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12/14/2014, 11:59 PM
Johnny Manziel’s debut as an NFL starter couldn’t have gone much worse


Johnny Manziel is starting at quarterback which means Johnny Manziel is going to get sacked at some point. It happened early against the Bengals and, as you would expect, Wallace Gilberry got to celebrate by busting out the "Money Manziel" sign.


Instead of providing a spark, he extinguished whatever flame was left in the Browns’ season, completing 10 of 18 passes for 80 yards, getting sacked three times, throwing two interceptions and finishing with a 27.3 QB rating.
He looked like a little kid playing against men. Pathetic might not be strong enough. Putrid is more like it. He couldn’t run. He couldn’t throw. He couldn’t make a play. The Bengals plan was to force Manziel to beat him with his arm, not his legs. He could do neither.

Really, what was this Johnny Football hype all about? There was no magic.


I could post more but I am too busy ROFL.

12/15/2014, 12:13 AM
0-4 with 2 ints on 15+ yard throws

Kinda says it all..

12/15/2014, 12:28 AM
There is nothing, including Hitler and puppy-kickers, on this Earth that I hate more than Texas A&M and every bottom feeder that goose-steps through her disgraced halls. Out of every ****bag Aggie that has ever lived, Manziel is the worst.

I never want any player to get hurt, but if there was ever a guy that I might enjoy seeing some LB rip his head off (literally)...it would be him.

12/15/2014, 12:32 AM
hes All flash and No pan.

12/15/2014, 12:32 AM
Not a Manziel fan, but was actually looking forward to seeing him play. In fairness to him, his offensive line was absolute garbage. That does not, however, excuse a couple of really bad interceptions. He had another one negated on a penalty that was high, but should've been grabbed by his WR.

12/15/2014, 01:02 AM
hes All flash and No pan.

ha ha ha or maybe a ten-gallon hat on a three-gallon head.

I especially enjoy that the opposing players were mocking him with his own $ sign. He's needed some comeuppance for a long time now IMO.

12/15/2014, 01:09 AM
ha ha ha or maybe a ten-gallon hat on a three-gallon head.

I especially enjoy that the opposing players were mocking him with his own $ sign. He's needed some comeuppance for a long time now IMO.

Yup, I dont watch Pro ball but i did read about it LOL

12/15/2014, 01:34 AM
Thought it was pretty funny when Marvin Lewis called him a midget last week.

12/15/2014, 07:03 AM
....f little johnny


12/15/2014, 07:20 AM
Apparently the dog pound just got a flea.

12/15/2014, 08:54 AM
All hat. No herd.

12/15/2014, 10:53 AM
I was listening to some ESPiN hack, critique Johnny Paycheck early on Sunday am. He said that Manziel was 6th round talent with 1st round expectations, and the guy that drafted him in the 1st round should be fired.
I think he will be eventually an all-pro if some NFL linebacker doesn't clock him David Ash-silly this year, but more than likely playing North of our border in the future.
A lot of NFL QBs were made pedestrian yesterday by some good defensive game-planning and defensive execution, including A. Rodgers, so I think it's a little harsh to hammer him after start number one. He will be getting every team's best defensive shot in the next couple of years because of his sfb antics, though.
I don't know HitH we let him torch us in the 2nd half of the Cotton Bowl, after looking pretty good containing him in the 1st half, but in the last several years, our D has made a lot of QBs, some walk-ons and true frosh, who weren't nearly as good or mobile as Manziel, look like All-Americans, so it's no surprise that our D staff couldn't come up with a workable. plan/adjustments to contain him the whole game (If I remember right, and like so many games since then, our offense didn't help our D out one bit in 2nd half of that game either). I don't know if our defensive staff will ever correct our problems especially our pass D, but it's just flat embarrassing.

12/15/2014, 10:59 AM
It was a stupid pick---I only wish Dallas had been that dumb

12/15/2014, 11:22 AM
No, you are not a bad person for enjoying this so much.

12/15/2014, 12:13 PM
There is nothing, including Hitler and puppy-kickers, on this Earth that I hate more than Texas A&M and every bottom feeder that goose-steps through her disgraced halls.

All that hate's just plain unhealthy ... and skipping yer meds is definitely a bad idea. ;-) Just cuz Baylor women prefer real men to green and gold wimps is no reason to be so hate filled. ;-)

12/15/2014, 12:28 PM
Whoever gave the first round grades to last offseason's Browns first round draft picks --- both former Poke corner Justin Gilbert and Johnny Manziel --- needs to have his own job re-evaluated. It's one thing to throw Johnny in with playoff hopes nearly (and now) dashed near the end of the season with no starting experience. It's another to see your top pick be abysmal at covering NFL receivers week in and week out since the beginning with very little sign of improvement.

