View Full Version : Baltimore Looters

4/27/2015, 05:15 PM
Really going to blowup when the sun goes down

4/27/2015, 05:28 PM
They have the fires going now----Should be a big night

4/27/2015, 06:04 PM
The LBJ "War on Poverty" is paying big dividends now aint it?

4/28/2015, 08:44 AM
The LBJ "War on Poverty" is paying big dividends now aint it?---Its only been 50 years---It takes a while to work--------Well maybe not

4/28/2015, 09:12 AM
---Its only been 50 years---It takes a while to work--------Well maybe not

Heh Obammy is helping smooth things out!
https://scontent-sjc.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/1795608_825493624164401_2932146798416181336_n.jpg? oh=eb3e6d7942d00ccfea33a83eb59a448f&oe=55DE0AF3

Sooner in Tampa
4/28/2015, 09:21 AM
No worries...The Rev Al Sharpton is on his way!

4/28/2015, 09:26 AM
No worries...The Rev Al Sharpton is on his way!

He will calm the waters

4/28/2015, 09:36 AM
Heh Obammy is helping smooth things out!
https://scontent-sjc.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/1795608_825493624164401_2932146798416181336_n.jpg? oh=eb3e6d7942d00ccfea33a83eb59a448f&oe=55DE0AF3

Heh heh

Sooner in Tampa
4/28/2015, 10:07 AM
He will calm the waters

Of course he will...

4/28/2015, 10:25 AM
Of course he will...


4/28/2015, 11:29 AM
Whatever happened to the good ole days when the police would warn any would be looters that "looters will be shot"? Seemed to be a pretty good deterrent.

Of course you have the idiot Mayor who proclaimed that they would be "given space to destroy". How and why she has not been recalled is beyond comprehension.

So talking heads have reasoned that these fine folks that feel compelled to destroy other people's property is because they have no hope, no future, their life has no purpose no meaning. Really? And why is that? The dependency that has been created by 50 years of the "Great Society" gives you the no hope, no future, no purpose results.

Of all of the social engineering the left has perpetuated upon this country, the roll out of this so called "War on Poverty" has been the most destructive. This program was going to help folks out of the cycle of poverty, but it would do so without any requirements upon the recipients. No work, no community service, nothing. Just free Uncle Sam money with no restrictions, unless you got a job, then you would lose your benefit or incur a reduced benefit. More children equals more money. Uncle Sam has replaced Sam as the father figure in the household. Single parent families is now over 70% in the black community. How and why the results we see today were not predictable, is beyond any measure of common sense. Is this the result that the left was looking for? A dependent, nanny state society where a Central Government made all of the decisions?

Ever wonder why you never see a statistic for the crime rate of people dependent upon the government? If you haven't had to work or sacrifice in any way for what you possess, do you think that maybe they would not have respect for others possessions? When you see those looting a store with a handful of stolen items, do you think most of them think they "deserve" those items, they are entitled? What we see today is all so sadly predictable. Low expectations equals a low ceiling. 21st Century Plantation. You libs must be proud of what you've created.

4/28/2015, 11:49 AM
Of course you have the idiot Mayor who proclaimed that they would be "given space to destroy". How and why she has not been recalled is beyond comprehension.
...because recall elections take a bit of time to call and organize and that is AFTER the requisite number of signatures (along with any other legal requirements) have been met.

4/28/2015, 11:57 AM
I guarantee that many of these looters/riots have traveled a long way to be there. Anytime it is known that a crowd will gather to stage a protest, these types of people come out of the woodwork. They know that the police will be greatly outnumbered and their criminal acts will likely be lost in the crowd. They are like bacteria or viruses or any other parasite - just opportunists sapping the strength of the host.

4/28/2015, 12:01 PM
...because recall elections take a bit of time to call and organize and that is AFTER the requisite number of signatures (along with any other legal requirements) have been met.

Maybe I should have stated that efforts to recall her should be commenced. It does take a while.

Serenity Now
4/28/2015, 12:05 PM
I like the Sublime version.


4/28/2015, 01:53 PM
Baltimore Mother of the year---- http://madamenoire.com/529244/mom-praised-for-whooping-rioting-son/

4/28/2015, 01:55 PM
Ray Lewis is pissed off.

