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View Full Version : Super Bowl XLIX Seahawks Patriots

1/21/2015, 10:43 AM
Since the Vegas opening line is making so many headlines, here's your chance to play play-money on it. Unlike Vegas, I will not change the line even if everyone takes the same side.

If anyone has any requests for vBetting options, let me know --- this game's not till Feb 1, after all.

vBet by 5:30 p.m. Feb. 1!

rock on sooner
1/22/2015, 12:58 PM
How about over/under, which QB has first TD pass, field goal over 40 yds,
over 50 yds, any rusher over 200 yds, QB over 300 yds passing, safety,
pick six, blocked punt/field goal??? Giving some high payouts, that sorta

1/22/2015, 01:07 PM
At rock on's request, I have included a few who-shot-first options with 1 to 1 odds, as well as a few jackpot rounds, which are far more common in college games than the Super Bowl, but it's possible and the odds reflect its possibility :P

rock on sooner
1/22/2015, 03:35 PM