And it was hilarious to watch Johnny fail, but to be fair, I was equally amused with the failures of RG3 (running out the clock at the end of the half to have your TD overturned? solid GOLD!) and others.

12/15/2014, 12:52 PM
Did Gilbert have a bad year? I thought he was a great pick at the time, and was actually somebody I had at the top of my wishlist along with Mike Evans for the Rams (I'm glad we got Aaron Donald instead).

Manziel, though...yeah, definitely a Browns type selection. They're bound to suck for eternity.

12/15/2014, 12:56 PM
Jerry Jones thought long and hard about saving the Browns from this disaster.

12/15/2014, 01:00 PM
Johnny Manziel’s debut as an NFL starter couldn’t have gone much worse




I could post more but I am too busy ROFL.

The Football Gods themselves are laughing at $Johnny$ so I believe you have full permission, even approval.

12/15/2014, 01:07 PM
All that hate's just plain unhealthy ... and skipping yer meds is definitely a bad idea. ;-) Just cuz Baylor women prefer real men to green and gold wimps is no reason to be so hate filled. ;-)

Isn't there a cheerleader somewhere you need to chase with your play sword?

12/15/2014, 01:09 PM
And it was hilarious to watch Johnny fail, but to be fair, I was equally amused with the failures of RG3 (running out the clock at the end of the half to have your TD overturned? solid GOLD!) and others.

Griff's problems have been due to ****ty coaching. He regained possession of the football, imo it was a ****ty call. Nonetheless, it should never have happened because that absolute worthless dumbass of a coach had just failed to decline an offsides penalty after RG3 ran the ball to the f'n 2-yard line....why the **** would any coach do that?

12/15/2014, 01:39 PM
Griff's problems have been due to ****ty coaching. He regained possession of the football, imo it was a ****ty call. Nonetheless, it should never have happened because that absolute worthless dumbass of a coach had just failed to decline an offsides penalty after RG3 ran the ball to the f'n 2-yard line....why the **** would any coach do that?
Maybe he got a text from Bob Stoops.

12/15/2014, 01:52 PM
Griff's problems have been due to ****ty coaching. He regained possession of the football, imo it was a ****ty call. Nonetheless, it should never have happened because that absolute worthless dumbass of a coach had just failed to decline an offsides penalty after RG3 ran the ball to the f'n 2-yard line....why the **** would any coach do that?

Wow, am I just a professional troll at heart? I wasn't even trying to get SicEm to go off... anyone else notice the contrast between Texas A&M's Heisman failure first rounder in the NFL and Baylor's in Siccy's posts?

if there was ever a guy that I might enjoy seeing some LB rip his head off (literally)...it would be him.

Griff's problems have been due to ****ty coaching

I think RG3 should go to the Browns... then you can see what ****ty coaching really looks like :P

12/15/2014, 02:02 PM
Wow, am I just a professional troll at heart? I wasn't even trying to get SicEm to go off... anyone else notice the contrast between Texas A&M's Heisman failure first rounder in the NFL and Baylor's in Siccy's posts?

I think RG3 should go to the Browns... then you can see what ****ty coaching really looks like :P

You don't need to be talented at all as a troll to get to SicEm to go off. Just bring up Baylor. Even compliments are touchy now.

While we're on the topic of how much Baylor sucks at producing pro players, and why you shouldn't draft any of their non-WRs, Jason Brown should be in jail for theft with the kind of contract he got from the Rams. That ****-poor, defective piece of junk cost Sam from getting quality protection earlier in his career.

12/15/2014, 02:13 PM
You can also bring up issues of Constitutional Law. Sicem has views on that that are so zany as to defy belief. Like a fiery blend of John C. Calhoun and The Jetsons.

12/15/2014, 02:14 PM
RG3 and 13 is what my husband calls him (get it? cuz the Skins were 3-13 last season lol --- now all of you are not going to be able to say him name without adding "and 13" to the end of it hehe).

12/15/2014, 02:37 PM
Isn't there a cheerleader somewhere you need to chase with your play sword?

Nah, checked that off the days "to do list" this morning. ;-)

So why the unhealthy hostility to the ol Maroon and White? I find it quite humorous.

