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View Full Version : Barry suggests Mandatory voting

Sooner in Tampa
3/19/2015, 08:30 AM
I am adamantly opposed to mandatory voting for one reason: This is a free country!!! It is within our rights to NOT vote if we so choose!!

"If everybody voted, then it would completely change the political map in this country," Obama said, calling it potentially transformative. Not only that, Obama said, but universal voting would "counteract money more than anything."

Obama has opposed Citizens United and other court rulings that cleared the way for super PACs and unlimited campaign spending, but embraced such groups in his 2012 re-election campaign out of fear he'd be outspent.

Obama said he thought it would be "fun" for the U.S. to consider amending the Constitution to change the role that money plays in the electoral system. But don't hold your breath.
"Realistically, given the requirements of that process, that would be a long-term proposition," he said.


3/19/2015, 08:51 AM
sweet baby jesus don't play the freedom card - everyone knows why conservatives/republicans want to keep voter participation down.

3/19/2015, 08:54 AM
And everyone knows why the libs/dems want it to be mandatory for poor/welfare people to vote.

3/19/2015, 09:16 AM
And everyone knows why the libs/dems want it to be mandatory for poor/welfare people to vote.Amazing how the right want to restrict voting. The foundation on what our country is founded on.

3/19/2015, 09:29 AM
Amazing how the right want to restrict voting. The foundation on what our country is founded on.

Which of the posters in this thread said they wanted to RESTRICT voting? Come on tell us Einstein!

3/19/2015, 09:38 AM
Amazing how the right want to restrict voting. The foundation on what our country is founded on.

Amazing how libs want to remove the freedom to not vote. What if I don't like any of the candidates...going to force me to vote for one?

3/19/2015, 09:49 AM
Amazing how the right want to restrict voting. The foundation on what our country is founded on.

You know there is a lot that the left does that bothers me, but probably nothing more that the phony issue of restricting voting. The fact that requiring someone to present an ID to validate who they are does not present any hardship on anyone. In today's society, you cannot function without showing an ID of some kind. Whether it be to check out a book at the Library, cash a check at the bank, pick up concert tickets at the will call window, or even purchase certain drugs at the drug store. Are all of these folks racists too?

The more compelling concern in all of this is why the Democratic party has such low expectations for their constituents? Do they really believe that many in their party do not have a ID? Do they really believe the people they represent do not have the wherewithal to possess something so basic and necessary to function in today's society?

Lastly, with the fraudulent voter registrations in the past of organizations such as Acorn, closely aligned with the Democratic Party, again the focus should be on the fact the Santa Clause and Pluto among others were signed up so they could be registered to vote. I would think involving yourself in fraud in order to affect elections is a much bigger storyline. Certainly exceeds the numbers that could not vote because they had no ID. If I am one of those folks and knew that I could not vote without an ID, you know what? I would go get an ID.

Sooner in Tampa
3/19/2015, 10:03 AM
Which of the posters in this thread said they wanted to RESTRICT voting? Come on tell us Einstein!

What a stupid bastard he is...spin/deflect/counter accusations or anything that will stir up a **** storm...what a lemming!!

3/19/2015, 01:34 PM
Yet another fantastically stupid idea.

People don't waste time voting when they know it won't make a difference.

With the majority of congressional districts drawn to achieve a predetermined result, what's the point?

IF you live in that district and are not in alignment with that districts predetermined outcome, why bother?

Talk about your "disenfranchised" voter.

Sooner in Tampa
3/19/2015, 02:12 PM
Riddle me this Batman...How are you going to enforce the "mandatory" voting??? Voter ID cards???


3/19/2015, 03:33 PM
You know there is a lot that the left does that bothers me, but probably nothing more that the phony issue of restricting voting. The fact that requiring someone to present an ID to validate who they are does not present any hardship on anyone. In today's society, you cannot function without showing an ID of some kind. Whether it be to check out a book at the Library, cash a check at the bank, pick up concert tickets at the will call window, or even purchase certain drugs at the drug store. Are all of these folks racists too?

The more compelling concern in all of this is why the Democratic party has such low expectations for their constituents? Do they really believe that many in their party do not have a ID? Do they really believe the people they represent do not have the wherewithal to possess something so basic and necessary to function in today's society?

Lastly, with the fraudulent voter registrations in the past of organizations such as Acorn, closely aligned with the Democratic Party, again the focus should be on the fact the Santa Clause and Pluto among others were signed up so they could be registered to vote. I would think involving yourself in fraud in order to affect elections is a much bigger storyline. Certainly exceeds the numbers that could not vote because they had no ID. If I am one of those folks and knew that I could not vote without an ID, you know what? I would go get an ID.

You just keep showing what an idiot zombie brain dead lemming you are. This whole post is nothing but regurgitating rightwingnut teabagger talking points. You know there are videos and recordings of several REPUBLICAN officials stating plainly that the purpose of voter ID laws is to help REPUBLICANS win elections? Phony issue? Writing a check? Who the fvck writes a check anymore. They only time my id is checked is when I'm getting on an airplane. How many seniors were born at home who don't have birth certificates? How many seniors have given up driving who no longer have a drivers license? How many people in the inner city don't have a car and don't drive so they don't need a drivers license? Explain to me why it is in Texas that a conceal and carry is a valid state issued id - even though you can get one in the back of a gun store, but a state issued student ID is not a valid ID?

Fraudulent voter registrations and acorn.............you are a fvcking moron. Fraudulent voter registration is caught a majority of the time. An anyway fraudulent voter registration does not equal fraudulent voting. The studies show it is so small it is laughable. Even here in kansas less under double figures of people have been tried for fraudulent voting even through our idiot s of s pushed for it. I can't remember what state it was who's new republican s of s did a study and found something like .00003% of actual voter fraud over the last several years. Here is a story for you -

A comprehensive investigation of voter impersonation finds 31 credible incidents out of one billion ballots cast


3/20/2015, 07:17 AM
It was Ohio and it turned up nothing. http://thinkprogress.org/election/2015/03/13/3633472/husted-noncitizen-voters/

Sooner in Tampa
3/20/2015, 07:23 AM
^^^^^^^^^ Troll ^^^^^^^^^^^

Lying, stinking, no paragraph writing, worthless POS troll. Proven liar. Copy and paste plagiarist thief. Lowlife, ignorant scum.

