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1/19/2015, 09:10 AM
Dems new recovery strategy for their economic failures under Obama which have resulted in wage stagnation and low paying jobs for a wide swath of the economy
now appears to involve ensuring further government dependency of these people to an increasing array of "free" government handouts.

Can't wait to hear the "populist" crap he'll spew at his State of the Union speech.

Obama's and the dems backing his play have proven to be a disaster for this country.

(Republicans that aren't digging in their heels are complicit in this mess as well.)

1/19/2015, 10:34 AM
Dems new recovery strategy for their economic failures under Obama which have resulted in wage stagnation and low paying jobs for a wide swath of the economy
now appears to involve ensuring further government dependency of these people to an increasing array of "free" government handouts.

Can't wait to hear the "populist" crap he'll spew at his State of the Union speech.

Obama's and the dems backing his play have proven to be a disaster for this country.

(Republicans that aren't digging in their heels are complicit in this mess as well.)

Please don't foreget the corrollary to the above new entitlements....tax the evil rich!

Obama is a walking cliche. He is either a brainless dolt or he is just a pissed off jackass with a chip on his shoulder and wants to fight with those he disagrees with. In either case he is a pathetic leader and President.

1/19/2015, 11:23 AM
What a couple of dumbass lemmings. First you ignore your boy - mittie - has taken up the mantle of concern for the poor, talk about no integrity. What failed policies are those? The ones that saved america from a second republican depression? The ones that have generated 5 MILLION PRIVATE SECTOR JOBS? The ones that have generated over a 2% gdp even counting the after effects of the economy collapsing under bush. All the while conservatives and republicans did everything they could to slow the economy and acutally cheered when it didn't grow "enough". Let's take a look at the policies conservatives and republicans champion. More tax cuts to the wealth, cutting regulations, destroying unions and cutting government spending on everything except for military and the farm program, you know - YOUR BASE. You hate the bailouts when you blame it on obama, but they all started under bush and now a REPUBLICAN has put taxpayers on the hook for the next round of financial bailouts while you guys try to gut the financial reforms put into place by DEMOCRATS. Look at what you party's "economic" philosophy brought us, trickle down supply side that was written by a political columnist and card counter, first the was the great republican depression, second was the great republican rescission. Look at kansas who has gleefully instituted those philosophies, one of the top ten states of people moving OUT. Job and GDP growth LOWER that any surrounding state and the national economy. Keep on believing the talking points and whine about the obama economy, just remember he is kicking dubyas ***.

1/19/2015, 11:43 AM
Yall still read this Morans drivel?
I glance over it a little bit then just Laugh myass of at him.

1/19/2015, 12:16 PM
Anyone that thinks Obama has been good for the economy is an idiot

Curly Bill
1/19/2015, 02:06 PM
What's the national debt now anyways?

1/19/2015, 02:07 PM
18 Billion dollars

1/19/2015, 03:41 PM
If the economy is truly doing better then the interest rate on US treasuies should be going up.

1/19/2015, 04:03 PM
18 Billion dollars

trillion. add 3 more zeroes :)

1/19/2015, 05:49 PM
18 Billion dollars

1/19/2015, 05:51 PM
What a couple of dumbass lemmings. First you ignore your boy - mittie - has taken up the mantle of concern for the poor, talk about no integrity. What failed policies are those? The ones that saved america from a second republican depression? The ones that have generated 5 MILLION PRIVATE SECTOR JOBS? The ones that have generated over a 2% gdp even counting the after effects of the economy collapsing under bush. All the while conservatives and republicans did everything they could to slow the economy and acutally cheered when it didn't grow "enough". Let's take a look at the policies conservatives and republicans champion. More tax cuts to the wealth, cutting regulations, destroying unions and cutting government spending on everything except for military and the farm program, you know - YOUR BASE. You hate the bailouts when you blame it on obama, but they all started under bush and now a REPUBLICAN has put taxpayers on the hook for the next round of financial bailouts while you guys try to gut the financial reforms put into place by DEMOCRATS. Look at what you party's "economic" philosophy brought us, trickle down supply side that was written by a political columnist and card counter, first the was the great republican depression, second was the great republican rescission. Look at kansas who has gleefully instituted those philosophies, one of the top ten states of people moving OUT. Job and GDP growth LOWER that any surrounding state and the national economy. Keep on believing the talking points and whine about the obama economy, just remember he is kicking dubyas ***.
8th, you might find this link helpful. Have a good day.

