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View Full Version : Tebow to the Eagles

4/19/2015, 07:15 PM
I've given up trying to understand what Chip Kelly is trying to accomplish.

Harris County Sooner
4/19/2015, 07:19 PM
They plan a version of the Belldozer called the Tebow Shuffle.

4/19/2015, 07:20 PM
Yes. Weird.

4/19/2015, 09:51 PM
He seems to be taking the "mad scientist" mentality to the limit.

4/20/2015, 08:01 AM
....Tebow = eye of newt


rock on sooner
4/20/2015, 09:54 AM
Maybe he just wants another QB body to run training camp, least I hope

4/20/2015, 09:57 AM
What makes this more odd is that they already have four quarterbacks on roster --- Sam Bradford, Mark Sanchez, Matt Barkley (two USCs that were overhyped for Heisman) and GJ Kinne (former whorn turned Tulsa guy).

Soooo... who the hell knows

4/20/2015, 03:02 PM
Maybe they're secretly going to move Tebow to another position. Otherwise, the move makes virtually NO sense.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
4/20/2015, 03:53 PM
Maybe they're secretly going to move Tebow to another position. Otherwise, the move makes virtually NO sense.He's a tight end. Prolly not a great one, but he might be able to make a roster there.

4/20/2015, 04:44 PM
Someone, Deadspin I think, theorized that Tebow is just a camp body to see if any positive vibes rub off on other players and that there's no intention of keeping him past August... like Notre Dame's Rudy, except no feel-good ending (because eff notre dame)

4/23/2015, 10:44 AM
I know Tebow wants to be a quarterback, but he could have been playing all along as a TE.....ego got in the way.

4/23/2015, 12:45 PM
I know Tebow wants to be a quarterback, but he could have been playing all along as a TE.....ego got in the way.

He was a first round draft pick as a QB, helped orchestrate a six-game winning streak to turn around a dead season, won a playoff game, and made quite a bit of money. I didn't think he had what it took coming out of college, but I think he accomplished more as QB, made more money, and can tell a better story than he would have been able to at TE. I know he's not an all-pro QB, and never will be, but he wasn't going to be an All-pro TE, either. I definitely feel he made the right choice.

4/23/2015, 01:26 PM
He was a first round draft pick as a QB, helped orchestrate a six-game winning streak to turn around a dead season, won a playoff game, and made quite a bit of money. I didn't think he had what it took coming out of college, but I think he accomplished more as QB, made more money, and can tell a better story than he would have been able to at TE. I know he's not an all-pro QB, and never will be, but he wasn't going to be an All-pro TE, either. I definitely feel he made the right choice.

Yep, hard to argue with results. Tebow has done a good job of optimizing his career given his inherent problems fitting the NFL mold. He also had luck on his side in that the AFC west was the dregs his rookie year and willing that Bronco team to 8-8 was rewarded with a playoff spot.

4/23/2015, 04:24 PM
saw on twitter earlier:
https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xtp1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/11165086_10153241978396100_2400790159109944293_n.j pg?oh=ea4ea46ecb58bdce620c73a12a7a7bdb&oe=55A17DCD&__gda__=1436433787_e2a8f44e79bbce52fdef4a52977b85c 1

4/26/2015, 06:28 PM
He's a tight end. Prolly not a great one, but he might be able to make a roster there.

Sadly, he's wasted too much time trying to be a QB, that he'd probably only be an average TE.

While I think bringing him in as a TE would be interesting, I don't think that's what Kelly did. I think he brought him in as a QB...which blows my mind.

4/27/2015, 12:11 PM
While I think bringing him in as a TE would be interesting, I don't think that's what Kelly did. I think he brought him in as a QB...which blows my mind.

Sam Bradford's still in injury recovery mode, Matt Barkley will likely be traded, Mark Sanchez butt fumbles and GJ Kinne was a whorn QB before Tulsa took him in. So, they need someone who can play QB in camp till the dust settles (draft day moves this weekend, hmmm?) and they could do worse than Tebow... maybe...