4/28/2015, 01:59 PM
Kudos to those trying to save their city, from the mother publicly shaming her son, to the vet standing in front of the rioters, to the guy stationing himself in front of convenience store to stop looting.

Proactive actions by leaders have prevented similar racial incidents from getting out of hand at OU and Tulsa recently. Thank goodness Ferguson didn't happen in either places after the SAE video or reserve deputy fatal shooting

4/28/2015, 03:35 PM
Kudos to those trying to save their city, from the mother publicly shaming her son, to the vet standing in front of the rioters, to the guy stationing himself in front of convenience store to stop looting.

Proactive actions by leaders have prevented similar racial incidents from getting out of hand at OU and Tulsa recently. Thank goodness Ferguson didn't happen in either places after the SAE video or reserve deputy fatal shooting

What proactive actions, barring Boren's broad brush painting of every white SAE member, were taken to keep it from getting out of hand, on both accounts?

4/28/2015, 03:45 PM
Baltimore Mother of the year---- http://madamenoire.com/529244/mom-praised-for-whooping-rioting-son/

She will probably be charge with child abuse.

4/28/2015, 03:56 PM
She will probably be charge with child abuse.

I think, given the circumstances, she was fully warranted. There should have been a whole lot more of momma's and daddy's out there doing the same thing.

4/28/2015, 05:00 PM
She will probably be charge with child abuse.

She was fighting crime, and that's only punishable if you're white.

4/28/2015, 05:21 PM
I think, given the circumstances, she was fully warranted. There should have been a whole lot more of momma's and daddy's out there doing the same thing.

unfortunately they are not around...

4/28/2015, 05:24 PM
Glad to see obama blame everyone BUT the looters...society, media, police...it's all because the establishment and "white man" has kept the poor black folks down....

*yes he did say the looters were not protesting but stealing..but then gives them a pass because they are the put down poor folks...


This almost plays into the thread about him leaving office....let the riots happen..declare martial law...just saying. The pot keeps getting stirred.

Never miss an opportunity to push your agenda obama...good job~

"There's a bunch [in] my agenda that would make a difference right now in that," Obama said.

As Obama enters the second half of his second term -- effectively, the fourth quarter of his presidency -- he said that effort would require a "political mobilization" the country hasn't seen in some time.

4/28/2015, 06:23 PM
At least gray's sister is smart enough to know that the rioters couldn't care less about Freddy. This guy was arrested 20 times in 7 years! He was far from an upstanding citizen. Oh well, any reason to tear **** up is reason enough!

4/28/2015, 06:37 PM
Haven't heard much from Obama regarding his plans for a National Civilian Security Force, in which BHO stated it would be Larger and better funded than the U.S. Military. Will these incidents like Ferguson and Baltimore give him an excuse to move forward on this idea?

Serenity Now
4/28/2015, 09:53 PM
Haven't heard much from Obama regarding his plans for a National Civilian Security Force, in which BHO stated it would be Larger and better funded than the U.S. Military. Will these incidents like Ferguson and Baltimore give him an excuse to move forward on this idea?
Like! That's one of my favorites.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
4/29/2015, 01:39 AM
She was fighting crime, and that's only punishable if you're white.Sadly, in our screwed up world of today.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
4/29/2015, 01:42 AM
Quote Originally Posted by champions77
Haven't heard much from Obama regarding his plans for a National Civilian Security Force, in which BHO stated it would be Larger and better funded than the U.S. Military. Will these incidents like Ferguson and Baltimore give him an excuse to move forward on this idea?
Like! That's one of my favorites.You are one creepy mofo.

Sooner in Tampa
4/29/2015, 07:16 AM
Glad to see obama blame everyone BUT the looters...society, media, police...it's all because the establishment and "white man" has kept the poor black folks down....

*yes he did say the looters were not protesting but stealing..but then gives them a pass because they are the put down poor folks...


This almost plays into the thread about him leaving office....let the riots happen..declare martial law...just saying. The pot keeps getting stirred.

Never miss an opportunity to push your agenda obama...good job~

"There's a bunch [in] my agenda that would make a difference right now in that," Obama said.

As Obama enters the second half of his second term -- effectively, the fourth quarter of his presidency -- he said that effort would require a "political mobilization" the country hasn't seen in some time.

Blacks can be educated and can be successful business people. But democrat policies are to indoctrinate blacks to believe they are victims who should demand free everything. Democrats created this environment where blacks believe that 'whitey' has them down when it is democrat policies that keep us all as tax slaves to the government if we can manage to get a job.

