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View Full Version : Gumbo, a serious deal in Florida

7/7/2015, 09:25 PM
Deadly serious:


7/8/2015, 11:44 AM
Has anyone wondered how FSU got away with that mascot, and OU had to give up Little Red, even when the guy that was the mascot still wanted to do it? AND he was a Native American......Looking at Chief Osceola he didn't look very Seminole to me......

But who knew gumbo was so important to kill over it. Again, you can't fix stupid. Still a sad story, and the man who did it is now facing manslaughter.

I like my okra fried.

7/8/2015, 01:02 PM
Has anyone wondered how FSU got away with that mascot, and OU had to give up Little Red, even when the guy that was the mascot still wanted to do it? AND he was a Native American

Yeah, I'm too young for Little Red, but I've heard he was legit from a few older Indians. I've heard Little Red was usually a really talented dancer, and was actually doing true Indian dances, unlike the mockeries other mascots put on. Weird.

7/9/2015, 11:24 AM
FSU gets away with it because the Seminole Tribe of Florida (the branch that never got forcibly relocated, unlike the Seminoles now in Oklahoma) have signed off on it.

7/9/2015, 12:19 PM
We shoulda got the Seminoles in Oklahoma to sign off on Little Red! Apparently they can be bought by Free Shoes U.