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View Full Version : Breakout by quintile of who payers vs takers

11/20/2014, 02:30 PM
This makes it look even worse than what is being kicked around in the you didn't build it thread.


http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k19/dwarthog/EMS2_zpsdb5a1433.jpeg (http://s84.photobucket.com/user/dwarthog/media/EMS2_zpsdb5a1433.jpeg.html)

11/20/2014, 03:04 PM

11/20/2014, 04:38 PM
It would be one thing if it were just a wealth transfer from one class of voters to another but it is also a wealth transfer from future generations of producers to CURRENT entitlement recipients.

11/20/2014, 04:57 PM
so, it's like closer to 60%, not 47%...nice.

for 8th, yes, I "get" more from the gov that I put in...

I'll charge $100 per week, per kid, child-care wages...that's about $20K more a year than I make now.

11/20/2014, 06:41 PM
let's compare that to the quintiles of income and wealth. i'll weep for the top 20% when the bottom can actually make a living wage

11/20/2014, 06:49 PM
How about your bottom get off their ***, have a skill that people will pay for that living wage... Flipping burgers or a degree in ethnic studies is not a long term strategy, per se...

11/20/2014, 06:51 PM
let's compare that to the quintiles of income and wealth. i'll weep for the top 20% when the bottom can actually make a living wage
And the government is working wonders at reducing the income gap. LOL

11/20/2014, 11:33 PM
man, if they would only let trickle down economics work!

Sooner in Tampa
11/21/2014, 08:46 AM
Yup...let's keep punishing people for being successful. Ridiculous!!!!

The top 1 percent of taxpayers pay more in federal income taxes than the bottom 90 percent. As you can see in the chart below, this is a stark change from the 1980s and early 1990s. But since the early 1980s, the share of taxes paid by the bottom 90 percent has steadily declined.

An interesting piece of information from the chart below is that after the 01/03 Bush tax cuts, often claimed to be a tax cut for the rich (http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2012/07/09/the-bush-tax-cuts-for-the-rich-in-two-charts/), the tax burden of the top 1 percent actually increased significantly.

The best solution would be to shift away from a tax code that punishes high-earners, savings, and investment and towards a tax code that collects revenue from a consumption base, which provides more stable revenue and mitigates the current code’s bias against savings, investment, and, correspondingly, economic growth.


11/21/2014, 09:05 AM
if the top 1% doesn't like paying most of the taxes, maybe they should not make most of the money

11/21/2014, 09:16 AM
if the top 1% doesn't like paying most of the taxes, maybe they should not make most of the money

HAHAHA good one..... I remember an article in the paper an interview with some local billionaire, he had a check on his wall for $734,000,000 that he paid in income taxes one year. He sold a casino in vegas, he was bitching about having to pay so much in taxes and i though god i wish i had to pay that much in taxes - look at the money he made to have to pay that much in taxes.

11/21/2014, 09:30 AM
i'll trade paychecks and tax bills any time...

11/21/2014, 09:52 AM
man, if they would only let trickle down economics work!

It would appear that it is in fact "trickle down" economics albeit the government version. Trickle down from the people paying into the pockets of those who do not.

11/21/2014, 11:15 AM
Yermom, Sooner8th, instead of posting your witty, pithy comments how about addressing the fact that reditributionist federal government policies don't seem to be narrowing the income gap. Why is that? My assertion is that these redistributionist policies actually help the 1% (and especially the 0.1%) gain even more wealth. The bottom 40% simply are conduits for the government to take money from the middle class via taxes and route it thrpough various entitlement programs to the most wealthy. Deficit government spending hurts future generations but benefits large corporations immensley. Or are you two the only progressives on the planet who think crony capitalism is a good thing?


Sooner in Tampa
11/21/2014, 12:43 PM
if the top 1% doesn't like paying most of the taxes, maybe they should not make most of the money

You are right, they are the ones that take all the risk opening up businesses and providing jobs for the local economy...maybe they should just do that **** for fun...right? Cuz, that's why you go to work...cuz it's fun.