3/20/2015, 07:50 AM
^^^^^^^^^ Troll ^^^^^^^^^^^

Lying, stinking, no paragraph writing, worthless POS troll. Proven liar. Copy and paste plagiarist thief. Lowlife, ignorant scum.

Tyler durden child molester loser.

3/20/2015, 08:01 AM
Tyler durden child molester loser.

Thieving *** loser!

3/20/2015, 08:04 AM
Thieving *** loser!

Are you at work? Have you ever posted on here while you were at work?

Funny how this works - most on here during the day are posting from work, just like me. But as per usual, only the liberal is called out even though the conservatives on here are doing the exact same thing. IGNORANT HYPOCRITES.

3/20/2015, 08:22 AM
And that includes all of you self employed IGNORANT HYPOCRITES!!!

Sooner in Tampa
3/20/2015, 08:28 AM
Thieving *** loser!

Did that stupid little bastard card me a child molester??

I have knocked mutherfvckers out for less than that...little punk

Sooner in Tampa
3/20/2015, 08:29 AM
I would bet money that his stupid a$$ doesn't have an answer for my question either...

How are you going to enforce the "mandatory" voting??? Voter ID cards???

3/20/2015, 08:41 AM
Did that stupid little bastard card me a child molester??

I have knocked mutherfvckers out for less than that...little punk

Yes i did loser - bring it little boy................and stop molesting kids.

3/20/2015, 09:12 AM
Are you at work? Have you ever posted on here while you were at work?

Funny how this works - most on here during the day are posting from work, just like me. But as per usual, only the liberal is called out even though the conservatives on here are doing the exact same thing. IGNORANT HYPOCRITES.
You running dumas, That was pointed out to you since you seem to have ALL the integrity and no one else does.
Since you are a Man of such Integrity then you should QUIT posting from work and stealing from your employer and set an example for the rest of us!

3/20/2015, 09:17 AM
Did that stupid little bastard card me a child molester??

I have knocked mutherfvckers out for less than that...little punk

Yes i did loser - bring it little boy................and stop molesting kids.

yes, Yes he did Tampa, But beware he is such a

Sooner in Tampa
3/20/2015, 09:37 AM
yes, Yes he did Tampa, But beware he is such a

He does scare me...


He's the kind of pu$$y who, on that rare occasion to get in a scuffle, he would get his a$$ beat and then run to the cops...fluffer, pu$$y, libtard lemming

3/20/2015, 09:37 AM
Obama's presidency is devolving into a partisan poltical side show. I won'tbe surprised at what comes out of his mouth over the next 1 3/4 years. All of his ideas were formented while he was a drug addled teenager and college student.

3/20/2015, 10:08 AM
Yay! We need more uneducated, apathetic voters!!

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
3/20/2015, 12:10 PM
Yay! We need more uneducated, apathetic voters!!:concern:YES! Especially those who aren't bright enough to be irritated with the statists who REQUIRE them to vote.

3/20/2015, 12:16 PM
You just keep showing what an idiot zombie brain dead lemming you are. This whole post is nothing but regurgitating rightwingnut teabagger talking points. You know there are videos and recordings of several REPUBLICAN officials stating plainly that the purpose of voter ID laws is to help REPUBLICANS win elections? Phony issue? Writing a check? Who the fvck writes a check anymore. They only time my id is checked is when I'm getting on an airplane. How many seniors were born at home who don't have birth certificates? How many seniors have given up driving who no longer have a drivers license? How many people in the inner city don't have a car and don't drive so they don't need a drivers license? Explain to me why it is in Texas that a conceal and carry is a valid state issued id - even though you can get one in the back of a gun store, but a state issued student ID is not a valid ID?

Fraudulent voter registrations and acorn.............you are a fvcking moron. Fraudulent voter registration is caught a majority of the time. An anyway fraudulent voter registration does not equal fraudulent voting. The studies show it is so small it is laughable. Even here in kansas less under double figures of people have been tried for fraudulent voting even through our idiot s of s pushed for it. I can't remember what state it was who's new republican s of s did a study and found something like .00003% of actual voter fraud over the last several years. Here is a story for you -

A comprehensive investigation of voter impersonation finds 31 credible incidents out of one billion ballots cast

Funny the history of voter fraud resides in the Democratic Party a lot more than in the GOP. The countless dead people that voted in Chicago for JFK comes to mind.
Just a little common sense would tell you that for voter fraud versus denying people the ability to vote, that the potential for a lot more fraud rests in not asking people to identify themselves at the poll than requiring someone to furnish an ID at the poll. It's not even close. Again it should make a few blacks mad that the Democratic Party has such low expectations for them. That is pretty racist in itself if you think about it.
The only case of voter intimidation that was recently seen was the two jack booted black men standing guard at the Philadelphia polling site I believe in 2008. No surprise that Eric Holder found no wrongdoing. I can't imagine the outcry if a couple of white folks had done the same thing. Another example of double standards.
Lastly, it is believed by many that one of the most compelling reasons for your hero to do the recent Executive Action on Illegals is that in doing so, he will have created millions of future voters, all indebted to the Democratic Party for allowing them to remain in this country, removing the threat of being deported, despite the fact that they are here illegally.

3/20/2015, 01:18 PM
Are you at work? Have you ever posted on here while you were at work?

Funny how this works - most on here during the day are posting from work, just like me. But as per usual, only the liberal is called out even though the conservatives on here are doing the exact same thing. IGNORANT HYPOCRITES.

you must have a ****ty, unimportant job....to have all this time on your hands at work. i for one work nights, so i'm not actually posting from work. and when i am at work, i'm actually working.

Tear Down This Wall
3/20/2015, 01:23 PM
What about the Chinese? Do we automatically enroll them as well?

I'm ready for the country to be split into their own countries, like Africa is. That way, every state can play it the way they want to. We've been a union long enough.

Screw it. Let's go back to letting each state make its own rules. You don't like 'em...move to another one.

Some states could join together and be a country. I'd guess the faggots and dope smokers in Cali, Oregon, and Washington could be a state. Texas could be its own country, possibly with Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Louisiana.

New Mexico could sell itself back to Mexico. Maine could join up with Canada. Florida could invade Cuba and make that part of its state.

