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View Full Version : rut roh - Bill "ernie pyle" O'Reilly REPEATEDLY LIED claiming to be in a "war zone"

2/21/2015, 12:50 PM
So big bill has repeated LIED about being in a "war zone" when in reality he was 1,200 MILES away in Buenos Aires. Come on and show some INTEGRITY and hold bill o'liar to the same standard as you hold brian williams. I won't hold my breath and see how it is conservatives favorite whine - IT'S DIFFERENT! - In his 2001 book, The No Spin Zone: Confrontations With the Powerful and Famous in America, O'Reilly stated, "You know that I am not easily ,shocked. I've reported on the ground in active war zones from El Salvador to the Falklands." Conservative journalist Tucker Carlson, in a 2003 book, described how O'Reilly answered a question during a Washington panel discussion about media coverage of the Afghanistan war: "Rather than simply answer the question, O'Reilly began by trying to establish his own bona fides as a war correspondent. 'I've covered wars, okay? I've been there. The Falklands, Northern Ireland, the Middle East. I've almost been killed three times, okay.'"In a 2004 column about US soldiers fighting in Iraq, O'Reilly noted, "Having survived a combat situation in Argentina during the Falklands war, I know that life-and-death decisions are made in a flash."In 2008, he took a shot at journalist Bill Moyers, saying, "I missed Moyers in the war zones of [the] Falkland conflict in Argentina, the Middle East, and Northern Ireland. I looked for Bill, but I didn't see him." In April 2013, while discussing the Boston Marathon bombing, O'Reilly shared a heroic tale of his exploits in the Falklands war:I was in a situation one time, in a war zone in Argentina, in the Falklands, where my photographer got run down and then hit his head and was bleeding from the ear on the concrete. And the army was chasing us. I had to make a decision. And I dragged him off, you know, but at the same time, I'm looking around and trying to do my job, but I figure I had to get this guy out of there because that was more important." http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2015/02/bill-oreilly-brian-williams-falklands-war

2/21/2015, 12:56 PM
Mother Jones always an unbiased source-----You may want to work on your spelling again---Oh I see you fixed it

2/21/2015, 01:08 PM
Mother Jones always an unbiased source-----You may want to work on your spelling again---Oh I see you fixed itLOL there it is - did you notice those claims came from his BOOKS? SPEECHES HE MADE? Things straight from his mouth - but since it's from mother jones it doesn't count? hhhhhheewwwww - that was a close one. Tell me again how big o'liar is "different".

2/22/2015, 12:33 PM
LOL there it is - did you notice those claims came from his BOOKS? SPEECHES HE MADE? Things straight from his mouth - but since it's from mother jones it doesn't count? hhhhhheewwwww - that was a close one. Tell me again how big o'liar is "different".

Tell ya what.. I'll quit watching him as my news sourc... oh wait.. that's right he isn't a news source. He's a talk show program. What is it you told me recently.. oh yeah.. Governor for a governor. You find me a conservative news anchor for Brian Williams. Like for like.

2/22/2015, 01:44 PM
Tell ya what.. I'll quit watching him as my news sourc... oh wait.. that's right he isn't a news source. He's a talk show program. What is it you told me recently.. oh yeah.. Governor for a governor. You find me a conservative news anchor for Brian Williams. Like for like.And there it is...............conservatives favorite whine - IT'S DIFFERENT. Tell me again what station he is on? That's right - fox NEWS. You see that part of name of the network is NEWS? Not fox OPINION. A majority of conservatives get their NEWS from faux NEWS. O'liar has the prime time spot on fox NEWS. Once again it is ok for conservatives to LIE and not for someone you proclaim is a liberal. No integrity.

hawaii 5-0
2/22/2015, 02:07 PM
Turns out Billo was never in the Falklands during the battle. He was in Beunos Aires. There was some rioting so he claimed he was in the combat area. Seems a little less than truthful at best and a huge stretch at least.

Don't expect Fox to dump him for 6 months tho.

What's funny is his outrage defending himself.

Fox for Comedy. Comedy Channel for news.


2/22/2015, 02:42 PM
Tell ya what.. I'll quit watching him as my news sourc... oh wait.. that's right he isn't a news source. He's a talk show program. What is it you told me recently.. oh yeah.. Governor for a governor. You find me a conservative news anchor for Brian Williams. Like for like.Here is your non "news source" BILL O'RILEY interviewing the President of United States for faux "NEWS". Don't you send your most important "NEWS" person to interview the most powerful man in the world? http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/article/2014/feb/06/what-barack-obama-has-said-about-fundamentally-tra/

2/22/2015, 02:49 PM
You've convinced me. I'll stop watching O'Reily to get the news.

