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View Full Version : You want to defeat radical Muslims...give them jobs

Sooner in Tampa
2/18/2015, 12:55 PM
That is our State Department folks...if you want to defeat Daesh (ISIL/ISIS is offensive to me and Daesh pisses them off) we need to fight poverty...all across the world

State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf, after coming under fire for suggesting a way to fight the Islamic State and all terrorism is by creating jobs, has an answer for her critics: Her argument is just "too nuanced" for them to understand.

Harf, in TV interviews Tuesday night, stood by her original remarks and said she was speaking about a comprehensive approach to combating "extremism."

Harf said that means airstrikes in the short-term, and going after "root causes" like poor economic conditions in the long-term.
"Longer term, we cannot kill every terrorist around the world, nor should we try," Harf said on CNN. "How do you get at the root causes of this? Look, it might be too nuanced an argument for some, like I've seen over the past 24 hours some of the commentary out there, but it's really the smart way that Democrats, Republicans, military commanders, our partners in the Arab world think we need to combat this."


She said: "If we can help countries work at the root causes of this -- what makes these 17-year-old kids pick up an AK-47 instead of trying to start a business?" 17 y/o kids are going to start businesses now?

What a buffoon!

2/18/2015, 02:00 PM
That is our State Department folks...if you want to defeat Daesh (ISIL/ISIS is offensive to me and Daesh pisses them off) we need to fight poverty...all across the world

What a buffoon!

So you are against capitalism?

Sooner in Tampa
2/18/2015, 02:12 PM
So you are against capitalism?

It ain't our job to ensure there are jobs in every country in the world...how about we worry about our people working here in the gold ole US of A

Curly Bill
2/18/2015, 02:22 PM
Marie Harf isn't qualified to make sammiches. She sure has no business speaking out on important matters. (except of course she's a member of the kiddy hipster club that fawns over dear leader)

2/18/2015, 02:37 PM
Marie Harf isn't qualified to make sammiches. She sure has no business speaking out on important matters. (except of course she's a member of the kiddy hipster club that fawns over dear leader)

Lose those glasses of hers, get some OVJ an Natty and

2/18/2015, 02:49 PM
Do you think there are any good defensive line coaching prospects in ISIS? Maybe they can take their experience of beheading enemies and translate that into a kickass DL scheme. I hear OU has an opening.

2/18/2015, 03:00 PM
So you are against capitalism?

man I hope that was tongue in cheek, if not...just wow. Ya probably voted for the dip$hit didn't ya...

2/18/2015, 03:23 PM
Marie Harf isn't qualified to make sammiches. She sure has no business speaking out on important matters. (except of course she's a member of the kiddy hipster club that fawns over dear leader)This i where i have a problem with people on this board. You say stuff that you obviously didn't look up. "Harf, a native of Granville, Ohio, graduated from Granville High School in 1999.[1] She graduated from Indiana University Bloomington with BA in Political Science, and earned an MA in Foreign Affairs from University of Virginia.[2]Career[edit]Harf began her career at the Directorate of Intelligence at the Central Intelligence Agency as an analyst focusing on Middle Eastern leadership issues. She later became the media spokesperson of the CIA.[3]During the 2012 presidential election, Harf helped craft President Obama's national security and communications strategy, and also served as campaign spokeswoman on national security issues.[2][3]In June 2013, Harf was appointed Deputy Spokesperson for the US State Department, where she currently serves as deputy under Jen Psaki.[2][3]On Monday, February 16, 2015, Harf, representing the U.S. State Department, explained that creating jobs were one of many solutions to dealing with the problem of ISIL, saying "We cannot kill our way out of this war. We need in the medium to longer term to go after the root causes that leads people to join these groups, whether it’s lack of opportunity for jobs, whether…. She went on to suggest that the United States government should work with governments in the Middle East to help boost their economies." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marie_Harf Then i think back to the girl who hired all those people illegally for bush and her resume consisted of organizing sorority parties in college and i have to laugh.

2/18/2015, 03:39 PM
Harf is an idiot----her statement too "nuanced" for critics-----What an arrogant out of touch bitch

2/18/2015, 03:43 PM
This i where i have a problem with people on this board. You say stuff that you obviously didn't look up. "Harf, a native of Granville, Ohio, graduated from Granville High School in 1999.[1] She graduated from Indiana University Bloomington with BA in Political Science, and earned an MA in Foreign Affairs from University of Virginia.[2]Career[edit]Harf began her career at the Directorate of Intelligence at the Central Intelligence Agency as an analyst focusing on Middle Eastern leadership issues. She later became the media spokesperson of the CIA.[3]During the 2012 presidential election, Harf helped craft President Obama's national security and communications strategy, and also served as campaign spokeswoman on national security issues.[2][3]In June 2013, Harf was appointed Deputy Spokesperson for the US State Department, where she currently serves as deputy under Jen Psaki.[2][3]On Monday, February 16, 2015, Harf, representing the U.S. State Department, explained that creating jobs were one of many solutions to dealing with the problem of ISIL, saying "We cannot kill our way out of this war. We need in the medium to longer term to go after the root causes that leads people to join these groups, whether it’s lack of opportunity for jobs, whether…. She went on to suggest that the United States government should work with governments in the Middle East to help boost their economies." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marie_Harf Then i think back to the girl who hired all those people illegally for bush and her resume consisted of organizing sorority parties in college and i have to laugh.

