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1/11/2015, 06:33 PM

Where was Brack?

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, British Prime Minister David Cameron and Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi were among 44 foreign leaders marching with Hollande.

Merkel walked to Hollande's left and at his right was President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita of Mali, a country where France intervened to fight Islamist rebels two years ago to the day.


1/11/2015, 07:56 PM

1/11/2015, 11:16 PM

1/12/2015, 08:11 AM
Eh. Not going to be too critical. If I remember correctly none of them showed up in New York City after the towers went down. They expressed their condolences without physically being here. Holder probably should have went since he was in Paris.

1/12/2015, 08:59 AM
http://news.yahoo.com/france-foreign-leaders-march-together-show-solidarity-attacks-083446723.htmlWhere was Brack? http://gretawire.foxnewsinsider.com/2015/01/11/besides-the-fact-that-this-is-wrong-this-is-embarrassing-to-the-american-people-president-obama-should-not-have-snubbed-the-events-in-paris-today-40-other-world-leaders-showed-up/Sweet baby jesus - you and yours bitched about the cost of him going to the g20 summit in brisbane and now you are bitching about him not going to this? Which one is it? OH, that's right - it is opposite of what he does. NO INTEGRITY.

1/12/2015, 09:00 AM
Eh. Not going to be too critical. If I remember correctly none of them showed up in New York City after the towers went down. They expressed their condolences without physically being here. Holder probably should have went since he was in Paris.

Was there a March of solidarity back then?
If I recall nothing was planed.

1/12/2015, 09:45 AM
Well hes sending kerry now so that makes it all right!

1/12/2015, 10:35 AM
Barack does not care----He wants to put in his last two years and move to Cali-----He is not a leader

1/12/2015, 11:12 AM
Eh. Not going to be too critical. If I remember correctly none of them showed up in New York City after the towers went down. They expressed their condolences without physically being here. Holder probably should have went since he was in Paris.

Plenty of them were at the National Cathedral for the National Memorial Service, yes.

1/12/2015, 11:13 AM
Was there a March of solidarity back then?
If I recall nothing was planed.

Uh, yes, there was the National Memorial Service.

1/12/2015, 11:25 AM
Uh, yes, there was the National Memorial Service.

Eh. Maybe it's just that we have surrender our leadership role around the world so much that I'm now just apathetic.

1/12/2015, 11:25 AM
Sweet baby jesus - you and yours bitched about the cost of him going to the g20 summit in brisbane and now you are bitching about him not going to this? Which one is it? OH, that's right - it is opposite of what he does. NO INTEGRITY.

FFS dude.. Holder was in Paris. No additional cost. Holder should have attended.

1/12/2015, 11:29 AM
Eh. Maybe it's just that we have surrender our leadership role around the world so much that I'm now just apathetic.

I have no problem surrendering our leadership role around the world. I enthusiastically welcome it; however, attending would have been the 'classy' thing to do.

1/12/2015, 11:43 AM
Sweet baby jesus - you and yours bitched about the cost of him going to the g20 summit in brisbane and now you are bitching about him not going to this? Which one is it? OH, that's right - it is opposite of what he does. NO INTEGRITY.

No dickfor You never ONCE saw me write anywhere about him going to any Summit. I prolly bitch about the retard spending Millions on sendin his Fugly wife and those 2 kids to China tho.

You are such a Moran .

1/12/2015, 11:45 AM
I have no problem surrendering our leadership role around the world. I enthusiastically welcome it; however, attending would have been the 'classy' thing to do.

Stay home and Keep a Big Stick handy!

1/12/2015, 11:45 AM
Eh. Not going to be too critical. If I remember correctly none of them showed up in New York City after the towers went down. They expressed their condolences without physically being here. Holder probably should have went since he was in Paris.
Kinda hard to fly over the pond at that time...or anywhere in the US for that matter.

1/12/2015, 11:50 AM
Holder being there would have been just as weak had he not attended, so he might as well have stayed home.

1/12/2015, 12:39 PM
No dickfor You never ONCE saw me write anywhere about him going to any Summit. I prolly bitch about the retard spending Millions on sendin his Fugly wife and those 2 kids to China tho.You are such a Moran .As per your usual you bitched at me about trying to blame bush instead of taking a stand on the real issue. Millions huh? Prove it.

1/12/2015, 12:40 PM

Of course I have to ask, after this display, do you really want Obama going over there to represent?