2/23/2015, 07:22 AM
To interview Obama? You send a chick with green lips who dives into pools full of fruit loops.

2/23/2015, 11:33 AM
Come on 8, you can do better... No one and I mean no one would think some one who used to anchor Entertainment Tonight or whatever it was called would be a "journalist"... No, you know, he may be as qualified or more so than many "news readers" but I would not call him a journalist in the least. He has a talk and opinion show. That is not news...

2/23/2015, 11:59 AM
Mother Jones always an unbiased source-----You may want to work on your spelling again---
Oh I see you fixed it

Wait ! What? 8th Fixed something in a Post? Impossible He has said for months he cant edit or even use a space bar to separate sentences, Or create paragraphs!
That this ability was taken away from him by the Admins here to try to silence him!~

How on earth was he able to make a spelling correction?
****ing Moranic dildo.

2/23/2015, 12:18 PM
Come on 8, you can do better... No one and I mean no one would think some one who used to anchor Entertainment Tonight or whatever it was called would be a "journalist"... No, you know, he may be as qualified or more so than many "news readers" but I would not call him a journalist in the least. He has a talk and opinion show. That is not news...

That's a hard sell to a group who gets their information from those kinds of outlets. Jon Stewart etc...

2/23/2015, 12:30 PM
Wait ! What? 8th Fixed something in a Post? Impossible He has said for months he cant edit or even use a space bar to separate sentences, Or create paragraphs! That this ability was taken away from him by the Admins here to try to silence him!~How on earth was he able to make a spelling correction? ****ing Moranic dildo.Yep - I figured out how to make it work. Inbred *******................still misspelling moron i see.

2/23/2015, 12:39 PM
Come on 8, you can do better... No one and I mean no one would think some one who used to anchor Entertainment Tonight or whatever it was called would be a "journalist"... No, you know, he may be as qualified or more so than many "news readers" but I would not call him a journalist in the least. He has a talk and opinion show. That is not news...He was working with CBS NEWS when he was in the "combat zone". Too many viewers of faux "NEWS" think all of it is NEWS. Hell, a ton of conservatives still think the colbert report is real. He is always stating what he calls FACTS. I thought that lying about anything to do with the military was sacrosanct with conservatives, or is this another clinton cheated but it's ok when mccain, gingrich, sanford, vittner cheated? Just hold your people to the same standard you hold someone you think is "our" people.

2/23/2015, 01:42 PM
He was working with CBS NEWS when he was in the "combat zone". Too many viewers of faux "NEWS" think all of it is NEWS. Hell, a ton of conservatives still think the colbert report is real. He is always stating what he calls FACTS. I thought that lying about anything to do with the military was sacrosanct with conservatives, or is this another clinton cheated but it's ok when mccain, gingrich, sanford, vittner cheated? Just hold your people to the same standard you hold someone you think is "our" people.

Absolutely agree with you 8th. OReilly should go on a speaking tour with Williams & Hillary...you know since they are all combat veterans.

Sooner in Tampa
2/23/2015, 02:25 PM
Boy...the little twit will do ANYTHING for attention...won't she?

The stupid son of a b!tch thinks every conservative in the world only watches Fox News (love her juvenile little faux, that is so 8th grade)...what a rube!!

2/23/2015, 03:15 PM
Boy...the little twit will do ANYTHING for attention...won't she?The stupid son of a b!tch thinks every conservative in the world only watches Fox News (love her juvenile little faux, that is so 8th grade)...what a rube!!I got faux news from oldvet - HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA TOO FUNNY! It is by far and away where most CONSERVATIVES/REPUBLICANS get their "news". Among consistently conservative respondents, 47 percent chose Fox News as their main source “for news about government and politics.” The next largest group, 11 percent, chose local radio. Responses among liberals, by contrast, were much more fragmented. Fifteen percent of consistently liberal respondents chose CNN, 13 percent chose NPR, 12 percent chose MSNBC and 10 percent chose the New York Times. http://www.newrepublic.com/article/119922/pew-survey-finds-conservatives-mostly-watch-fox-news

2/23/2015, 03:28 PM
O'Reilly isn't a journalist and should have been suspended long ago. He's an egomaniacal asshat fully capable of doing anything to advance his own career.