Holy Crap! You are right! She has a lot more qualifications for her job than Obama had to be President.

So she graduated in 1999 and is a primary spokesperson for the State Department? LOL. There is only one reason for her high profile position....this administrations weak-assed attempt to appeal to the millenial voters.

2/18/2015, 04:27 PM
man I hope that was tongue in cheek, if not...just wow. Ya probably voted for the dip$hit didn't ya...

Of course it was tongue in cheek, but the fact is that opening markets around the world helps us as much or more than them. I am not about handouts but bringing up the standard of living in the whole world (where possible) does take away some of the reasons there are people desperate enough to become terrorists. It is much more complicated than that, but it is a fact that world economic growth helps everyone.

2/18/2015, 04:29 PM
Holy Crap! You are right! She has a lot more qualifications for her job than Obama had to be President.So she graduated in 1999 and is a primary spokesperson for the State Department? LOL. There is only one reason for her high profile position....this administrations weak-assed attempt to appeal to the millenial voters.Harf began her career at the Directorate of Intelligence at the Central Intelligence Agency as an analyst focusing on Middle Eastern leadership issues. Ignored that part? Not to mention a masters.................

2/18/2015, 05:05 PM
Just because someone has an education does not mean they have any common sense

2/18/2015, 05:09 PM
Actually, I absolutely agree with the State Department. It won't totally solve the problem, but it will mitigate it. I've long believed that a big part of the problem with the mid-east are the poor economic conditions. Give (not literally) them a job and some money in their pocket, and you drastically mitigate the danger that they'll turn into a radical Jihadist. Wealthy mid-east nations, where that wealth is spread around the nation's population in the form of opportunity, have a lot less homegrown terrorism to worry about.

2/18/2015, 05:17 PM
Sic'em, so how do you get the oil rich countries in the Middle East to use their wealth and resources to develop a modern capitalistic economy that provides good jobs and a solid middle class. It is a simplistic , silly platitude to pontificate about creating jobs as the panacea for the problems in the Middle East. To drag these countries into the 21st century you'll need societal changes that include throwing off the strangle hold Islam has on the rulers and governments in the region. Islam is the dogma that allows despots like the House of Saud to keep promting such a backwards and unequal economic system. And being the non-interventionist I know you to be I would like you to tell us how we force these theocrats to modernize their economic and social systems? I contend we can't nor should we even try. I think they need to clean up their own mess and realize they need to make fundamental changes to prevent the ISIS phenomenon from happening over and over.

2/18/2015, 05:58 PM
Harf is an idiot----her statement too "nuanced" for critics-----What an arrogant out of touch bitchMan does this thread show your hypocrisy. You call this lady a bitch. Another poster called said you probably voted for that dipsh!t - meaning obama. Then you get on me for calling you guys hillbillys, lemmings ect. You can dish it but you can't take it. I googled her name - the top returns were faux "news" and rush talking about her nuance statement. She also said - "Again, it's one part of it, Wolf, but this is a really comprehensive way of looking at how you combat extremism, and it's not one that fits into a sound bite sometimes, as I've seen over the last 24 hours, but it's a really important piece of this." She also said it was ONE of the ways, left that out didn't they? "We’re killing a lot of them and we’re going to keep killing more of them. So are the Egyptians, so are the Jordanians. They’re in this fight with us. But we cannot win this war by killing them. We cannot kill our way out of this war. We need in the medium to longer term to go after the root causes that leads people to join these groups, whether it’s lack of opportunity for jobs, whether — “Matthews, breaking in: “We’re not going to be able to stop that in our lifetime or fifty lifetimes. There’s always going to be poor people. There’s always going to be poor muslims, and as long as there are poor Muslims, the trumpet’s blowing and they’ll join. We can’t stop that, can we?”Harf’s response: “We can work with countries around the world to help improve their governance. We can help them build their economies so they can have job opportunities for these people…”

2/18/2015, 05:59 PM
Sic'em, so how do you get the oil rich countries in the Middle East to use their wealth and resources to develop a modern capitalistic economy that provides good jobs and a solid middle class.
You don't, and I'd be vehemently opposed to the United States attempting to do so. We're not an employment agency for the Mid-East. My only point is that if decent paying jobs were more readily available, especially in the more poor mid-east nations, then it would mitigate the threat of terrorism.

2/18/2015, 06:01 PM
Just because someone has an education does not mean they have any common senseYou mean like sarah palin common sense? I'll take Marie Harf any day over that dumbass palin.

2/18/2015, 06:53 PM
You mean like sarah palin common sense? I'll take Marie Harf any day over that dumbass palin.---Can you ever just admit the Barack has more than a few clowns in his administration---Harf is one of them---------------------And it was arrogant out of touch bitch

2/18/2015, 07:16 PM
---Can you ever just admit the Barack has more than a few clowns in his administration---Harf is one of them---------------------And it was arrogant out of touch bitchI don't see as many as you and the rightwingnut talking points media does. ALL administrations have them. Haft is not one of them. Actually READ what she said - it's the same damn thing people were saying under bush. These people need jobs so they won't join one of these groups and fight so they can have a paycheck. Now to be sure you understand - not all of them do join just for a paycheck, but some do and others would oppose them more if they had a job and it would be disrupted because of a isil attacked.

