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View Full Version : Hey 8th Troll Jes fer YOU

1/31/2015, 01:22 PM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/p552x414/1508010_806400719414959_3949432927622450338_n.jpg? oh=9a1c28c7044e161728bdb837f9906b0b&oe=5559801C&__gda__=1431396466_e72446fa43e9603c4e1fa7fca5e3787 9

1/31/2015, 02:00 PM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/p552x414/1508010_806400719414959_3949432927622450338_n.jpg? oh=9a1c28c7044e161728bdb837f9906b0b&oe=5559801C&__gda__=1431396466_e72446fa43e9603c4e1fa7fca5e3787 9Only in the heads of dumabss, inbred, hillbilly conservative dumbasses like you. LOSER

1/31/2015, 03:45 PM
Only in the heads of dumabss, inbred, hillbilly conservative dumbasses like you. LOSER


Curly Bill
1/31/2015, 06:10 PM
Careful Vet, you're talking about KC//8th's lover!

1/31/2015, 06:40 PM
Obama is most certainly not the worst President in American history. Those who think so have a pretty terrible long-term memory and/or sense and understanding of history.

However, he's definitely bottom-5.

1/31/2015, 06:48 PM
Obama is most certainly not the worst President in American history. Those who think so have a pretty terrible long-term memory and/or sense and understanding of history.

However, he's definitely bottom-5.

Yer almost as bad as 8th.
You aint got a clue do ya youngun?

1/31/2015, 07:26 PM
Yer almost as bad as 8th.
You aint got a clue do ya youngun?

I have quite a bit more than a clue, yes. More than most. Obama is certainly not the worst President; as I said, he's bottom-5. Unless 8th also has Obama in the bottom-5 then it's hard to see how I'm 'almost as bad' as 8th. There's nothing wrong with perspective, a knowledge of history, an understanding of constitutional/legislative/presidential history, and a little bit of nuance.

Of course it entirely depends upon what you expect out of a President that determines how great you think the guy is. His cornerstone legislation is a mixed-bag putting aside the constitutional issues. All of that aside, he hasn't been terribly successful legislatively. But he's still not the worst President in United States history, no.

1/31/2015, 07:42 PM
I have quite a bit more than a clue, yes. More than most. Obama is certainly not the worst President; as I said, he's bottom-5. Unless 8th also has Obama in the bottom-5 then it's hard to see how I'm 'almost as bad' as 8th. There's nothing wrong with perspective, a knowledge of history, an understanding of constitutional/legislative/presidential history, and a little bit of nuance.

Of course it entirely depends upon what you expect out of a President that determines how great you think the guy is. His cornerstone legislation is a mixed-bag putting aside the constitutional issues. All of that aside, he hasn't been terribly successful legislatively.
But he's still not the worst President in United States history, no.

Like I said NO ****ING CLUE lol
Duck sicem a whole flock just flew right over yer head.

Curly Bill
1/31/2015, 07:48 PM
I have considerably more than a clue, and anyone who says Obammy isn't the worst POTUS ever is arguing just for the sake of arguing, because he certainly is the worst ever.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
1/31/2015, 07:59 PM
I have considerably more than a clue, and anyone who says Obammy isn't the worst POTUS ever is arguing just for the sake of arguing, because he certainly is the worst ever.The only contender for the dishonor in my lifetime is James Earl Carter, and Carter can't hold a rotten egg compared to Beary.

1/31/2015, 08:17 PM
I have considerably more than a clue, and anyone who says Obammy isn't the worst POTUS ever is arguing just for the sake of arguing, because he certainly is the worst ever.

Lincoln destroyed the Constitution, suspended the Constitutional rights of American citizens, and started a war that resulted in the deaths of 600,000 Americans. The political ramifications of that war are evident in EVERY contemporary political issue you can conceive of today. In fact, every single issue conservatives have with the scope and size of government is a direct result of Lincoln. He literally changed everything. As bad as Obama is, he isn't that bad.

You could make an argument for William Henry Harrison considering he was only in office a month.

Woodrow Wilson was responsible for a war we really had no business getting involved in, the Federal income tax, and the Federal Reserve system to boot.

LBJ was worse than Obama purely because he managed to get far more accomplished than Obama. Obama's actual legislative successes haven't been that great -- LBJ is responsible for the Great Society and expanding the war in Vietnam.

There are others....

FWIW: The worst in history is Lincoln followed by LBJ followed by Obama followed by Carter followed by Wilson.

1/31/2015, 08:41 PM


RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
1/31/2015, 08:50 PM
Govt. takeover of GM and Chrysler, and the entire Health Care Industry(that being 1/6 of the economy), are beyond egregious, and totally unacceptable. In addition, his growing willingness to illegally bypass the Legislative Branch, issuing executive orders and even memos with the power of law. That's Beary.

LBJ was indeed a bad apple as well, but it's certainly doubtful that he might be worse than Beary.