And, so on....

Serenity Now
3/20/2015, 01:28 PM
We had this discussion in our relatively Sunday School class. Turned out that our group of 8 people had 3 people in their families who wouldn't have been able to vote under the Voter's Rights Act. UFO sightings are more common. Voter fraud happens so little that it should be lower on the list than protecting flourists and cake makers from the Civil Rights Act. Sadly, they're both up there as if they were big problems. I think if anyone reads a researched article on the issue of voter fraud they'll realize that there's little to the issue.

Serenity Now
3/20/2015, 01:30 PM
"I'd guess the faggots and dope smokers in Cali, Oregon, and Washington could be a state. Texas could be its own country, possibly with Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Louisiana."

That's some vile crap there. You an SAE alum?

Sooner in Tampa
3/20/2015, 01:51 PM
"I'd guess the faggots and dope smokers in Cali, Oregon, and Washington could be a state. Texas could be its own country, possibly with Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Louisiana."

That's some vile crap there. You an SAE alum?

You are obviously unfamiliar with the grumpy old man who is pissed off at the entire planet...TDTW

3/20/2015, 02:20 PM
We had this discussion in our relatively Sunday School class. Turned out that our group of 8 people had 3 people in their families who wouldn't have been able to vote under the Voter's Rights Act. UFO sightings are more common. Voter fraud happens so little that it should be lower on the list than protecting flourists and cake makers from the Civil Rights Act. Sadly, they're both up there as if they were big problems. I think if anyone reads a researched article on the issue of voter fraud they'll realize that there's little to the issue.

Whatever voter fraud there is I'm sure it exceeds by a large amount the numbers of people turned away because for some reason in 2015 they had no ID.

I am confident that any studies down playing voter fraud were "left" friendly. To require someone to have an ID in order to vote is yet something else that makes common sense....but for some reason it's not done.

From Acorn registering Pluto and Mickey Mouse to vote, the left has made it very important that voter fraud is acceptable to them. Again, does anyone on here really believe that having an ID is some kind of hardship on them? Hey Dems, even your constituents can find the time and small amount of money it costs...to get an ID. Believe me, they can handle it.

Wow the low expectations you have for your fellow Dems is remarkable. Of course the way you create dependency is I guess another example of low expectations right?

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
3/20/2015, 03:20 PM
our relatively Sunday School class. OK, what is it actually?

Tear Down This Wall
3/20/2015, 04:42 PM
We had this discussion in our relatively Sunday School class. Turned out that our group of 8 people had 3 people in their families who wouldn't have been able to vote under the Voter's Rights Act. UFO sightings are more common. Voter fraud happens so little that it should be lower on the list than protecting flourists and cake makers from the Civil Rights Act. Sadly, they're both up there as if they were big problems. I think if anyone reads a researched article on the issue of voter fraud they'll realize that there's little to the issue.

Yeah, buddy...it's really difficult to fill out those voter registration cards. Did they say whether those unable to figure out how to do it were drug-addled, not in the country legally, or just plain stupid?

Or, were they just faggots pretending that they don't have any voting rights unless they can marry each other?

Tear Down This Wall
3/20/2015, 04:46 PM
"I'd guess the faggots and dope smokers in Cali, Oregon, and Washington could be a state. Texas could be its own country, possibly with Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Louisiana."

That's some vile crap there. You an SAE alum?

Not any more vile than a man willingly taking a pecker in the pucker or dope heads voluntarily killing their brain cells and claiming some sort of ailment or disability.

Let 'em both rot...but, please, have them form own state to do it in so that the rest of the taxpayers of the country don't have to foot the bill for the medical expenses caused by their AIDS and "disabilities."

Also, if you'd pay attention, you'd know I'm already on record as saying both the SAE boys and Joe Mixon should have been kicked out of school for their actions. The last thing I'd have ever done in college was join a group comprised of a bunch of males living together. Talk about a faggoty situation. No one out-faggots fraternities.

Sorry, fella, like Tone Loc, I was in college in the 80s and down with the ladies.

Get wise, boy. You're too dadgum sensitive.

3/20/2015, 04:47 PM
OK, what is it actually?

It's called a troll. Some lib that backs 8th, but is too big of a ***** to come out and say it under it's real handle...***** *** libs.

Serenity Now
3/20/2015, 04:52 PM
Whatever voter fraud there is I'm sure it exceeds by a large amount the numbers of people turned away because for some reason in 2015 they had no ID.

I am confident that any studies down playing voter fraud were "left" friendly. To require someone to have an ID in order to vote is yet something else that makes common sense....but for some reason it's not done.

From Acorn registering Pluto and Mickey Mouse to vote, the left has made it very important that voter fraud is acceptable to them. Again, does anyone on here really believe that having an ID is some kind of hardship on them? Hey Dems, even your constituents can find the time and small amount of money it costs...to get an ID. Believe me, they can handle it.

Wow the low expectations you have for your fellow Dems is remarkable. Of course the way you create dependency is I guess another example of low expectations right?

As long as you're confident, that's all that matters. The fact set in Texas is one good example. There's a large legal hispanic population. There is no driver's license office in almost 1/3 of the counties. Less than 1/4 of those offices that are there are open offer extended hours. Despite that, the Texas legislature killed an amendment requiring offices to stay open until 7:00 at least one day of the week and 4 or more hours on at least two weekends. The voting violations in Texas? In 10 years: 10 federal prosecutions and 50 state convictions among a state of more than 25 million people. 4.75 million voted in the last national election in texas. So, not counting primaries and local elections, about 24 million votes cast with 150 violations = 0.00000625. Assuming that you only caught 10% of violators that's 0.00625%.

As long as the Supreme Court tells us that there is no more racism, it should be good for all of us.

Rush: Relatively conservative is what was meant. 3 Democrats out of about 16 total and a few moderate republicans. Two SAE's also. :)

Tear Down This Wall
3/20/2015, 05:02 PM
As long as you're confident, that's all that matters. The fact set in Texas is one good example. There's a large legal hispanic population. There is no driver's license office in almost 1/3 of the counties. Less than 1/4 of those offices that are there are open offer extended hours. Despite that, the Texas legislature killed an amendment requiring offices to stay open until 7:00 at least one day of the week and 4 or more hours on at least two weekends. The voting violations in Texas? In 10 years: 10 federal prosecutions and 50 state convictions among a state of more than 25 million people.