2/18/2015, 07:18 PM
Maybe if Barack had a foreign policy some of this might not happen----Food for thought

2/18/2015, 07:45 PM
Maybe if Barack had a foreign policy some of this might not happen----Food for thought

Obama has the same Wilsonian-style foreign policy that Bush, H.W. Bush, Carter, Roosevelt, and Wilson himself had. They have differing ways of implementing that policy, but the principle of promoting and expanding American style democracy is consistent among all. It needs to end. Pragmatism>idealism.

2/18/2015, 07:58 PM
Man, were we having fun with Ms. Harf's idiocy at work today. Go look at the comments over any of the links that feature her foolish interaction with Matthews, what a hoot. One wit made the observation it was akin to a SNL skit...how true! How did she get that job?! What a mess we are in. At least we can go down laughing!

2/18/2015, 08:00 PM

2/18/2015, 08:20 PM
Harf began her career at the Directorate of Intelligence at the Central Intelligence Agency as an analyst focusing on Middle Eastern leadership issues. Ignored that part? Not to mention a masters.................
She is the perfect example of a person without any life experience at all coming straight out out of academia, entering government and becoming an instant expert on whatever subject they pick. How much time has she spent in the Middle East? How much experience does she have to go out and pontificate about the issues facing the region?

My youngest daughter will graduate form OU this summer with a double major in Asian Studies and Chinese language. By the time she graduates she will have lived in China for 4 to 6 months. I dare say she will have a lot more real life experience about the Asian region and people than this air-headed little girl does about the Middle East but I assure you she does not consider herself as an expert on China and Asia. She knows it will be a life-long learning experience.

2/18/2015, 09:51 PM
She is the perfect example of a person without any life experience at all coming straight out out of academia, entering government and becoming an instant expert on whatever subject they pick. How much time has she spent in the Middle East? How much experience does she have to go out and pontificate about the issues facing the region?My youngest daughter will graduate form OU this summer with a double major in Asian Studies and Chinese language. By the time she graduates she will have lived in China for 4 to 6 months. I dare say she will have a lot more real life experience about the Asian region and people than this air-headed little girl does about the Middle East but I assure you she does not consider herself as an expert on China and Asia. She knows it will be a life-long learning experience.So being a CIA analyst doesn't count? Air-headed little girl? What is your problem? Having a masters and being a cia analyst for 2+ years and a masters from Virginia does not mean anything? Let me know when you daughter gets a masters from a leading university and spends two years in the cia studying asia. - Ms. Harf began her career at the CIA in the Directorate of Intelligence, where she was an analyst on Middle East leadership issues from March 2006 until June 2008. In this role, she produced finished intelligence products -- including for the President’s Daily Brief -- on top foreign policy priorities, providing both insight and context while identifying risks and opportunities for the United States. She also authored in-depth assessments of foreign leaders, which were shared with U.S. officials before bilateral and multilateral meetings.Ms. Harf received her Master’s Degree in Foreign Affairs from the University of Virginia, where her thesis dealt with regime stability in Saudi Arabia. She graduated with honors from Indiana University, earning a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science with concentrations in Russian and Eastern European Studies and Jewish Studies. Ms. Harf is a native of Granville, Ohio, and a staunch Ohio State Buckeye football fan. http://the-embassy-of-peace.blogspot.com/2013/09/who-if-marie-harf.html

Sooner in Tampa
2/19/2015, 08:21 AM
So being a CIA analyst doesn't count? Air-headed little girl? What is your problem? Having a masters and being a cia analyst for 2+ years and a masters from Virginia does not mean anything? Let me know when you daughter gets a masters from a leading university and spends two years in the cia studying asia. - Ms. Harf began her career at the CIA in the Directorate of Intelligence, where she was an analyst on Middle East leadership issues from March 2006 until June 2008. In this role, she produced finished intelligence products -- including for the President’s Daily Brief -- on top foreign policy priorities, providing both insight and context while identifying risks and opportunities for the United States. She also authored in-depth assessments of foreign leaders, which were shared with U.S. officials before bilateral and multilateral meetings.Ms. Harf received her Master’s Degree in Foreign Affairs from the University of Virginia, where her thesis dealt with regime stability in Saudi Arabia. She graduated with honors from Indiana University, earning a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science with concentrations in Russian and Eastern European Studies and Jewish Studies. Ms. Harf is a native of Granville, Ohio, and a staunch Ohio State Buckeye football fan. http://the-embassy-of-peace.blogspot.com/2013/09/who-if-marie-harf.html

Dude...you are WAY over valuing being a "CIA Analyst for 2 years". I have worked with intel analysts for the better part of 20 years...2 years AINT $HIT!!! It takes that long to be able to understand the idiosyncrasies of the country. In order to be a useful analyst...it takes at least 5 yrs, depending on the individual. So, please stop touting 2 yrs in the CIA as some great deal...I would bet it took here at least 6 months to get all of here training, quals, and access to all the required systems before she ever did on single bit of analysis.

Also...a Bachelors in Poly Sci...stop the fvkcing presses...you need a pulse and a signature to achieve one of those. Good lord, you are trying to make her sound like Maggie Thatcher or something. She said stupid $hit...she should just own up to it and move on, but NOOOO...lets tell everyone how stupid they are, they don't understand. Give me a fvcking break. Why do you insist on defending stupid mutherfvckers???

Sooner in Tampa
2/19/2015, 08:24 AM
She is the perfect example of a person without any life experience at all coming straight out out of academia, entering government and becoming an instant expert on whatever subject they pick. How much time has she spent in the Middle East? How much experience does she have to go out and pontificate about the issues facing the region?