Curly Bill
1/31/2015, 10:34 PM
Lincoln destroyed the Constitution, suspended the Constitutional rights of American citizens, and started a war that resulted in the deaths of 600,000 Americans. The political ramifications of that war are evident in EVERY contemporary political issue you can conceive of today. In fact, every single issue conservatives have with the scope and size of government is a direct result of Lincoln. He literally changed everything. As bad as Obama is, he isn't that bad.

You could make an argument for William Henry Harrison considering he was only in office a month.

Woodrow Wilson was responsible for a war we really had no business getting involved in, the Federal income tax, and the Federal Reserve system to boot.

LBJ was worse than Obama purely because he managed to get far more accomplished than Obama. Obama's actual legislative successes haven't been that great -- LBJ is responsible for the Great Society and expanding the war in Vietnam.

There are others....

FWIW: The worst in history is Lincoln followed by LBJ followed by Obama followed by Carter followed by Wilson.

I appreciate your case, but it's not compelling enough to lift the trophy for worst POTUS ever from the mantle of Obammy.

1/31/2015, 10:47 PM
I appreciate your case, but it's not compelling enough to lift the trophy for worst POTUS ever from the mantle of Obammy.

The destruction of the Constitution and the death of 600,000 Americans isn't enough? God help us.

1/31/2015, 10:59 PM
Lots of people in here claiming to have a clue, so I just wanted to pop in and say I don't have mine.

1/31/2015, 11:23 PM
Lots of people in here claiming to have a clue, so I just wanted to pop in and say I don't have mine.

Ya have to drop by the Hideout and we give ya the new one :snowman:

2/2/2015, 02:20 PM
Lincoln destroyed the Constitution, suspended the Constitutional rights of American citizens, and started a war that resulted in the deaths of 600,000 Americans. The political ramifications of that war are evident in EVERY contemporary political issue you can conceive of today. In fact, every single issue conservatives have with the scope and size of government is a direct result of Lincoln. He literally changed everything. As bad as Obama is, he isn't that bad.

You could make an argument for William Henry Harrison considering he was only in office a month.

Woodrow Wilson was responsible for a war we really had no business getting involved in, the Federal income tax, and the Federal Reserve system to boot.

LBJ was worse than Obama purely because he managed to get far more accomplished than Obama. Obama's actual legislative successes haven't been that great -- LBJ is responsible for the Great Society and expanding the war in Vietnam.

There are others....

FWIW: The worst in history is Lincoln followed by LBJ followed by Obama followed by Carter followed by Wilson.

Your criticisms of Lincoln are all true. (OK, I would quibble with 'destroyed.') He also kept the country in one piece, and, arguably only as a side effect, ended chattel slavery, after the Europeans but at least before Brazil. IYHO, for each of those, are they positives that pale before the wrongs, or are they additional negatives to add to your list? I have seen some argue that the sides would have reunited peacefully if they hadn't fought the war - is that part of your argument, or would you prefer to be well rid of the dam' Yankees?

Also, you list a batch of liberals (except Wilson) that started disastrous wars. Why not Bush the Lesser? Iraq 2.0 and the associated loss of civil liberties weren't chopped liver.

2/3/2015, 08:48 AM
The destruction of the Constitution and the death of 600,000 Americans isn't enough? God help us.

who destroyed the constitution worse? Wilson or Brack? Hard to say...I'd say its neck and neck....

2/3/2015, 10:28 AM
who destroyed the constitution worse? Wilson or Brack? Hard to say...I'd say its neck and neck....For all this talk about the worse presidents and who "destroyed the constitution worse" not one of your brainwashed lemmings has brought up richard trickie i am not a crook dickie nixon. Violated our basic founding principal - free and fair elections. Had the CIA and FBI spy on american citizens, was our only socialist president by imposing wage and price controls. But I understand he doesn't count - he has a R after his name. The presidents who have done the most damage to our country is easy - harding coolidge, hoover and bush. Not including the presidents right before and right after the civil war, those were a disaster. For you info - obama is ranked by scholars 15th BEST. http://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2010/07/02/survey-ranks-obama-15th-best-president-bush-among-worst?int=99c608 LEMMINGS

2/3/2015, 12:59 PM
So you quote brainwashed, socialist scholars! Classic! 8, you are a mind to behold!

2/3/2015, 01:21 PM
So you quote brainwashed, socialist scholars! Classic! 8, you are a mind to behold!Laughing AT you. A survey of 238 presidential scholars, ALL of whom are brainwashed socialists. Typical ignorant conservative response. Ignore the professionals who spend their time on this subject and have expertise in it. Instead - believe a chain email. Tax cuts pay for themselves! Don't get your kid vaccinated! All the scientists are lying to you. It is dumbass, ignorant assclowns like you that is ruining America.

2/3/2015, 01:26 PM
I wonder if anyone has researched the relationship between those afflicted with Bush Derangement Syndrome to those with Obama Derangement Syndrome?

2/3/2015, 01:46 PM
I wonder if anyone has researched the relationship between those afflicted with Bush Derangement Syndrome to those with Obama Derangement Syndrome?Of course you mean the ones who think bush isn't one of our ten worst presidents and obama is the worst.