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1/13/2015, 12:10 AM
The local announcers whining about the Bucks adding that late TD. Nike U goes down again, still wearing their "Nattys" on their helmets.

Judge Smails
1/13/2015, 12:15 AM
**** 'em.

1/13/2015, 12:16 AM
Willamette Valley Vineyards do make a great pinot.

1/13/2015, 12:16 AM
They haven't anything to whine about. They were in it and then got blown out.

If anything, or looking for anyone to blame... they can call me. My daughter snagged the TV and I was stuck with Let's Dance 2015, until I remember Brighthouse app on my tablet. It was a 1 point game, shortly after I logged in.

1/13/2015, 12:17 AM
I think a few kneel downs would have been classier, but no big deal. Nothing to whine about.

1/13/2015, 12:17 AM
Screw them. Like any player is going to not try to score in a national championship game.

1/13/2015, 12:18 AM
They didn't really need to add that TD, but nobody would be complaining if Oregon could make a tackle. Elliott ran over them all night.

I actually liked their uniforms tonight, but somebody please tell me how gray camo is in line with their colors of yellow and green?

1/13/2015, 12:20 AM
They received 4 turnovers - one of which they merely needed to be present to receive - and still got blew out against a third string QB. Not terribly interested in their whining.

1/13/2015, 12:20 AM
Idk, they did the same silver/black nonsense in the last NC game they played. It doesn't really matter in the long run, but I kinda think their fans have waited long enough. They should be flying those school colors not trying to look cool.

1/13/2015, 12:21 AM
Screw them. Like any player is going to not try to score in a national championship game.

It would have the coach calling for the kneel down, not the players.

1/13/2015, 12:22 AM
They didn't have to be offside either and give up the 1st and goal.

As stated, missed a lot of the game (all of 1st half) and tuned in shortly before Oregon made it a 1 point game.

Props to the team for responding the way they did... but a masterful coaching job from Meyer and staff.

1/13/2015, 12:23 AM
They received 4 turnovers - one of which they merely needed to be present to receive - and still got blew out against a third string QB. Not terribly interested in their whining.
Without which the score would have been worse than TGTWDNM.

1/13/2015, 12:32 AM
It would have the coach calling for the kneel down, not the players.

It doesn't matter. The coach could have called the kneel down and the players still would have tried to score, I think.

What would the coach do, suspend them from the team for scoring?

I think not.

1/13/2015, 12:33 AM
It is strange that they didn't pull out their most obnoxious green, and yeller for the big game, but as long as they lose, it works for me!! HaHaHa, quacks!!! This game rocked!

1/13/2015, 12:34 AM
Without which the score would have been worse than TGTWDNM.

In score maybe, but not even close in terms of reality. This game was close until the 4th whereas our phail was over before half and we didn't even come back after the intermission and respond at all. Thus the name TGTWDNM or whatever d.umbass label we put on that pig.

1/13/2015, 01:07 AM
It is strange that they didn't pull out their most obnoxious green, and yeller for the big game, but as long as they lose, it works for me!! HaHaHa, quacks!!! This game rocked!

Mind-boggling really.

They take such pride in those unis and get so defensive about them... then they leave them at home to show up looking like wannabe Raiders?

1/13/2015, 01:13 AM
I really wish and expected Oregon to kick the **** out of Ohio State. I was wrong. Jerry World is Death Valley for green/gold post-season teams.

Tear Down This Wall
1/13/2015, 02:25 AM
Fancy offense, aided by four turnovers = 20
Boring run first offense led by third string QB = 42

No surprise. Oregon's "high powered" offense spit the bit against Auburn a couple of years ago.

Defense wins championships. What was Ohio State's offense ranked this year, anyway?

1/13/2015, 02:29 AM
In score maybe, but not even close in terms of reality. This game was close until the 4th whereas our phail was over before half and we didn't even come back after the intermission and respond at all. Thus the name TGTWDNM or whatever d.umbass label we put on that pig.

Dumbass, describes it perfecty. There were old mods here about 5 years ago threatening to permanently ban posters who mentioned the game. And we wonder why no one posts here anymore.

Tear Down This Wall
1/13/2015, 02:39 AM
And, that ancient 4-3 defense Urban Meyer runs...who does he think he's fooling?

I admit that Oregon's 3-3 front looked as cute as any 3-3 can look while being trampled under foot.