She is the b!tch everybody hates when they show up. She has her degree...yet, she is lucky if she can name 5 prominent figures in whatever region she is assigned to. And for the record, she is not doing the entire Middle East, she may do a country or a small region...not the whole enchilada. Trust me...I have seen these types all to often, complete pain in the a$$ to get spun up on all happenings in such a dynamic part of the world.

2/19/2015, 09:17 AM
Harf is an idiot----her statement too "nuanced" for critics-----What an arrogant out of touch bitch

^^^ This, only my words are harsher and more crass.

She OBVIOUSLY doesn't have a clue...

2/19/2015, 09:34 AM
Obama has the same Wilsonian-style foreign policy that Bush, H.W. Bush, Carter, Roosevelt, and Wilson himself had. They have differing ways of implementing that policy, but the principle of promoting and expanding American style democracy is consistent among all. It needs to end. Pragmatism>idealism.

This right here. I know some people don't dig nuance or get into the nuts and bolts of foreign policy, but Harf's comments are no different, or any less stupid, than the whole "making the world safe for democracy" that so many eagerly embraced back in 03.

2/19/2015, 11:05 AM
you know, what I don't get is that parts of this world will not ever get or want Democracy... The ME especially. They are a strong leader type, they want to be led and many only want a strong arm to lead them. That region with the family clans and tribes will only respond to the strong arm. dumbarses who think that everyone wants democracy or would respond well to democracy are frickin' idots (in SF langauge)...

2/19/2015, 11:35 AM
Dude...you are WAY over valuing being a "CIA Analyst for 2 years". I have worked with intel analysts for the better part of 20 years...2 years AINT $HIT!!! It takes that long to be able to understand the idiosyncrasies of the country. In order to be a useful analyst...it takes at least 5 yrs, depending on the individual. So, please stop touting 2 yrs in the CIA as some great deal...I would bet it took here at least 6 months to get all of here training, quals, and access to all the required systems before she ever did on single bit of analysis. Also...a Bachelors in Poly Sci...stop the fvkcing presses...you need a pulse and a signature to achieve one of those. Good lord, you are trying to make her sound like Maggie Thatcher or something. She said stupid $hit...she should just own up to it and move on, but NOOOO...lets tell everyone how stupid they are, they don't understand. Give me a fvcking break. Why do you insist on defending stupid mutherfvckers???She is the b!tch everybody hates when they show up. She has her degree...yet, she is lucky if she can name 5 prominent figures in whatever region she is assigned to. And for the record, she is not doing the entire Middle East, she may do a country or a small region...not the whole enchilada. Trust me...I have seen these types all to often, complete pain in the a$$ to get spun up on all happenings in such a dynamic part of the world.WOW - this is what is wrong with conservatives/republicans and this is why you get called lemmings. You ignored she has a MASTERS. Next I was comparing her to fans daughters asian studies and spending six months there. Next how do you know she cannot name 5 prominent figures in whatever region she is assigned to. PROVE IT. This is why you people get called LEMMINGS. Google her name - the top returns are faux "news" rush, hotair and the daily caller, leading the call to grabbing your pitchforks and torches to head out the get this dumb bitch. Do they have the veins on your forehead popping out? You are sufficiently outraged? Do you hate her guts? What the fvck is wrong with you? What she said was right on target. Even dumbass bush said they need jobs to HELP the situation. If you actually bothered to read or watch what she said - you would see she said it is ONE of the ways that will help - not the ONLY way. Put your torch and pitchfork back in the front closet and take a Valium cocktail.................god you people are easy to manipulate................

Sooner in Tampa
2/19/2015, 11:47 AM
WOW - this is what is wrong with conservatives/republicans and this is why you get called lemmings. You ignored she has a MASTERS. Next I was comparing her to fans daughters asian studies and spending six months there. Next how do you know she cannot name 5 prominent figures in whatever region she is assigned to. PROVE IT. This is why you people get called LEMMINGS. Google her name - the top returns are faux "news" rush, hotair and the daily caller, leading the call to grabbing your pitchforks and torches to head out the get this dumb bitch. Do they have the veins on your forehead popping out? You are sufficiently outraged? Do you hate her guts? What the fvck is wrong with you? What she said was right on target. Even dumbass bush said they need jobs to HELP the situation. If you actually bothered to read or watch what she said - you would see she said it is ONE of the ways that will help - not the ONLY way. Put your torch and pitchfork back in the front closet and take a Valium cocktail.................god you people are easy to manipulate................

You really are a waste of sperm! Great...a Masters in Foreign Affairs...right on par with a Masters in Basket weaving...it really looks good to have a Masters until you have to do something with it. I don't hate this woman or the that you are going to continue defending stupid mutherfvckers in this administration! IDGAF if Bush thought it was a great idea for the towel heads to have jobs...that's not the root of this discussion. The root of the discussion is that this woman is a petulant b!tch who told people they are not smart enough to understand what she is saying...I heard/read what she said...and I still think she is a dumbass. IDGAF if she has a PhD in shove up our *** 8th...it doesn't mean that everything that comes out of her mouth is relevant or some great idea. SO, put Obamas dong back in your cockholster and carry on...

THIS is why people can't have a conversation with you...you are always going off the ranch...FVCK, I swear I am done trying.

