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2/20/2015, 12:03 PM
Giuliani Under Fire From Right, Left Over Obama Comments
Friday, 20 Feb 2015 09:02 AM
By Sandy Fitzgerald

Democrats are slamming former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani for questioning whether President Barack Obama "loves America," while several potential 2016 GOP candidates either distanced themselves from his statements or said they believe Obama loves his country but engaged in questionable policies.

While the firestorm was going on, the former mayor made the interview circuit, where he clarified his statements slightly but did not back down on what he'd said during a private Republican dinner event on Wednesday night at Manhattan's elite "21" Club.

At the dinner, Giuliani said that he knows "this is a horrible thing to say, but I do not believe that the president loves America ... he doesn't love you. And he doesn't love me. He wasn't brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up through love of this country."

Former lawmaker Joe Scarborough, on his MSNBC "Morning Joe" show Friday, said that Giuliani's comments left him wondering if the 2016 election will be another race full of such slurs.

Scarborough said in the 2012 election, he was critical of GOP nominee Mitt Romney because "people were going out and saying terrible things and calling the president racist, saying he hated all white people, and you could go down the list of things, that he was a Marxist, that he was a communist" and no one changed the conversation.

He said that he'd like to hear a candidate say he disagrees with the president, "economically, I think he has a disastrous economic policy, disastrous foreign policy, but let's agree on one thing, he loves this country."

Instead, Giuliani's comments left Scarborough wondering if the nation is "really going to go through another cycle where Republican candidates are too stupid to get out of the way of the stupidest people in their party, that keep them from winning presidential elections by spewing hatred, instead of telling people how they're going to get back to work," he said.

But Giuliani, while softening his comments, didn't back down, telling Fox News' Megyn Kelly on Thursday night that he felt his opinion was "perfectly reasonable," and that he wants to repeat that "all I've heard of him [Obama], he apologizes for America, he criticizes America."

"He sees Christians slaughtered and doesn't stand up and hold a press conference although we hold a press conference for the situation in Ferguson," Giuliani told Kelly. "He sees Jews being killed for anti-Semitic reasons. Doesn't stand up and hold a press conference.

"This is an American president I've never seen before."

He admitted that patriots are "allowed to criticize," but he doesn't feel Obama's "love of America ... if we look at his rhetoric, [he] has not displayed the kind of love of America ... the exceptionalism that other American presidents have displayed.

"That he has gone abroad and criticized us over and over again, apologized for us. Every time he does it embarrasses me."

And Giuliani said he will not back down unless he hears the president make a speech praising the country and admitting that "Islamic fundamentalist terrorism is our enemy."

The former mayor also defended his comments about Obama not being brought up to love the United States, which some critics Thursday called racist.

"Some people thought it was racist — I thought that was a joke, since he was brought up by a white mother, a white grandfather, went to white schools, and most of this he learned from white people," Giuliani told The New York Times. "This isn’t racism. This is socialism or possibly anti-colonialism."

Meanwhile, Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz said that it is time for Republican leaders to "stop this nonsense" when it comes to comments like Giuliani's, and called on them to repudiate his statements, reports Time.

"One of the Republican frontrunners was sitting just feet away and didn’t say a word," she said, referring to Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who was at the dinner. "I would challenge my Republican colleagues and anyone in the Republican Party to say: Enough. They need to start leading."

Giuliani stopped short of endorsing Walker at the dinner, held for the governor to meet key GOP donors. In his speech there, Giuliani also said he is looking for a candidate to express that the United States is the most exceptional country in the world, "and if it's you, Scott, I'll endorse you. And if it's somebody else, I'll support somebody else."

Walker, interviewed Thursday on CNBC, did not say if he agrees with Giuliani, reports Time.

"The mayor can speak for himself. I'm not going to comment on whether — what the president thinks or not. He can speak for himself as well," Walker said. "I'll tell you, I love America, and I think there are plenty of people, Democrat, Republican, independent, everywhere in between, who love this country."

Many Democrats, though, said they thought Giuliani's comments reflected badly on Walker.

Democratic New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said that he heard a "deafening silence" from the Wisconsin governor, reports The Associated Press, and called on him to "disassociate himself immediately" from Giuliani's statements.

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, a potential GOP presidential candidate, though, said he backed Giuliani's statements, noting that the president had "obviously demonstrated for everyone is that he is incapable of successfully executing his duties as our commander in chief."

But others steered clear of the subject.

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Sens. Ted Cruz of Texas and Rand Paul of Kentucky did not comment.

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio said he has no doubt that Obama loves America, "but I just think his policies are bad for our nation."

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.Newsmax.com/Newsfront/giuliani-obama-love-america/2015/02/20/id/625915/#ixzz3SIzwZNv1

2/20/2015, 12:08 PM
Seems like a bull***** move on Rudy's part.