12/15/2014, 02:42 PM
So why the unhealthy hostility to the ol Maroon and White? I find it quite humorous

Because your linemen once wore green gloves in a game decades ago so that they wouldn't be called for holding penalties... maybe. I really have no idea.

Just admit that Baylor is better than Texas A&M. It doesn't have to be true, just say it. I know that Aggies don't lie cheat or steal and stuff, but you're in the SEC now so that's an outdated slogan. Hurry up and lie. You can even quote my post so that you don't have to type out the words yourself.

Come on Aggie; while you're still bowl eligible.

12/15/2014, 02:53 PM
You can also bring up issues of Constitutional Law. Sicem has views on that that are so zany as to defy belief. Like a fiery blend of John C. Calhoun and The Jetsons.

My views on Constitutional law are derived from actually reading the Constitution, reading the notes from the Constitutional convention, and the words of those who actually wrote the document. If my views are zany then take them up with Madison. As for Calhoun, I take that as a compliment.

12/15/2014, 02:54 PM
You don't need to be talented at all as a troll to get to SicEm to go off. Just bring up Baylor. Even compliments are touchy now.

While we're on the topic of how much Baylor sucks at producing pro players, and why you shouldn't draft any of their non-WRs, Jason Brown should be in jail for theft with the kind of contract he got from the Rams. That ****-poor, defective piece of junk cost Sam from getting quality protection earlier in his career.

I apologize to some degree. I've been on the knife's edge when it comes to Baylor.

12/15/2014, 02:55 PM
Nah, checked that off the days "to do list" this morning. ;-)

So why the unhealthy hostility to the ol Maroon and White? I find it quite humorous.

Every time I had to go to College Station I'd stop just outside the city limits and this:


12/15/2014, 03:07 PM
As for Calhoun, I take that as a compliment.


12/15/2014, 03:10 PM
See ... now that doesn't answer the question at all ... we know you hate us ... the question is why?

And btw ... Ol Ben and Luke found Han and Chewie there in Mos Eisley ... and it's down right un-American to not like Han and Chewie!

Because your linemen once wore green gloves in a game decades ago so that they wouldn't be called for holding penalties... maybe. I really have no idea

Back in the old days it was all about women. When A&M was all male and Corps membership mandatory ... Corps guys would flock to Waco on the weekends and pick up Baylor women. That fueled a lot of hate back in the day.

12/15/2014, 05:00 PM
See ... now that doesn't answer the question at all ... we know you hate us ... the question is why?

And btw ... Ol Ben and Luke found Han and Chewie there in Mos Eisley ... and it's down right un-American to not like Han and Chewie!

Back in the old days it was all about women. When A&M was all male and Corps membership mandatory ... Corps guys would flock to Waco on the weekends and pick up Baylor women. That fueled a lot of hate back in the day.

1) A&M is a cult.
2) A&M's traditions are asinine.
3) I've never seen a more deluded group of people with a more over-estimated sense of self worth. I'm not even talking athletics -- I'm speaking of the university as a whole.
4) The Corps is a military cospalying jizz jar filling group of suppressed homos.
5) Kyle Field is the ugliest piece of **** I've ever seen.
6) Promoting group think in college is a horrible idea, and nobody does that better than Aggie outside of legitimate military academies.
7) For a supposedly well regarded engineering program, you can't build a giant pile of lumber worth a ****.
8) Don't walk on the grass? Seriously?
9) Building a scoreboard so your dead mascots in a dedicated pet cemetery can always see Aggie lose is ****ed up.
10) You almost shelled our campus once.

That's a very short general list, but that's just for starters.

BONUS: Maroon makes me puke.

12/15/2014, 05:18 PM
4) The Corps is a military cosplaying jizz jar filling group of suppressed homos..

Comic Gold

Except it's true.

12/15/2014, 06:03 PM
see ... was that so hard ... lets look at this:

1) A&M is a cult.
2) A&M's traditions are asinine.

I quite enjoyed the traditions ... Muster, Silver taps, the 12th Man, Midnight yell, to kissing dates when the team scores ... what do you have against kissing chicks?

3) I've never seen a more deluded group of people with a more over-estimated sense of self worth. I'm not even talking athletics -- I'm speaking of the university as a whole.

I know being from Baylor gives you a sense of low self worth and self esteem ... but no reason hating on those of us that like ourselves ;-)

4) The Corps is a military cospalying jizz jar filling group of suppressed homos.

Eh ... some of them ... some go on to military careers ... but regardless ... losing women to this bunch must really sting, huh ;-)

5) Kyle Field is the ugliest piece of **** I've ever seen.