1/19/2015, 08:38 PM
8th, you might find this link helpful. Have a good day.http://www.bobbrooke.com/WritersCorner/paragraphswhentouse.htmYou fvcking moron, I have stated before I don't have privilege top edit my posts so being able to have paragraphs is gone. Not my doing. Dumbass

1/19/2015, 08:42 PM
You fvcking moron, I have stated before I don't have privilege top edit my posts so being able to have paragraphs is gone. Not my doing. Dumbass

Yer calling Fan a Moran yet you are the idiot who continuely does the WALL posts.
If ya dont screw em up to start with, you dont have to edit em!
Jes Sayin

1/19/2015, 10:31 PM
Yer calling Fan a Moran yet you are the idiot who continuely does the WALL posts. If ya dont screw em up to start with, you dont have to edit em!Jes SayinRead my previous post again you dumbass.

1/20/2015, 12:34 AM
Read my previous post again you dumbass.

what part of "Dont screw a Post up before you hit enter " do you not understand.

God damn boy you are getting dumber by the post!

1/20/2015, 05:16 PM
You fvcking moron, I have stated before I don't have privilege top edit my posts so being able to have paragraphs is gone. Not my doing. Dumbass
How does not having your edit function prevent you from using paragraphs in your post? Does your enter key on your computer not work, either? Here is a picture of it:

You're welcome.

1/20/2015, 06:57 PM
How does not having your edit function prevent you from using paragraphs in your post? Does your enter key on your computer not work, either? Here is a picture of it:http://jasonamendolara.files.wordpress.com/2008/01/enter1.jpg?w=460You're welcome.What part of it does not work do you dumbasses not understand? It takes EVERYTHING OUT on new posts, have you noticed no more bold, red fonts? No huge fonts? That went away too - morons. The only editing I can do is to delete the post and start over.

1/20/2015, 07:07 PM
^^^^^^^^^^ Troll Alert ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Too funny. Obviously we're not dealing with Voltaire here.

1/20/2015, 07:11 PM
Dork alert----more than a troll

1/20/2015, 08:05 PM
What part of it does not work do you dumbasses not understand? It takes EVERYTHING OUT on new posts, have you noticed no more bold, red fonts? No huge fonts? That went away too - morons. The only editing I can do is to delete the post and start over.

Hey Betty Boop, Try gettin a NEW keyboard and Dont drool all over it this time

1/20/2015, 08:33 PM
What part of it does not work do you dumbasses not understand? It takes EVERYTHING OUT on new posts, have you noticed no more bold, red fonts? No huge fonts? That went away too - morons. The only editing I can do is to delete the post and start over.

You're a fack'n moran...!!

1/21/2015, 10:50 AM
Unless there is a plan to executive order everything for the next two years... will anything get done in the next two years? Is there any common ground? Is there any chance at give and take or compromise or working together, or is all just a power play to position one's party for 2016?

:mad: dont answer i know the answer

1/21/2015, 12:50 PM
Please don't foreget the corrollary to the above new entitlements....tax the evil rich!

Obama is a walking cliche. He is either a brainless dolt or he is just a pissed off jackass with a chip on his shoulder and wants to fight with those he disagrees with. In either case he is a pathetic leader and President.

We don't tax the rich more because of evil - not every rich person is evil. We tax the rich more because they benefit more from civilization - courts, roads, the internet, an educated work force, collective defense, and all the rest.

1/21/2015, 12:54 PM
Unless there is a plan to executive order everything for the next two years... will anything get done in the next two years? Is there any common ground? Is there any chance at give and take or compromise or working together, or is all just a power play to position one's party for 2016?

