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2/11/2015, 11:21 PM
Yall ready to go to War as Obammy wants?
:obama icon:

hawaii 5-0
2/12/2015, 12:37 AM
Let the ragheads duke it out on the ground. If they want their territory they should fight for it, not us.

I'm OK with the US supporting a coalition providing air support and technical support.

Someone remind me why we were there in the first place after the 9/11 attacks?


2/12/2015, 07:54 AM
I think the general idea was to fight them on their soil rather than ours. Plus folks were kinda pissed about the whole flying planes into the twin towers deal.

Otherwise I'm with you. Let them duke it out amongst themselves.

2/12/2015, 08:48 AM
Yall ready to go to War as Obammy wants?:obama icon:hahahahaahahahah you mean as the republicans want too?

Sooner in Tampa
2/12/2015, 11:38 AM
The new Authorization to Use Military Force (AUMF) is just a dog and pony show. There is already a standing AUMF that is being used as we speak...just another dooshbag move to try boost his approval rating.

2/12/2015, 11:53 AM
The new Authorization to Use Military Force (AUMF) is just a dog and pony show. There is already a standing AUMF that is being used as we speak...just another dooshbag move to try boost his approval rating.


Sooner in Tampa
2/12/2015, 12:13 PM
We should be far more concerned about the situation in Yemen right now...IJS

rock on sooner
2/12/2015, 12:43 PM
I'll weigh in on this...Obama's request has a sunset date on it...three years but
it will be revisited by the next prez sooner than three years. What he verbalized
with the press is deliberately "fuzzy"....imo, both sides are going to ruminate for
quite some time before an up or down answer and I think he did that on purpose,
so his party can save face and the Pubs (at least Graham and McCain) can beat
war drums some more. I am ALL IN on letting the "neighbors" do the boots on
the ground thing...it's about freakin' time! What Obama is after, I think, is tacit
approval to allow JSOG teams to find and address with extreme prejudice those
who need/deserve it.

As to Yemen, SIT is right, but is not the drone program operated out of Qatar or
UAE, with the piloting done in Nevada? The Marines destroyed their weapons before
they left, I wish they had used 25 grenades or thereabouts on the vehicles left behind.
Yemen reminds me a lot of Somalia....

hawaii 5-0
2/12/2015, 12:57 PM
According to a few Russia is the most dangerous to the United States. Shouldn't we be attacking them ASAP?

Maybe we'll attack them right after all the illegals self-deport themselves.


2/12/2015, 01:15 PM
Send all of the illegals to Hawaii...might cause one of the islands to capsize.

hawaii 5-0
2/12/2015, 04:01 PM
Send all of the illegals to Hawaii...might cause one of the islands to capsize.

Off of ours have done the right thing and self-deported.

Actually a number of years ago a Mexican Restaurant owner was bringing in illegals to cook on a 6 month rotation. He got nailed.


2/12/2015, 04:10 PM
There's no beating ISIS. It just drags us into the quagmire of an endless war with no clearly defined goals or ways to achieve those goals. It's an endless game of whack-a-mole. Does this mean we'll stop the insane practice of supporting the 'Arab Spring' by arming radical Islamists against long-time United States allies and secular leaders? Because if we still support the ouster of Assad while simultaneously fighting ISIS then we're fighting in circles.

I'm absolutely opposed to going to war with ISIS. Until ISIS directly attacks the United States of America, I want to see us extricate ourselves from the region rather than become further involved in internal middle-east conflicts. While we're at it, I want to see us normalize relations with Iran as well.

2/12/2015, 04:16 PM
Off of ours have done the right thing and self-deported.

Actually a number of years ago a Mexican Restaurant owner was bringing in illegals to cook on a 6 month rotation. He got nailed.


Somebody actually punished an employer that hired illegals? Obama fought tooth and nail to prevent AZ from punishing employers that hired illegals. Fortunately he lost every court case including with the supreme court on that issue.

hawaii 5-0
2/12/2015, 05:27 PM
Back on point........remember we actually supported the Taliban when they were fighting the Ruskies. The Mujahadeem (sp) morphed into the Taliban.

Today's allies can be tomorrows enemies.

We saved Kuwait. We killed Saddam. To Hell with Cheney's oil. Time to get out.


2/12/2015, 05:52 PM
Back on point........remember we actually supported the Taliban when they were fighting the Ruskies. The Mujahadeem (sp) morphed into the Taliban.

Today's allies can be tomorrows enemies.

We saved Kuwait. We killed Saddam. To Hell with Cheney's oil. Time to get out.


I thought we were "out". W signed the agreement with the Iraqi's in 2008 to have us out...and technically we had no combat troops there after the end of 2010. Of course we left thousands of designated "advisors" for the US compound and some in the field. Now that the Iraqi army has proven they don't fight worth a crap to defend their own country I would say let 'em go...get out. In a way ISIS scares the hell out of the Iranians so that's not a bad counterbalance if they weren't such POS.

I know Obama, McCain and Graham might disagree but 'uck em. I don't mind supplying the Jordanians, et al, with weapons and intelligence to help them, however.

2/13/2015, 09:34 PM
I'm with 5-0,,,"let the ragheads duke it out"

2/13/2015, 09:39 PM
I'm with 5-0,,,"let the ragheads duke it out"

I agree, so why is Mooslum Obammy wantin us to go in?

2/14/2015, 08:30 AM
Say didn't Obama win a Peace prize of some sort?

2/14/2015, 08:50 AM
Say didn't Obama win a Peace prize of some sort?


2/14/2015, 10:31 AM
like someone said....all a show. He knows the public is outraged with isis, the killing of folks...the fact the King of Jordan DID something when ONE of his country's citizens got murdered and he hasn't done jack.

It's all about show...

2/14/2015, 03:11 PM
like someone said....all a show. He knows the public is outraged with isis, the killing of folks...the fact the King of Jordan DID something when ONE of his country's citizens got murdered and he hasn't done jack.

It's all about show...

What, precisely, is the reason for going to war with ISIS? Did they invade Virginia Beach? I mean, honestly, going to war with ISIS is such a failure of leadership and a failure of our regional policy. It's bat**** crazy, to be frank.

2/14/2015, 03:51 PM
like someone said....all a show. He knows the public is outraged with isis, the killing of folks...the fact the King of Jordan DID something when ONE of his country's citizens got murdered and he hasn't done jack.It's all about show...What exactly do you want obama to do? Then tell me - what he done you disagree with on isil?

2/14/2015, 04:34 PM
What exactly do you want obama to do? Then tell me - what he done you disagree with on isil?

I can't answer that for him, but I can answer it for myself: I disagree with militarily engaging ISIS/ISIL.

2/16/2015, 10:05 AM
Whaaaa? Wouldn't you want your son or daughter being sent into harm's way by our present CIC? Don't you have the utmost confidence that he would have their back if things got ugly in the Mideast?

Let, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Jordan, Iran, Morroco, Oman, Kuwait and Egypt put down the ISIS threat. Surely they can get the job done without much help from us. This is one of the reasons I will not vote for an establishment faction Republican for President.

2/16/2015, 10:22 AM
Yup, Tell our People to GTFO of that part of the world. Let the Rags have at each other.Maybe give em some Air support if needed but Not even sure I want that. No matter which side "WINS" its gonna be a Bad side.

2/16/2015, 11:44 AM
Barack is just a very weak leader----I wonder what are allies think about him now?

2/16/2015, 12:18 PM
Barack is just a very weak leader----I wonder what are allies think about him now?


How can you say that about a man who conducts himself with such dignity at all times?

2/16/2015, 02:33 PM
2869How can you say that about a man who conducts himself with such dignity at all times?Photo shopping at it finest. There is nothing you will not believe is there? Too funny....

rock on sooner
2/16/2015, 02:45 PM
Re Obama being a weak leader....not sure how to define that but if you google
How many terrorists has Obama killed, you'll find a whole host of topics about
that. The one that I read was from 2012,,,that site reported that W killed 16
in his eight years and that Obama in his first four killed 15. I'm sure there
have been many more since...but W is generally considered to be a much tougher
leader than Obama is. I thought that is a fairly interesting contrast.....

2/16/2015, 04:05 PM
Photo shopping at it finest. There is nothing you will not believe is there? Too funny....

LOL. That photo is from his little Youtube skit promoting Obamacare. There was no photoshopping. Here it is. You are welcome.

2/16/2015, 04:11 PM
LOL. That photo is from his little Youtube skit promoting Obamacare. There was no photoshopping. Here it is. You are welcome.


Jesus that's embarrassing.

2/16/2015, 04:17 PM
Barack does love the spotlight