2/19/2015, 12:03 PM
You really are a waste of sperm! Great...a Masters in Foreign Affairs...right on par with a Masters in Basket weaving...
This is so idiotic and so insulting that I can't let it pass. She works for the State Department -- a MA in foreign affairs is extremely valid. Christ, but let's discredit education because it isn't in some field that that you consider to be 'useful' by some criteria you didn't bother to share with us.

it really looks good to have a Masters until you have to do something with it. She is doing something with it you dolt -- she works for the State Department! Exactly what sort of degree would you prefer a State Department employee have? Chemical engineering?

I don't hate this woman or the that you are going to continue defending stupid mutherfvckers in this administration!
Well, it's good that you don't hate her since you've never met the woman and know absolutely nothing about her personally. Jesus H. Christ. My guess is that, overwhelmingly, I have very little in common with this woman politically but that doesn't change the fact that she was mostly correct in her statement. The only thing she was wrong about was the need for the United States to (in some way) push or provide these jobs and economic opportunities -- that, I oppose.

2/19/2015, 12:22 PM
you know, what I don't get is that parts of this world will not ever get or want Democracy... The ME especially. They are a strong leader type, they want to be led and many only want a strong arm to lead them. That region with the family clans and tribes will only respond to the strong arm. dumbarses who think that everyone wants democracy or would respond well to democracy are frickin' idots (in SF langauge)...

Don't you think their adherence to Islam largely accounts for this view of the accepted role of rulers and their subjugates? This is why it infuriates me that Obama keeps insisting that Islam is not the problem in this region. It is THE problem. Islam is the enabler of the unjust social cultures in the region.

I find it incredible that Obama shows such disdain for Christianity("They cling to their guns and Bibles") while ignoring the role Islam is playing in most of the turmoil in this world. Is it just coincidence or is it because of deeper held beliefs on our President's part?

2/19/2015, 12:26 PM
You really are a waste of sperm! Great...a Masters in Foreign Affairs...right on par with a Masters in Basket weaving...it really looks good to have a Masters until you have to do something with it. I don't hate this woman or the that you are going to continue defending stupid mutherfvckers in this administration! IDGAF if Bush thought it was a great idea for the towel heads to have jobs...that's not the root of this discussion. The root of the discussion is that this woman is a petulant b!tch who told people they are not smart enough to understand what she is saying...I heard/read what she said...and I still think she is a dumbass. IDGAF if she has a PhD in shove up our *** 8th...it doesn't mean that everything that comes out of her mouth is relevant or some great idea. SO, put Obamas dong back in your cockholster and carry on...THIS is why people can't have a conversation with you...you are always going off the ranch...FVCK, I swear I am done trying.jesus fvcking christ.....you are a joke. Don't use words you don't understand the meaning to. Petulant means getting angry when you don't get your way. If she is anything it is CONDESCENDING. Look at what you typed - they have got you sufficiently outraged - OUTRAGED I tell you about saying ONE of the ways to help is for them to have jobs. I thought a job a was a cure all for everything? Capitalism doesn't work anymore? Basket weaving? LOL at you. She DID do something with her MASTERS - she got a job at the CIA! Go on back to sarah palin republican philosophy - education is meaningless. Working for the CIA is meaningless when they are not spouting the rightwingnut party line. Your keep proving what an ignorant lemming you are. Who the fvck is talking about obama? You are a true DUMBASS.

2/19/2015, 12:30 PM
Don't you think their adherence to Islam largely accounts for this view of the accepted role of rulers and their subjugates? This is why it infuriates me that Obama keeps insisting that Islam is not the problem in this region. It is THE problem. Islam is the enabler of the unjust social cultures in the region.

I find it incredible that Obama shows such disdain for Christianity("They cling to their guns and Bibles") while ignoring the role Islam is playing in most of the turmoil in this world. Is it just coincidence or is it because of deeper held beliefs on our President's part?

What about the Turks, Erdogan has received some bad press for his push towards a politicized Islam but they have been rather democratic. Indonesia? Islamic and rather democratic. China is authoritarian yet no Islam. Russia? See where I am going. Seems rather blanket to say Islam is the problem and certainly lacks a deeper understanding of the area. Almost as intellectually dishonest as claiming Obama is some type of Islamic Manchuria candidate.

hawaii 5-0
2/19/2015, 12:31 PM
"Africa is a country."


Sooner in Tampa
2/19/2015, 12:55 PM
This is so idiotic and so insulting that I can't let it pass. She works for the State Department -- a MA in foreign affairs is extremely valid. Christ, but let's discredit education because it isn't in some field that that you consider to be 'useful' by some criteria you didn't bother to share with us.

She is doing something with it you dolt -- she works for the State Department! Exactly what sort of degree would you prefer a State Department employee have? Chemical engineering?

Well, it's good that you don't hate her since you've never met the woman and know absolutely nothing about her personally. Jesus H. Christ. My guess is that, overwhelmingly, I have very little in common with this woman politically but that doesn't change the fact that she was mostly correct in her statement. The only thing she was wrong about was the need for the United States to (in some way) push or provide these jobs and economic opportunities -- that, I oppose.

Great, you want to start something SicEm? Listen, kid...just because someone has a degree...that doesn't make them smart (pretty sure FaninAma already pointed that out). As I said, I have worked with analysts and State department pukes for a long time...probably more than half of your life and MANY of them have multiple degrees...guess what, they are not always great. I, for one, am not a degree snob...I don't think that degrees automatically qualify you do $hit in the real world. I have my degree...so what, EXPERIENCE is what really teaches you how to do your job. The point I was simply trying to make is that she has been in academia (and all that entails) and 2 yrs as an analyst doesn't do $hit for you in way of experience when it comes the type of work they are doing. 2 yrs is a freaking joke.