2/23/2015, 04:50 PM
O'Reilly isn't a journalist and should have been suspended long ago. He's an egomaniacal asshat fully capable of doing anything to advance his own career.We certivanly agree on that. The problem is too many conservatives, with faux "news"s encouragement, think that his is one. Then when it is convenient - like in this case - suddenly he is not a journalist. Let's face facts, people who watch faux "news" don't check on what they are being told. On the very, very rare occasion i watch msnbc, or any other show that is more to political liking, I KNOW i have to check on 100% of everything that comes out of their mouths. Any other problem with conservatives/republicans and faux "news" is that when conservatives/republicans go to "check" they go to other conservative media that walks in lock step with faux and the latest rightwingnut talking points. Any data or facts to the contrary are attacked as fixed or fudged or ignored because it came from the "lamestream" media. How many bumper stickers saying don't believe the liberal media have you seen?

2/23/2015, 05:03 PM
We certivanly agree on that. The problem is too many conservatives, with faux "news"s encouragement, think that his is one. Then when it is convenient - like in this case - suddenly he is not a journalist. Let's face facts, people who watch faux "news" don't check on what they are being told. On the very, very rare occasion i watch msnbc, or any other show that is more to political liking, I KNOW i have to check on 100% of everything that comes out of their mouths. Any other problem with conservatives/republicans and faux "news" is that when conservatives/republicans go to "check" they go to other conservative media that walks in lock step with faux and the latest rightwingnut talking points. Any data or facts to the contrary are attacked as fixed or fudged or ignored because it came from the "lamestream" media. How many bumper stickers saying don't believe the liberal media have you seen?

Fox News isn't conservative; Fox News is neoconservative propaganda. Likewise, MSNBC is nothing more than progressive propaganda and a mouthpiece for the administration. CNN, of course, leans left; however, I do believe they make a sincere effort at straight up unbiased news.

The only time I watch any news program is during a major crisis or election night coverage.

2/23/2015, 06:06 PM
Fox News isn't conservative; Fox News is neoconservative propaganda. Likewise, MSNBC is nothing more than progressive propaganda and a mouthpiece for the administration. CNN, of course, leans left; however, I do believe they make a sincere effort at straight up unbiased news.The only time I watch any news program is during a major crisis or election night coverage.It masquerades as conservative while being neoconservative propaganda, but mostly it is anti-democrat. MSNBC is not a mouthpiece for the administration, they turn their network over to a rightwingnut for three hours five days a week. CNN does not lean left, they are very center. I watch news less than you do.

2/23/2015, 07:19 PM
Now bill "patton" o'lair is claiming Bill O'Reilly in 2008: I had an M16 pointed at my head http://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2015/02/15/rs-brian-williams-seal-team-6-claims.cnn/video/playlists/focus-on-the-media/ How many more lies are rightwingnuts going to let this guy get away with?

2/23/2015, 07:26 PM
Now bill "patton" o'lair is claiming Bill O'Reilly in 2008: I had an M16 pointed at my head http://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2015/02/15/rs-brian-williams-seal-team-6-claims.cnn/video/playlists/focus-on-the-media/ How many more lies are rightwingnuts going to let this guy get away with?

Doesn't sound like he's getting away with any of them now

2/23/2015, 07:38 PM
Doesn't sound like he's getting away with any of them now

What the hell is he talkin about? that link you quoted takes ya to a Youtube of Williams?

2/23/2015, 07:45 PM
What the hell is he talkin about? that link you quoted takes ya to a Youtube of Williams?

Heh heh....it sure does.

2/23/2015, 07:53 PM
Heh heh....it sure does.

Dudes a whiny bitch assclown

2/23/2015, 08:10 PM
Where does this asswipe come up with the idea everybody here is some kind of big Bill O'Reilly fan?

rock on sooner
2/23/2015, 08:15 PM
Heh, I'm not a fan...he is toast... all his bluster to defend himself just
keeps folks digging, and, if what I have read is only half true, he'll be
buried deeper than Williams.....

