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View Full Version : Is Hillary inevitable?

1/21/2015, 09:24 PM
As a nominee or as Madame Prez? Whaddya think?

rock on sooner
1/21/2015, 09:30 PM
As a nominee, most likely...as Prez, depends on which Pub gets the slot
against her....Jeb will be the toughest for her to beat....

1/21/2015, 09:32 PM
Hillary A.K.A. Old Granny

1/21/2015, 10:13 PM
Jim Webb


1/21/2015, 10:14 PM

1/21/2015, 11:54 PM
Jim Webb


Thanks, that was an interesting piece. But I believe the conclusion to the article sums up why Webb has very little chance. I'm like Vet, ABC all the way. But the electoral map sure is dem-friendly.

Today, some of us at were getting happy with the idea of only two more yrs of BHO...our good humor was quickly dampened upon realizing HRC is very possibly going to be the next POTUS. Mercy...

1/22/2015, 02:09 AM
Jim Webb


1)I'm glad you linked an article from 'The American Conservative.' It's a fantastic publication and one of the only paleoconservative journals in existence.

2)Jim Webb has a lot of potential and, as far as Democrats go, I would much prefer to see him in the White House. We should all hope that he's in the White House in lieu of any other potential Democrat and in lieu of some potential Republicans as well.

3)Hillary is anything but inevitable. I remember sitting in my urban politics class on the day that Obama announced he was running for President back in 2007. EVERYONE thought it was a lost cause, but I said right there and then that not only would he beat Hillary -- he'd win the Presidency. Hillary is not a foregone conclusion, and I'm not even fully convinced she will run.

1/22/2015, 08:22 AM
One thing is for sure with HRC running, it will be fun watching the MSM covering for Bill's "transgressions" particularly this latest one.

1/22/2015, 09:45 AM
One thing is for sure with HRC running, it will be fun watching the MSM covering for Bill's "transgressions" particularly this latest one.

What he do now?

1/22/2015, 10:44 AM

rock on sooner
1/22/2015, 10:58 AM
I knew about Epstein and Prince Andrew (now in the news again) but I
thought that Bill got clear of him...apparently not.....really not good news
for HRC. She'd still get the nomination, if she wants it but the Pubs, notably
Karl Rove, will have a field day and I can already hear Limbaugh (old druggie
himself) clearing his throat.....

1/22/2015, 11:00 AM

That cant be true, Slickster is a Dem! a man of INTEGRITY, a Man who would NEVER stain a blue dress! Oh wait for get I said that last.

1/22/2015, 01:13 PM
I honestly believe most dems (sorry Rock) don't give a rat's a$$ about morality issues when voting. The old bag will not suffer any disadvantage being the mate of Bill. Honestly probably Pubs are the same but at least say it matters...

rock on sooner
1/22/2015, 03:33 PM
I honestly believe most dems (sorry Rock) don't give a rat's a$$ about morality issues when voting. The old bag will not suffer any disadvantage being the mate of Bill. Honestly probably Pubs are the same but at least say it matters...

No apology needed, Jeep. So many politicians are guilty by association...and
some are just guilty, period. HRC's issues will be mostly by association, but,
there are those (Rove comes to mind) that will go all the way back to Foster's
suicide and Whitewater. Quite frankly, I look at the person and where that person
stands on the issues that are important to me. I also look closely at how each
person treats the whole span of the electorate and judge whether or not that
person cares about people, the environment, small business...the true fabric
of our nation. It is a given that ALL politicians will cozy up to Wall Street and
big business...just that some are more obvious than others.

As an aside, it's interesting that HRC is referred to as "old" this or "old"
that. She's 67, Romney is 67, Jeb is 61, Christie is 51 (some think that
is old) and probably 80 pounds overweight. Romney, Jeb and Christie
are RARELY, if ever, described as "old" or "fat old". Serious question,
is there a double standard here? (Three other Dem women get the same
Pelosi, Boxer, Finestein).

1/22/2015, 03:46 PM
Thats cause they all "OLD " Bags and Fugly!

rock on sooner
1/22/2015, 04:34 PM

1/22/2015, 05:15 PM
Thats cause they all "OLD " Bags and Fugly!

Whew! If fugly is a disqualification, we don't have to worry about Ted Cruz.

1/22/2015, 05:23 PM
yeah.....old just kind of goes with bag...lol.

agreed, I TRY to weigh everything...obviously some things are more important to me than others, just like any other voter. No candidate is perfect....so I try to prioritize what I want. Like all voters.

1/23/2015, 08:29 AM
Looks like it........

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE AFTER 7 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 22, 2015
History’s a Positive for Clinton;
Not So for Bush or Romney

Hillary Clinton’s potential place in history and her husband’s tenure in the White House boost
her presidential prospects, while Jeb Bush’s political legacy and Mitt Romney’s 2012 run for the
office are negatives, a new ABC News/Washington Post poll finds.
Clinton leads both in hypothetical head-to-head matchups at this early stage – as well as Rand
Paul, Chris Christie and Mike Huckabee alike.
The national survey finds 53 to 56 percent support for Clinton among registered voters against
each of these potential Republican candidates, while they get 39 to 41 percent. One reason is that
Clinton is stronger in her political base, given the far more fragmented nature of the current GOP


1/23/2015, 08:31 AM
I honestly believe most dems (sorry Rock) don't give a rat's a$$ about morality issues when voting. The old bag will not suffer any disadvantage being the mate of Bill. Honestly probably Pubs are the same but at least say it matters...

You really think conservatives do? Do I again have to list the "moral" conservatives who have been voted into office by the "moral" rightwingnuts?

1/23/2015, 08:54 AM
With Hillary running we'll no doubt see the MSM scrambling to parse everyone of her 1/2 truths to provide the necessary level of uncertainty with regards to them being outright lies.

That's always entertaining to watch.

4/17/2015, 10:41 PM
I heard Lincoln Chaffee is going to run for the demo nomination. What about O'Malley? Is he ever going to announce or is he just a noisemaker? I want HRC to face a little choppy water before the coronation. But I'm fine with Warren just unhappily muttering in the background. Now there's a candidate that I believe could get a large groundswell of support in a hurry. Is Webb going to jump in or was that a non-event?

4/17/2015, 11:33 PM
I heard Lincoln Chaffee is going to run for the demo nomination. What about O'Malley? Is he ever going to announce or is he just a noisemaker? I want HRC to face a little choppy water before the coronation. But I'm fine with Warren just unhappily muttering in the background. Now there's a candidate that I believe could get a large groundswell of support in a hurry. Is Webb going to jump in or was that a non-event?

I hope Webb runs. I'm a fan of his. As big a fan as I can possibly be of a Democrat, I suppose.

4/18/2015, 12:03 PM
She has plumped up......