First ... what do you have against tackle boxes ... just don't like fishing huh. And second ... this proves you're a true Baylor fan ... because this proves you've never been to a game at Floyd Casey! ;-)

6) Promoting group think in college is a horrible idea, and nobody does that better than Aggie outside of legitimate military academies.

Resistance is futile! You will be assimilated!

7) For a supposedly well regarded engineering program, you can't build a giant pile of lumber worth a ****.

Ah ... a bonfire comment ... nothing says Baylor like being a d-bag ;-)

8) Don't walk on the grass? Seriously?

Yup ... seriously! And take off your hat while yer at it!

9) Building a scoreboard so your dead mascots in a dedicated pet cemetery can always see Aggie lose is ****ed up.

Except when we played Baylor ... we owned you ***

10) You almost shelled our campus once.

And we would have gotten away with it to if not for those meddling Texas Rangers! Think how better off the world would have been too. TCU would be playing in the playoffs instead of Ohio St. ;-)

12/15/2014, 06:17 PM
Baylor fan versus Texas A&M fan...

Reminds me of the good old days.

12/15/2014, 06:20 PM
Imagine the fun if these type of forums had existed during the heyday of the OU-Nebraska rivalry in the Big-8, lol

12/15/2014, 06:51 PM
Imagine the fun if these type of forums had existed during the heyday of the OU-Nebraska rivalry in the Big-8, lol

My first post here was in 99, and we had several Husker regulars, but it wasn't the same.

I just wish we still had the old Big XII...although Colorado could stay in the PAC.

12/15/2014, 07:07 PM
I just wish we still had the old Big XII

I understand the thought ... but IMHO the Big-12 doomed itself from the start when the formation began as a political fight between Texas and Nebraska and the Texas faction won setting rules that doomed the Husker program. The Big-12 had three blue blood teams ..OU, UT, and Nebraska ... and the formation of the league set in motion the demise of one of those three which hurt the North Division and sowed the seeds of Nebraska's exit from the league.

12/15/2014, 08:28 PM
I understand the thought ... but IMHO the Big-12 doomed itself from the start when the formation began as a political fight between Texas and Nebraska and the Texas faction won setting rules that doomed the Husker program. The Big-12 had three blue blood teams ..OU, UT, and Nebraska ... and the formation of the league set in motion the demise of one of those three which hurt the North Division and sowed the seeds of Nebraska's exit from the league.

My dirty confession of the night is that, for the first time, I'm beginning to wonder whether Aggie was actually right when they decided to leave. Ditto for Nebraska, Missouri, and Colorado. Given what has happened, it's difficult to see how anyone can say that the Big XII looks after the interests of its member institutions. That's what a conference is supposed to say.

Frankly, I'm ready to say 'adios' to this ****show and head to the ACC.

12/15/2014, 09:10 PM
Back to Johnny Football- All sizzle, no steak.

12/15/2014, 10:38 PM
My dirty confession of the night is that, for the first time, I'm beginning to wonder whether Aggie was actually right when they decided to leave. Ditto for Nebraska, Missouri, and Colorado. Given what has happened, it's difficult to see how anyone can say that the Big XII looks after the interests of its member institutions. That's what a conference is supposed to say.

Frankly, I'm ready to say 'adios' to this ****show and head to the ACC.

I won't disagree that the conference gave in to Texas, and it's been a cluster**** ever since, but things have stabilized.

Let's be honest, Baylor isn't going anywhere and had they never be included in the Big XII, Baylor athletics as you know it wouldn't exist.

12/15/2014, 10:43 PM
I just wish we still had the old Big XII...although Colorado could stay in the PAC.
I still wish CU was in the Big 12, then we would have game up here every so often.

About Manziel, have the Browns ever had a decent QB or O-Line since they came back into the league? Bernie Kosar was the last decent one I can think of and he was part the Ravens-Browns era.

12/15/2014, 10:48 PM
I won't disagree that the conference gave in to Texas, and it's been a cluster**** ever since, but things have stabilized.

Let's be honest, Baylor isn't going anywhere and had they never be included in the Big XII, Baylor athletics as you know it wouldn't exist.

I didn't say being in the Big XII never served its purpose. I said being in the Big XII now isn't serving our purpose. I want to leave.

12/16/2014, 10:54 AM
I didn't say being in the Big XII never served its purpose. I said being in the Big XII now isn't serving our purpose. I want to leave.