2/23/2015, 08:18 PM
The real lesson here is that journalists are scum sucking bottom dwellers -- to a man. I absolutely cannot freaking stand journalists, so I have less respect for that profession than I do prostitution.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/23/2015, 08:22 PM
Where does this asswipe come up with the idea everybody here is some kind of big Bill O'Reilly fan?some people think of FoxNews as a conservative (or neo-con as the libertarians like to call it)network. They must not know much about Geraldo Rivera, Shepard Smith, Bob Bechel, Juan Williams, Alan Colmes, and indecipherables like Greta Van Susteren and Bill O'Reilly. There isn't any network that is nearly as conservative as most networks in the MSM are liberal/authoritarian.

2/23/2015, 08:28 PM
some people think of FoxNews as a conservative (or neo-con as the libertarians like to call it)network. They must not know much about Geraldo Rivera, Shepard Smith, Bob Bechel, Juan Williams, Alan Colmes, and indecipherables like Greta Van Susteren and Bill O'Reilly. There isn't any network that is nearly as conservative as most networks in the MSM are liberal/authoritarian.

I like how my years of attempting to give you basic lessons in political ideology have worn off to the point that only libertarians refer to Fox News as 'neoconservative.' No. It's also paleoconservatives (which I am) and anyone else who has even a rudimentary understanding of the nuances of political ideology. I'm not saying Fox News has an ideology per-se, but they most certainly present news with a neoconservative flair. Not to mention the fact that several of their regular contributors are stalwarts of the neoconservative movement.

It's really a horrible news network all and all. That's not to say there isn't some good there, but it's pretty bad. Judge Andrew Napolitano is a bright spot.

2/23/2015, 09:00 PM
I like how my years of attempting to give you basic lessons in political ideology have worn off to the point that only libertarians refer to Fox News as 'neoconservative.' No. It's also paleoconservatives (which I am)
and anyone else who has even a rudimentary understanding of the nuances of political ideology. I'm not saying Fox News has an ideology per-se, but they most certainly present news with a neoconservative flair. Not to mention the fact that several of their regular contributors are stalwarts of the neoconservative movement.

It's really a horrible news network all and all. That's not to say there isn't some good there, but it's pretty bad. Judge Andrew Napolitano is a bright spot.

heres MY rudimentary understanding of Politics!
ALL POLITICIANS suck either Donkey dick or Elephant dick theres a Few Bi's in that mix also.

2/23/2015, 11:33 PM
What the hell is he talkin about? that link you quoted takes ya to a Youtube of Williams?here it is http://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2015/02/22/rs-stelter-intv-bts-engberg-new-bill-oreilly-video.cnn

2/23/2015, 11:42 PM
heres MY rudimentary understanding of Politics!
ALL POLITICIANS suck either Donkey dick or Elephant dick theres a Few Bi's in that mix also.

And 8th responds He must be a Politician Dick sucker

2/23/2015, 11:59 PM
Let's cut to the chase. If O'Reilly is lying about his past, he should go too. Integrity in journalism is important and they should all be held to a high standard.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/24/2015, 12:37 AM
I like how my years of attempting to give you basic lessons in political ideology have worn off to the point that only libertarians refer to Fox News as 'neoconservative.' No. It's also paleoconservatives (which I am) and anyone else who has even a rudimentary understanding of the nuances of political ideology. I'm not saying Fox News has an ideology per-se, but they most certainly present news with a neoconservative flair. Not to mention the fact that several of their regular contributors are stalwarts of the neoconservative movement.

It's really a horrible news network all and all. That's not to say there isn't some good there, but it's pretty bad. Judge Andrew Napolitano is a bright spot.I appreciate your concern regarding what I think of as conservative or not, for what it is. I understand and sympathize with your stance on states' rights, and have no quarrel with your view. While FoxNews is far from representing your political views, many of their contributors, especially the ones I mentioned, tend to lean to the left, instead of neoconservative. That was really all I was pointing out, and I agree with SoonerorLater that I believe few here think all that highly of O'Reilly. Of course, virtually all the news people in the MSM have leftist views, and have been all too influential on the American public.

2/24/2015, 09:00 AM
Anyone listening to O'Reilly for the news, gets the news they deserve. Same with MSNBC, CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS.

There are no journalist anymore. Most news outlets of any kind in this country have devolved into propaganda distributors, nothing more.

2/24/2015, 09:15 AM
We need People like these guys back in the News

2/24/2015, 09:48 AM
Heh, I'm not a fan...he is toast... all his bluster to defend himself just
keeps folks digging, and, if what I have read is only half true, he'll be
buried deeper than Williams.....

What is it that will bury him deeper than williams?

