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View Full Version : Rand Paul on Eductation....maybe we don't need to abolish the department

Serenity Now
4/7/2015, 04:01 PM

rock on sooner
4/7/2015, 04:07 PM
No, I don't think we need to abolish it. I shudder to think what the system
would look like with 50 different state plans....

4/7/2015, 04:35 PM
No, I don't think we need to abolish it. I shudder to think what the system
would look like with 50 different state plans....---Why---The education system is a failure----What does the dept of education accomplish?----If you want to make sure a problem is never solved get the govt involved

4/7/2015, 05:28 PM
Where is the education system failing? in the urban areas...

Why? #1 lack of parental involvement in the preparation of the students...

Why? they either don't care, are low in education themselves, selfish, are not around....

The idea that the school (in the inner city) is the cure all is a joke. They feed the kids, breakfast, lunch and sometimes dinner. Send home "snack packs" of food every weekend..but yet the parents of MOST have cell phones, tablets, don't work, etc. Something has got to change. More money, more teachers, none of that matters IF they don't have someone at home that gives a rats a$$.l

Teachers are NOT teaching kids to think anymore...(ex Atlanta? 11 teachers caught cheating on state tests) they are teaching to the common core test...why? Their JOBS depend on it. Evaluate teachers on teaching methods, lesson plans, tardiness, whatever...but don't tie test scores, it doesn't help.

rock on sooner
4/8/2015, 11:29 AM
Jeep, good points! My teaching experience dates to 1972. I had good
experiences with parent interaction then (Kansas City, KS) and equally bad
experiences with school administration. Over the years, parents have become
dependent on the schools to "babysit" and the admin seems to work overtime
to secure $$ for the schools....not a good mixture and it gives the appearance
of failure. Federal gubment intervention, while well intended, was so poorly
presented (No Child Left Behind) and implemented, it is no wonder so many
folks think the system is broken. It is my opinion that oversight and accountability
at the federal level is needed so that some states cannot ignore/let slide efforts
to teach our young....I agree with you about teacher evaluations and without some
guidelines from SOMEONE it'll never happen.