She is doing something with it??? Really? Jobs will lower the number of radical muslims??? Bin Laden had money, Al-Baghdadi has money...should I go on? Radically charged Muslims are driven by an ideology...it ain't money...these guys are more the mercenaries. You kids that do not truly comprehend the enemy or what we are up against the biggest problem. Do you really want to end the war in the Middle East? I mean really end it? Pull every fvcking thing we own, every person, and every bit of money invested in the entire region OUT! Completely leave them in the rear view mirror...that is the only way your are going to end this. That way, they don't have reason to be mad at us...sounds like a great idea...huh?

2/19/2015, 01:05 PM

just a glimpse...obama's idea

Efforts to counter violent extremism will only succeed if citizens can address legitimate grievances through the democratic process and express themselves through strong civil societies.

2/19/2015, 01:10 PM
She is doing something with it??? Really? Jobs will lower the number of radical muslims??? Bin Laden had money, Al-Baghdadi has money...should I go on? Radically charged Muslims are driven by an ideology...it ain't money...these guys are more the mercenaries. You kids that do not truly comprehend the enemy or what we are up against the biggest problem. Do you really want to end the war in the Middle East? I mean really end it? Pull every fvcking thing we own, every person, and every bit of money invested in the entire region OUT! Completely leave them in the rear view mirror...that is the only way your are going to end this. That way, they don't have reason to be mad at us...sounds like a great idea...huh?

So with your appeals to authority and trashing academics we are to assume you "truly" comprehend the enemy? They way I see it neither our highfalutin academia or the military has a real good idea on how to win this war. If your solution is to keep bombing em to the Stone Age, well, that ain't working either.

2/19/2015, 01:12 PM
Of course it was tongue in cheek, but the fact is that opening markets around the world helps us as much or more than them. I am not about handouts but bringing up the standard of living in the whole world (where possible) does take away some of the reasons there are people desperate enough to become terrorists. It is much more complicated than that, but it is a fact that world economic growth helps everyone.

I agree, unfortunately THEY have to open to the idea...not thinkin that is in the cards...

Sure there are tons of millionaires that would love to put a McDonalds in...lol (or any other business)

2/19/2015, 01:12 PM
She is doing something with it??? Really? Jobs will lower the number of radical muslims??? Bin Laden had money, Al-Baghdadi has money...should I go on? Radically charged Muslims are driven by an ideology...it ain't money...these guys are more the mercenaries. You kids that do not truly comprehend the enemy or what we are up against the biggest problem. Do you really want to end the war in the Middle East? I mean really end it? Pull every fvcking thing we own, every person, and every bit of money invested in the entire region OUT! Completely leave them in the rear view mirror...that is the only way your are going to end this. That way, they don't have reason to be mad at us...sounds like a great idea...huh?

Yes, and if you'll notice, neither Bin Laden nor Al-Baghdadi ever strapped on a suicide vest. It isn't about the relatively few who have money and are funding terror -- it's about the poor and uneducated who do the will of the money men. The idea isn't that throwing money at them will make them abandon terror -- that's a misrepresentation and over simplification. The idea, and I agree with it, is that more economic opportunities in the middle east will make those foot soldiers less likely to strap on a suicide vest for someone who does have money. When you're poor and have relatively few option you start looking for scapegoats to blame for your condition -- the United States and Israel being the case, and you can easily fall prey to radical Islam. You're quite a bit less likely to kill yourself or risk death when you have a well paying steady job. That should be common sense, and that's why I'm astounded her comments have generated the reaction that they have.

Now, should the United States be responsible for promoting or creating those economic opportunities in any way? Absolutely not. I'm an advocate for cutting off all foreign aid (especially to Israel) globally without exception, closing every overseas military installation, and bringing every deployed soldier home, again, globally. That's one area that she and I clearly disagree on.

But do I fundamentally believe that people with a decent job, the prospect for opportunity, and money in their pocket are less likely to blow themselves up.....yes. Yes, I do.

2/19/2015, 01:18 PM
http://downtrend.com/71superb/obama-says-al-qaeda-and-isis-have-legitimate-grievancesjust a glimpse...obama's ideaEfforts to counter violent extremism will only succeed if citizens can address legitimate grievances through the democratic process and express themselves through strong civil societies.Where do you get this imbecilic crap at? NO WHERE in obamas op-ed did it say al Qaeda And ISIS Have ‘Legitimate Grievances’. What he said was - Efforts to counter violent extremism will only succeed if citizens can address legitimate grievances through the democratic process and express themselves through strong civil societies. This ignorant dipsh!t said Boy or boy - it's boy OH boy. So much for rightwingnut journalism........

Sooner in Tampa
2/19/2015, 01:36 PM
So with your appeals to authority and trashing academics we are to assume you "truly" comprehend the enemy? They way I see it neither our highfalutin academia or the military has a real good idea on how to win this war. If your solution is to keep bombing em to the Stone Age, well, that ain't working either.
I am not a radical muslim SME, but I damn sure understand a great deal about them. I have never claimed that bombing them to the Stone Age was solution.

