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11/26/2014, 11:39 AM
See I dint misspell his name either,
Since Inciting a Riot is a Federal crime, Will Obama have Holder bring charges against Louis "Burn this B**** down" Head?

11/26/2014, 12:30 PM
i tihnk it's funny how these rioters are OK with burning down the businesses in the area--many of which are minority owned--that had nothing to do with the case. its like having a Polish Hostage (no offense to any Pols here)

Anyone comes in, i'm shooting my head off kind of deal.

11/26/2014, 12:46 PM
i tihnk it's funny how these rioters are OK with burning down the businesses in the area--many of which are minority owned--that had nothing to do with the case. its like having a Polish Hostage (no offense to any Pols here)

Anyone comes in, i'm shooting my head off kind of deal.


11/26/2014, 05:09 PM

11/26/2014, 11:16 PM
I think Obama and Holder should be held up on charges for inciting a riot.

11/26/2014, 11:26 PM
As a resident of the Lou, it's great to be in Oklahoma if only for the holiday!!

11/27/2014, 05:52 AM
I get so angry when I think back to Obama's first presidential campaign, and how he was trumpeting the theme of "uniting" and "bringing people together". That was part of the allure that blinded so many people - believing that he was something different than the two bickering sides which so many people had and continue to have grown tired of. Sad truth is he has been anything but a uniter. Let's be honest, every liberal on the face of the earth is all about playing the politics of envy and class warfare - Bill Clinton honed the art. But as I said to my wife yesterday, Clinton "stayed in bounds" while fighting for his constituency. Clinton understood there was a responsibility of his position toward all Americans, regardless of his personal bias. Even thought his record showed that he clearly was a liberal, he was "professional" in how he conducted himself to at least lie and say that he represented the interests of all Americans. And while understanding that he hadn't been elected dictator, he did move toward the center. The community organizer on the other hand has done everything imaginable to divide the country and generate hatred between the haves and have-nots, and between conservatives and liberals. The worst fears of those who took the bait of his campaigning have been realized since he got in office - he is in fact just a better packaged version of Jessie Jackson with the same reparation agenda. Only he is smart enough to know that you have to cast a wide net in who you claim to represent and cant alienate everyone outside of your real constituency - which goes back to his community organizer roots. Clever game - it's "us against those who have wronged you", leaving it open for the individual to more precisely define that (white male) object of their envy.

I despise that son of a bitch.

12/6/2014, 03:04 PM
Serious question, my serious answer: The riots were kind of predetermined and, as fas as I'm concerned, the media coverage and buildup were as culpable as anyone. "Hey look there's 6 black dudes beating up a police cruiser and 29 camera crews surrounding them, back to you in the Situation Room, Wolf!"

As for the Dad, while I detest what he said, I give a lot of leeway to grieving parents. They aren't (usually) rational and say many things that they would never say at any other time in their lives.

But, yeah, it looks like he could be charged. With his newfound celebrity, his antagonistic response added fuel to that fire.

12/6/2014, 03:29 PM
Serious question, my serious answer: The riots were kind of predetermined and, as fas as I'm concerned, the media coverage and buildup were as culpable as anyone. "Hey look there's 6 black dudes beating up a police cruiser and 29 camera crews surrounding them, back to you in the Situation Room, Wolf!"

As for the Dad, while I detest what he said, I give a lot of leeway to grieving parents. They aren't (usually) rational and say many things that they would never say at any other time in their lives.

But, yeah, it looks like he could be charged. With his newfound celebrity, his antagonistic response added fuel to that fire.

Cept he was Step Dad,And has a long record and known Gang ties.

12/6/2014, 03:46 PM

12/7/2014, 09:38 AM
I get so angry when I think back to Obama's first presidential campaign, and how he was trumpeting the theme of "uniting" and "bringing people together". That was part of the allure that blinded so many people - believing that he was something different than the two bickering sides which so many people had and continue to have grown tired of. Sad truth is he has been anything but a uniter. Let's be honest, every liberal on the face of the earth is all about playing the politics of envy and class warfare - Bill Clinton honed the art. But as I said to my wife yesterday, Clinton "stayed in bounds" while fighting for his constituency. Clinton understood there was a responsibility of his position toward all Americans, regardless of his personal bias. Even thought his record showed that he clearly was a liberal, he was "professional" in how he conducted himself to at least lie and say that he represented the interests of all Americans. And while understanding that he hadn't been elected dictator, he did move toward the center. The community organizer on the other hand has done everything imaginable to divide the country and generate hatred between the haves and have-nots, and between conservatives and liberals. The worst fears of those who took the bait of his campaigning have been realized since he got in office - he is in fact just a better packaged version of Jessie Jackson with the same reparation agenda. Only he is smart enough to know that you have to cast a wide net in who you claim to represent and cant alienate everyone outside of your real constituency - which goes back to his community organizer roots. Clever game - it's "us against those who have wronged you", leaving it open for the individual to more precisely define that (white male) object of their envy.

I despise that son of a bitch.

You really have bought into the rnc's talking points. Bill Clinton is and was a blue dog conservative democrat. The right has done so well with demonizing democrats that any dem or for that matter, anyone regardless of party if they don't agree with the tea bagger wing of the republican party is now considered an 'merica hatin' commie socialist. The people who are doing everything imaginable to divide the country and generate hatred between the haves and have-nots, and between conservatives and liberals are republicans. They completely and totally ignored the election results of 2008 and 2012, when there was a much greater participation rate of voters. Anyone or politician on the right who did not condemn Obama and democrats with the most vile insulting language possible is considered a RINO and run out of the party with a primary. While republicans were screaming for union workers to take huge pay cuts as the price of bailouts for the auto industry, it was dubya and republicans who defended the huge pay of CEO's by saying you should make as much money as you possibly can and those CEO's have a contract. The union had contracts too and that philosophy of making as much as you possibly can didn't extend to blue collar workers, the ones bush and republicans were demanding take pay cuts. Any time raising taxes on the wealthy, like those who are paying hardly any taxes on billions and billions of dollars of income from capital gains the cries of SOCIALISM goes out. Who's party was rallying the troops with talking about 47% not paying taxes and will vote democratic? Who's party is always talking about makers vs takers?

Tell me a single time Obama has talked about reparations. You are just making sh!t up now. You really need to stay off of rightwingnut websites.

You keep slurring obama as a community organizer but - facts are facts - he is kicking dubya's, the most conservative president we have ever had, *** on the economy.

12/7/2014, 02:52 PM
See I dint misspell his name either,
Since Inciting a Riot is a Federal crime, Will Obama have Holder bring charges against Louis "Burn this B**** down" Head?

The Obama/Holder legacy will probably be the very real prospect of a race war. I actually thought the SOB was young, intelligent, and would further the MLK legacy. Instead he has come down every time in the Jackson/Sharpton mold.