As long as the Supreme Court tells us that there is no more racism, it should be good for all of us.

Rush: Relatively conservative is what was meant. 3 Democrats out of about 16 total and a few moderate republicans. Two SAE's also. :)

So, there's supposedly one federal voting right problem in Texas per 2,500,000 in population. Gee...that's out of control! And, averaging one a year?!?!?!? So, really, one voters right problem per 25,000,000 population.


Here's something else about Texas, ding-a-ling, they can register at the Post Office.

They also allow you to register online. Although, looky here, on Page One, there's that pesky question than tens of thousands in Texas just hate to answer: https://webservices.sos.state.tx.us/vrapp/index.asp :

"Are you a United States Citizen?
Yes No"

Such a bummer that Texas won't just let humans show up on election day and vote. There's no rule against faggots who are citizens voting in Texas, so they are safe...as long as they are smart enough to figure out how to answer those difficult questions like:

-Are you a United Stats Citizen?
-First Name, Middle Name, Last Name
-Residence Address
-Mailing Address
-If you do not have a driver's license, last four digits of your social security number

Whew! Damn, Texas sets the bar high! No wonder one in 25,000,000 feels cheated!

Tear Down This Wall
3/20/2015, 05:06 PM
Oh, please, please, please, Texas...lower the bar enough so that people too stupid to remember their own names and addresses can vote!

Please, for the sake of your tens of thousands of illegals, stop asking for driver's license numbers and social security numbers!

And, for the love of all, please stop making registration so convenient that people can sit on their as*ses at home and do it on a computer or cell phone!

What a band of outlaws those Texas legislators are! Please, Hammer, don't hurt 'em!

Serenity Now
3/20/2015, 09:34 PM
You don't comprehend well. They have poor access to places that offer drivers licenses and ID. Not voter registration.

I'm not 8th. I've just not engaged here. Now that I see how you guys treat someone who politely disagrees with you maybe I will go away. I bet you guys love faux news!

3/20/2015, 10:49 PM
You don't comprehend well. They have poor access to places that offer drivers licenses and ID. Not voter registration.

I'm not 8th. I've just not engaged here. Now that I see how you guys treat someone who politely disagrees with you maybe I will go away.
I bet you guys love faux news!

Ya sound like him!

Serenity Now
3/20/2015, 11:56 PM
Ya sound like him!
With all due respect, I don't see that guy doing a lot that calmly and I'm not going to call people names. I think you can't wrap your head around the fact that there are two democrats in Oklahoma.

3/21/2015, 12:46 AM
With all due respect, I don't see that guy doing a lot that calmly and I'm not going to call people names. I think you can't wrap your head around the fact that there are two democrats in Oklahoma.

If You are a Dem. That makes 2 of us . 8th is up in Kansas!

3/21/2015, 02:25 AM
I am adamantly opposed to mandatory voting for one reason: This is a free country!!! It is within our rights to NOT vote if we so choose!!
The beginning of the State Collective!! a major requirement for all communist, socialist, fascist and authoritarian regimes... fvck beary!

3/21/2015, 06:27 AM
You don't comprehend well. They have poor access to places that offer drivers licenses and ID. Not voter registration. I'm not 8th. I've just not engaged here. Now that I see how you guys treat someone who politely disagrees with you maybe I will go away. I bet you guys love faux news!You need to understand what this forum is about. It is not about having a discussion based on facts, it is about having a rightwingnut circle jerk about how liberals and democrats are fvcking this country up. You only have a taste of their belief system - 77 saying he is SURE it is the studies were left friendly. When the reality is Ohio, Wisconsin and Kansas's secretary of state's did the studies finding just a tiny few voter fraud and most were people not understanding where they should have been voting and the will never let it sink in there heads all three are hard right conservative republicans, not to mention the most egregious example of voter fraud are republicans. But facts like that don't matter to them, as long as they can keep their core beliefs. 77 still thinks obama bailed out the banks. The reason they jump all over you is they WANT you to leave. don't let them bully you out of here. I return insult with worse insults.

Sooner in Tampa
3/21/2015, 07:19 AM
^^^^^^^^^ Troll ^^^^^^^^^^^

Lying, stinking, no paragraph writing, worthless POS troll. Proven liar. FLUFFER. Copy and paste plagiarist thief. Lowlife, ignorant scum.

3/21/2015, 07:26 AM
^^^^^^^^^ Troll ^^^^^^^^^^^Lying, stinking, no paragraph writing, worthless POS troll. Proven liar. FLUFFER. Copy and paste plagiarist thief. Lowlife, ignorant scum.tyler durden child molester

Serenity Now
3/21/2015, 12:18 PM
I used the circle jerk reference when I was the only liberal in a hate filled right wing group. That group was smaller. Still very fitting.

3/21/2015, 01:07 PM
Did somebody say circle jerk??

3/21/2015, 01:08 PM
I return insult with worse insults.

Well that's real mature...

Serenity Now
3/21/2015, 02:00 PM
Well that's real mature...As mature as the initial insult.

3/21/2015, 02:19 PM
As mature as the initial insult.HAHAHAHAHAHA good one....another example of the mentality of the rightwingnuts on here.

Sooner in Tampa
3/22/2015, 08:07 AM
^^^^^^^^^ Troll ^^^^^^^^^^^

Lying, stinking, no paragraph writing, worthless POS troll. Proven liar. FLUFFER. Copy and paste plagiarist thief. Lowlife, ignorant scum.

3/22/2015, 09:39 AM
And everyone knows why the libs/dems want it to be mandatory for poor/welfare people to vote.Amazing how the right want to restrict voting. The foundation on what our country is founded on.

Who wants to restrict voting you dunce?

No one should be required to vote, especially if they don't like anyone on the ballot.

Sooner in Tampa
3/23/2015, 07:27 AM
Yes i did loser - bring it little boy................and stop molesting kids.

I want this saved...

I am coming after you now!!! This is not funny, acceptable, and I will not tolerate it!!!

3/23/2015, 08:01 AM
I want this saved...I am coming after you now!!! This is not funny, acceptable, and I will not tolerate it!!!Bring it on little bitch.............don't like when people make up sh!t about you? You can dish it but you can't take it, typical conservative. tyler durden loser motherfvcker.