Good luck finding another conference that will pay you as much as the Big 12 does. I get that you are angry at the playoffs, playoff committee, the Fiesta Bowl, the "co" in co-conference champs, Bryce Petty's back and everything else that caused this season to not go perfectly. It happens; use it as motivation to be better next year.

It's not the Big 12's fault your non-conference schedule was sh!tty.

It's not the Big 12's fault you lost at West Virginia (nor is it the Big 12's fault Morgantown burned itself down afterward).

It's not the Big 12's fault that TCU had an identical record; nor is it the Big 12's fault you had to overcome a huge deficit to defeat them at home.

Am I missing anything guys? Think some other conference would pay them $20 million+ annually to reside elsewhere? Maybe they could go independent like BYU and Notre Dame. Baptists worldwide can unite under the Baylor banner or something

12/16/2014, 11:05 AM
Oh, and it's not the B12's fault that y'all got all hot with the photogenic, and appealing, RG3...but now showcase players like Oakman and other thugs...who aren't going to win any extra votes for you if you know what I mean.

12/16/2014, 11:49 AM
Now that RG3 is the Redskins (3-11) starter again, let's call him by his full name: RG3 and 11 :P

As for thuggery, I'd argue that players were encounter dirtier, more aggressive players in the NFL or in a potential bowl/playoff matchup. If we have to face it in conference play first, it might help prepare us for postseason/pro level better.

12/16/2014, 05:38 PM
I didn't say being in the Big XII never served its purpose. I said being in the Big XII now isn't serving our purpose. I want to leave.

It's not the Big XII's fault your AD schedules the East Popcorn State's of the world. Had you guys played a decent OOC schedule, you'd be getting ready for the playoffs.

Baylor football has been an upper echelon program for the past to years, but I think it's a little (lot) premature to think the school could bolt to another conference because you can offer so much.

Maybe the school should sustain the success for a decade before thinking you can call your shots. You ever hear the saying "he was born on third base but goes through life thinking he hit a triple"? That could apply to that kind of attitude.

12/16/2014, 08:35 PM
Maybe the school should sustain the success for a decade before thinking you can call your shots. You ever hear the saying "he was born on third base but goes through life thinking he hit a triple"? That could apply to that kind of attitude.

Actually, that doesn't apply to us in the least bit -- quite the opposite actually when taken in the context of blue blood programs vs. upstart programs. The ACC isn't exactly a powerhouse and definitely shouldn't turn their nose up at accepting us.

Who gives a **** about the non-conference? We virtually wiped the slate of the 2nd best conference in the United States. And did you see the non-conf schedules of some of the teams that were/are ahead of us that were in the top-4 at one time or another? Seriously?

It had nothing to do with our schedule. The CFPC wanted marquee matchups between big-brand programs + they perceived us as 'iffy' based upon last year's bowl game. That's their decision in totality.

12/16/2014, 08:57 PM
Actually, that doesn't apply to us in the least bit -- quite the opposite actually when taken in the context of blue blood programs vs. upstart programs. The ACC isn't exactly a powerhouse and definitely shouldn't turn their nose up at accepting us.

Who gives a **** about the non-conference? We virtually wiped the slate of the 2nd best conference in the United States. And did you see the non-conf schedules of some of the teams that were/are ahead of us that were in the top-4 at one time or another? Seriously?

It had nothing to do with our schedule. The CFPC wanted marquee matchups between big-brand programs + they perceived us as 'iffy' based upon last year's bowl game. That's their decision in totality.

Well, if you're interested in joining the ACC, that's about the only conference that 'may' consider adding Baylor.

Don't kid yourself, and don't be brainwashed by the Baylor administration, the OOC had everything to do with Baylor getting left out. I know Baylor (and their fans) don't want to hear that, but it's true (and it was said many times on Selection Sunday).

I don't doubt that the marquee matchup aspect had some affect, but it was very easy for the committee to look at Baylor's OOC and use that as a reason.

The OOC schedule's of teams that were ranked ahead of Baylor means nothing in the final selection. It only would have mattered if one of those teams were selected. Look, I'm no fan of the way things went down, but to brush off Baylor's OOC schedule as a non-factor is nutty, and I know you're smarter than that.

12/16/2014, 09:02 PM
Well, if you're interested in joining the ACC, that's about the only conference that 'may' consider adding Baylor.

Don't kid yourself, and don't be brainwashed by the Baylor administration, the OOC had everything to do with Baylor getting left out. I know Baylor (and their fans) don't want to hear that, but it's true (and it was said many times on Selection Sunday).