2/24/2015, 10:09 AM
Excuse me here a Minute aint that Orielly a Talk show dude?
Wasnt Williams a News ANCHOR? I dont watch any of that crap but seems ONE gets Paid to talk **** with folk and one got paid to be an honest deliverer of NEWS

Maybe Im just confused or Maybe I just dont GAS :drunk:

2/24/2015, 10:23 AM
Excuse me here a Minute aint that Orielly a Talk show dude?
Wasnt Williams a News ANCHOR? I dont watch any of that crap but seems ONE gets Paid to talk **** with folk and one got paid to be an honest deliverer of NEWS

Maybe Im just confused or Maybe I just dont GAS :drunk:

Yes, a Political Commentator vs. News Anchor.

2/24/2015, 10:40 AM
Hey 8, lets hear some outrage over the VA director. Hmmmm.

2/24/2015, 12:05 PM
Hey 8, lets hear some outrage over the VA director. Hmmmm.

You might want to apologize to Bill O'Reilly 8. He had Don Browne on last night that was the Miami Bureau Chief for NBC. He said that in Buenos Aires where Bill was that a lot of really bad crap came down, it was a war zone. The government troops came, riots ensued and many died as a result.

Sorry for taking away your Gotcha moment.

2/24/2015, 12:06 PM
Yes, a Political Commentator vs. News Anchor.How CONVENIENT.....just taking the bait like a bunch of ignorant lemmings. A VAST majority of conservatives/republicans get their NEWS from faux "NEWS".

Sooner in Tampa
2/24/2015, 12:13 PM
You might want to apologize to Bill O'Reilly 8. He had Don Browne on last night that was the Miami Bureau Chief for NBC. He said that in Buenos Aires where Bill was that a lot of really bad crap came down, it was a war zone. The government troops came, riots ensued and many died as a result.

Sorry for taking away your Gotcha moment.
8 won't let facts get in the way of his agenda...or his stupidity

2/24/2015, 12:29 PM
You might want to apologize to Bill O'Reilly 8. He had Don Browne on last night that was the Miami Bureau Chief for NBC. He said that in Buenos Aires where Bill was that a lot of really bad crap came down, it was a war zone. The government troops came, riots ensued and many died as a result. Sorry for taking away your Gotcha moment.Typical lemming. So NOW you believe the "lamestream" media. When it backs your belief. Never mind 8 - EIGHT- CBS co-workers all refuted his story. All of them on the ground with him. There have never been nor has there been ANY reports of deaths because of the riots. This isn't a got ya moment - this is bill o'liar saying he was in a combat zone in the FALKLANDS. NOT BUENOS AIRES - THE FALKLANDS. He is a liar. Said he had a m-16 pointed at his head. It is laughable that you lemmings line up behind this turd and back him. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/erik-wemple/wp/2015/02/24/bill-oreilly-still-needs-to-find-some-bodies/

2/24/2015, 12:35 PM
Typical lemming. So NOW you believe the "lamestream" media. When it backs your belief. Never mind 8 - EIGHT- CBS co-workers all refuted his story. All of them on the ground with him. There have never been nor has there been ANY reports of deaths because of the riots. This isn't a got ya moment - this is bill o'liar saying he was in a combat zone in the FALKLANDS. NOT BUENOS AIRES - THE FALKLANDS. He is a liar. Said he had a m-16 pointed at his head. It is laughable that you lemmings line up behind this turd and back him. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/erik-wemple/wp/2015/02/24/bill-oreilly-still-needs-to-find-some-bodies/

Whatever. This will not end well for you. How do like your crow?

rock on sooner
2/24/2015, 12:37 PM
TF, what I've read is that he says he was shot at, his cameraman
was hit in the head and bleeding and he dragged him out of danger,
he accused Bob Scheiffer (Face the Nation anchor) of plagiarism, that
was IN the Falklands, he ordered his cameraman to light him up so
that he could report after he was ordered to black out the lights.
This all when he was a "journalist". Now he is a talking head for
entertainment and book selling purposes only.

I admit, though, that he is out front, blustery talk and all, defending
himself. IMO, that's what is gonna get him buried......

2/24/2015, 12:44 PM
Whatever. This will not end well for you. How do like your crow?Good little lemming ignore those that don't back your claims then declare victory. Just like bill o'lair.

