone would dare invest their hard earned money with anything associated with his name. How many times did we see a condo complex with the name Trump on it (whether or not he was involved or just sold his name) where the investors lost everything they put into it? One thing you have to realize is that when you invest with the name Trump you may lose but the venture is organized in a way that he can't lose.

The guy is a narcississt. He inherited hundreds of millions and almost lost it all. He views bankruptcy as a wise business decision rather than an action of last resort. Maybe I'm old fashioned but in my eyes that shows a complete lack of morality. (I had a similar choice years ago and I could have encouraged someone to declare bankruptcy but instead chose to do what I felt was the ethical thing and pay off her debt. It was a bad business decision but a wise moral one.)

In either case, the fact that anyone would put their hard earned money in a venture with the Trump name on it just astounds me.

The guys worth about $10,000,000,000 right now.

Trumps no more narcissistic than most of the other candidates.

The reason people have gravitated to trump is because he's been speaking the truth about illegal immigration...something that sellouts like jeb, rubio, and graham won't do. It amazes me how some people don't see that.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
7/20/2015, 09:06 AM
The guys worth about $10,000,000,000 right now.

Trumps no more narcissistic than most of the other candidates.

The reason people have gravitated to trump is because he's been speaking the truth about illegal immigration...something that sellouts like jeb, rubio, and graham won't do. It amazes me how some people don't see that.and, the comments of those who certainly vote dem are not to be taken seriously.

Serenity Now
7/20/2015, 11:58 AM

This guy is going to implode. Maybe we'll see what his real hair looks like in the process.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
7/20/2015, 12:19 PM
This guy is going to implode. Maybe we'll see what his real hair looks like in the process.and, the comments of those who certainly vote dem are not to be taken seriously.

7/20/2015, 12:50 PM

This guy is going to implode. Maybe we'll see what his real hair looks like in the process.

Tell me please what was wrong in the words he said?

Serenity Now
7/20/2015, 02:12 PM
“He’s not a war hero,” said Trump. “He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”

Disagree with his politics all you like. McCain should be honored for serving our country. In my mind Trump urinated on each and every POW. It's very nice given the fact that he's an old time draft dodger from way back.

Serenity Now
7/20/2015, 02:25 PM
Trumps military records unsealed: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/donald-trump-military-record_55ac1353e4b065dfe89e9a41

7/20/2015, 02:49 PM
“He’s not a war hero,” said Trump. “He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”

Disagree with his politics all you like. McCain should be honored for serving our country. In my mind Trump urinated on each and every POW. It's very nice given the fact that he's an old time draft dodger from way back.

He simply said JM was not a hero until he was captured, Is that hard to understand?
Flying off a Carrier in the south china sea and Bombing gooks from 30K does not a hero make.

Hell I was in Nam dont make me a hero. Im sick of the liberal use of the word. I saw and served with some REAL heroes.

Im sick of the way that word gets tossed out about a fry cook that sat in the sand in 91 for 6 months.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
7/20/2015, 02:52 PM
“He’s not a war hero,” said Trump. “He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”

Disagree with his politics all you like. McCain should be honored for serving our country. In my mind Trump urinated on each and every POW. It's very nice given the fact that he's an old time draft dodger from way back.and, the comments of those who certainly vote dem are not to be taken seriously, since the target of their criticism is someone they would never vote for, simply because that target is not a democrat.

Serenity Now
7/21/2015, 09:39 AM


7/21/2015, 09:43 AM


Keep stirrin Lib Keep stirrin. Hell ya dont like either one of em. You just trying to use this to stir the Pot.
Good jorb!

7/21/2015, 09:48 AM
Keep stirrin Lib Keep stirrin. Hell ya dont like either one of em. You just trying to use this to stir the Pot.
Good jorb!

You don't want that gig all to yourself, do you? :-)

7/21/2015, 09:52 AM
You don't want that gig all to yourself, do you? :-)

Hell no, Thats why I said Good Jorb LOL

Serenity Now
7/21/2015, 11:24 AM
Keep stirrin Lib Keep stirrin. Hell ya dont like either one of em. You just trying to use this to stir the Pot.
Good jorb!

I consider McCain a lot like Coburn. I disagree with them both but I respect them both and I would show them the appropriate amount of respect just as I displayed to W. and to GHWB.