3/23/2015, 08:15 AM
Bring it on little bitch.............don't like when people make up sh!t about you? You can dish it but you can't take it, typical conservative. tyler durden loser motherfvcker.

How can he "BRING IT" Einstein? when you are Hiding behind your keyboard

3/23/2015, 09:19 AM
I used the circle jerk reference when I was the only liberal in a hate filled right wing group. That group was smaller. Still very fitting.

You progressive jackasses just love to throw the H word around, don't you? You tout a morally and intellectually bankrupt political ideology. You are divisive and strident. Above all you are extremely hypocritical.

Serenity Now
3/23/2015, 09:48 AM
That was a hateful response.

Serenity Now
3/23/2015, 09:54 AM
It was a forum that started reasonably enough. Slowly, moderate people from both sides migrated away. At the end there was one left voice and about 4ish right voices. One was so beligerent that he drove off everyone else. If he's not dead of some liver disease, he's in some forum such as this. I know one guy is here who I debated with and he was generally reasonable.

3/23/2015, 09:31 PM
That was a hateful response.
That's because the worn-out tactic of calling people haters or racists or bigots or sexist or homophobic deserves a hateful response.

Serenity Now
3/23/2015, 10:34 PM
That's because the worn-out tactic of calling people haters or racists or bigots or sexist or homophobic deserves a hateful response.

You haters can't even interpret sarcasm. At least you're not calling me a libtard.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
3/23/2015, 11:49 PM
Quote Originally Posted by Serenity Now
That was a hateful response.
That's because the worn-out tactic of calling people haters or racists or bigots or sexist or homophobic deserves a hateful response.you forgot the most common name that is called.

3/24/2015, 02:29 AM
Mandatory voting is the antithesis of everything I believe. Our nation was never built with universal suffrage in mind, and I think expanding the right to vote has resulted in a strengthening of central power and a loss in individual liberty. The idea of democratic rule scared our Founders which is why safeguards were put into place including limiting the right to vote to property owners. Property ownership is no longer a relevant means for determining enfranchisement; however, a system needs to exist to filter out who has the ability to vote. Voting should be treated as a privilege earned not a right given.

I believe, and have long argued for, passage of a basic civics exam should be implemented to determine who can vote. The test should be comprised of basic and straight forward questions about how our government works. Pass that and you can vote.

3/24/2015, 02:38 AM
The fact that mandatory voting is being discussed just shows how far we've fallen as a "free" country.

3/24/2015, 07:46 AM
The fact that mandatory voting is being discussed just shows how far we've fallen as a "free" country.This country hasn't ever been "free" as you want to think it was. Had to be a white male property owner to vote when the country was founded. Women got the right to vote in 1920's, a-a's were restricted from voting in the south until 1965. Citizens United ensured elections could be easily and cheaply bought. Witness the cattle call down to the koch's compound last week end by republicans presidential hopefuls to kiss their rings and to ensure the candidates are following the koch's policies.

Serenity Now
3/24/2015, 08:19 AM
I kind of agree with Sic em. Not sure how that would work.

3/24/2015, 08:43 AM
Mandatory voting is the antithesis of everything I believe. Our nation was never built with universal suffrage in mind, and I think expanding the right to vote has resulted in a strengthening of central power and a loss in individual liberty. The idea of democratic rule scared our Founders which is why safeguards were put into place including limiting the right to vote to property owners. Property ownership is no longer a relevant means for determining enfranchisement; however, a system needs to exist to filter out who has the ability to vote. Voting should be treated as a privilege earned not a right given.I believe, and have long argued for, passage of a basic civics exam should be implemented to determine who can vote. The test should be comprised of basic and straight forward questions about how our government works. Pass that and you can vote.You cannot be serious. Our nation was never built with universal suffrage in mind and the idea of democratic rule did scared our Founders, but not for the reason in which you think. You don't find it ironic that the very people they choose could vote they fit perfectly into? There were no "safeguards put into place" it was a naked attempt to keep the power to themselves. That has not changed since our country was founded. The system you propose will very quickly devolve into who gets to choose the questions. I stated before the questions I want on the test and you can see what it would become. You don't want true freedom - you want your ilk to be in charge, a single party state - just like the Soviet Union, how ironic you preach freedom on here and what you really want is a hell of a lot closer to communism than democracy.

Sooner in Tampa
3/24/2015, 08:51 AM
Hey rocket scientist...this is NOT a democracy...it is a republic!

The United States is, indeed, a republic, not a democracy. Accurately defined, a democracy is a form of government in which the people decide policy matters directly--through town hall meetings or by voting on ballot initiatives and referendums. A republic, on the other hand, is a system in which the people choose representatives who, in turn, make policy decisions on their behalf.

3/24/2015, 09:00 AM
Hey rocket scientist...this is NOT a democracy...it is a republic!LOL at you. We are a representative DEMOCRACY. Rocket scientist - jjjeeeezzzzz.

Sooner in Tampa
3/24/2015, 09:12 AM
LOL at you. We are a representative DEMOCRACY. Rocket scientist - jjjeeeezzzzz.

So now you are smarter than our forefathers? Of course you are...

In “Federalist 10,” one of 85 essays by Madison, Alexander Hamilton (http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/253372/Alexander-Hamilton), and John Jay (http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/301875/John-Jay) known collectively as the Federalist papers (http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/203506/Federalist-papers), Madison defined a “pure democracy” as “a society consisting of a small number of citizens, who assemble and administer the government in person,” and a republic as “a government in which the scheme of representation takes place.” According to Madison, “The two great points of difference between a democracy and a republic, are: first, the delegation of the government, in the latter, to a small number of citizens elected by the rest; secondly, the greater the number of citizens, and greater sphere of country, over which the latter may be extended.” In short, for Madison, democracy meant direct democracy, and republic meant representative government.

3/24/2015, 09:13 AM
You haters can't even interpret sarcasm. At least you're not calling me a libtard.

No, just a hypocrite.