:mad: dont answer i know the answer

Actually something might get done, and it's not a good thing - "free" trade. Obama sides with the business class in promoting TPP and the European version. If these pass the giant sucking sound of jobs leaving the country will get louder.

1/21/2015, 01:18 PM
they benefit more from civilization - courts, roads, the internet, an educated work force, collective defense, and all the rest.

Elaborate, please.

1/21/2015, 01:24 PM
We don't tax the rich more because of evil - not every rich person is evil. We tax the rich more because they benefit more from civilization - courts, roads, the internet, an educated work force, collective defense, and all the rest.

All citizens benefit from these things. In addition the less affluent create stress on the economy by use of social programs which are paid for by the "rich".

1/21/2015, 01:43 PM
We don't tax the rich more because of evil - not every rich person is evil. We tax the rich more because they benefit more from civilization - courts, roads, the internet, an educated work force, collective defense, and all the rest.

Thats ridiculous. jsut because someone is rich doesnt mean that they are necessarily using these things more than someone in the middle class. In fact, it could be said that the very things enjoyed by the middle class come at the expense of the larger amount of taxes supplied by the rich. the ratio of what the average "rich person" uses compared to what they pay for is staunchly less than than the lower income citizens.

1/21/2015, 01:57 PM
We don't tax the rich more because of evil - not every rich person is evil. We tax the rich more because they benefit more from civilization - courts, roads, the internet, an educated work force, collective defense, and all the rest.

WTH? "they benefit more from civilization"....wow. That's new a one.

true liberalism/socialism at it's best...

I'm pretty "middle class" not even close to the 1% (rich). In fact I'm at about 50% of OVERALL...and I benefit just as much at "the rich".

Sooner in Tampa
1/21/2015, 02:47 PM
We don't tax the rich more because of evil - not every rich person is evil. We tax the rich more because they benefit more from civilization - courts, roads, the internet, an educated work force, collective defense, and all the rest.
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph...I had to read that a few times to actually grasp what is said...

Unfvckingreal!! Rich people benefit more from civilization more than middle class people do?? Is this something you pulled out of your @$$ or is this fact?

Try this little knowledge nugget on for size and the 'splain to me how fair it is to over tax the evil rich people

Buried inside a Congressional Budget Office report this week was this nugget: when it comes to individual income taxes, the top 40 percent of wage earners in America pay 106 percent of the taxes. The bottom 40 percent...pay negative 9 percent (http://www.cbo.gov/sites/default/files/cbofiles/attachments/44604-AverageTaxRates.pdf).

And while we are at it lets break down the tax bracket discussion: If a family makes $487,000 or more a year they are in a ~40% tax backet, which means they essentially work for Uncle Sam from January to almost the end of April. The seems pretty fair to me...huh? I mean...hell they are using up all the courts, roads, defense, and everything else.

Those evil rich bastards are sucking the life out of this country.

1/21/2015, 02:52 PM
We don't tax the rich more because of evil - not every rich person is evil. We tax the rich more because they benefit more from civilization - courts, roads, the internet, an educated work force, collective defense, and all the rest.---I guess this must be the new Dem talking point

1/21/2015, 03:27 PM
Elaborate, please.

People that build a business do so using the aforementioned infrastructure. Any factory needs highways to distribute its goods. Business is built on contracts, which in turn require a functioning system of laws and courts. Every business needs a workforce, and so benefits from the education system. You can build a factory with some confidence that it will be protected from being bombed thanks to our armed forces.

A successful businessperson uses all these resources, applies their own talent and training, creates a thriving business, and reaps the great rewards that come from that business. We rightfully reward the people that can do this, and it's also right that we tax part of that reward to maintain and expand the civilization that made it possible and will hopefully make it possible for future talented people to do the same.

The rich DON'T personally use the highways or the courts more than you and I, and they use the internet less than those of us on this forum (or we would be making more money!).

Two points:
Of course, some of that infrastructure of civilization is created by other businesses, but you can't ignore the part that is provided through the government.

