View Full Version : Rosa Parks , Bless her heart!

4/30/2015, 10:45 PM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/11209631_1128535403839548_1100367398226121905_n.jp g?oh=684b73a309c4c771542434b84cee8ddc&oe=55C8A04D&__gda__=1439328541_6fd1c943f93f7013d2640390346e9a0 3

4/30/2015, 11:32 PM
Met her once at Honey Springs, of all places.

Serenity Now
4/30/2015, 11:45 PM
Met her once at Honey Springs, of all places.
I was there that day. I didn't meet her.

Serenity Now
4/30/2015, 11:45 PM
I'm killing your street cred.

5/1/2015, 12:59 AM
I'm killing your street cred.


5/1/2015, 01:26 AM
I was there that day. I didn't meet her.

We're from the same home town, and we've been in the same places at the same time. I'm willing to bet we've met.

5/1/2015, 10:22 AM
Rosa Parks was carefully selected to be the face of the movement back then. I really hope that there are no plans in the works for something similar in this fight against death-by-cop.

You are educated, married, employed and an upstanding citizen. We need you to sit on a bus and not give up your seat. Oh wait, that was the 60s. We need you to get killed by a cop.

As such, I'm not sure the Rosa Parks and Freddie Gray situations are comparable.

rock on sooner
5/1/2015, 11:40 AM
Rosa Parks was carefully selected to be the face of the movement back then. I really hope that there are no plans in the works for something similar in this fight against death-by-cop.

You are educated, married, employed and an upstanding citizen. We need you to sit on a bus and not give up your seat. Oh wait, that was the 60s. We need you to get killed by a cop.

As such, I'm not sure the Rosa Parks and Freddie Gray situations are comparable.

Don't think they are at all comparable...Gray brought some of it onto
himself but the cops overdid it and they have been charged with homicide.

The other thing is that Rosa Parks was not the first to refuse to give up her
seat. I read that another black woman (her name escapes me) in the late
50's or early 60's did the same thing.....not the "right" timing for her, though..

5/1/2015, 11:56 AM
The other thing is that Rosa Parks was not the first to refuse to give up her
Yeah --- a fun show called Drunk History (check it out on Amazon Prime or even youtube) had this in their Atlanta episode. The original woman was a single teen mom and the civil rights movement thought it would be wiser to have someone like Rose Parks be the face.

They did one of the most effective things they could do after Rosa's arrest, which I think would be tons more helpful today than the rioting: Boycotting. They effectively shut down the city's bus system by simply refusing to use it for one day a week, because blacks were a majority of the bus riders.

As has been noted, blacks make up a large part of Baltimore's population. BOYCOTT. Take your business outside city limits until you are satisfied with the city response. Don't destroy businesses by busting windows --- destroy business by not buying anything. Your voice through your money will be heard!

5/1/2015, 11:57 AM
To me the point is there is an effective way to protest and then there are destructive ways

5/1/2015, 01:09 PM
To me the point is there is an effective way to protest and then there are destructive ways

Oh yes, and I agree! That is will continue my boycott of all things Baltimore. Sooner-related, because the Ravens cut all their OU alums last decade and the Orioles used to employ Jim Traber ;)