2/24/2015, 01:08 PM
TF, what I've read is that he says he was shot at, his cameramanwas hit in the head and bleeding and he dragged him out of danger,he accused Bob Scheiffer (Face the Nation anchor) of plagiarism, thatwas IN the Falklands, he ordered his cameraman to light him up sothat he could report after he was ordered to black out the lights.This all when he was a "journalist". Now he is a talking head forentertainment and book selling purposes only.I admit, though, that he is out front, blustery talk and all, defendinghimself. IMO, that's what is gonna get him buried......No chance of that ever happening. Conservatives, like the old soviet union, see anything other than a full on attack as weakness. Faux "news" and conservatives are already coalesced around him and he will not only sail through this but build more cred for taking on the lamestream media and liberals who are lying about him just like they do all conservatives. Hannity lead a group that raised money for "college tuition of the children of fallen soldiers and to pay severely wounded war vets". He raised MILLIONS and at one time only $10k was handed out. Private planes and weekends for him and his family in 5 star resorts were paid for though. If faux and conservatives let that go - this is nothing to them.

2/24/2015, 01:18 PM
TF, what I've read is that he says he was shot at, his cameraman
was hit in the head and bleeding and he dragged him out of danger,
he accused Bob Scheiffer (Face the Nation anchor) of plagiarism, that
was IN the Falklands, he ordered his cameraman to light him up so
that he could report after he was ordered to black out the lights.
This all when he was a "journalist". Now he is a talking head for
entertainment and book selling purposes only.

I admit, though, that he is out front, blustery talk and all, defending
himself. IMO, that's what is gonna get him buried......

Ummm, pprobably not.

2/24/2015, 01:21 PM
No chance of that ever happening. Conservatives, like the old soviet union, see anything other than a full on attack as weakness. Faux "news" and conservatives are already coalesced around him and he will not only sail through this but build more cred for taking on the lamestream media and liberals who are lying about him just like they do all conservatives. Hannity lead a group that raised money for "college tuition of the children of fallen soldiers and to pay severely wounded war vets". He raised MILLIONS and at one time only $10k was handed out. Private planes and weekends for him and his family in 5 star resorts were paid for though. If faux and conservatives let that go - this is nothing to them.

"Faux news". Did you just come up with that?

2/24/2015, 01:23 PM
"Faux news". Did you just come up with that?Nope - I got that from olvet..................lol

rock on sooner
2/24/2015, 01:47 PM
Ummm, pprobably not.

Fanin, you may be right, but for every point there appears to be a
counterpoint. I used to think O'Reilly was interesting when he talked
about his books...he spoke as though he was/is the absolute authority
on Patton, Lincoln and whoever else he was writing about. This whole
scandal trashes his credibility, IMO, just like Williams. I guess time
will tell......

2/24/2015, 02:10 PM
Fanin, you may be right, but for every point there appears to be a
counterpoint. I used to think O'Reilly was interesting when he talked
about his books...he spoke as though he was/is the absolute authority
on Patton, Lincoln and whoever else he was writing about. This whole
scandal trashes his credibility, IMO, just like Williams. I guess time
will tell......

What are the counterpoints and how does this trash his credibility?

2/24/2015, 02:19 PM
What are the counterpoints and how does this trash his credibility?http://www.politicususa.com/2015/02/23/colleague-disputes-bill-oreilly-calls-descriptions-absurd.html It trashes his credibility just like williams lying trashed his.

2/24/2015, 02:28 PM
Nope - I got that from olvet..................lol

Thanks Turd for pointing out this Post by the Moran .

Now 8th YOU sir are as big a God damn LIAR as williams when you say that. I have Never used that term except when Ridiculing YOUR use of it.
So Now that you are Branded a ****ing LIAR you should move on to a Lib board that enjoys watching you Suck a Donkey dick.

2/24/2015, 02:31 PM
Nope - I got that from olvet..................lol

It trashes his credibility just like williams lying trashed his.

Just like YOUR Lying has trashed any Credibility YOU may have had. Ya God Damn LIAR

2/24/2015, 02:55 PM
Thanks Turd for pointing out this Post by the Moran .Now 8th YOU sir are as big a God damn LIAR as williams when you say that. I have Never used that term except when Ridiculing YOUR use of it. So Now that you are Branded a ****ing LIAR you should move on to a Lib board that enjoys watching you Suck a Donkey dick.wwwwwaaaaaawwwwwwaaaaawwwaaaaaWWWWWWAAAAAAA are you in full outrage mode? Do i lie a lot? Am i the one who started to change my posts in quotes?