1/12/2015, 01:26 PM
I think he spent the weekend with his male love interest instead of representing to the world that this admin. hates Islamic terrorists... But no...he once again goes out of his way to provide a pass to Islam. What a ****ing *******!

1/12/2015, 01:47 PM
As per your usual you bitched at me about trying to blame bush instead of taking a stand on the real issue. Millions huh? Prove it.

Obama gets unfairly criticized at times. I like to point out when that happens. However, this is a more or less a fair criticism considering Obama's schedule at the time. He should have been there. Now, criticizing him over attending the G8 is nonsense.

1/12/2015, 02:21 PM
The fact that Obama, Holder and Kerry can't even call it AN ISLAMIC TERRORIST says more than not going...

1/12/2015, 02:32 PM
I'm not huge on the term 'terrorist.' Terrorism means different things to different people. It can be a justifiable tool for political change or it can be an excuse for murder (as is the case with most Islamic murderers). I prefer to call them 'jihadists' as opposed to 'terrorists.' Terrorism isn't necessarily a bad thing.

1/12/2015, 03:24 PM
I'm not huge on the term 'terrorist.' Terrorism means different things to different people. It can be a justifiable tool for political change or it can be an excuse for murder (as is the case with most Islamic murderers). I prefer to call them 'jihadists' as opposed to 'terrorists.' Terrorism isn't necessarily a bad thing.

Can you name me a good terrorism?

1/12/2015, 03:25 PM
As per your usual you bitched at me about trying to blame bush instead of taking a stand on the real issue. Millions huh? Prove it.

You are so ****ing retarded even Special Ed kicked you out!

1/12/2015, 03:38 PM
Can you name me a good terrorism?

Sure. The Sons of Liberty engaged in quite a few acts that could reasonably be described as terrorism. When you have an insurgency movement fighting against a much stronger enemy, the only tactic you really have is terrorism. Sometimes that insurgency movement is in the 'right' and sometimes it is not. Sometimes its actions are justified and sometimes they are not. It depends entirely upon the situation. Islamic Jihadists engaging in terrorist acts are not justified because their ends are unjust. This is a case of the ends justifying the means rather than the means justifying the ends.

The Contras are another example of a group that engaged in justifiable terrorism.

1/13/2015, 11:55 AM
Sure. The Sons of Liberty engaged in quite a few acts that could reasonably be described as terrorism. When you have an insurgency movement fighting against a much stronger enemy, the only tactic you really have is terrorism. Sometimes that insurgency movement is in the 'right' and sometimes it is not. Sometimes its actions are justified and sometimes they are not. It depends entirely upon the situation. Islamic Jihadists engaging in terrorist acts are not justified because their ends are unjust. This is a case of the ends justifying the means rather than the means justifying the ends.

The Contras are another example of a group that engaged in justifiable terrorism.

What about the Boers, Hagganah and the Stern Gang? Justifiable terrorism kinda sounds like a contradiction in terms.

1/13/2015, 11:58 AM
Obama is taking heat for not rushing to Paris to preen besides other heads of state in the Je Suis Charlie march. The president was correct not to go. The jihadist murders were vile, horrific, and inexcusable, as the deliberate murder of civilians always is. France’s task of dampening (it will never extinguish) the terror threats it faces will be long and arduous, and hopefully will entail a shrewd combination of wisdom and tough measures, and the United States should and will behave as a steadfast friend and ally of France.


1/13/2015, 01:13 PM
Obama is taking heat for not rushing to Paris to preen besides other heads of state in the Je Suis Charlie march. The president was correct not to go. The jihadist murders were vile, horrific, and inexcusable, as the deliberate murder of civilians always is. France’s task of dampening (it will never extinguish) the terror threats it faces will be long and arduous, and hopefully will entail a shrewd combination of wisdom and tough measures, and the United States should and will behave as a steadfast friend and ally of France.


Should you be telling us that, or should the POTUS?

1/13/2015, 01:28 PM
Should you be telling us that, or should the POTUS?

Don't know, how do you think the Frogs felt about all that "freedom fries" bullsh!t from a few years back. Some folks have selective memories or are just dumb f*cks.

1/13/2015, 01:39 PM
Don't know, how do you think the Frogs felt about all that "freedom fries" bullsh!t from a few years back.
Some folks have selective memories or are just dumb f*cks.

Dont be so hard on you and 8th. Yall cant really help it.

