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View Full Version : Obama 4000 rooms, 1.7 million...a president of the people...lol

12/9/2014, 10:39 AM
President Obama stayed only one night in Australia for the G-20 summit, but the entire presidential delegation required over 4,000 rooms costing in excess of $1.7 million for the entire stay.


12/9/2014, 02:05 PM
President Obama stayed only one night in Australia for the G-20 summit, but the entire presidential delegation required over 4,000 rooms costing in excess of $1.7 million for the entire stay.


First off there were not these stories about bush's spending and travel when he was president. He flew twice as much as obama - mostly back to his ranch to take yet another vacation. Where was the rights bitching about all those costs?

And? What your point? Do you want him to stay at the motel 8? You do realize that was not 4,000 rooms for one night? That was room nights - security came early to make sure he was safe and could conduct government business without being spied on. How much did bush's g-20 summit trips cost?

Jason White's Third Knee
12/9/2014, 02:08 PM
Let's say Bush's cost more, just for kicks. I'd say Obama still over spent and Bush's costs aren't a factor in this trip. Now let's get to Bush. If he spent anywhere near this amount, this too stinks to high hell.

12/9/2014, 02:13 PM
Let's say Bush's cost more, just for kicks. I'd say Obama still over spent and Bush's costs aren't a factor in this trip. Now let's get to Bush. If he spent anywhere near this amount, this too stinks to high hell.

How did obama overspend? Did he arrange it? Do you think he said - hey get nicer hotels. Everyone can go. This is what it costs to run the government. Do you think the secret service said hey, let's cut back on security after all their ****ups? You know they said man we've got to lock this down.

12/9/2014, 02:17 PM
First off there were not these stories about bush's spending and travel when he was president. He flew twice as much as obama - mostly back to his ranch to take yet another vacation. Where was the rights bitching about all those costs?

And? What your point? Do you want him to stay at the motel 8? You do realize that was not 4,000 rooms for one night? That was room nights - security came early to make sure he was safe and could conduct government business without being spied on. How much did bush's g-20 summit trips cost?

And here we go, Spin, Twist deflect and Blame Bush
Maggot bitch moran,

12/9/2014, 02:54 PM
And here we go, Spin, Twist deflect and Blame Bush
Maggot bitch moran,

Who's Spining, Twisting, deflecting and Blaming Bush? No blame in here, just a simple comparison.

Dumbass hillbilly.

12/9/2014, 07:47 PM
Who's Spining, Twisting, deflecting and Blaming Bush? No blame in here, just a simple comparison.

Dumbass hillbilly.

Yer such a Mortard dildobreathed maggot
YOU twisted a statement about yer Dick in Mouth King and used it to bash Bush
****in retard!

12/9/2014, 08:11 PM
Yer such a Mortard dildobreathed maggot
YOU twisted a statement about yer Dick in Mouth King and used it to bash Bush
****in retard!

Hey stick to trying to learn about football dumbass. I didn't bash bush, just asked a question.

12/9/2014, 08:20 PM
Hey stick to trying to learn about football dumbass. I didn't bash bush, just asked a question.

You win Bitch
Raise yer hands in victory

12/10/2014, 12:14 AM
yeah I know it wasn't for one night. Read the rest of the article...comparing his cost to the rest of the world leaders....

bush isn't president...the one that ran on transparency...change, yes we can...bull$hit.
You're comparing bush flying back to his ranch? how much golf has obama played...and where... trips to Hawaii? Bush's summit? fine...give us the numbers...

I'm complaining about obama because the dems always say they are for the people....right? wasn't obama's big campaign crap about transparency? change...etc...? You're justifying obama's spending because bush did it (supposedly) even though obama himself was a leader for change...lol

You're an apologetic white middle/upper class guy. Have you ever gone and volunteered at the food kitchen? gone to urban ele school to read to kids that smell so bad you might puke? you bash my "gov cush job" but you support a black (1/2) PRESIDENT that hasn't opened his mouth one time to push the black communities to help their kids in school, don't knock up girls, be something. He's had 6 years to do this...not one word. Really sad he had an opportunity to really reach out to young black men and did not a thing. Worries more about how police act when interacting with a person who is behaving in a bad way..to put it mildly.

You want to really help...let me know and I'll set you and your white lib "private sector" friends up to come and do some real help....your choice. Not just a 1 hour a month deal...either.