3/24/2015, 10:07 AM
So now you are smarter than our forefathers? Of course you are...
Hey rocket scientist...this is NOT a democracy...it is a republic!It has been well established I am smarter than you - rocket scientist. Even when you try to correct me you fail. democracy definition. A system of government in which power is vested in the people, who rule either directly or through freely elected representatives. Note: Democratic institutions, such as parliaments, may exist in a monarchy. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/democracy

3/24/2015, 10:15 AM

Sooner in Tampa
3/24/2015, 10:30 AM
It has been well established I am smarter than you - rocket scientist. Even when you try to correct me you fail. democracy definition. A system of government in which power is vested in the people, who rule either directly or through freely elected representatives. Note: Democratic institutions, such as parliaments, may exist in a monarchy. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/democracy

See...that's your problem fvckbag!!! You think you are so fvcking smart...when you are just harded headed, short sighted, and a donk lemming...

republic [ri-puhb-lik] /rɪˈpʌb lɪk/

1. a state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them.

From Madison...AGAIN
In short, for Madison, democracy meant direct democracy, and republic meant representative government.

Now...I am putting your ignorant a$$ back on iggy...you are too aggravating to tolerate

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
3/24/2015, 10:30 AM
and so it goes:

Serenity Now
3/24/2015, 10:46 AM
No, just a hypocrite.

How, exactly?

3/24/2015, 10:51 AM
How, exactly?

Just in the usual liberal sense. You profess to be tolerant and open-minded but when a group or individual disagrees with you they are labeled as racists, sexist, bigots, haters or unintelligent.

Liberals are the most intolerant group of people I have ever encountered.

Serenity Now
3/24/2015, 11:36 AM
Just in the usual liberal sense. You profess to be tolerant and open-minded but when a group or individual disagrees with you they are labeled as racists, sexist, bigots, haters or unintelligent.

Liberals are the most intolerant group of people I have ever encountered.Maybe you shouldn't label me absence the facts. I wasn't treated as poorly as 8th is here but I also didn't respond as 8th does to differing opinions. One poster was rude enough that everyone but the arsehole and one other poster left and the forum went the way of all things. I find that I would rather engage with those who I disagree with than those that I do not. As such, I've got more posts on hornfans than any OU board.

3/24/2015, 11:44 AM
See...that's your problem fvckbag!!! You think you are so fvcking smart...when you are just harded headed, short sighted, and a donk lemming...Now...I am putting your ignorant a$$ back on iggy...you are too aggravating to tolerateLOL too fvcking funny. MADISON does not get to define what DEMOCRACY means. You just proved I'm smarter than you are again. Thanks.........

Sooner in Tampa
3/24/2015, 12:22 PM
^^^^^^^^^ Troll ^^^^^^^^^^^

Lying, stinking, stealing, no paragraph writing, worthless POS troll. Proven liar. Copy and paste plagiarist thief. Lowlife, ignorant scum.

3/24/2015, 12:24 PM
^^^^^^^^^ Troll ^^^^^^^^^^^ Lying, stinking, stealing, no paragraph writing, worthless POS troll. Proven liar. Copy and paste plagiarist thief. Lowlife, ignorant scum.loser who does not understand the meaning of democracy.

3/24/2015, 12:39 PM
Mandatory voting is the antithesis of everything I believe. Our nation was never built with universal suffrage in mind, and I think expanding the right to vote has resulted in a strengthening of central power and a loss in individual liberty. The idea of democratic rule scared our Founders which is why safeguards were put into place including limiting the right to vote to property owners. Property ownership is no longer a relevant means for determining enfranchisement; however, a system needs to exist to filter out who has the ability to vote. Voting should be treated as a privilege earned not a right given.

I believe, and have long argued for, passage of a basic civics exam should be implemented to determine who can vote. The test should be comprised of basic and straight forward questions about how our government works. Pass that and you can vote.

You see how the liberal mindset works clearly with this idiotic idea. Force someone to do something is fine in leftist culture. Whether it be forced to buy health insurance, or pay a fine, or register a gun. Or you are forced to buy an energy efficient light bulb, or you are forced to grant Home loans to folks otherwise not qualified. But heaven forbid if you are forced to possess some type of ID when voting.

To deny that having someone be required to have an ID do something as sacred as voting, versus the miniscule folks not voting because they have no ID, especially in view of the thousands of fraudulent voter registrations generated by organizations like Acorn, is ridiculous. There is a good reason the left hates Voter ID, they know that their schemes to affect elections by fraud is severely limited with voter ID.

Sooner in Tampa
3/24/2015, 12:58 PM
Heres to the dip**** that I am sure is still spouting off on how 'smart' he is: this really is American Govt 101

The Pledge of Allegiance (http://www.thisnation.com/library/songs/pledge.html) includes the phrase: "and to the republic for which it stands." Is the United States of America a republic? I always thought it was a democracy? What's the difference between the two?
The United States is, indeed, a republic, not a democracy. Accurately defined, a democracy is a form of government in which the people decide policy matters directly--through town hall meetings or by voting on ballot initiatives and referendums. A republic, on the other hand, is a system in which the people choose representatives who, in turn, make policy decisions on their behalf. The Framers of the Constitution were altogether fearful of pure democracy. Everything they read and studied taught them that pure democracies "have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths" (Federalist No. 10 (http://www.thisnation.com/library/books/federalist/10.html)).

By popular usage, however, the word "democracy" come to mean a form of government in which the government derives its power from the people and is accountable to them for the use of that power. In this sense the United States might accurately be called a democracy. However, there are examples of "pure democracy" at work in the United States today that would probably trouble the Framers of the Constitution if they were still alive to see them. Many states allow for policy questions to be decided directly by the people by voting on ballot initiatives or referendums. (Initiatives originate with, or are initiated by, the people while referendums originate with, or are referred to the people by, a state's legislative body.) That the Constitution does not provide for national ballot initiatives or referendums is indicative of the Framers' opposition to such mechanisms. They were not confident that the people had the time, wisdom or level-headedness to make complex decisions, such as those that are often presented on ballots on election day.

Writing of the merits of a republican or representative form of government, James Madison observed that one of the most important differences between a democracy and a republic is "the delegation of the government to a small number of citizens elected by the rest." The primary effect of such a scheme, Madison continued, was to:
. . . refine and enlarge the public views by passing them through the medium of a chosen body of citizens whose wisdom may best discern the true interest of their country and whose patriotism and love of justice will be least likely to sacrifice it to temporary or partial considerations. Under such a regulation it may well happen that the public voice, pronounced by the representatives of the people, will be more consonant to the public good than if pronounced by the people themselves, convened for the same purpose (Federalist No. 10 (http://www.thisnation.com/library/books/federalist/10.html)).