1/13/2015, 01:42 PM
We have a Jeckle and Hyde relationship with the French going all the way back to the Revolutionary War. We have had each side say terrible things about the other or act in a hurtful manner. Freedom fries hardly measures up to the vandalism of the graves of our soldiers who are buried in their cemeteries after fighting to free them from the Nazi occupation. We are allies but we are also rivals. That being said, I have read that Jacque Chirac was the first european head of state to offer condolences to us and the first to visit the US after 9-11. Holder should have attended since he was there and we probably should have sent Biden or Kerry for the march.

1/13/2015, 02:36 PM
Dont be so hard on you and 8th. Yall cant really help it.

Don't be such a baby and don't include me in your fag like obsession with 8th. Just pointing out another perspective.

1/13/2015, 02:51 PM
We have a Jeckle and Hyde relationship with the French going all the way back to the Revolutionary War. We have had each side say terrible things about the other or act in a hurtful manner. Freedom fries hardly measures up to the vandalism of the graves of our soldiers who are buried in their cemeteries after fighting to free them from the Nazi occupation. We are allies but we are also rivals. That being said, I have read that Jacque Chirac was the first european head of state to offer condolences to us and the first to visit the US after 9-11. Holder should have attended since he was there and we probably should have sent Biden or Kerry for the march.It was stupid for Holder not to go, he was there. As for the french , we wouldn't be here if it was not for them.

1/13/2015, 02:59 PM
Don't be such a baby and don't include me in your fag like obsession with 8th. Just pointing out another perspective.

Freedom fries? Seriously?

1/13/2015, 03:00 PM
Obama is taking heat for not rushing to Paris to preen besides other heads of state in the Je Suis Charlie march. The president was correct not to go. The jihadist murders were vile, horrific, and inexcusable, as the deliberate murder of civilians always is. France’s task of dampening (it will never extinguish) the terror threats it faces will be long and arduous, and hopefully will entail a shrewd combination of wisdom and tough measures, and the United States should and will behave as a steadfast friend and ally of France.

He should have at least sent a cabinet level representative. Appearances are part of the President's job and they are important in promoting and maintaining morale.

1/13/2015, 03:12 PM
The Army of Northern Virginia and Robert E Lee were terrorists of the bad kind too.

1/13/2015, 03:15 PM
Freedom fries? Seriously?

Just talking selective memories here. When France didn't support our adventurism in Iraq lots of butthurt occurred. It's about politics and perspective, damned if you do damned if you don't. Personally I dgaf and agree with Scott at Amcon, those elevating these attacks as assaults on freedoms, liberties, etc. are hypocrites of the highest order. Same nonsense different year. France has made its bed.

1/13/2015, 03:20 PM
The Army of Northern Virginia and Robert E Lee were terrorists of the bad kind too.

Ol' Sic woulda rode with crazy Billy Q and slaughtered the women and children of Lawrence if he could of, hell, I prolly would have too.

1/13/2015, 03:33 PM
As for the french , we wouldn't be here if it was not for them.

Absolutely. I alluded to that. We have a jeckyll/hyde with france. We were buddies all through the Revolutionary War.. and then ditched them for the UK trading partner after their Napoleon sold us some nice real estate.

1/13/2015, 04:13 PM
Ol' Sic woulda rode with crazy Billy Q and slaughtered the women and children of Lawrence if he could of, hell, I prolly would have too.

The town so nice we burned it twice.

1/13/2015, 04:22 PM
Don't be such a baby and don't include me in your fag like obsession with 8th. Just pointing out another perspective.

Go **** yerself Maggot.

1/13/2015, 05:53 PM
Go **** yerself Maggot.

Geez, must've struck pretty close to home to get ya all riled up and all.

1/13/2015, 07:11 PM
4. Unity vs. disunity among world leaders. That image of foreign leaders locking arms with President Hollande and each other suggests that they are of one mind about whatever they were marching down the avenue about. Don't believe it. It was a phony show of unity. Each one of those leaders had his or her own reasons for being there, involving politics back home as well as international politics, and not just to show solidarity and good will toward the French. This may have been most apparent with the graceless Benjamin Netanyahu, who rebuffed the French government's request for him to stay away rather than inserting his own agenda, but he was not unique in having an agenda. (Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas initially acceded to a similar French request for him to stay away, before Netanyahu's decision to crash the event made it politically necessary for him to come as well.) If President Obama had attended, it mainly would have been to avoid subsequent political criticism at home for not having attended. That is a bad basis for deciding how to apportion the president's time.