2/19/2015, 02:18 PM
What about the Turks, Erdogan has received some bad press for his push towards a politicized Islam but they have been rather democratic. Indonesia? Islamic and rather democratic. China is authoritarian yet no Islam. Russia? See where I am going. Seems rather blanket to say Islam is the problem and certainly lacks a deeper understanding of the area. Almost as intellectually dishonest as claiming Obama is some type of Islamic Manchuria candidate.

Turkey is now headed in the wrong direction because it now has a fundamentalist President. It will be interesting to watch what happens in China as their middle class increases in size. I suspect they will continue to get more and more liberal in terms of granting the citizens new rights albeit with intermittent periods of tightening liberties when the central planners feel things are progressing too rapidly. Likewise with Russia. Putin can't stay in power forever. Right now he is able to dictate how much civil liberties the citizens will be granted. I think once he is gone Russia will continue the trend that started with the breakup of the Soviet Union of relaxing their tight control over civil liberties.

I'm not saying Obama is a Manchurian candidate. I am saying that Muslim culture had a significant impact on him early in his life. He lived in a Muslim country and attended an Islamic school. Wasn't his father also a Muslim? I think he attended a Christian church(with an anti-social pastor) for political expendiency. Because of his background I think he sees the US as having had a net negative impact on the course of world history and I do believe he is an anti-colonialist and sees this country as one of the colonial powers.

2/19/2015, 02:54 PM
I am not a radical muslim SME, but I damn sure understand a great deal about them. I have never claimed that bombing them to the Stone Age was solution.So then what is your solution? Could one of them possibly be................................jobs?

Curly Bill
2/19/2015, 03:00 PM
So then what is your solution? Could one of them possibly be................................jobs?

Could they maybe get you one so you won't have all day to play troll on here?

2/19/2015, 03:07 PM
Could they maybe get you one so you won't have all day to play troll on here?I got me one of them PRIVATE SECTOR jobs. Unlike a few on here, you know who you are, who are "conservatives" and have one of them cushy, do nothin', not adding to the economy gooberment jobs. I'm just being a maker and not a taker..........................

2/19/2015, 03:09 PM
I got me one of them PRIVATE SECTOR jobs. Unlike a few on here, you know who you are, who are "conservatives" and have one of them cushy, do nothin', not adding to the economy gooberment jobs. I'm just being a maker and not a taker..........................----I wonder if the owners of your company agree with you?-----Let me know when the next stockholders meeting is and I will ask the question if it is OK to have employees spend so much time on the internet

2/19/2015, 03:23 PM
----I wonder if the owners of your company agree with you?-----Let me know when the next stockholders meeting is and I will ask the question if it is OK to have employees spend so much time on the internetFirst off....I would start with soonerjeeperman who has a public school teaching job and was on here ALL DAY LONG. Second - my owner completely agrees with me, they are one of the largest donors to dems and granddad who founded the company was a democratic governor about 100 years ago. Lastly.....privately held company no stock holders meetings. All of my peers, my boss, her boss all know how much work I have. They are the ones who set it up this way.

Sooner in Tampa
2/19/2015, 03:27 PM
----I wonder if the owners of your company agree with you?-----Let me know when the next stockholders meeting is and I will ask the question if it is OK to have employees spend so much time on the internet
I'm so much better putting that little prick on ignore...and then he wonders why people are always accusing him of having the 'mightier than thou' attitude!

He is a pompous cocksvcker!

2/19/2015, 04:04 PM
The Leftist is now saying that Islam was part of the founding of America... something to that effect. Now, how many muslims were in the Continental Congress or part of the original 13 colonies? I forget...

2/19/2015, 04:14 PM
I agree, unfortunately THEY have to open to the idea...not thinkin that is in the cards...

Sure there are tons of millionaires that would love to put a McDonalds in...lol (or any other business)

It all starts somewhere, but McDonald's would have to get rid of almost their entire breakfast menu....

This whole thing with the region has been going on for hundreds of years. There was a time when they were more advanced than the western world but that ended a very long time ago. They have issues with totalitarian governments, military juntas, war in and around their countries. It is hard to achieve something stable in a region like that. It can't come from outside either. This has to be their decision, and I suspect we are at least 3 generations away from that making any difference at all.

2/19/2015, 04:33 PM
The Leftist is now saying that Islam was part of the founding of America... something to that effect. Now, how many muslims were in the Continental Congress or part of the original 13 colonies? I forget...

This is hilarious.

He kind of skimmed over the Muslim Piracy issues.

Sad part is the majority of the fools that voted him in don't know any better than believe the crap he spews.

2/19/2015, 04:48 PM
First off....I would start with soonerjeeperman who has a public school teaching job and was on here ALL DAY LONG. Second - my owner completely agrees with me, they are one of the largest donors to dems and granddad who founded the company was a democratic governor about 100 years ago. Lastly.....privately held company no stock holders meetings. All of my peers, my boss, her boss all know how much work I have. They are the ones who set it up this way.----I doubt that the owners of your company would want any part of the childish posts you make be a reflection on their business

Tear Down This Wall
2/19/2015, 05:15 PM
Harf began her career at the Directorate of Intelligence at the Central Intelligence Agency as an analyst focusing on Middle Eastern leadership issues. Ignored that part? Not to mention a masters.................

Ted Kacynzski had a PhD in mathetmatics. So, should we have all just acquiesced to his world view?

Stupid is stupid; and, this spokesman lady is stupid. I don't care how many degrees she has; she could have 20. They ain't helping her with common sense.

