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View Full Version : The Democrat And RINO Led War On Lower and Middle Class Workers

12/15/2014, 05:21 PM

The wage stagnation since the 80's is alarming. Again, this is Ted Kennedy's and the Democrats' legacy only now they have been joined by the Chamber of Commerce/Wall Street controlled Republicans.

Anybody who votes blindly for one party is nothing but a(n) useful idiot.


12/15/2014, 07:19 PM
which desirable jobs are the low skilled immigrants taking that Americans would do again?

12/15/2014, 08:36 PM
which desirable jobs are the low skilled immigrants taking that Americans would do again?
That is just a strawman argument. Do you know of nobody in the construction business? Landscaping? My daughter is working in housekeeping at Norman Regional Hospital while she waits for notification of acceptance into her post-grad program. Believe it or not, more and more men are not going to college and are entering vocational fields.

You need any more examples?

From the article:

Harvard Professor Dr. George Borjas estimates that high immigration flows from 1980-2000 reduced the wages of lower-skilled American workers by 7. 4 percent. In gross dollar terms, Professor Borjas estimates that current immigration rates produce an annual net loss of $402 billion for American workers who compete with foreign labor.

12/16/2014, 10:12 AM
Why can't we just kill all the visa programs, stop anchor babies, stop reuniting families and just start allowing the most vigorous and professional people into the country? Why is it so hard to safe guard the U.S. for future generations? Idiocracy, here we come...

12/16/2014, 10:15 AM
Why can't we just kill all the visa programs, stop anchor babies, stop reuniting families and just start allowing the most vigorous and professional people into the country? Why is it so hard to safe guard the U.S. for future generations? Idiocracy, here we come...

That is essentially what Canada is doing. Ireland stopped allowing anchor babies several years ago. The European countries are starting to realize what a demographic nightmare they have created in regards to the muslim immigration issue. Things are getting fugly in Germany.

12/16/2014, 10:19 AM
Things are getting fugly in Germany.
And the German politicians are doubling down against the protesters...

I do think the that the world politicians are trying to establish a NWO, with them at the helm, they are "progressive" and "enlightened" and they will rule over us as we must be ruled and can't think for ourselves...