Civilization today works as described above, but it certainly worked "better" say, forty or fifty years ago than it does today. That's probably why more of us old farts (at any point on the political grid) pay more attention to politics now than we did forty or fifty years ago.

1/21/2015, 04:18 PM
Thats a reach TAFB, and you know it. not every rich person built a business. And as far as being protected from bombing? really? i thought that stood true for every American Citizen. the first role of Government is the security of its people....rich or poor. to say that rich people use more of that then the poor is a stretch, and should not be used as an argument to tax them more.

1/21/2015, 04:20 PM
Meh, the government charges as much tax as it thinks it can get away with, just like businesses. Rich clients can afford to pay more so they charge them more. If they could tax me millions I'm sure the government would love to... but as the economics class lessons said, I'm not "willing and able" yadda yadda yadda.

1/21/2015, 06:24 PM
Thats a reach TAFB, and you know it. not every rich person built a business. And as far as being protected from bombing? really? i thought that stood true for every American Citizen. the first role of Government is the security of its people....rich or poor. to say that rich people use more of that then the poor is a stretch, and should not be used as an argument to tax them more.

Warren Buffet? He makes money because the businesses he invests in make money, and that derives from all the benefits of civilization described above.

KD? I put my pennies into the Ford/Chesapeake Arena (through MAPS).

Paris Hilton? There is a strong civic benefit from not allowing wealth to accumulate through the generations. Our founders worried that that would lead to aristocracy, and danged if they weren't right (in all but name).

It's not that individual rich people personally get more benefits (including defense) from government than do the rest of us - it's that those benefits were a necessary part of the growth of their businesses.

1/21/2015, 07:08 PM
Warren Buffet? He makes money because the businesses he invests in make money, and that derives from all the benefits of civilization described above.

KD? I put my pennies into the Ford/Chesapeake Arena (through MAPS).

Paris Hilton? There is a strong civic benefit from not allowing wealth to accumulate through the generations. Our founders worried that that would lead to aristocracy, and danged if they weren't right (in all but name).

It's not that individual rich people personally get more benefits (including defense) from government than do the rest of us - it's that those benefits were a necessary part of the growth of their businesses.----Civic Benefit?---- Why should I not be able to leave my money to my children-----I didn't work for the " Civic Benefit"-----I have already paid a great deal of money in taxes for the "Civic Benefit"--A really stupid argument----- Lets base our tax structure based on the behavior of Paris Hilton ---Hell of an idea

1/21/2015, 07:30 PM
People that build a business do so using the aforementioned infrastructure. Any factory needs highways to distribute its goods.
Really? The whole 'BUT WITHOUT GOVERNMENT WHO WILL BUILD THE ROADS?!?!' argument? Roads would be built regardless of government. Do you think business and industry leaders would be standing around scratching their heads trying to figure out a way to get their goods and services to customers never realizing they need to build roads? Government doesn't build a damned thing -- they just subsidize it. Roads would be built regardless of whether government existed or not.

Business is built on contracts, which in turn require a functioning system of laws and courts. Every business needs a workforce, and so benefits from the education system. You can build a factory with some confidence that it will be protected from being bombed thanks to our armed forces.

Contracts and the armed forces (to an extent) is a fair point; however, the education system is nonsense. The entire public education system ought to be abolished in its entirety replaced with some combination of private entities and local communities wholly responsible for hiring and paying for their own school system. Society is more than capable of educating itself without the need for government indoctrination centers.

A successful businessperson uses all these resources, applies their own talent and training, creates a thriving business, and reaps the great rewards that come from that business. We rightfully reward the people that can do this, and it's also right that we tax part of that reward to maintain and expand the civilization that made it possible and will hopefully make it possible for future talented people to do the same.

This idea that the wealthy ought to be taxed more because they use more services is absolutely nonsense and depends on a few, potentially false, contentions:

1)By what measure do the wealthy use more services? How do you quantify that? Do you include social welfare programs when coming up with these figures? How much 'use' of public services justifies what % of a tax rate? If they use 25% more resources are they taxed 25% more? Is it a 1:1 ratio?