12/10/2014, 12:24 AM

enjoy the read...pretty sure bush (not that it even matters) didn't spend 60-100 million on a vaca.

For example, the Washington Post in June revealed the Obama family’s African vacation was slated to cost between $60 million-$100 million, according to a “confidential internal planning document.”
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/11/the-disturbing-truth-behind-obamas-travel-junkets/#5qRAB5tT368uCT3Y.99

and quite honestly 8th I would think this would **** EVERYONE off...whether they support him or not. I'd bitch if a pub was doing it as well.

12/10/2014, 10:00 AM

enjoy the read...pretty sure bush (not that it even matters) didn't spend 60-100 million on a vaca.

For example, the Washington Post in June revealed the Obama family’s African vacation was slated to cost between $60 million-$100 million, according to a “confidential internal planning document.”
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/11/the-disturbing-truth-behind-obamas-travel-junkets/#5qRAB5tT368uCT3Y.99

and quite honestly 8th I would think this would **** EVERYONE off...whether they support him or not. I'd bitch if a pub was doing it as well.

yeah I know it wasn't for one night. Read the rest of the article...comparing his cost to the rest of the world leaders....

bush isn't president...the one that ran on transparency...change, yes we can...bull$hit.
You're comparing bush flying back to his ranch? how much golf has obama played...and where... trips to Hawaii? Bush's summit? fine...give us the numbers...

I'm complaining about obama because the dems always say they are for the people....right? wasn't obama's big campaign crap about transparency? change...etc...? You're justifying obama's spending because bush did it (supposedly) even though obama himself was a leader for change...lol

You're an apologetic white middle/upper class guy. Have you ever gone and volunteered at the food kitchen? gone to urban ele school to read to kids that smell so bad you might puke? you bash my "gov cush job" but you support a black (1/2) PRESIDENT that hasn't opened his mouth one time to push the black communities to help their kids in school, don't knock up girls, be something. He's had 6 years to do this...not one word. Really sad he had an opportunity to really reach out to young black men and did not a thing. Worries more about how police act when interacting with a person who is behaving in a bad way..to put it mildly.

You want to really help...let me know and I'll set you and your white lib "private sector" friends up to come and do some real help....your choice. Not just a 1 hour a month deal...either.

WOW - you really are this stupid aren't you? This is nothing but a rightwingnut hack job and all you have done is regurgitate it back out - right down to the language of calling obama's state visit to africa a vacation. Looking for something ANYTHING lord, to bitch about obama about. You people pretend that obama got on expedia and booked these rooms himself. I cannot find any articles from the cost of bush's hundreds of trips while he was president because we are not petty, whinny little bitches who are digging up anything to bitch at bush about.

It says right in the article - to the point 96 days of vacation at the point in his term that President George W. Bush had taken a reported 335. YOUR ARTICLE, but as usual the rightwingnut favority whine IT'S DIFFERENT! Bush went to his ranch and obama went to exotic European and African locales to pricey digs to Hawaii, you know that place where he was BORN AND RAISED? You know - the place he calls BACK HOME.

You do know that bush took the same exact "vacation" to africa as obama planned - including a safari he took his wife and kids on - now that is a vacation and I didn't see sh!t from the right bitching about the cost of that.

What does the cost have to do with transparency, it wasn't hidden.

This is where I tell you that you have no integrity. NONE. You invent a claim democrats set a standard that we are not holding ourselves to. Your party talked forever about the family values and moral values and values voters, but turn a blind eye when david vittner is calling hookers from the floor of the senate while it is in session. Your party ignored mary "cheating whore" fallin and voted her whore *** back into office and the piece de resistance MARK STANDIFORD elected back into congress by an overwhelming margin.


12/10/2014, 10:10 AM
You're an apologetic white middle/upper class guy. Have you ever gone and volunteered at the food kitchen? gone to urban ele school to read to kids that smell so bad you might puke? you bash my "gov cush job" but you support a black (1/2) PRESIDENT that hasn't opened his mouth one time to push the black communities to help their kids in school, don't knock up girls, be something. He's had 6 years to do this...not one word. Really sad he had an opportunity to really reach out to young black men and did not a thing. Worries more about how police act when interacting with a person who is behaving in a bad way..to put it mildly.

You want to really help...let me know and I'll set you and your white lib "private sector" friends up to come and do some real help....your choice. Not just a 1 hour a month deal...either.