I don't doubt that the marquee matchup aspect had some affect, but it was very easy for the committee to look at Baylor's OOC and use that as a reason.

The OOC schedule's of teams that were ranked ahead of Baylor means nothing in the final selection. It only would have mattered if one of those teams were selected. Look, I'm no fan of the way things went down, but to brush off Baylor's OOC schedule as a non-factor is nutty, and I know you're smarter than that.

Well with that logic TCU should have got in. They had a better ooc schedule than tosu and actually won all of theirs..

12/16/2014, 09:08 PM
Actually, that doesn't apply to us in the least bit -- quite the opposite actually when taken in the context of blue blood programs vs. upstart programs. The ACC isn't exactly a powerhouse and definitely shouldn't turn their nose up at accepting us.

Who gives a **** about the non-conference? We virtually wiped the slate of the 2nd best conference in the United States. And did you see the non-conf schedules of some of the teams that were/are ahead of us that were in the top-4 at one time or another? Seriously?

It had nothing to do with our schedule. The CFPC wanted marquee matchups between big-brand programs + they perceived us as 'iffy' based upon last year's bowl game. That's their decision in totality.

Also because of money

12/16/2014, 09:37 PM
Well with that logic TCU should have got in. They had a better ooc schedule than tosu and actually won all of theirs..

How can you justify TCU being included when they lost to Baylor head-to-head?

If you really believe Baylor's OOC schedule had nothing to do with them being left out, then there's no point in having this conversation with you. Of course it did, and that was discussed the entire season.

12/16/2014, 09:42 PM
Oklahoma hasn't tackled him yet.

Salt City Sooner
12/17/2014, 01:11 AM
Well with that logic TCU should have got in. They had a better ooc schedule than tosu and actually won all of theirs..
I'm no tOSU fan to say the least, but I can't agree with that at all. If one wants to say that TCU had one OOC game that was better than anything on tOSU's slate I'll buy it, but overall, tOSU had 3 bowl teams (Va. Tech, Cincy, & Navy) & one clunker (Kent St.) on theirs, while TCU had one bowl team (Minnesota), 1 dog (SMU), & 1 FCS team ( Samford).

12/17/2014, 02:31 AM
I'm no tOSU fan to say the least, but I can't agree with that at all. If one wants to say that TCU had one OOC game that was better than anything on tOSU's slate I'll buy it, but overall, tOSU had 3 bowl teams (Va. Tech, Cincy, & Navy) & one clunker (Kent St.) on theirs, while TCU had one bowl team (Minnesota), 1 dog (SMU), & 1 FCS team ( Samford).

Playing a ranked (for the majority of the season) team from a power five conference and an SMU that was probably better when when they were scheduled is better than playing sub-par "bowl" teams. Tcu actually played a team from Ohio State's conference and beat them in a much more impressive manner than Ohio State did. They also didn't lose to a 6-6 "bowl" team

12/17/2014, 02:36 AM
How can you justify TCU being included when they lost to Baylor head-to-head?

If you really believe Baylor's OOC schedule had nothing to do with them being left out, then there's no point in having this conversation with you. Of course it did, and that was discussed the entire season.

You're the one who brought up ooc strength. I can justify it by them randomly falling two spots after winning their last game by about 50. They beat minnesota in a much more impressive manner than Ohio State. This committee stated they would take into accout cross conference play and how much more impressive a team won a game against a common opponent. TCU lost to a quality team... It was a much "better" lose than Ohio states's which apparently the committee is supposed to take into account also. All these things they take into account apparently didn't matter in the last rankings.

12/17/2014, 04:29 AM
I'm no tOSU fan to say the least, but I can't agree with that at all. If one wants to say that TCU had one OOC game that was better than anything on tOSU's slate I'll buy it, but overall, tOSU had 3 bowl teams (Va. Tech, Cincy, & Navy) & one clunker (Kent St.) on theirs, while TCU had one bowl team (Minnesota), 1 dog (SMU), & 1 FCS team ( Samford).

They lost to Virginia Tech....at home. Lets see who this "bowl team" beat in order to become bowl eligible. Here's their schedule:

vs William and Mary (quite the powerhouse there) - W
vs Ohio State - W
vs Western Michigan - W
vs North Carolina - W
vs Duke - W
vs Virginia W

Their losses:
vs East Carolina - L
vs Georgia Tech - L
vs Pitt - L
vs Miami - L
vs Boston College (of all places) - L
vs Wake - L

Now, I don't like to play in hypotheticals. Hypothetical arguments like "TCU would have won on a neutral field!" are asinine and pointless. HOWEVER, just for ****s and giggles, I'm going to point out the fact that Buffalo very well could have (and probably would have been) bowl eligible had one of their games not been cancelled. So, that would have been an extra win against a bowl team. A ****ty *** bowl team just like Va Tech but a bowl team nonetheless.