2)Since 'the wealthy' are not a monolithic group who will use civil services at differing amounts depending on the person, is it fair to tax someone who uses only 5% of our civil services the same high tax rate as someone who uses 60%?

3)If we're all treated equally under the law, how do you justify taxing a person more because they use more civil resources?

This is an idiotic and impractical tax scheme if I ever heard one. The only fair way to tax anyone is to tax based on their individual consumption.

The rich DON'T personally use the highways or the courts more than you and I, and they use the internet less than those of us on this forum (or we would be making more money!).

Two points:
Of course, some of that infrastructure of civilization is created by other businesses, but you can't ignore the part that is provided through the government.

Civilization today works as described above, but it certainly worked "better" say, forty or fifty years ago than it does today. That's probably why more of us old farts (at any point on the political grid) pay more attention to politics now than we did forty or fifty years ago.[/QUOTE]

1/22/2015, 03:59 PM
What is funny is that state and local governments fall all over themselves to give tax breaks to corporations because they create jobs for the citizens of their respective locales. If the federal government was smart it would lower the corporate tax rates and get more businesses into the country. It's not individuals using all the government funded resources more than the average joe to make money....it is businesses. So if TAFBSooner were honest about taxing the entities who benefit most from infrastucture he would be advocating for higher business and corporate taxes.

BTW, taxing rich business owners is the same as taxing their businesses.

1/22/2015, 05:58 PM
----Civic Benefit?---- Why should I not be able to leave my money to my children-----I didn't work for the " Civic Benefit"-----I have already paid a great deal of money in taxes for the "Civic Benefit"--A really stupid argument----- Lets base our tax structure based on the behavior of Paris Hilton ---Hell of an idea

Avoiding aristocracy is a whole additional civic benefit beyond what business owners receive from the infrastructure. The behavior of the scions doesn't matter.

1/22/2015, 08:27 PM
Avoiding aristocracy is a whole additional civic benefit beyond what business owners receive from the infrastructure. The behavior of the scions doesn't matter.---Will someone please explain to me what this means

1/23/2015, 01:37 PM
---Will someone please explain to me what this means

Money is power. If families are allowed to build their wealth over generations, they also build too much power over the rest of us. That's aristocracy in all but name.

Curly Bill
1/23/2015, 03:35 PM
Class envy is a powerful drug.

rock on sooner
1/23/2015, 04:14 PM
What is funny is that state and local governments fall all over themselves to give tax breaks to corporations because they create jobs for the citizens of their respective locales. If the federal government was smart it would lower the corporate tax rates and get more businesses into the country. It's not individuals using all the government funded resources more than the average joe to make money....it is businesses. So if TAFBSooner were honest about taxing the entities who benefit most from infrastucture he would be advocating for higher business and corporate taxes.

BTW, taxing rich business owners is the same as taxing their businesses.

Outstanding point about state and local governments giving tax breaks....we have a
governor (Iowa) who gave $100M tax incentive to an Egyptian company to build a
fertilizer plant in IA ($1.2B) and it created 50 (fifty) full time permanent jobs. The
same sort of incentives were given to Microsoft, Facebook and Google to locate major
portions of their companies in the state, similar numbers of permanent jobs followed.
Unfortunately, those tax breaks come at the expense of the infrastructure, education,
mental health institutions, etc...meaning there is less funding for those things. It seems
that every time I read about these major tax "gifts" that only a handful of jobs are
created. It takes a long time to make up the differences with property taxes and individual
income taxes........

1/23/2015, 04:31 PM
Money is power. If families are allowed to build their wealth over generations, they also build too much power over the rest of us. That's aristocracy in all but name.---- So lets drag everyone down----Not much of a plan

1/23/2015, 04:41 PM
---- So lets drag everyone down----Not much of a plan

Lets jes do away with Inheritance entirely , When ya Die the State gets yer sh1t!.