1/13/2015, 07:33 PM
Don't be such a baby and don't include me in your fag like obsession with 8th. Just pointing out another perspective.
Geez, must've struck pretty close to home to get ya all riled up and all.
Geez, must've struck pretty close to home to get ya all riled up and all.I have never seen any guy talk who is not gay talk about dong so much in my life. Dude is obsessed with dong and mouths. So fvcking gay.

1/13/2015, 08:32 PM
I have never seen any guy talk who is not gay talk about dong so much in my life. Dude is obsessed with dong and mouths. So fvcking gay.

Yer a weird and angry little man, If you think about it that was Curly Bill and Turd who accused you of having Obammys thingy in yer mouth not me,

Prophet naw you cant rile me up . I just call em how I see em and yer a Doosh

1/13/2015, 08:59 PM
The Army of Northern Virginia and Robert E Lee were terrorists of the bad kind too.
Unlike William Tecumseh Sherman.....right? You really don't want to wonder into the area of civilian casualties. And if you don't think Lincoln was on board with and encouraged his little sadistic bastard general's rampage through the South you aren't being honest.

1/14/2015, 01:21 PM
Ol' Sic woulda rode with crazy Billy Q and slaughtered the women and children of Lawrence if he could of, hell, I prolly would have too.

Ole Bill wouldn't have let a scooter driving SOB like SicEm anywhere near his band of murderers.

1/14/2015, 01:25 PM
Unlike William Tecumseh Sherman.....right? You really don't want to wonder into the area of civilian casualties. And if you don't think Lincoln was on board with and encouraged his little sadistic bastard general's rampage through the South you aren't being honest.

Mess with the United States of American and you might get burned. Like Atlanta. And much of Georgia.

I love this song:


1/14/2015, 04:33 PM
Sure. The Sons of Liberty engaged in quite a few acts that could reasonably be described as terrorism. When you have an insurgency movement fighting against a much stronger enemy, the only tactic you really have is terrorism.

Well, that depends on how you define terrorism. If fighting a guerrilla war against armed combatants is considered terrorism then you're right.

If you have to specifically and intentionally target civilians for it to be considered terrorism then of course you have to option to wage war against non-civilians.

I personally don't consider the first case terrorism. That includes guys in Iraq and Afghanistan whose sole purpose was to fight the U.S. I still want them killed but they're not terrorists. They are guerrilla fighters. (In some cases they're both guerrilla fighters and terrorists but they are not committing acts of terrorism when they attack U.S. forces.)

1/14/2015, 06:31 PM
Well, that depends on how you define terrorism. If fighting a guerrilla war against armed combatants is considered terrorism then you're right.

If you have to specifically and intentionally target civilians for it to be considered terrorism then of course you have to option to wage war against non-civilians.

I personally don't consider the first case terrorism. That includes guys in Iraq and Afghanistan whose sole purpose was to fight the U.S. I still want them killed but they're not terrorists. They are guerrilla fighters. (In some cases they're both guerrilla fighters and terrorists but they are not committing acts of terrorism when they attack U.S. forces.)

You know the Sons of Liberty waged war against civilian agents of the crown, right? Destroyed their property, tarred and feathered, and killed in some circumstances. Their homes were firebombed and their families threatened. Sometimes it's justified. There's a difference between guerilla tactics against armed troops and outright terrorism. Both can be justified under the right circumstances given the right targets. Do I think it was absolutely justified attacking civilian agents of the crown? Absolutely.

1/14/2015, 07:22 PM
You know the Sons of Liberty waged war against civilian agents of the crown, right? Destroyed their property, tarred and feathered, and killed in some circumstances. Their homes were firebombed and their families threatened. Sometimes it's justified. There's a difference between guerilla tactics against armed troops and outright terrorism. Both can be justified under the right circumstances given the right targets. Do I think it was absolutely justified attacking civilian agents of the crown? Absolutely.

So what are your thoughts on the intifada, the pol, or even the fighters in the donbass?

1/15/2015, 11:21 AM
Mess with the United States of American and you might get burned. Like Atlanta. And much of Georgia.

I love this song:


So you are on board with killing women and children, burning their homes and leaving the rest to starve and die of disease? Gotcha.

BTW, I also detest Lincoln for how he and his Union cuthroat Generals treated my Irish forebearers. If you have never watched the Gangs of New York you need to do so and educate yourself a little on the benevolence of Lincoln and the Union Army.