2/19/2015, 05:19 PM
Ted Kacynzski had a PhD in mathetmatics. So, should we have all just acquiesced to his world view?Stupid is stupid; and, this spokesman lady is stupid. I don't care how many degrees she has; she could have 20. They ain't helping her with common sense.Did you see where she said it was ONE of the solutions? Not the ONLY ONE.

Tear Down This Wall
2/19/2015, 05:21 PM
It all starts somewhere, but McDonald's would have to get rid of almost their entire breakfast menu....

This whole thing with the region has been going on for hundreds of years. There was a time when they were more advanced than the western world but that ended a very long time ago. They have issues with totalitarian governments, military juntas, war in and around their countries. It is hard to achieve something stable in a region like that. It can't come from outside either. This has to be their decision, and I suspect we are at least 3 generations away from that making any difference at all.

These are people who were herding sheep and wandering around in packs before the British found oil in their crappy sandboxes a little less than 100 years ago. Their problem is their idiot leaders, like with any other country.

It's not our place to tell them to give their people jobs. If their leader gave a damn about them in the first place, they'd already have jobs. They don't give any more of a rip about their people than the acrylic butt shelfs who run every country south of Texas and north of Antarctica.

2/19/2015, 05:21 PM
----I doubt that the owners of your company would want any part of the childish posts you make be a reflection on their businessWhat do the owners of the company i work for have to do with anything? They don't own me. I work for them. And they would be laughing at how stupid conservatives are on this board.

Tear Down This Wall
2/19/2015, 05:33 PM
Did you see where she said it was ONE of the solutions? Not the ONLY ONE.

Yes, and it followed with a long litany of other stupid ideas.

And, contrary to her opinion, you can kill your way out these situations - ask Hitler. Ask Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Our problem is that after WWII we stopped killing our way out of the situations.

Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan...shameful. You go to war to kill and destroy to utter hopelessness your enemy. You kill and destroy them to the point of not being able to protect or feed themselves and their people. If not, you end up with DMZs, North Koreas, Vietnam, and outfits like ISIS.

Since WWII, we've had generation after generation of world leaders trying to "talk" and scheme a way to peace. They pat themselves on the back for signing treaties that fail within months, and hand each other trophies and awards. They are worse than dried platypus vomit, and about as useful.

Obama is just another in a long line of spineless, post-WWII crevice pheasants. And, his spokesman lady is the ultimate culmination of the type of stupidity they mistake for non-scientific academic achievement today. You'd get better direction in life from the Cleveland Browns' Draft Hobo than some salted up vag like the ones these presidents run out as spokesmen ladies lately.

2/19/2015, 05:33 PM
What do the owners of the company i work for have to do with anything? They don't own me. I work for them. And they would be laughing at how stupid conservatives are on this board.---You are a wage slave----They own you

2/19/2015, 07:02 PM
---You are a wage slave----They own youShows how little you know about me.

2/19/2015, 08:01 PM
Shows how little you know about me.---I have no interest in knowing anything about someone like you

2/19/2015, 09:54 PM
---I have no interest in knowing anything about someone like youThen why do you keep acting like you do?

2/19/2015, 10:37 PM
Then why do you keep acting like you do?---I am not I could care less

2/19/2015, 11:42 PM
---I am not I could care lessfor someone who says they could not care less - you sure spend a lot of time making sh!t up about me.

2/20/2015, 02:10 PM
Hey! We did our part last night... Mrs. THA and I bought a 24-pack of face cloths from Sam's for $24. They were made in pakistan... I figure Pakistan probably has a few ISIS job seekers...

2/20/2015, 02:19 PM
saw one of your post 8th referring to me...I'm not a teacher...I lied...or did I?..lol That's what a dumba$$ you are.
Glad to know you are counting the minutes I'm on...what a dip$hit. You ought to b proud of yourself....lol

2/20/2015, 03:06 PM
saw one of your post 8th referring to me...I'm not a teacher...I lied...or did I?..lol That's what a dumba$$ you are.Glad to know you are counting the minutes I'm on...what a dip$hit. You ought to b proud of yourself....lolEither way it proves you are a LOSER!!!

2/20/2015, 04:40 PM
oh wait...you're on ignore! lol...nice

Curly Bill
2/22/2015, 05:26 PM
Either way it proves I enjoy choking on some obamadong!

That's not news, and we didn't need more proof.

2/22/2015, 05:32 PM

2/22/2015, 07:55 PM
I here there are several openings in the pig farms around Guymon. I wonder if those jobs would be acceptable for a few radical islamasists?

2/22/2015, 09:02 PM
Yup Just give em a Job that will stop the Crazy ****ers. WAIT ! What? Ya say THIS guy had a Job and did what?


2/23/2015, 10:54 AM
Heres some Jobs fer em

https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10986857_610038769129305_956284480061357920_n.jpg? oh=2ee25cd1fb3c846c101729bf2b02ba09&oe=55500EC0&__gda__=1431439105_1a9c7cdaa1c4ba85761057f059e1f10 3

2/23/2015, 11:05 AM
Looks like quality jobs to me. I'm thinking that as soon as an opening becomes available another one will take his spot.

2/23/2015, 11:19 AM
Looks like quality jobs to me. I'm thinking that as soon as an opening becomes available another one will take his spot.

They pay well, 77 Virgins

2/23/2015, 11:29 AM
Yup Just give em a Job that will stop the Crazy ****ers. WAIT ! What? Ya say THIS guy had a Job and did what?


It's just workplace violence... Nothing to see, move on...