2/20/2015, 12:10 PM
Oh, and Jindal commenting on executing his duties is pretty rich too.

2/20/2015, 12:43 PM
Even if he thought it I am surprised he would say it knowing the backlash that it would create.

Oh, and Wasserman Shultz crying about it was laughable too.

Curly Bill
2/20/2015, 01:05 PM
I think it's hilarious and 110% right on the money. But it's cute to watch the Kool Aid drinkers get all twisted up over it.

Curly Bill
2/20/2015, 01:07 PM
I think it's hilarious and 110% right on the money. But it's cute to watch the Kool Aid drinkers get all twisted up over it.

Maybe even funnier to watch righties run from it. I'd have more respect for them if they'd grow a pair and stand up for what is a truth instead of trying to be all PC.

2/20/2015, 01:09 PM
Even if he thought it I am surprised he would say it knowing the backlash that it would create.Oh, and Wasserman Shultz crying about it was laughable too.Crying? She was right on target. “We can disagree on issues, but when GOPers stay silent while one of their own questions the President’s patriotism, we have a real problem,” Wasserman Schultz tweeted.She also reacted to Giuliani’s comments during a speech on Thursday morning, which was played by Andrea Mitchell on her MSNBC show.“Now, in fairness, the mayor did clarify his remarks this morning — on Fox News, naturally,” she said. “What he said was, ‘I’m not questioning his patriotism, I’m just saying he doesn’t love America like we do.’ I’m glad we got that cleared up.” http://www.mediaite.com/online/wasserman-schultz-hits-back-at-giuliani-for-saying-obama-doesnt-love-america/

2/20/2015, 01:17 PM
Even if he thought it I am surprised he would say it knowing the backlash that it would create.

Oh, and Wasserman Shultz crying about it was laughable too.

What backlash, the GOP has been using this tactic for eight years now. It's bull****, disagree with his policies, slam him for his liberal interventionists idiocy, but questioning his loyalty is gutter politics of the worst kind. The last bastion of scoundrels and epic retards. Jindal has run his state into a ditch, what is so funny about what the dumb broad from Florida said?

2/20/2015, 01:19 PM
Crying? She was right on target. “We can disagree on issues, but when GOPers stay silent while one of their own questions the President’s patriotism, we have a real problem,” Wasserman Schultz tweeted.She also reacted to Giuliani’s comments during a speech on Thursday morning, which was played by Andrea Mitchell on her MSNBC show.“Now, in fairness, the mayor did clarify his remarks this morning — on Fox News, naturally,” she said. “What he said was, ‘I’m not questioning his patriotism, I’m just saying he doesn’t love America like we do.’ I’m glad we got that cleared up.” http://www.mediaite.com/online/wasserman-schultz-hits-back-at-giuliani-for-saying-obama-doesnt-love-america/

You mean this Wasserman Schultz?

Long-simmering doubts about her have reached a peak after two recent public flubs: criticizing the White House’s handling of the border crisis and comparing the tea party to wife beaters.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2014/09/democrats-debbie-wasserman-schultz-111077.html#ixzz3SJJOnfhJ

Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz ripped into Republican Gov. Scott Walker's record Wednesday during a round-table discussion on women's issues at the Milwaukee Athletic Club.

The Florida congresswoman said: "Scott Walker has given women the back of his hand. I know that is stark. I know that is direct. But that is reality."

Wasserman Schultz added: "What Republican tea party extremists like Scott Walker are doing is they are grabbing us by the hair and pulling us back. It is not going to happen on our watch."


No hypocrisy there.

2/20/2015, 01:33 PM
You mean this Wasserman Schultz?Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2014/09/democrats-debbie-wasserman-schultz-111077.html#ixzz3SJJOnfhJhttp://www.jsonline.com/news/statepolitics/dnc-chair-debbie-wasserman-schultzs-rips-walker-b99343924z1-273792311.htmlNo hypocrisy there.Completely agree with her. The tea party is a bunch of ignorant bullies. They have passed or would like to pass things like no birth control. Questioning obama's love of america is beyond crazy.

2/20/2015, 01:45 PM
Completely agree with her. The tea party is a bunch of ignorant bullies. They have passed or would like to pass things like no birth control. Questioning obama's love of america is beyond crazy.

And being against birth control or a bill on domestic violence makes you a wife beater?

Walker's dem opponent's press secretary had this to say:

Stephanie Wilson, Burke's press secretary, suggested in a statement that Wasserman Schultz's comments went too far.

"That's not the type of language that Mary Burke would use, or has used, to point out the clear differences in this contest," Wilson said.

Wilson added, "There is plenty that she and Governor Walker disagree on — but those disagreements can and should be pointed out respectfully."

Of course you agree with Wasserman Schults and her hypocrisy. After all, you hate hypocrisy and you are a man of integrity.

2/20/2015, 01:51 PM
BTW, like with Gutierrez, I'm glad for Wasserman Schultz to be the face of the dem party.

