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2/12/2015, 09:33 AM
Pro-Illegal Alien Advocates Seize Capitol Hill Offices
Wednesday, 11 Feb 2015 07:56 PM
By Joel Himelfarb

Advocates for illegal immigrants staged protests on Capitol Hill Wednesday, occupying numerous Republican offices, including those of Sens. Ted Cruz of Texas and Jeff Sessions of Alabama, The Daily Caller reports.

A Hawaii-based group calling itself the "Aloha DREAM Team" posted a photo on Twitter showing activists protesting inside Sessions' office:

Sessions' office told The Daily Caller that the protests were so loud that they made it impossible to talk on the telephone.

A man told the website that he was on the telephone with someone in the Alabaman's office when a heard loud yelling in the background from protesters.

According to the Aloha DREAM Team's Facebook page, its supporters are "dedicated to providing reliable, accurate advice and answers on the Obama administration's and DHS' new deferred action policy" preventing young illegal immigrants who have entered the United States from being deported.

The liberal Daily Kos website reported that immigration activists "are presently staging protests in 35-plus 'Hardline Republican' congressional offices" on Capitol Hill, according to a press release from a group calling itself the Alliance for Citizenship.

The Alliance's press release quotes Gustavo Torres, president of the pro-amnesty group Casa de Maryland, as stating that "Republicans have engaged in ceaseless attacks on hardworking immigrant families."

When "our children vote in 2016, they will not forget the party that sought to destroy their parents," Torres added.

According to the Daily Kos, illegal immigrant advocates have a list of 35 "Hardline Republican" offices they plan to target. They range from outspoken critics of amnesty like Reps. Steve King of Iowa and Lou Barletta of Pennsylvania to Senate Republicans who voted for the 2013 immigration bill backed by the Obama White House like Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire, Mark Kirk of Illinois, and Marco Rubio of Florida.

Also on the list of "hardliners" is Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky, who voted against the bill, which passed the Senate by a 68 to 32 vote, but more recently has been telling Republicans they need to get "beyond deportation" to win Hispanic support.

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.Newsmax.com/Newsfront/illegal-aliens-advocates-seize/2015/02/11/id/624270/#ixzz3RXbUITSS

Don't see anything about these scumbags being arrested.

2/12/2015, 09:45 AM
Don't these "hardworking people" have jobs they should/need to be doing? Or are they all just on the government teat?

2/12/2015, 09:51 AM
Ceaseless attacks....now that's a laugh. I guess upholding the law doesn't sit well with these baztards.

Any illegal in this country for the last decade had almost no chance of being deported unless they committed a felony.

2/12/2015, 10:22 AM
If amnesty and expanded immigration are allowed it will be the poorest of this country that are hurt. That includes poor whites, poor asians, poor blacks and poor latinos. You can't stretch social entitlements much further without diluting the services provided to our poor citizens.. You can't have cheaper labor competing with our lower class without further depressing wages for unskilled(and some skilled) workers.

I made a prediction back in the 90's when NAFTA was passed that it was just the first step in moving our standard of living down to the rest of the countries in the Western hemisphere. The 2nd hammer of that effort is increased immigration.