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View Full Version : What a p*ss poor meltdown!

Curly Bill
12/7/2014, 01:04 AM
I came here to read some quality ranting and raving, and this is all I get?

Guess you other turds are as non-surprised by yet another Stoops failure as I am.

12/7/2014, 01:10 AM
Ah come on Curly. There are several threads where the band wagoneers are calling for Bob's head, demanding Heupel be fired and bitching about coach's salaries. They are taking this very personally because they know EVERYTHING. Wish we could get them all in one place to form a search committee.

Good to see you on here again.

12/7/2014, 01:10 AM
I think after 3 losses no one really cares.. I'm pissed that we lost, especially the way. But not shocked.

This teams needs a lot of help all over the place including the coaches.

12/7/2014, 01:35 AM
Its college basketball season!

12/7/2014, 01:35 AM
A good meltdown requires creativity, not just whining, cynicism and pointing fingers. The best ones are either self deprecating humor or pure emotional outburst against the cruelty of the universe. For some reason, we've never been great at melting down on this board even though this team gives us ample opportunity.

Curly Bill
12/7/2014, 01:41 AM
I think to have better meltdowns you need the launchpad of great expectations, and does anyone but the hardcore sunshine pumpers have great expectations for a Stoops' coached team?

Even with the now shown to be outlier of last years Sugar Bowl having raised expectations, so many of us are hardly surprised by the fail of this team.

12/7/2014, 01:48 AM
People just don't care as much anymore

12/7/2014, 01:51 AM
I think to have better meltdowns you need the launchpad of great expectations, and does anyone but the hardcore sunshine pumpers have great expectations for a Stoops's coached team?

Even with the now shown to be outlier of last years Sugar Bowl having raised expectations, so many of us are hardly surprised by the fail of this team.

I don't know - I thought expectation were pretty high for a lot of fans going into this season. But they were certainly dashed before this game. But I don't recall great meltdowns here after the previous 3 losses either. Maybe that should be our off season workout goals - go study up on good meltdowns from other boards and be sharp by next season.

Curly Bill
12/7/2014, 01:54 AM
I don't know - I thought expectation were pretty high for a lot of fans going into this season. But they were certainly dashed before this game. But I don't recall great meltdowns here after the previous 3 losses either. Maybe that should be our off season workout goals - go study up on good meltdowns from other boards and be sharp by next season.

So...you're predicting we'll need those meltdown skills for next season? I dare say you'd be right if so.

12/7/2014, 02:04 AM
So...you're predicting we'll need those meltdown skills for next season? I dare say you'd be right if so.

Absolutely! In the end, there is only 1 fan base that won't be melting down and it's a safe bet that won't be us.

Completely ignoring the coaching staff and just looking at the players we know are returning, I'm not seeing the makings of something great. I'm already fearing some defections from the '15 class which isn't rated as great anyway, but I know we have a few potential studs in there. Will be interesting to see how it turns out.

Curly Bill
12/7/2014, 02:10 AM
That's not true. Some teams will lose games and not melt down, because they expect to lose games, even multiple games. I equate melting down to what we do when we invariably lose games that we have little business losing and we go totally ape sh*t over it. Or at least it seems like we used to do that more and better, but anyone whose been paying attention has lessened expectations from a Stoops team than we once did.

But yeah, chisel (not pencil) us in for another 3-4 fails next year!

12/7/2014, 02:26 AM
Maybe what I enjoy isn't really meltdowns. For example when South Carolina got blown out at home in their season opener, I rolled when one fan posted "So, does this affect our play-off chances?". Pure gold. Or the UGA fan last week that equated being an UGA fan to stabbing himself in the nutsack (and fully acknowledging he would continue stabbing himself in the nut sack). Just calling for coaches to be fired or referring to coaches as FUJH as our LT brethren tend to do doesn't impress me.

12/7/2014, 02:29 AM
If you want a better meltdown, go to our site.

Curly Bill
12/7/2014, 02:31 AM
Maybe what I enjoy isn't really meltdowns. For example when South Carolina got blown out at home in their season opener, I rolled when one fan posted "So, does this affect our play-off chances?". Pure gold. Or the UGA fan last week that equated being an UGA fan to stabbing himself in the nutsack (and fully acknowledging he would continue stabbing himself in the nut sack). Just calling for coaches to be fired or referring to coaches as FUJH as our LT brethren tend to do doesn't impress me.

Funny you should mention Georgia - another big-name program that invariably underperforms. It's like we're them, and they are us.

12/7/2014, 02:50 AM
The entire secondary that started last night, quarterbacks, and the coaches are returning next year. My expectations are sub-toilet level. Meltdowns are reserved for expectations dashed. I haven't had any true championship expectations for this team since Bradford's injury. When we get players and coaches who seem to have a fire in their belly to win I will also get fired up. Til then I can suffer. I was there through the 90s and I will be there as a fan until I'm gone.

12/7/2014, 03:23 AM
Funny you should mention Georgia - another big-name program that invariably underperforms. It's like we're them, and they are us.

TN is another example. However, hell, even UT consistently underperforms given the fact that it's the flag-ship program with the richest athletic department in the most fertile football state in the union.

12/7/2014, 03:53 AM
Ah come on Curly. There are several threads where the band wagoneers are calling for Bob's head, demanding Heupel be fired and bitching about coach's salaries. They are taking this very personally because they know EVERYTHING. Wish we could get them all in one place to form a search committee.

Good to see you on here again.

^^^^^DOESNT GET IT^^^^^^^

12/7/2014, 06:32 AM
^^^^^DOESNT GET IT^^^^^^^

You can't reason with delusion.