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View Full Version : Obama proposes free community college..

1/9/2015, 09:57 AM
Great idea! Who cares that there are problems getting people to leverage free primary and secondary education in this country.

"Free" community college will fix that!


http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k19/dwarthog/communitycollege_zps1072f6f3.jpg (http://s84.photobucket.com/user/dwarthog/media/communitycollege_zps1072f6f3.jpg.html)

1/9/2015, 10:14 AM
I'd worry about inflation in the cost of community college once government money comes in.

1/9/2015, 10:27 AM
What a frickin' moran The Leftist is... Will bankrupt the country, oh, excuse me, they will need to raise taxes on everyone... Yeah, that's the ticket. What do you think all the riots were about in the UK a couple of summers ago? They have had free University for some time, finally broke the bank and they were beginning to require students pay for the education. Yeah, The Leftist likes to use failed European ideas...

Sooner in Tampa
1/9/2015, 10:28 AM
This fvckin guy...


1/9/2015, 11:17 AM
Why didn't we think of this sooner? Since there is obviously no cost involved in this, then we can eventually move up to offer advanced degrees for everybody. I just can't understand how this concept of free stuff has been overlooked for so long.

1/9/2015, 11:44 AM
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA TOO GODDAMN FUNNY! Yet another REPUBLICAN idea that when picked up on by Obama - you hate it! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA LEMMINGS! Borrowing from a year-old experiment in Tennessee under the leadership of Republican Gov. Bill Haslam, the president will propose that Congress agree to let the federal government partner with participating states to cover the costs of at least two years of community college credits that could transfer to four-year colleges and universities, or for qualified technical education linked to employment. For the initiative, the president is borrowing heavily from the “Tennessee Promise” program, the brainchild of a conservative governor and funded using state lottery revenues. Obamacare all over again! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAhttp://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2015/01/09/obama_pushes_plan_for_free_community_college.htmlr

1/9/2015, 11:59 AM
I don't care if this is a Democrat idea or a Republican idea. It's stupid.

Obama says that Community College should be free for anybody who is willing to work for it. When has that NOT been the case? Community college is cheap. Going to OCCC, which is a quality community college, costs about $3000 a year (if you're full-time, which isn't absolutely necessary), and that's if you don't get any scholarship money (which are not hard to get at a CC). If you have a $8 an hour job, and work 5 hours a week, that comes out to $2000. I wouldn't even consider that "willing to work" for it, but it puts a huge dent in it. If you work 40 hours a week in the summer, that will pay for your year's schooling by itself.

The issue isn't paying for school; it's paying for everything else (rent, utilities, gas, food, etc.).

Going to college is an investment. If it's not going to be worth it for you to pay back your schooling, you shouldn't be going at all. Give them loans, but don't pay billions of dollar to make it free.

Sooner in Tampa
1/9/2015, 12:31 PM
It is a helluva lot easier to do on a state level than it is federally...but, that being said...it's still a stupid fvcking idea

I abhore this everything is free mentality...when the fvck are people going to actually WORK for something???

And...the stupid mother fvckers need to realize...there is no such thing as FREE, somebody is paying for that sh!t!

Stupid ba$tards...WAKE UP!!!!
There's no such thing as a free lunch.
Milton Friedman (http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/m/milton_friedman.html)

TANSTAAFL, on the other hand, indicates an acknowledgement that in reality a person or a society cannot get "something for nothing". Even if something appears to be free, there is always a cost to the person or to society as a whole, although that may be a hidden cost (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hidden_cost) or an externality (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Externality). For example, as Heinlein has one of his characters point out, a bar offering a free lunch will likely charge more for its drinks

1/9/2015, 12:38 PM
I don't care if this is a Democrat idea or a Republican idea. It's stupid.

Obama says that Community College should be free for anybody who is willing to work for it. When has that NOT been the case? Community college is cheap. Going to OCCC, which is a quality community college, costs about $3000 a year (if you're full-time, which isn't absolutely necessary), and that's if you don't get any scholarship money (which are not hard to get at a CC). If you have a $8 an hour job, and work 5 hours a week, that comes out to $2000. I wouldn't even consider that "willing to work" for it, but it puts a huge dent in it. If you work 40 hours a week in the summer, that will pay for your year's schooling by itself.

The issue isn't paying for school; it's paying for everything else (rent, utilities, gas, food, etc.).

Going to college is an investment. If it's not going to be worth it for you to pay back your schooling, you shouldn't be going at all. Give them loans, but don't pay billions of dollar to make it free.

And already OCCC already have OKC-Go which lets any student of Oklahoma City Public Schools and few other schools in the area have free tuition and fees as long as you meet requirements. The requirements are easy too. Get your high school diploma from one of those schools and fill out your application to OCCC and the FAFSA. Rose State has a similar program for the Mid-Del area.



1/9/2015, 03:49 PM
same with missouri..

good Lord this guy is a frickin retard. WHY and HOW does everything have to be FREE...crap I want FREE cable and internet....

FWIW, if obama thinks giving "free - you don't pay but the tax payers do" juco to the lower income folks will help, I have news for him. Just like gentle giant mike brown, talk is cheap "he was going to go to college...yadda yadda yadda" I've coached inner city kids that had a scholarship to juco's but come home after a semester. Can't handle the time away, the school work, the athletic work, the different environment...for whatever reason, they didn't MAKE IT. My daughter goes to one, my son as well. Boy on athletic scholarship, girl walked on to bball...but both have said athletes leave at semester....usually the guys from inner city.

On top of probably most states having some program already, A+ in missouri...My kids got pell grants for $3800 per year because their mom made under 50K. So money is out there, got to know how to get it.

1/9/2015, 03:54 PM
Wait a minute. Something is wrong. I thought this was free. Then I read this article that says it will cost 60 billion dollars. If it costs 60 billion dollars how can it be free? When Obama said free that means free right?


1/9/2015, 04:17 PM
Wait a minute. Something is wrong. I thought this was free. Then I read this article that says it will cost 60 billion dollars. If it costs 60 billion dollars how can it be free? When Obama said free that means free right?


I think China is planning to pay for it!