Sooner in Tampa
2/24/2015, 02:58 PM
^^^^^^^^^ Troll ^^^^^^^^^^^

Lying, stinking, no paragraph writing, worthless POS troll. Proven liar. Copy and paste plagiarist thief. Lowlife, ignorant scum.

2/24/2015, 03:08 PM
^^^^^^^^^ Troll ^^^^^^^^^^^

Lying, stinking, no paragraph writing, worthless POS troll. Proven liar. Copy and paste plagiarist thief. Lowlife, ignorant scum.

Lying POS. If Williams and Orielly get crucified for Lying then so should the 8th Troll

2/24/2015, 03:10 PM
http://www.politicususa.com/2015/02/23/colleague-disputes-bill-oreilly-calls-descriptions-absurd.html It trashes his credibility just like williams lying trashed his.

Nice web site you linked there. Buncha ****'n liars, just like you.

2/24/2015, 03:14 PM
^^^^^^^^^ Troll ^^^^^^^^^^^ Lying, stinking, no paragraph writing, worthless POS troll. Proven liar. Copy and paste plagiarist thief. Lowlife, ignorant scum.Dumbass low iq lemming who thinks the commerce dept can manipulate the nations gdp. Tries to prove it by posting a link to a story written by TYLER DURDEN!

2/24/2015, 03:22 PM
Dumbass low iq lemming who thinks the commerce dept can manipulate the nations gdp. Tries to prove it by posting a link to a story written by TYLER DURDEN!

Hypocrite much?

http://www.soonerfans.com/images/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by Sooner8th http://www.soonerfans.com/images/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.soonerfans.com/forums/showthread.php?p=4941165#post4941165)

http://www.politicususa.com/2015/02/...ns-absurd.html (http://www.politicususa.com/2015/02/23/colleague-disputes-bill-oreilly-calls-descriptions-absurd.html) It trashes his credibility just like williams lying trashed his.

2/24/2015, 03:22 PM
Nice web site you linked there. Buncha ****'n liars, just like you.

Bro Didja Notice the Headline? :tan: Bill O’Reilly Scandal Grows
As 8th Former Colleague Calls His War Coverage Claims Absurd
Ole 8th has to try to interject into everything the doosh

2/24/2015, 03:25 PM
Hypocrite much?

the little troll is just doing his Spin and deflect . hes an idiot.

Sooner in Tampa
2/24/2015, 03:35 PM
Nice web site you linked there. Buncha ****'n liars, just like you.
Birds of a feather and all the good stuff...lying fvcking trolls!!

2/24/2015, 03:48 PM
Nice web site you linked there. Buncha ****'n liars, just like you.So all eight of those guys at cbs are lying? But you belive the one guy from nbc? What was posted on another thread about nbc news being lairs - posting the story about the gm truck rigged to explode? NO INTEGRITY!

2/24/2015, 03:57 PM
8th, just admit you are a liar with no integrity. We all know you are a liar, let's see if you have the intestinal fortitude to admit it.

i'm pretty sure you are going to come up with some story about republicans being liars, or faux news being a liar, or whatever else, to keep you from having to face the reall issue ( you are so predictable) but i would actually be surprised if you responded with a simple retort that didn't involve pointing the finger at someone, or something else. try to focus on the point of this message.

dont pass the buck or deflect....address this question: why did you lie?

here's a chance to improve the perception of your character.

2/24/2015, 04:07 PM
here's a chance to improve the perception of your character.

Not possible...

2/24/2015, 04:21 PM
8th, just admit you are a liar with no integrity. We all know you are a liar, let's see if you have the intestinal fortitude to admit it.i'm pretty sure you are going to come up with some story about republicans being liars, or faux news being a liar, or whatever else, to keep you from having to face the reall issue ( you are so predictable) but i would actually be surprised if you responded with a simple retort that didn't involve pointing the finger at someone, or something else. try to focus on the point of this message.dont pass the buck or deflect....address this question: why did you lie?here's a chance to improve the perception of your character.I thought it was from olvet - I was wrong. I wasn't like knew it wasn't from him and still said it was. It was a simple mistake. PERIOD

2/24/2015, 04:23 PM
here's a chance to improve the perception of your character.

Not possible...

Agreed Bro To "IMPROVE" something implys you have said something to start. He has NO Character Nor any Integrity