Later, Madison elaborated on the importance of "refining and enlarging the public views" through a scheme of representation:
There are particular moments in public affairs when the people, stimulated by some irregular passion, or some illicit advantage, or misled by the artful misrepresentations of interested men, may call for measures which they themselves will afterwards be most ready to lament and condemn. In these critical moments, how salutary will be the interference of some temperate and respectable body of citizens, in order to check the misguided career and to suspend the blow meditated by the people against themselves, until reason, justice and truth can regain their authority over the public mind(Federalist (http://www.thisnation.com/library/books/federalist/63.html) No. 63 (http://www.thisnation.com/library/books/federalist/63.html)).

In the strictest sense of the word, the system of government established by the Constitution was never intended to be a "democracy." This is evident not only in the wording of the Pledge of Allegiance (http://www.thisnation.com/library/songs/pledge.html) but in the Constitution itself which declares that "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government" (Article IV (http://www.thisnation.com/library/constitution.html#ArticleIV), Section 4). Moreover, the scheme of representation and the various mechanisms for selecting representatives established by the Constitution were clearly intended to produce a [I]republic, not a democracy.

To the extent that the United States of America has moved away from its republican roots and become more "democratic," it has strayed from the intentions of the Constitution's authors. Whether or not the trend toward more direct democracy would be smiled upon by the Framers depends on the answer to another question. Are the American people today sufficiently better informed and otherwise equipped to be wise and prudent democratic citizens than were American citizens in the late 1700s? By all accounts, the answer to this second question is an emphatic "no."

And with this: I am done!! I could care less what the donk lemming thinks from here on out.

3/24/2015, 01:08 PM
Heres to the dip**** that I am sure is still spouting off on how 'smart' he is: this really is American Govt 101And with this: I am done!! I could care less what the donk lemming thinks from here on out.From the very article you posted - By popular usage, however, the word "democracy" come to mean a form of government in which the government derives its power from the people and is accountable to them for the use of that power. In this sense the United States might accurately be called a democracy.

Sooner in Tampa
3/24/2015, 01:34 PM
^^^^^^ Troll ^^^^^^^^^^^

Lying, stinking, stealing, no paragraph writing, worthless POS troll. Proven liar. Copy and paste plagiarist thief. Lowlife, ignorant scum.

3/24/2015, 01:36 PM
^^^^^^ Troll ^^^^^^^^^^^ Lying, stinking, stealing, no paragraph writing, worthless POS troll. Proven liar. Copy and paste plagiarist thief. Lowlife, ignorant scum.loser who does not understand the meaning of democracy who brings nothing to the table besides name calling

Sooner in Tampa
3/24/2015, 02:06 PM
^^^^^^^^^ Troll ^^^^^^^^^^^

Lying, stinking, stealing, no paragraph writing, worthless POS troll. Proven liar. Copy and paste plagiarist thief. Lowlife, ignorant scum.

Serenity Now
3/24/2015, 02:37 PM
I know you are but what am I.....

Tampa, you might want to work on your punctuation in what is hopefully a cut/paste. :)

Sooner in Tampa
3/24/2015, 02:51 PM
I know you are but what am I.....

Tampa, you might want to work on your punctuation in what is hopefully a cut/paste. :)

Yeah...it special...just for 8th. :boxing:

3/24/2015, 03:09 PM
^^^^^^^^^ Troll ^^^^^^^^^^^ Lying, stinking, stealing, no paragraph writing, worthless POS troll. Proven liar. Copy and paste plagiarist thief. Lowlife, ignorant scum.loser who does not understand the meaning of democracy who brings nothing to the table besides name calling

3/24/2015, 04:04 PM
I can't figure out why anyone would want to force someone into the voting booth who can't otherwise be bothered to enter it voluntarily. Those are precisely the sort of people that have no business voting.

3/25/2015, 04:36 PM
I can't figure out why anyone would want to force someone into the voting booth who can't otherwise be bothered to enter it voluntarily. Those are precisely the sort of people that have no business voting.

You know why: partisan advantage (for the Democrats). Plus maybe frustration at the voter suppression practiced by the Republicans.

By the way, R's have admitted this, when they don't realize they're on the record. Pennsylvania House Majority Leader Mike Turzai (R-Allegheny), 2012:
". . . Voter ID, which is gonna allow Governor Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania, done.”


Once again, there is a vast difference between vote fraud and voter registration fraud. Voter registration fraud is accomplished by people paid to canvass for new registrations. They are paid piece work, so there is ample motivation to fill out forms for Santa Claus and Pluto.

Consider this carefully: do you think someone presenting a voter ID card that read "Santa Claus" would be allowed to vote at the on-the-ground polling place? Would a voter registration office even process such an application to produce a voter ID and/or line in the precinct list?

Voter registration fraud has certainly happened. But vote fraud is vanishingly rare.

Also, voter suppression tactics include laws that don't let college students vote if they live out of the local area. If they also can't afford to go back home and vote, they are disenfranchised. In the case of SAE, I might have to admit this could be a good thing.

Sic'Em, I doubt this will ever even be brought up again. It's Obama talking without talking points. (I'm gonna regret that, but I calls 'em as I sees 'em.) First, the federal government does not yet have complete control of voting procedures. Second, such a change would have to be in the form of a law, which will never get through the R-controlled Congress.

And oh, yeah, I am very much against such a scheme.

3/25/2015, 05:37 PM
But vote fraud is vanishingly rare.


Serenity Now
3/25/2015, 09:39 PM
Source?50 state cases in Texas over 10 years. Out of all the cases prosecuted in Arizona, half were absentee related and only 3.6% were ID related. Both figures from links I've posted here. Why don't you post some WND links or something from the blaze showing the "rampant" voter id issues. Brietbart would work too.

Just like the 2004 election was a model of how to use a wedge issue to get out the vote (the referendum on marriage - tip of the hat to KRove), this has been a GOP model for the last 3-4 years. I'd respect it more if you guys would take the W Stance on why he said "nucular", we have 'em, we can say it how we want.

