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5/19/2015, 10:26 AM
White House Seeks to End Immigration Enforcement by Police
Tuesday, 19 May 2015 11:05 AM
By John Blosser

The Obama administration is preparing to give illegal aliens a free pass when it comes to getting busted by local law enforcement for violating immigration laws.

In a 100-page report, the Obama-appointed Task Force on 21st Century Policing has recommended that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) "Decouple federal immigration enforcement from routine local policing for civil enforcement and nonserious crime. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security should terminate the use of the state and local criminal justice system, including through detention, notification, and transfer requests, to enforce civil immigration laws against civil and nonserious criminal offenders."

Instead of arresting and detaining undocumented immigrants for crossing the border illegally, the report advises, "Law enforcement agencies should build relationships based on trust with immigrant communities. This is central to overall public safety."

The report also recommends that "Law enforcement agencies should ensure reasonable and equitable language access for all persons who have encounters with police or who enter the criminal justice system" and "The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) should not include civil immigration information in the FBI’s National Crime Informa¬tion Center database."

The Washington Times states, "The task force report said its recommendation about halting recruitment of state and local police for immigration enforcement stemmed from testimony by Maria Teresa Kumar, president of Voto Latino, an advocacy group."

"Immigrants often fear approaching police officers when they are victims of and witnesses to crimes and when local police are entangled with federal immigration enforcement," the report states, Breitbart News noted.

"At all levels of government, it is important that laws, policies, and practices not hinder the ability of local law enforcement to build the strong relationships necessary to public safety and community well-being. It is the view of this task force that whenever possible, state and local law enforcement should not be involved in immigration enforcement."

The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) commented, "If the recommendations of the task force were put in place and no state and local enforcement or information sharing was permitted, all remaining vestiges of immigration controls would cease to exist" in the U.S., Breitbart News noted.

"The Obama administration has systematically gutted most interior and perimeter responsibility. This administration won’t enforce the laws nationally and won’t tolerate it locally."

FAIR's position is that "the recommendations would effectively end immigration enforcement because it would leave the matter solely in the hands of the federal government," Breitbart noted.

Rosemary Jenks, government relations manager at NumbersUSA, a lobby group in favor of strict immigration caps, told the Times, "Somehow in this world if you’re an illegal alien, then you can’t be punished for being an illegal alien.

"If you’re so worried about your legal status, or your illegal status, don’t put yourself in a place or a situation where you’re going to get picked up by the police."

Obama created the task force in December by executive order, the DOJ's Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) office notes, adding, "The COPS Office will be supporting the implementation of Task Force recommendations."

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/immigration-illegal-obama-enforcement/2015/05/19/id/645451/#ixzz3ab8h9VMn .

And so the sellout continues.

I do have to laugh at how hard reporters and wire services try to just state "immigrant" rather than "Illegal immigrant" even though the distintion would add reason and clarity to the article . Legal immigrants have absolutely nothing to fear in approaching police...on the other hand illegals really have nothing to fear from approaching police as little will happen to them (see disrupting congress, practicing law in California, sanctuary cities, having their names and photos put in newspapers, etc...).

5/19/2015, 11:10 AM

And so the sellout continues.

I do have to laugh at how hard reporters and wire services try to just state "immigrant" rather than "Illegal immigrant" even though the distintion would add reason and clarity to the article . Legal immigrants have absolutely nothing to fear in approaching police...on the other hand illegals really have nothing to fear from approaching police as little will happen to them (see disrupting congress, practicing law in California, sanctuary cities, having their names and photos put in newspapers, etc...).


Again, obama and holder/doj want to control the state police as best they can...which I think they will. Notice how they use the argument that it's for community safety...what a load of bull crap.

5/19/2015, 11:18 AM

Again, obama and holder/doj want to control the state police as best they can...which I think they will. Notice how they use the argument that it's for community safety...what a load of bull crap.

Yep total BS. You'd have to be really stupid to get deported.

5/20/2015, 12:28 PM
Man! What Krap is this Shi'ite? Selling out the nation and dumbing it down to 3rd world status. Prepare your 7 foot concrete walls around your property with broken glass embedded in it or topped with razor wire, The Leftist wants it to happen...