You know nothing about me. Where am I apologizing? Just pointing out this is not obama's doing. The same damn thing happened under bush with no complaints from rightwingnuts.

PRESIDENT that hasn't opened his mouth one time to push the black communities to help their kids in school, don't knock up girls, be something.

Missed this one? He didn't quite say it right or enough?


As with me on here - even when he says it, you people ignore it.

What the fvck do you mean - gone to urban ele school to read to kids that smell so bad you might puke? I sent my kids to those fvcking schools! Right in the fvcking hood dumbass. All four of them.

One more time - I bash for for having a "gov cush job" - which actually I said you have a cushy government job, try to get the slur straight, and for being a conservitive republican who think cushy governments job don't add to the economy in other words TAKERS.

12/10/2014, 10:20 AM
BTW Mr Soonerjeepman working to lift up poor blacks in the inner city shool, I know how it works. Incompetent, lazy, sorry, non-performing teachers new teachers are sent to the inner city worse schools in the district. Tells me everything I need to know about you.

Now stop wasting my tax dollars by hanging out on and posting to websites bashing the people who pay your fvching salary and get back to work.

You had better not let me find out what school district you work for, because I will turn you in and try to get you fired for surfing the web while you should be working. You know posts are time stamped.

12/10/2014, 10:28 AM
BTW Mr Soonerjeepman working to lift up poor blacks in the inner city shool, I know how it works. Incompetent, lazy, sorry, non-performing teachers new teachers are sent to the inner city worse schools in the district. Tells me everything I need to know about you.

Now stop wasting my tax dollars by hanging out on and posting to websites bashing the people who pay your fvching salary and get back to work.

You had better not let me find out what school district you work for, because I will turn you in and try to get you fired for surfing the web while you should be working. You know posts are time stamped.

You are one of the sorriest motherfu*king individuals I have ever encountered.
Does your employer KNOW you cheat them when you Post during working hours?

Of which one is YOU https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSxTozZOPj37f1L4dRN0f_2DpEqV-HpOFxjEqebBAC3w10RmaLOQQ

12/10/2014, 10:57 AM
You are one of the sorriest motherfu*king individuals I have ever encountered.
Does your employer KNOW you cheat them when you Post during working hours?

Of which one is YOU https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSxTozZOPj37f1L4dRN0f_2DpEqV-HpOFxjEqebBAC3w10RmaLOQQ

AH YEAH - PRIVATE SECTOR BITCH. My boss knows everything I do and is only worried about results which I deliver. And before you ask - it is yearly review time and she is working on getting me a promotion and two raises.

12/10/2014, 11:00 AM
You are one of the sorriest motherfu*king individuals I have ever encountered.
Does your employer KNOW you cheat them when you Post during working hours?

Of which one is YOU https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSxTozZOPj37f1L4dRN0f_2DpEqV-HpOFxjEqebBAC3w10RmaLOQQ

So you support government workers wasting time on posting on websites when they should be working? HUH?

12/10/2014, 11:11 AM
So you support government workers wasting time on posting on websites when they should be working? HUH?

Twist,spin and deflect! Plus add to what i said. I said you are one sorry motherfu*cker nothing more nothing less.
Im so impressed that you have some broad trying to get you promoted and a raise. what ya gonna be? Head janitor?

12/10/2014, 11:24 AM
Twist,spin and deflect! Plus add to what i said. I said you are one sorry motherfu*cker nothing more nothing less.
Im so impressed that you have some broad trying to get you promoted and a raise. what ya gonna be? Head janitor?

Am I the only one on here that sees the sheer hypocrisy of a thread bitching about government waste calling me pond scum for pointing out government waste? If jeep was a liberal, you would be screaming to high heaven about lazy teachers drawing gooberment checks while surfing the web.

You have no integrity. Nor intelligence.

Sooner in Tampa
12/10/2014, 11:30 AM
You know nothing about me. Where am I apologizing? Just pointing out this is not obama's doing. The same damn thing happened under bush with no complaints from rightwingnuts.

Missed this one? He didn't quite say it right or enough?


As with me on here - even when he says it, you people ignore it.

What the fvck do you mean - gone to urban ele school to read to kids that smell so bad you might puke? I sent my kids to those fvcking schools! Right in the fvcking hood dumbass. All four of them.

One more time - I bash for for having a "gov cush job" - which actually I said you have a cushy government job, try to get the slur straight, and for being a conservitive republican who think cushy governments job don't add to the economy in other words TAKERS.