Pretty simple — but, Dr. Hacker soon realized, too simple for counting Civil War dead. Published census data from the era did not differentiate between native-born Americans and immigrants; about 500,000 foreign-born soldiers served in the Union Army alone.

Many of the immigrant Union soldiers were gang-pressed into service while the more affluent Northeners paid to be excused from fighting. So you do realize you a supporting a bunch of f**king cowards in the upper echelons of Northern society....don't you?

1/15/2015, 01:57 PM
You know the Sons of Liberty waged war against civilian agents of the crown, right? Destroyed their property, tarred and feathered, and killed in some circumstances. Their homes were firebombed and their families threatened. Sometimes it's justified. There's a difference between guerilla tactics against armed troops and outright terrorism. Both can be justified under the right circumstances given the right targets. Do I think it was absolutely justified attacking civilian agents of the crown? Absolutely.

I completely disagree with that. If they did what you say then it was inexcusable.

Actually I read what you said again. You mentioned "civilian agents of the crown." I wouldn't necessary put them in the civilian category - at least not when war is being fought - assuming they had some role in fighting the war for the crown.

Their family is another matter.

1/15/2015, 11:04 PM
So you are on board with killing women and children, burning their homes and leaving the rest to starve and die of disease? Gotcha. BTW, I also detest Lincoln for how he and his Union cuthroat Generals treated my Irish forebearers. If you have never watched the Gangs of New York you need to do so and educate yourself a little on the benevolence of Lincoln and the Union Army.http://www.nytimes.com/2012/04/03/science/civil-war-toll-up-by-20-percent-in-new-estimate.html?pagewanted=allMany of the immigrant Union soldiers were gang-pressed into service while the more affluent Northeners paid to be excused from fighting. So you do realize you a supporting a bunch of f**king cowards in the upper echelons of Northern society....don't you?You see no irony of your immigrant Union soldiers were gang-pressed into service comment with the willingly come from africa to work southerns fields? I am so glad you get your history lessons from movies. Now tell us about Atlanta burning from gone with the wind. By the way - fvch the south. The first welfare system - one group of people do the work another group of people get the money. LEFT the united states of america formed a separate country, took up arms then attacked the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

1/15/2015, 11:07 PM
I completely disagree with that. If they did what you say then it was inexcusable.

Actually I read what you said again. You mentioned "civilian agents of the crown." I wouldn't necessary put them in the civilian category - at least not when war is being fought - assuming they had some role in fighting the war for the crown.

Their family is another matter.

I think you're confusing Minute Men with the Sons of Liberty. And, yes, they were the absolute definition of civilians and no they were not fighting since this was before the war started. We're talking post agents, tax collectors, harbor agents, etc.

1/15/2015, 11:12 PM
You see no irony of your immigrant Union soldiers were gang-pressed into service comment with the willingly come from africa to work southerns fields? I am so glad you get your history lessons from movies. Now tell us about Atlanta burning from gone with the wind. By the way - fvch the south. The first welfare system - one group of people do the work another group of people get the money. LEFT the united states of america formed a separate country, took up arms then attacked the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

I would have executed every single Union male over the age of 12 whether they were in uniform or not. I would have burned every home, slaughtered every bit of their livestock, I would have salted their fields so that not a blade of grass could grow for a hundred years, and I would have reduced every town and village to smoldering rubble. I would have pushed those people into the sea to drown. All in retaliation for their actions and conduct during the war. I have little love for being occupied for 150 years by gun point and the tyrannical will of government.

In any case, the war was the result of the Union fortifying forts located in sovereign territory belonging to the state of South Carolina. They were asked repeatedly to remove their troops and the Lincoln administration refused to do so; furthermore, troops and volunteers were being raised in the Union to quell the so-called rebellion.

1/15/2015, 11:23 PM
I think you're confusing Minute Men with the Sons of Liberty. And, yes, they were the absolute definition of civilians and no they were not fighting since this was before the war started. We're talking post agents, tax collectors, harbor agents, etc.

Here is irony for you. Sam and the Son of Liberty were agitators after the Boston Massacre. But it was John Adams who defended Captain Preston in a court of law and got him exonerated. Was way more important for the psyche of what would soon be a fledgling nation. Proved we could and would stand by the rule of law.

I've always thought that was the greatest moment in history for the future President and the alien and sedition acts were his lowest moment.