12/17/2014, 04:37 AM
Well, if you're interested in joining the ACC, that's about the only conference that 'may' consider adding Baylor.

Don't kid yourself, and don't be brainwashed by the Baylor administration, the OOC had everything to do with Baylor getting left out. I know Baylor (and their fans) don't want to hear that, but it's true (and it was said many times on Selection Sunday).

I don't doubt that the marquee matchup aspect had some affect, but it was very easy for the committee to look at Baylor's OOC and use that as a reason.

The OOC schedule's of teams that were ranked ahead of Baylor means nothing in the final selection. It only would have mattered if one of those teams were selected. Look, I'm no fan of the way things went down, but to brush off Baylor's OOC schedule as a non-factor is nutty, and I know you're smarter than that.

Actually, that's not at all what they said on selection day. That's what the pundits were saying, but Jeff Long said over and over and over again that the reason Ohio State was selected over Baylor was because of the extra game/conference championship game that Ohio State played. Now, this is directly counter to what he and the CFPC said prior to this season. It's counter to the information that the CFPC put out. They said, in the pre-season, that a conference would NOT be penalized for not having a conference championship game. And, yet, there was Long telling everyone immediately after the selection that our lack of a championship game and a clear winner was the reason for putting Ohio State ahead. That's absolute bull****, and that sack of **** Bawlsby is largely to blame.

12/17/2014, 09:36 AM
Actually, that's not at all what they said on selection day. That's what the pundits were saying, but Jeff Long said over and over and over again that the reason Ohio State was selected over Baylor was because of the extra game/conference championship game that Ohio State played. Now, this is directly counter to what he and the CFPC said prior to this season. It's counter to the information that the CFPC put out. They said, in the pre-season, that a conference would NOT be penalized for not having a conference championship game. And, yet, there was Long telling everyone immediately after the selection that our lack of a championship game and a clear winner was the reason for putting Ohio State ahead. That's absolute bull****, and that sack of **** Bawlsby is largely to blame.

This whole process is a trainwreck. What we now have is a system more capricious and arbitrary than the BCS ever was. I agree that in a fair system Baylor should have went in before Ohio St. IMO the non-conf has some validity but it's more of a red herring. Baylor has a better win than any win by Ohio St. (by the committee's own rankings) and Ohio St has a worse loss than Baylor. Even despite the weak non-conf Baylor has a higher SOS. This is just the committee making things come out like they see fit then looking for any justification to validate the decision they wanted to make. This is why this system needs to be trashed ASAP.


12/17/2014, 09:57 AM
Folks, it's a business. Outside of the state of Texas, the number of people who've heard of 'Baylor', not to mention that subset who want to watch them play football, is some single digit percentage of those who Ohio State can deliver to a bowl game. There's your 'tie breaker'.

12/17/2014, 10:40 AM
In other words, Baylor should have hired their PR firm long before it was clear the playoff committee didn't like them :P

12/17/2014, 10:54 AM
How in hell did a Thread making fun fun of JFF get jacked to be about baylor?

12/17/2014, 11:09 AM
How in hell did a Thread making fun fun of JFF get jacked to be about baylor?

Johnny Effing and Baylor have much in common.

12/17/2014, 11:16 AM
Johnny Effing and Baylor have much in common.


12/17/2014, 11:22 AM

I like to think of this as a flexible and ever evolving message board. :encouragement:

12/17/2014, 11:36 AM
I like to think of this as a flexible and ever evolving message board. :encouragement:

Symbolized by the immortal wonder that was, is and ever shall be....."Delete Me".

Salt City Sooner
12/17/2014, 11:41 AM
Playing a ranked (for the majority of the season) team from a power five conference and an SMU that was probably better when when they were scheduled is better than playing sub-par "bowl" teams. Tcu actually played a team from Ohio State's conference and beat them in a much more impressive manner than Ohio State did. They also didn't lose to a 6-6 "bowl" team
I've already conceded that Minnesota is a better individual game than anything on tOSU's OOC. I'm talking about the overall set though, & if anybody would be willing to bet that either SMU or Samford would beat Navy or Va. Tech (I'm leaving Cincy out of this because they were a 9 win team, which for mathematical purposes would be the closest thing to Minnesota in this, although obviously that's edge to UM for doing it in a P5 conference) as mediocre as Tech was, let's just say that I'd be on that wager in a heartbeat. As for the "better when they were scheduled" thing, you can say the same thing about the Va. Tech/tOSU set.