4/29/2015, 12:49 PM
It is almost amusing to hear the pundits try and solve why there are so many issues in the black communities around the country today, and their avoidance of admitting the real causes. Poor lefties, they just can't admit their social engineering borne out of the 1960's has been such an abject failure.
---Welfare programs that have caused generational dependency, which is another name for an absence of true freedom. Even after this Nation fought a great Civil War so blacks could be free and independent, we've imprisoned them economically by the Federal Government Plantation.
---The destruction of the virtues that are critical in making of a qualify life, self reliance, strong work ethic and personal responsibility.
---The left's unyielding devotion of the Public School Unions. Inner city youth trapped in schools that don't educate, nor discipline the students. Charter schools are resisted at all costs. The school unions position of power is deemed more important than educating black youths. The "status quo" of what you see today is acceptable, and preferred to that of trying something different that might have a chance of working.
---Single parent black families today at over 70%. 1965? Less than 30%. Plays a huge role in poverty.
High Crime rate in the black community is a direct result of broken families, broken schools and creating dependency that traps people economically. All can be traced back to the left's social engineering. And after all of this...blacks in America are steadfastly committed to the Democratic Party, as if the results you see today are acceptable ones.
Maybe blacks today may want to ask themselves about trying another option.

4/29/2015, 02:50 PM
As Charles Barkley said...blacks been voting dem for fifty years and they are still poor.

4/29/2015, 02:54 PM
I will say....teachers NOW. ....try very hard...the job is a lot different than in the 70's/80's that I know of...especially in the inner city.

Sooner in Tampa
4/30/2015, 07:59 AM
As Charles Barkley said...blacks been voting dem for fifty years and they are still poor.

I absolutely cannot comprehend this...Democrats are the biggest slave owners in America! They are keeping the inner city population enslaved to the government!!

Serenity Now
4/30/2015, 09:25 AM
Rumsfeld on looters.


4/30/2015, 11:53 AM
Rumsfeld on looters.

http://m.dailykos.com/story/2015/04/30/1381387/-Rumsfeld-Looting-Is-Transition-To-Freedom?detail=facebook_sf----You can't beat a quote from 12 years ago---nothing like staying current

4/30/2015, 12:00 PM
----You can't beat a quote from 12 years ago---nothing like staying current

I just looked since you quoted Iggy.
Lets also take this in Context! He was referring to a people that had been under a suppressive regime for decades. A people Just learning to be free.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
4/30/2015, 12:38 PM

Serenity Now
4/30/2015, 01:00 PM
----You can't beat a quote from 12 years ago---nothing like staying current

Yet, it comes to "from my cold dead hand" on a document written over 240 years ago over the definition of "a well regulated militia" when nothing more than a musket and a cannon was available.

Can I still make fun of "shock and awe"? Please?

4/30/2015, 03:20 PM
Yet, it comes to "from my cold dead hand" on a document written over 240 years ago over the definition of "a well regulated militia" when nothing more than a musket and a cannon was available.

Can I still make fun of "shock and awe"? Please?

I guess most people would intuitively understand that a quote from Donald Rumsfeld doesn't equal an amendment in the Constitution.

Serenity Now
4/30/2015, 03:38 PM
I guess most people would intuitively understand that a quote from Donald Rumsfeld doesn't equal an amendment in the Constitution.

The rumsfeld thing was ironic. The other is hyperbolic.

Shock and awe is in play, though, right?

4/30/2015, 04:12 PM
I was reading a lefty rationale regarding why the poor souls of the inner city feel compelled to destroy their own neighborhood...<shakes head>…guess I'm just too obtuse or beset with white privilege, because it sure as heck seems stupid to me.

4/30/2015, 04:33 PM
I was reading a lefty rationale regarding why the poor souls of the inner city feel compelled to destroy their own neighborhood...<shakes head>…guess I'm just too obtuse or beset with white privilege, because it sure as heck seems stupid to me.

Probably due in large part to the fact that most of those destroying other peoples property have never sacrificed themselves for any material possessions, so there is a profound misunderstanding of the real value of such property. You've seen that with public housing especially. They turn a nice new structure into a dilapidated slum in just a few years. More proof of failed liberal "experiments". Are the architects of these failures ever held accountable?