Curly Bill
7/21/2015, 11:35 AM
Love me some Trump! He p*sses off the PC crowd, the handwringers, the RINO's, the professional politicians, etc, etc...

And p*ss on McCain. Whatever heroism he earned by being a POW he's since p*ssed away.

7/21/2015, 12:45 PM
I consider McCain a lot like Coburn. I disagree with them both but I respect them both and I would show them the appropriate amount of respect just as I displayed to W. and to GHWB.

I certainly respect McCain's military service. I hate his politics and loathe him personally.

I wish there were more Coburn's in congress.

7/21/2015, 12:54 PM
Trump is one entertaining dude. It's refreshing to hear someone who you know is speaking his mind and not regurgitating some script that has been handed to him.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
7/21/2015, 01:47 PM
Love me some Trump! He p*sses off the PC crowd, the handwringers, the RINO's, the professional politicians, etc, etc...

And p*ss on McCain. Whatever heroism he earned by being a POW he's since p*ssed away.Pretty much, although McCain is still better than having a total 100% flaming lib(democrat) as one's senator.

7/21/2015, 02:34 PM
Trump is one entertaining dude. It's refreshing to hear someone who you know is speaking his mind and not regurgitating some script that has been handed to him.

I've been really enjoying seeing Trump make the pub establishment squirm.

7/21/2015, 04:47 PM
I have never been a fan of Donald Trump as a person, but he's always been somebody fascinating to watch and listen to.

That's good if you're trying to get TV ratings or sell pro wrestling pay per views, but not if you're running for president. I almost think that the poll responses from voters are not so much "I WANT HIM AS PRESIDENT!" so much as they're "THIS IS AWESOME TV MORE MORE MORE" entertainment desires.

Trump also has the national media wrapped around his finger. All he has to do to get people to talk about POWs is insult McCain. All he has to do to get people to discuss illegal immigration is dish out a few extreme quotes. Does Donald Trump care if people drag his name through the mud in the process? Doesn't appear so.

Serenity Now
7/21/2015, 05:23 PM
I have never been a fan of Donald Trump as a person, but he's always been somebody fascinating to watch and listen to.

That's good if you're trying to get TV ratings or sell pro wrestling pay per views, but not if you're running for president. I almost think that the poll responses from voters are not so much "I WANT HIM AS PRESIDENT!" so much as they're "THIS IS AWESOME TV MORE MORE MORE" entertainment desires.

Trump also has the national media wrapped around his finger. All he has to do to get people to talk about POWs is insult McCain. All he has to do to get people to discuss illegal immigration is dish out a few extreme quotes. Does Donald Trump care if people drag his name through the mud in the process? Doesn't appear so.

He's making the Rick Perry's of the world look more palatable. :)

7/21/2015, 06:03 PM
Trump is one entertaining dude. It's refreshing to hear someone who you know is speaking his mind and not regurgitating some script that has been handed to him.


7/21/2015, 06:27 PM
Ima Vote for him just to **** off the Libs and Rhinos LOL

Plus I like the Humor

Serenity Now
7/21/2015, 07:19 PM

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
7/22/2015, 12:12 AM
Does Donald Trump care if people drag his name through the mud in the process? Doesn't appear so.Trump has lived the dream of luxury and wealth for so long, and I doubt he worries about money much at all anymore. It's possible he does want to be president, and wants to restore America to at least somewhat like the founders envisioned. I don't believe he's into redistribution and certainly isn't into racial preference activities nor open borders.

7/22/2015, 08:59 AM
The other thing about a self-funded campaign is that it can go as long as the candidate wants, as opposed to guys like John Edwards who had to stop when his sugar grandma ended the money train.

I almost see him as a third-party candidate here rather than Republican --- someone who can steer the public conversation, but also someone whom voters will not take seriously enough to vote for.

I wonder whose wealthier... Ross Perot or Donald Trump? Maybe if Trump joins up with a third party he can force his way into debates like Perot did in 1992

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
7/22/2015, 12:25 PM
The other thing about a self-funded campaign is that it can go as long as the candidate wants, as opposed to guys like John Edwards who had to stop when his sugar grandma ended the money train.

I almost see him as a third-party candidate here rather than Republican --- someone who can steer the public conversation, but also someone whom voters will not take seriously enough to vote for.