Oh, & Sic'em, tOSU losing to Va. Tech does nothing but strengthen my point that tOSU's OOC's > TCU's OOC's. We already know that Minnesota couldn't, because they met (on the Gophers' home field, while TCU got Minnesota in Ft. Worth) & the Buckeyes came out on top. Anybody willing to say that either SMU or Samford could pull off what Va. Tech did? Yeah, me neither.

12/17/2014, 11:59 AM
How in hell did a Thread making fun fun of JFF get jacked to be about baylor?

My fault. I noted that Sunday was a fun day for watching bad quarterbacks, not just limited to Johnny, but also RG3 and 11. Then SicEm jumped in to defend his beloved Highs Man Trough Fee Winnah and several pages later it hasn't stopped.

12/17/2014, 12:12 PM
Yes, Johnny Manziel's first start did not go well.

There now we are back on track.

12/17/2014, 12:14 PM

12/17/2014, 12:29 PM
Yes, Johnny Manziel's first start did not go well.

There now we are back on track.

Americans have the collective attention span of a gnat, so we'll see how long this last.

BTW, who thinks JH did a bang up job this year?

12/17/2014, 01:15 PM
Bang up as in good, or bang up as in I'm-gonna-bang-up-the-middle-on-fourth-and-1 WITHTHEGAMEONTHELINE!!!! and-not-get-a-yard?


12/17/2014, 08:36 PM
I've already conceded that Minnesota is a better individual game than anything on tOSU's OOC. I'm talking about the overall set though, & if anybody would be willing to bet that either SMU or Samford would beat Navy or Va. Tech (I'm leaving Cincy out of this because they were a 9 win team, which for mathematical purposes would be the closest thing to Minnesota in this, although obviously that's edge to UM for doing it in a P5 conference) as mediocre as Tech was, let's just say that I'd be on that wager in a heartbeat. As for the "better when they were scheduled" thing, you can say the same thing about the Va. Tech/tOSU set.

Oh, & Sic'em, tOSU losing to Va. Tech does nothing but strengthen my point that tOSU's OOC's > TCU's OOC's. We already know that Minnesota couldn't, because they met (on the Gophers' home field, while TCU got Minnesota in Ft. Worth) & the Buckeyes came out on top. Anybody willing to say that either SMU or Samford could pull off what Va. Tech did? Yeah, me neither.

I missed the part where you explained how tOsu losing to a 6-6 team is a better loss than tcu losing to the number 5 (arguably) team in the nation. A team that was slighty ranked above/then below them for a good chunk of the season.... before the last rankings of course when the committee lost all credibility just because they wanted to avoid the big 12's co-champion nonsense.

12/17/2014, 08:43 PM
Well back on topic I absolutely loved watching johnny fail. His first scramble he almost got the first but a linebacker came in and just laid on him so he wouldn't get the first. Welcome to real big boy football johnny dip****

Salt City Sooner
12/17/2014, 10:55 PM
I missed the part where you explained how tOsu losing to a 6-6 team is a better loss than tcu losing to the number 5 (arguably) team in the nation. A team that was slighty ranked above/then below them for a good chunk of the season.... before the last rankings of course when the committee lost all credibility just because they wanted to avoid the big 12's co-champion nonsense.
That would be because that's a point that I would never try to make, nor even insinuate. If you'll go back & look at what I bolded in your post that I quoted in my first post, the only thing that I was pointing out was that tOSU's overall OOC slate > TCU's. That's it, nothing more, nothing less.

12/17/2014, 11:07 PM
That would be because that's a point that I would never try to make, nor even insinuate. If you'll go back & look at what I bolded in your post that I quoted in my first post, the only thing that I was pointing out was that tOSU's overall OOC slate > TCU's. That's it, nothing more, nothing less.

My mistake. I still disagree though... In my opinion that minnesota game is far more impressive than ohio state's opponents. Also strength of schedule doesn't matter when they lost to the only team really worth mentioning. Your argument would make a lot more sense to me if ohio state beat Vtech and lost to say michigan state. (I know this isn't what you're arguing but) also they have a common opponent that tcu handled much much better... This committee is a fraud already.