2/20/2015, 01:54 PM
You mean this Wasserman Schultz?

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2014/09/democrats-debbie-wasserman-schultz-111077.html#ixzz3SJJOnfhJ


No hypocrisy there.

Yep, seems like a bull**** move on her part.

rock on sooner
2/20/2015, 02:12 PM
Sincere, honest, curiosity type question....what makes Giuliani an authority on
anyone's love of country?

2/20/2015, 02:13 PM
How about W-S trying to whine about her MJ vote? What a jerk...

2/20/2015, 02:35 PM
At first I thought Gulliani stepped over the line then Mark Levine threw this point out: If Obama loved the country when he ran for POTUS why did he pledge to "fundamentally transform the nation'? I don't think he was implying a superficial tweaking of the country.

Transform means to change. Was he just spouting off platitudes or are there parts of the country he truly dislikes and thinks they need to be "fundamentally" changed? It would have been nice if the media had acted like journalists instead of fanboys and asked him which parts of the country he wanted to transform.

You transform something because you are not happy with how it/he/she/they are performimg at the moment. I do not think it is much of a stretch that Obama did not like and did not approve of the things this country has done in the past or what it stands for today.

And I challenge anybody who knows who his idealogical mentors were as he grew up and attended college to tell us with a straight face that they had no impact on the formation of the idealogical foundation from which he now operates and makes decisions.

2/20/2015, 02:39 PM
And being against birth control or a bill on domestic violence makes you a wife beater?Walker's dem opponent's press secretary had this to say:Of course you agree with Wasserman Schults and her hypocrisy. After all, you hate hypocrisy and you are a man of integrity.No hypocrisy, I don't see her questioning their love of their country. Yet another false equivalence.

2/20/2015, 03:24 PM
No hypocrisy, I don't see her questioning their love of their country. Yet another false equivalence.

Love of country is taboo but wife beaters isn't? Hahahaha.

Unless its from a dem everything is a false equivalency to you...or hadn't you noticed that yet?

2/20/2015, 04:43 PM
At first I thought Gulliani stepped over the line then Mark Levine threw this point out: If Obama loved the country when he ran for POTUS why did he pledge to "fundamentally transform the nation'? I don't think he was implying a superficial tweaking of the country.

Transform means to change. Was he just spouting off platitudes or are there parts of the country he truly dislikes and thinks they need to be "fundamentally" changed? It would have been nice if the media had acted like journalists instead of fanboys and asked him which parts of the country he wanted to transform.

You transform something because you are not happy with how it/he/she/they are performimg at the moment. I do not think it is much of a stretch that Obama did not like and did not approve of the things this country has done in the past or what it stands for today.

And I challenge anybody who knows who his idealogical mentors were as he grew up and attended college to tell us with a straight face that they had no impact on the formation of the idealogical foundation from which he now operates and makes decisions.


2/20/2015, 07:30 PM
Sincere, honest, curiosity type question....what makes Giuliani an authority on
anyone's love of country?

Well, unlike some peeps that claim Bush and Cheney to be war criminals, he actually has some substance to back up his thoughts.

rock on sooner
2/20/2015, 09:14 PM
What might that substance be? He was mayor when the towers came down?
Oh, and you forgot about Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz....:tongue:

2/22/2015, 12:40 PM
actions and words....obama is proving it himself.

Honestly it's Giuliani's opinion, you either agree or disagree....or somewhere in between. I don't know if obama "hates" America, I def think he believes it's been abusive and wrong and wants to "fundamentally change it"...words he him self used.

2/22/2015, 01:50 PM
Love of country is taboo but wife beaters isn't? Hahahaha. Unless its from a dem everything is a false equivalency to you...or hadn't you noticed that yet?Show me where debbie wasserman schultz said scott walker beats his wife.

2/22/2015, 01:51 PM
actions and words....obama is proving it himself.Honestly it's Giuliani's opinion, you either agree or disagree....or somewhere in between. I don't know if obama "hates" America, I def think he believes it's been abusive and wrong and wants to "fundamentally change it"...words he him self used.What actions and words? Examples.

hawaii 5-0
2/22/2015, 02:24 PM
Giuliani's statements now days are as valid as the Grand-Mi1f's.


2/22/2015, 03:04 PM
Giuliani's statements now days are as valid as the Grand-Mi1f's.

Really? You think of Hilliary like that? Ewwwww!

2/22/2015, 04:50 PM
Really? You think of Hilliary like that? Ewwwww!

Hell I'd hit the Old hide, I aint proud and I dont Cull

hawaii 5-0
2/22/2015, 06:17 PM
Really? You think of Hilliary like that? Ewwwww!

Grand Mi1f = Sarah Palin

Accept no substitute.


2/22/2015, 06:35 PM
Really? You think of Hilliary like that? Ewwwww!

I've copped a feel: