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View Full Version : What would folks like to see here?

2/9/2015, 07:08 PM
Over the years, I've tried to keep the verbal commitment list updated for that specific year, and on occasion start threads to update the class and/or talk about a specific recruit. I've been thinking about adding a thread (that goes with the year's commitment thread) for the current offers OU is extending. This would be brief introductions to the offers OU is making along with any updates of note that occur throughout the process. I would probably update the information twice a week or so.

Is there anything else you would like to see here?

2/9/2015, 10:12 PM
8th, I do appreciate the info you give. I like that I can just come here and check the latest on the Sooner recruiting. I know it takes time so just don't over extend yourself just to give us more info. That said, if you don't mind doing more, I would sure check it out.

2/9/2015, 10:59 PM
8th, I do appreciate the info you give. I like that I can just come here and check the latest on the Sooner recruiting. I know it takes time so just don't over extend yourself just to give us more info. That said, if you don't mind doing more, I would sure check it out.

I appreciate the compliment!

I've always followed recruiting, so this is just a fun way for me to keep track of it all. I know there are other places, with more in-depth coverage, but I like that folks can come here and get a quick look at where things stand.

2/10/2015, 03:58 AM
What achiro said. Also a list of offers would be awesome

2/10/2015, 08:19 AM
Ditto what's been previously said.

If you write it, I'll most certainly read it.

And thank you!

2/10/2015, 09:26 AM
It's nice to be able to see all the possible commits in one place instead of in multiple threads. Thanks for your hard work 8x!

2/10/2015, 05:04 PM
Okay folks, the first thread is up for the 2016 offers.

I'm going to update it a couple of times a week, or as warranted. Thanks again for the kind words and feedback!