3/25/2015, 10:12 PM
50 state cases in Texas over 10 years. Out of all the cases prosecuted in Arizona, half were absentee related and only 3.6% were ID related. Both figures from links I've posted here. Why don't you post some WND links or something from the blaze showing the "rampant" voter id issues. Brietbart would work too.

Just like the 2004 election was a model of how to use a wedge issue to get out the vote (the referendum on marriage - tip of the hat to KRove), this has been a GOP model for the last 3-4 years. I'd respect it more if you guys would take the W Stance on why he said "nucular", we have 'em, we can say it how we want.

TAFB, Serenity
Just as Yall say Voter fraud is not as Big a Problem as some make it out to be, Voter suppression is Not as Big a Problem as the Left says it is. Taf said something about the Poor student who is out of hie/her area cant vote. Thats a Lie. they have to plan ahead and get an absentee ballot , but thay can vote.
Now Yall wanta keep saying the repubs/Right are the Only ones doing voter repression? How many links do you want from back in the 08 election that the Black Panthers Intimidated voters at the polls?

I firmly believe this kinda crap is intended solely to keep strife stirred up between the parties.
Thats why I dont really identify with a Party. Ima reg, Dem simply so i can vote in my local elections
I usuallly vote/lean towards Repubs in the General elections, Simple because they line up "Closer " to my way of thinkin.

I'd respect either side More if they would get the **** away from the "Whats Best for MY party" way of thinking, and get more into the "Whats best for my COUNTRY" way of thinking

3/25/2015, 10:20 PM
So voter ID is unfair? Welcome to politics. I'll trade you voter ID for 11,000,000 illegals. Sound fair?

3/25/2015, 10:30 PM
So voter ID is unfair? Welcome to politics. I'll trade you voter ID for 11,000,000 illegals. Sound fair?

I definitely wouldn't make that trade. I'm all for voter ID; in fact, I absolutely demand it. But 11m is absolutely a much bigger problem than voter fraud. I detest immigration -- I really do.

Serenity Now
3/25/2015, 10:57 PM
8,000,000 Texans voted in 2012. Down 5%. That's 400,000 less. Hiwany of those were due to this? Because of how many cases of voter fraud?

You had me until black Panther.

3/25/2015, 11:00 PM
8,000,000 Texans voted in 2012. Down 5%. That's 400,000 less. Hiwany of those were due to this? Because of how many cases of voter fraud?

You had me until black Panther.

Wasnt trying to "Get you" simply pointing out that Voter repression is done by all to one degree or another.

Serenity Now
3/25/2015, 11:49 PM
I don't think you were doing anything like that. I think you are trying to equate the two as if "they're all sin". They are different.

3/26/2015, 12:32 AM
I don't think you were doing anything like that. I think you are trying to equate the two as if "they're all sin". They are different.

Whatever, Im glad you know my intentions.
The effect is the same if you keep them away with a Law requiring ID as if you keep them away with a club and the threat of violence.

But you think what you want.

Serenity Now
3/26/2015, 08:37 AM
I don't think you were doing anything like that. I think you are trying to equate the two as if "they're all sin". They are different.
Significant difference. One is an isolated incident that led to charges being filed and a trial. The other is state sponsored. It's like a vigilante put down a cattle thief compared to a state passing a law making cattle theft punishable by death. One is state sponsored, the other is actually punishable by the state for the action.

3/26/2015, 08:53 AM
Significant difference. One is an isolated incident that led to charges being filed and a trial. The other is state sponsored. It's like a vigilante put down a cattle thief compared to a state passing a law making cattle theft punishable by death. One is state sponsored, the other is actually punishable by the state for the action.

An Isolated incident? Ya might wanta google that! I can see why you would think i was wrong to even compare, But there were several incidents and Charges were NOT brought in all cases!

Jes sayin

3/26/2015, 08:59 AM
But regardless. The intent was to show Voter suppression occurs from all forms!

Serenity Now
3/26/2015, 09:34 AM
I googled it last night and again today to see if I missed something. I only find Philly. We really should let 8th back for an hour so it could get the most entertaining response. He could be like the Gimp in Pulp Fiction. "oleventonahill mentioned Black Panthers...Bring out the Gimp!" :)

I did find a funny story about how Faux ran a whole day of programming over the issue 4 years after it happened.

There's that guy in Sunday School who understands that cheating on your taxes and and murder are both sin and it's up to God to address it, not us. No one understands that. You're kind of thinking that way.

3/26/2015, 09:46 AM
I googled it last night and again today to see if I missed something. I only find Philly. We really should let 8th back for an hour so it could get the most entertaining response. He could be like the Gimp in Pulp Fiction. "oleventonahill mentioned Black Panthers...Bring out the Gimp!" :)

I did find a funny story about how Faux ran a whole day of programming over the issue 4 years after it happened.

There's that guy in Sunday School who understands that cheating on your taxes and and murder are both sin and it's up to God to address it, not us. No one understands that. You're kind of thinking that way.

Ok Im thru. tried a discussion with you, You seize on ONE aspect of my statements and use it to try and disqualify every thing I said,Typical of the Left IMHO

As far a your comment about Sin is concerned thats about as far out from left field as you can reach
Have a nice day

Serenity Now
3/26/2015, 10:13 AM
You carry on fitting the square peg in the round hole.

Bring out the Gimp!

3/26/2015, 11:18 AM
I definitely wouldn't make that trade. I'm all for voter ID; in fact, I absolutely demand it. But 11m is absolutely a much bigger problem than voter fraud. I detest immigration -- I really do.

Yep, I was being sarcastic about the trade since 11,000,000 illegals plus millions more through family reunification is a much bigger deal than voter ID. And dems demand citizenship for these people...not just legal status. I wonder why?

Sooner in Tampa
3/26/2015, 01:07 PM
Yep, I was being sarcastic about the trade since 11,000,000 illegals plus millions more through family reunification is a much bigger deal than voter ID. And dems demand citizenship for these people...not just legal status. I wonder why?


3/26/2015, 01:29 PM

Well if you are going to be so crass as to come right out and say it...

Sooner in Tampa
3/26/2015, 02:32 PM
Well if you are going to be so crass as to come right out and say it...
