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4/6/2015, 01:26 PM
Rasmussen Poll: Majority Continues to Reject Obama Amnesty Plan

More voters than ever feel the United States is not aggressive enough in deporting those who are here illegally, even as President Obama continues to push his plan to make up to five million illegal immigrants safe from deportation.

Just 16 percent of likely U.S. Voters think the U.S. government is too aggressive in deporting those who are in the country illegally. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 62 percent believe the government is not aggressive enough in deporting these illegal immigrants, up from 52 percent a year ago and 56 percent in November. Fifteen percent feel the current number of deportations is about right

Thirty-two percent believe illegal immigrants who have American-born children should be exempt from deportation, an element of Obama’s plan, but 51 percent now disagree. In November, voters were much more closely divided: 38 percent said they should be exempt from deportation, and only 42 percent disagreed. Seventeen percent remain undecided.

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/poll-majority-rejects-obama/2015/04/06/id/636661/#ixzz3WYKGeege

4/6/2015, 01:33 PM
Oklahoma alone has lost hundreds if not thousands of jobs recently. While this can be directly blamed on oil prices, being surrounded by unemployed friends and family members than before can make everything think about job security in the future.

Thus, this poll does not surprise me.

Serenity Now
4/6/2015, 01:59 PM
All I can say is that I don't know the answer. I'd like to see us go back to pre-NAFTA where we actually made stuff here.

4/6/2015, 04:32 PM
"NAFTA means jobs. American jobs, and good-paying American jobs. If I didn't believe that, I wouldn't support this agreement"
-W.J. Clinton

"the AFL-CIO blames the agreement for sending 700,000 American manufacturing jobs to Mexico over that time."
- Wikipedia


4/6/2015, 04:37 PM
Anyone think that letting all the new people in the country has helped wage growth?

4/6/2015, 04:44 PM
"NAFTA means jobs. American jobs, and good-paying American jobs. If I didn't believe that, I wouldn't support this agreement"
-W.J. Clinton

"the AFL-CIO blames the agreement for sending 700,000 American manufacturing jobs to Mexico over that time."
- Wikipedia


Anyone think that letting all the new people in the country has helped wage growth?

6 month to a year after the NAFTA one of Poteaus largest employers Moved shop to mexico.

Serenity Now
4/6/2015, 04:46 PM
6 month to a year after the NAFTA one of Poteaus largest employers Moved shop to mexico.

Wrangler? I know they left a few Oklahoma towns.

NAFTA is why I didn't vote for Bill in ins second term. Perot!

4/6/2015, 04:50 PM
"NAFTA means jobs. American jobs, and good-paying American jobs. If I didn't believe that, I wouldn't support this agreement"
-W.J. Clinton

"the AFL-CIO blames the agreement for sending 700,000 American manufacturing jobs to Mexico over that time."
- Wikipedia


Wrangler? I know they left a few Oklahoma towns.

NAFTA is why I didn't vote for Bill in ins second term. Perot!

Johnson Controls

This area is down to the Chicken plants in Heavener . The various rock yards. that Buy and sell building and Landscape rock, a plastic plant and the coal mine for work most of which is dominated by the Illegals

4/6/2015, 05:57 PM
Johnson Controls

This area is down to the Chicken plants in Heavener . The various rock yards. that Buy and sell building and Landscape rock, a plastic plant and the coal mine for work most of which is dominated by the Illegals

Chicken houses are full of messicans as well. You know, those jobs that honkies don't wanna do...[/rolleyes]

4/6/2015, 06:11 PM
Chicken houses are full of messicans as well. You know, those jobs that honkies don't wanna do...[/rolleyes]

Thats Part of the "Chicken Plant" deal here Bro.

Serenity Now
4/6/2015, 06:38 PM
The upside is that your local soccer at poteau, heavener, etc is playing at a high lev. Glass half full. :)

4/6/2015, 07:06 PM
The upside is that your local soccer at poteau, heavener, etc is playing at a high lev. Glass half full. :)

Not really, they busy werking plucking chickens

Serenity Now
4/6/2015, 07:15 PM
Their kids are pretty salty.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
4/7/2015, 01:36 AM
Soccer will be the new football in America, if they get rid of Headers.

4/7/2015, 10:16 AM
Anyone think that letting all the new people in the country has helped wage growth?

That depends on your perspective. If you are a CEO of a fortune 500 company it has helped their wage costs a lot. Why do you think the Silicon Valley CEO's are all in favor of increasing the visa program for tech saavy immigrants?

4/7/2015, 10:18 AM
Money is a funny sort of thing. With most other things, people can step back and say "I have enough" or "I have too much" but you never hear people say that about money.

One of the Bernie Madoff victims said something to that tune after they lost everything. Will it take people losing everything before they realize they had enough or too much?

Serenity Now
4/7/2015, 10:37 AM
Warren Buffet is kind of that way. He still lives in the house he bought years ago (1958). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warren_Buffett

4/7/2015, 11:27 AM
That depends on your perspective. If you are a CEO of a fortune 500 company it has helped their wage costs a lot. Why do you think the Silicon Valley CEO's are all in favor of increasing the visa program for tech saavy immigrants?

The highly skilled, well educated, high revenue and high tax payer h1bs would be a nice counter to most of the low income, poorly educated, non income tax paying millions obama wants to make citizens.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
4/7/2015, 12:08 PM
Anyone think that letting all the new people in the country has helped wage growth?It's not going to stop, as long as there are democrats running the govt.

4/7/2015, 12:46 PM
Warren Buffet is kind of that way. He still lives in the house he bought years ago (1958). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warren_Buffett

The same warren buffet that bragged about paying less income tax than his secretary?

Not saying he isn't a good guy or doesn't help out...but the libs always point him out as some kind of beacon of light for their causes.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
4/7/2015, 01:20 PM
The same warren buffet that bragged about paying less income tax than his secretary?

Not saying he isn't a good guy or doesn't help out...but the libs always point him out as some kind of beacon of light for their causes.Like many who earn megatons of money, they talk lib. That is the very best way to keep the Left from going after you.

4/7/2015, 03:44 PM
It's not going to stop, as long as there are democrats running the govt.

Rush, the federal government can't get much less Democrat at the moment. I get that there's executive orders and the cabinet, but shouldn't the U.S House and Senate majorities have a bit of... you know... accountability? Or are they allowed to twiddle their thumbs till after Election 2016? :(

Serenity Now
4/7/2015, 03:59 PM
The same warren buffet that bragged about paying less income tax than his secretary?

Not saying he isn't a good guy or doesn't help out...but the libs always point him out as some kind of beacon of light for their causes.

He was pointing out the foolishness of that. He's also giving his retirement to charities, not the buffett family.