You are a stupid fvck...aren't you? Take the obamadong out of your mouth and find an article that is somewhat recent you angry little elf. That article was from 2008 before your messiah arrived in the Whitehouse. What has the king of the racebaiters done SINCE he was elected by the 'overwhelming majority'? I mean, other than cause MORE racial problems along side his racebaiting Attorney General?

I wish you find out where jeepman works, call his job, and end up with the azz whipping you so justly deserve. Who the fvck do you think you are? Telling people to "get back to work" and quit bashing the people who pay you salary. You indignant, pompous little peckerwood...WE ALL PAY TAXES, you are no more special than anybody else...regardless of how God awful important you are just because you have a 'private' sector job. FVCK YOU right in your face.

12/10/2014, 11:49 AM
You are a stupid fvck...aren't you? Take the obamadong out of your mouth and find an article that is somewhat recent you angry little elf. That article was from 2008 before your messiah arrived in the Whitehouse. What has the king of the racebaiters done SINCE he was elected by the 'overwhelming majority'? I mean, other than cause MORE racial problems along side his racebaiting Attorney General?

I wish you find out where jeepman works, call his job, and end up with the azz whipping you so justly deserve. Who the fvck do you think you are? Telling people to "get back to work" and quit bashing the people who pay you salary. You indignant, pompous little peckerwood...WE ALL PAY TAXES, you are no more special than anybody else...regardless of how God awful important you are just because you have a 'private' sector job. FVCK YOU right in your face.

AAAWWWW did I strike a nerve? He said ever, so I showed him an article refuting his claim. But as usual it's not good enough. dumbass and fvck you.

Sooner in Tampa
12/10/2014, 11:51 AM
AAAWWWW did I strike a nerve? He said ever, so I showed him an article refuting his claim. But as usual it's not good enough. dumbass and fvck you.

As usual, it's not good enough because it is not relevant...pretty much like you.

12/10/2014, 11:54 AM
As usual, it's not good enough because it is not relevant...pretty much like you.

What part of he said ever do you not get?

Keep on defending the conservative with the GOVERNMENT JOB who is wasting money playing on the web while he should be working. Only because he is a CONSERVATIVE.

No integrity.

Sooner in Tampa
12/10/2014, 12:09 PM
What part of he said ever do you not get?

Keep on defending the conservative with the GOVERNMENT JOB who is wasting money playing on the web while he should be working. Only because he is a CONSERVATIVE.

No integrity.

You really are a joke...your dumb azz cannot even comprehend that people work, they get breaks, and they have down time. Keep banging your ignorant little drum and reinforcing the overall belief that you are the worst person on the entire Internet.

12/10/2014, 12:12 PM
You really are a joke...your dumb azz cannot even comprehend that people work, they get breaks, and they have down time. Keep banging your ignorant little drum and reinforcing the overall belief that you are the worst person on the entire Internet.

Keep defending the gooberment job slacker.

No integrity.

12/10/2014, 01:34 PM
AH YEAH - PRIVATE SECTOR BITCH. My boss knows everything I do and is only worried about results which I deliver. And before you ask - it is yearly review time and she is working on getting me a promotion and two raises.

So, your mom is going to let you use the computer upstairs and double your allowance?

12/10/2014, 01:52 PM
AH YEAH - PRIVATE SECTOR BITCH. My boss knows everything I do and is only worried about results which I deliver. And before you ask - it is yearly review time and she is working on getting me a promotion and two raises.--WOW aren't you special

12/10/2014, 02:00 PM
Keep defending the gooberment job slacker.

No integrity.


what district did ya send your kids to? Wichita? Hutch? Topeka? I've been teaching a long time, might know them....BTW, the OP was on planning time...the replies were after work.

12/10/2014, 02:36 PM
Twist,spin and deflect! Plus add to what i said. I said you are one sorry motherfu*cker nothing more nothing less.
Im so impressed that you have some broad trying to get you promoted and a raise. what ya gonna be? Head janitor?

Am I the only one on here that sees the sheer hypocrisy of a thread bitching about government waste calling me pond scum for pointing out government waste? If jeep was a liberal, you would be screaming to high heaven about lazy teachers drawing gooberment checks while surfing the web.

You have no integrity. Nor intelligence.

Attention 8th. spill on Isle 14 Attention 8th!
fu*king moran.
This was about yer Messiah dong wasting stuff Not just Gov.
pay tention.