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4/16/2015, 02:22 PM
Democrat Lincoln Chafee Tells CNN He's Running For President
Thursday, 16 Apr 2015 10:25 AM
By Sandy Fitzgerald

Former Rhode Island Gov. Lincoln Chafee told CNN Thursday that he'll be seeking the Democratic nomination for the White House, making his intentions official just one week after announcing he had formed an exploratory committee.

"Yes, that's why I'm running, because I feel strong about where we're going as a country," the Republican-turned-independent-turned Democrat told CNN's John Berman on the network's "New Day" show Thursday.

Chafee made his comments after Berman asked him why he has continued to be critical of Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton, including criticizing her for her vote while she was a New York senator for the war in Iraq.

"That was a moment where the premise for going to Iraq was so false, that there were weapons of mass destruction, she didn't do her homework. We live with the ramifications," Chafee told CNN's "State of the Union" program on Sunday. "You may say that's 12 years ago — that's a big motivator for me running. If you show a lack of judgment, lack of doing homework then what can we expect in the future?"

He also criticized Clinton's term as secretary of state on Sunday's program, saying her service was "kind of a muscular, top-down, unilateral, too close to neo-cons, too Bush-like" that ended with "precious few" accomplishments.

But he does want to court supporters of Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, a liberal favorite who has said she isn't going to run for president.

"There's no doubt that Sen. Warren's absolutely right about what's happening to the middle class," Chafee said. "She's just been a prophet about this for a number of years."

Chafee has said that Clinton's vote for the Iraq War should disqualify her from receiving the Democratic nomination.

"One of the motivators for me to run is, I just don't think the United States president should have voted for that huge mistake," Chafee told the National Journal. "And I definitely don't think the Democratic Party nominee should have made that huge mistake."

Chafee, while serving as a Republican senator, was one of 23 senators who voted against the Iraq War and the only member of his party to do so.

On Thursday, Chafee admitted that there's "no doubt I'm the underdog." He has not held public office since his term ended last year, and has not been included in most polling involving the Democratic Party.

Democrat Sheldon Whitehouse defeated Chafee for the Senate seat in 2006, and then Chafee became Rhode Island's governor as an independent in 2010. He later switched again to become a Democrat, choosing not to seek re-election in 2014.

He told CNN Sunday he switched parties because the "Republican Party changed and I never changed. As I became an independent my values never changed whether it's on fiscal responsibility, environment or using government tools to help the less fortunate."

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.newsmax.com/Politics/Lincoln-Chafee-Democrat-Rhode-Island/2015/04/16/id/638912/#ixzz3XVA3NWGs

Doubt Hillary is very worried.

4/16/2015, 02:27 PM
Those that voted for the Iraq war should be disqualified from running for city dog catcher.

Serenity Now
4/16/2015, 02:32 PM
Those that voted for the Iraq war should be disqualified from running for city dog catcher.

But we'll be treated as liberators!

The same crew that was SO wrong about that in our history is now devout in their correctness that we can't work with Iran. I have no problem with people making the wrong judgment. Hindsight is your friend. I get that. What I have a problem with is them trying to ignore that HUGE error and then trying to do it again almost exactly the same 12 years later.

4/16/2015, 02:51 PM
Those that voted for the Iraq war should be disqualified from running for city dog catcher.

That would disqualify a large amount of politicians on both sides of the aisle...

4/16/2015, 03:19 PM
That would disqualify a large amount of politicians on both sides of the aisle...

Not the guy I and everyone else should be voting for.

4/16/2015, 03:21 PM
Well since I made that same mistake I'd have a hard time eliminating someone for doing the same thing although I'm sure they had a lot better information than I did.

4/16/2015, 03:26 PM
Not the guy I and everyone else should be voting for.

Still checking Rand out on immigration. We'll see if he defines himself on it in the next few months.

4/16/2015, 03:44 PM
Still checking Rand out on immigration. We'll see if he defines himself on it in the next few months.

He's a security+legalization guy. Every elected politician in the country is to the left of me on immigration, so it's impossible for me to judge a guy based on that issue unless they favor unconditional amnesty like Jeb does.

4/16/2015, 03:56 PM
He's a security+legalization guy. Every elected politician in the country is to the left of me on immigration, so it's impossible for me to judge a guy based on that issue unless they favor unconditional amnesty like Jeb does.

I can go for temporary legalization for those employed and the employers covering all of their costs.

Any type of permanent legalization and/or citizenship is pretty much a poison pill to me since the illegals will be a burden to US taxpayers to support them.

4/16/2015, 07:02 PM
I can go for temporary legalization for those employed and the employers covering all of their costs.

Any type of permanent legalization and/or citizenship is pretty much a poison pill to me since the illegals will be a burden to US taxpayers to support them.

No. Not even that. I want all immigration eliminated, period. That includes student visas, asylum seekers, marriage anchors, etc.

Immigration has to stop. There is no middle-ground on that issue. Once the true unemployment rate drops below 5% then we can talk about *temporary* guest-worker visas only for those industries that have a demonstrable need for labor that the American market can't meet. And I would not accept those guest-worker visas being put on a fast track to citizenship.

4/17/2015, 09:53 PM
Well since I made that same mistake I'd have a hard time eliminating someone for doing the same thing although I'm sure they had a lot better information than I did.

Yes, if by "better information" you mean made-up bull**** by the so-called Office of Special Plans.

". . . former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) officer Larry C. Johnson said the OSP was "dangerous for US national security and a threat to world peace. [The OSP] lied and manipulated intelligence to further its agenda of removing Saddam. It's a group of ideologues with pre-determined notions of truth and reality. They take bits of intelligence to support their agenda and ignore anything contrary. They should be eliminated."[3]"

"Senator Carl Levin, Chair of the Senate Armed Services Committee, stated that "The bottom line is that intelligence relating to the Iraq-al-Qaeda relationship was manipulated by high-ranking officials in the Department of Defense to support the administration's decision to invade Iraq. The inspector general's report is a devastating condemnation of inappropriate activities in the DOD policy office that helped take this nation to war."[8] At Senator Levin's insistence, on April 6, 2007, the Pentagon's Inspector General's Report was declassified and released to the public.[9]"


Also this gem:

"The OSP was an open and largely unfiltered conduit to the White House not only for the Iraqi opposition. It also forged close ties to a parallel, ad hoc intelligence operation inside Ariel Sharon's office in Israel specifically to bypass Mossad and provide the Bush administration with more alarmist reports on Saddam's Iraq than Mossad was prepared to authorise."

Since Mossad today doesn't believe Iran is close to getting a nuclear weapon, this little bit of history is relevant today. Gad, the real pisser is that the Democrats are almost as much the War Party as the Republicans. So potential nuclear war with Russia (over Ukraine) and potential disaster in the Middle East (if we or Israel attack Iran) won't even be a topic of debate.