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View Full Version : Taliban school attack in Pakistan

12/16/2014, 09:42 AM
Way to butch up you Taliban Warriors...


12/16/2014, 09:51 AM
Way to butch up you Taliban Warriors...


Very sad. Radical muslims are just insane. I would do 2 things to keep them out of this country.

1st, I would freeze all immigration from Muslim countries.

Next I would tell the governments of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Turkey, Morroco, Pakistan, Iraq, Jordan and any other "moderate" Arab country that the radical Muslims are your problem. We will help you with intelligence, tactics and equipment but you are the ones who fostered and allowed this cancer to grow and you are the ones who need to kill it.

12/16/2014, 10:03 AM
Very sad. Radical muslims are just insane. I would do 2 things to keep them out of this country.

1st, I would freeze all immigration from Muslim countries.

Next I would tell the governments of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Turkey, Morroco, Pakistan, Iraq, Jordan and any other "moderate" Arab country that the radical Muslims are your problem. We will help you with intelligence, tactics and equipment but you are the ones who fostered and allowed this cancer to grow and you are the ones who need to kill it.

Some of that cancer has metastasized within government structures due to "relatives" who are in the radical muslim group. IMO, it's unlikely we'll ever get those governments to actually take substantive actions and more than likely they'll end up making the problem even worse.

12/16/2014, 10:06 AM
It's the Taliban and Zippy can't even say the word. What a ****ing tool...

12/16/2014, 10:17 AM
Is this the B TEAM again

12/16/2014, 11:43 AM
"Oh when will they ever learn, when will they ever learn."

rock on sooner
12/16/2014, 09:39 PM
It's the Taliban and Zippy can't even say the word. What a ****ing tool...

Assuming Zippy is POTUS, then my take is that he needs to be "diplomatic"
"correct" and even keeled. No doubt these folks need "extreme cleansing"
with absolute prejudice. While I don't know for certain, I am confident that
most of these "chunks of inhumanity" need to go away. If we have actionable
intell or on the ground humit, then drones, JSOC, any other asset in place needs
to be deployed, with absolutely NO apology or excuse...to hell with collateral
damage, destroy every aspect of their existence and hunt each one to the ends
of their earth, and, POTUS should just smile each time someone asks him about
any issue involving that scourge. That abomination has no absolution in any form
or religion. The Old Testament applies, and, may He forgive these thoughts, but
there is only one response to such barbarianism....two wrongs do not make right,
but, as God is my witness, they should perish from this earth.

12/17/2014, 09:55 AM
They can't get to Nobel Prize recipient Malala, so they'll try to get everyone else like her --- educated young girls who some feel shouldn't be in schools, but rather learning to be subservient daughters and wives. :(

12/17/2014, 10:23 AM
They can't get to Nobel Prize recipient Malala, so they'll try to get everyone else like her --- educated young girls who some feel shouldn't be in schools, but rather learning to be subservient daughters and wives. :(

Get back in the Kitchen Woman , Men are talkin here!:chuncky:

12/17/2014, 10:48 AM
Rock, yes Zippy is the Occupier in Chief...