I wonder whose wealthier... Ross Perot or Donald Trump? Maybe if Trump joins up with a third party he can force his way into debates like Perot did in 1992It seems you might want him to go 3rd party. You would be okay with the democrats continuing to hold power, and furthering the Transformation?

7/22/2015, 12:42 PM
You would be okay with the democrats continuing to hold power, and furthering the Transformation?

Ummmm... the Democrats haven't controlled Congress in awhile if I'm not mistaken. I know President Obama has done some executive orders and such that miffed off many, but "the Transformation" has come under Republicans' watch.

In short, I place blame for any "Transformation" on all elected officials, not solely Democrats, nor Republicans. And the voters that voted them into office as well, of course.

As a registered Republican, I intend to vote for not only a candidate that I could see as a good president, but one that all voters can get behind as well. Democrats made the wise decision of Obama, not Hillary Clinton, in 2008. Obama was electable, Hillary Clinton was not (and she still isn't; fingers crossed the Dems mistakenly choose her).

Republicans: The future's not set. There's no fate but what we make for ourselves

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
7/22/2015, 01:28 PM
... I know President Obama has done some executive orders and such that miffed off many, but "the Transformation" has come under Republicans' watch...

Bear has shown the democrats just how much power they really have. Schlickmeister paved the way, and Bear has the racial thing going for him as well as the knowledge of what he most likely can get away with because of his party.

7/22/2015, 03:54 PM
Ummmm... the Democrats haven't controlled Congress in awhile if I'm not mistaken. I know President Obama has done some executive orders and such that miffed off many, but "the Transformation" has come under Republicans' watch.

In short, I place blame for any "Transformation" on all elected officials, not solely Democrats, nor Republicans. And the voters that voted them into office as well, of course.

As a registered Republican, I intend to vote for not only a candidate that I could see as a good president, but one that all voters can get behind as well. Democrats made the wise decision of Obama, not Hillary Clinton, in 2008. Obama was electable, Hillary Clinton was not (and she still isn't; fingers crossed the Dems mistakenly choose her).

Republicans: The future's not set. There's no fate but what we make for ourselves

+1 for the Terminator 2 reference.

7/23/2015, 09:46 AM
He's making the Rick Perry's of the world look more palatable. :)


7/23/2015, 09:49 AM
Republicans: The future's not set. There's no fate but what we make for ourselves

Which is why need to throw the bums out, all of them. Overthrow this government by the constitutional means provided to us. None of them are for the voters, they have ALL become an ELITE governing body that thinks they know better than us how to run our lives and will do anything to further their idea of global elitism...No differentiation whatsoever, except for a few, between ideology and party line.

Serenity Now
7/23/2015, 11:32 AM

Because, when compared side by side, Trump looks like a parody of a mashup of all of the 19 or so GOP contenders. He's like a D. Wayne Lucas sprinter that was entered in the Belmont to push the pace to wear out the contenders so that the other horse or two that D. Wayne thinks has a chance will have a better chance.

7/23/2015, 01:58 PM
Well I can understand that philosophy. Besides, Trump can go out and say things, even as correct as he is or as blunt as he is, without having to worry about anything. Sure stirs up the MSM and the lefties out there... He is bulletproof.

7/24/2015, 10:07 AM
He is bulletproof
His gift is that he just does not care what people think of him. While there are financial consequences of his words (the Miss Universe thing, NBA cancelling The Apprentice, NY mayor saying no more building permits for him or whatever), he's at a point in his life where it really doesn't matter if he has a single billion instead of multiple billions.

And you know what? The Onion in all its parody glory is spot on: People are so damn curious about how far this Donald Trump for President thing will go that they will let it go longer :D

7/24/2015, 10:13 AM
His gift is that he just does not care what people think of him. While there are financial consequences of his words (the Miss Universe thing, NBA cancelling The Apprentice,
NY mayor saying no more building permits for him or whatever), he's at a point in his life where it really doesn't matter if he has a single billion instead of multiple billions.

And you know what? The Onion in all its parody glory is spot on: People are so damn curious about how far this Donald Trump for President thing will go that they will let it go longer :D

I see a Brazillion dollar lawsuit if that Lib Mayor trys that.