Maybe Urban will wake up to the new college football trends someday. Loser.

Tear Down This Wall
1/13/2015, 02:44 AM
Dumbass, describes it perfecty. There were old mods here about 5 years ago threatening to permanently ban posters who mentioned the game. And we wonder why no one posts here anymore.

Reality has become tough for those who esteem Stoops more than OU. Probably even more so now that he has stolen an offense coordinator from a C-USA school that never won a conference title while he was there. With every stupid move he makes, they double down.

1/13/2015, 02:48 AM
Dumbass, describes it perfecty. There were old mods here about 5 years ago threatening to permanently ban posters who mentioned the game. And we wonder why no one posts here anymore.

I think you need a chaser for all that haterade.

1/13/2015, 11:53 AM
The local announcers whining about the Bucks adding that late TD. Nike U goes down again, still wearing their "Nattys" on their helmets.

Here's the deal. At the time the game was a 15 point game (two scores) and Oregon had their timeouts. If OSU just downs the ball Oregon could use their timeouts. If the ball turns over they could score quickly and try an onside kick.

It's highly improbable but is within the realm of possibilities. Let's say OSU downs the ball and Oregon immediately calls a timeout. You could say that OSU could then say "screw you we're trying to score now" but they would have wasted a down.

My issue with the decision making is that OSU didn't kick a field goal on fourth down. A field goal would have put the lead at 18 (3 scores) which would have essentially ended the game. Going for it on fourth down actually gave Oregon a tiny chance.

1/13/2015, 12:07 PM
I didn't watch the game because I didn't GAS. But if they lost becuase of a bad call on a kick off fumble or a no call PI, then they can whine, otherwise the should STFU as they got their arse handed to them...

1/13/2015, 12:14 PM
And, that ancient 4-3 defense Urban Meyer runs...who does he think he's fooling?

I admit that Oregon's 3-3 front looked as cute as any 3-3 can look while being trampled under foot.

Maybe Urban will wake up to the new college football trends someday. Loser.

Comment all you want about scheme, but the truth is that tOSU had more talent than UO at most positions and could have traded schemes and still won the game. I saw only 2 guys on the Oregon defense (#4 and #44) that looked like they could start for tOSU. They didn't have a RB that came close to the tOSU stud and all WRs were backups already. I'm not saying I want OU to copy what they do, but UO does a nice job of optimizing with the talent they have.

1/13/2015, 12:18 PM
Anyone here have a problem with Baylor scoring on us repeatedly last fall, other than the fact that we lost by waaaay more than we ever should at home?

No? Good, then we don't have a loser mentality. Let's keep it that way, and remember that we've scored 50, 60, 70 on many opponents in the past and if we don't like it happening to us, we better get better defense.

In-game context, oregano had multiple timeouts left and the running part was probably to see if UO was going to try to prolong the misery or not, so I don't have a problem with that, either. They were running clock along with running ball.

hawaii 5-0
1/13/2015, 01:18 PM
I saw some nice individual efforts in a so-so game.

Ohio State was clearly the best team at the end of the season. I was very impressed their 3rd string QB played with such poise during the playoffs.


1/13/2015, 02:13 PM
It does beg the question for a fan, a day after another NC champ game loss which jersey do you wear? The black one for mourning, the white one for surrender or the pink to cheer yourself up?

1/13/2015, 02:45 PM
pink to cheer yourself up?

They lost to zona 31-24 wearing those. No cheer in remembering that. Sad quacks
What does a sad quack sound like?

1/13/2015, 04:16 PM
The local announcers whining about the Bucks adding that late TD. Nike U goes down again, still wearing their "Nattys" on their helmets.

Don't forget how often the Ducks go for 2 after a td. They do it regularly from their first td in the opening seconds of the game, and through out the game even when they are clearly winning. Quacks do this against the sacrificial lamb brought in for a home opener, and against everybody else they play. To me, the last score by tOSU, was karma.

Also, as several have noted, the score was tight until late in the game. The Ducks can score in seconds, and they capable of anything. Urban was smart to was protect his lead.

1/13/2015, 09:34 PM
Mind-boggling really.

They take such pride in those unis and get so defensive about them... then they leave them at home to show up looking like wannabe Raiders?
Since they are run by a track guy with a shoe company they get confused about what they are playing for so they wore the white/silver uniforms so they were ready to accept the silver medal....