This is the mentality that kills me...bastardize the success people in this country and make them the evil ones! Unfvcking real...success people are BAD!!! MMMMMkay

11/21/2014, 08:12 PM
Yermom, Sooner8th, instead of posting your witty, pithy comments how about addressing the fact that reditributionist federal government policies don't seem to be narrowing the income gap. Why is that? My assertion is that these redistributionist policies actually help the 1% (and especially the 0.1%) gain even more wealth. The bottom 40% simply are conduits for the government to take money from the middle class via taxes and route it thrpough various entitlement programs to the most wealthy. Deficit govbernment spending hurts future generations but benefits large corporations immensley. Or are you two the only progressives on the planet who think crony capitalism is a good thing?


connect the dots for me here. what in what i said has anything to do with that backing crony capitalism?

the income gap comes out of this profit first, short-term thinking of the current business climate.

what's that? i can show a huge profit this quarter by laying off 30,000 employees? that aught to help my bonus. how much bigger would it be if i moved most of our operation to some 3rd world country?

aw man, this company tanked? can i have my golden parachute now?

11/21/2014, 09:25 PM
You are right, they are the ones that take all the risk opening up businesses and providing jobs for the local economy...maybe they should just do that **** for fun...right? Cuz, that's why you go to work...cuz it's fun.

This is the mentality that kills me...bastardize the success people in this country and make them the evil ones! Unfvcking real...success people are BAD!!! MMMMMkay

Are you fvcking kidding me? CEO's took the all the risk opening up businesses and providing jobs for the local economy? Where do you get this sh!t at? Do you think boeing, gm, ford, ge, ect, ect, ect CEO's started those businesses? CEO's who start their business have stock that makes the rich. Most don't pay themselves huge salaries. We are talking about these ceo's who were hired by the board made up by a bunch of their golf buddies. You do know there are two executive search firms who pretty much control who gets interviews and who gets hired. it's all very chummy. What we are talking about is the CEO who was hired at some firm and their primary concern is how much he/she is making. Two new things in this arena is the high level of pay going down to VP's and now board of directors compensation. Some of the compensation packages for these folks on these boards is in the hundred of millions, but by god if some line workers want a raise they scream SOCIALISM and unions are killing us. Then they ship the jobs to asia or mexico or central america.

11/21/2014, 09:44 PM
Bitter and Clueless

11/21/2014, 10:10 PM
Bitter and Clueless

You sure are...........

11/21/2014, 10:33 PM
connect the dots for me here. what in what i said has anything to do with that backing crony capitalism?

the income gap comes out of this profit first, short-term thinking of the current business climate.

what's that? i can show a huge profit this quarter by laying off 30,000 employees? that aught to help my bonus. how much bigger would it be if i moved most of our operation to some 3rd world country?

aw man, this company tanked? can i have my golden parachute now?
1.Name the company that makes billions in administering the SNAP program.
2. How much income does Walmart derive from EBT cards?
3. What is the savings rate of the bottom half of income earners?
4. Where does the vast majority of government transfers eventually end up.....saved or spent?

And the biggest corporate subsidy of all:


11/21/2014, 11:23 PM
And you would change this how?

I'm not really sure what you are disagreeing with me on here

11/22/2014, 10:22 AM
Bitter and Clueless---Your CEO rant was stupid even for you

11/22/2014, 12:22 PM
---Your CEO rant was stupid even for you

All of it true.

11/22/2014, 09:21 PM
And you would change this how?

I'm not really sure what you are disagreeing with me on here

I would work to pass a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution. Pass taxes or cut expenditures. Don't enrich big corporations on the backs of our kids.

11/22/2014, 11:54 PM
---Your CEO rant was stupid even for you

All of it true.

So you admit what You say Is stupid?

11/23/2014, 01:13 AM
So you admit what You say Is stupid?

Hey low IQ ignorant hillbilly, have you figured out why scores don't count when they are called back by a penalty? Some one who is too fvcking stupid to figure out that penalty yards on the offense can be gained back shouldn't shoot their dumbass, ignorant, inbred, hillbilly retarded *** mouth off about other people being stupid.

You are an ignorant stupid child.

11/23/2014, 01:46 AM
Not tryna open up a new can of worms here, but what other economic system would be preferred other than what we have now?

11/23/2014, 06:35 AM
Yermom, Sooner8th, instead of posting your witty, pithy comments how about addressing the fact that reditributionist federal government policies don't seem to be narrowing the income gap. Why is that? My assertion is that these redistributionist policies actually help the 1% (and especially the 0.1%) gain even more wealth. The bottom 40% simply are conduits for the government to take money from the middle class via taxes and route it thrpough various entitlement programs to the most wealthy. Deficit government spending hurts future generations but benefits large corporations immensley. Or are you two the only progressives on the planet who think crony capitalism is a good thing?

Fan, this is all about the government killing off initiative, making everyone reliant on fedgov and they then come to control you. They want you compliant and the fastest and easiest way is to force reliance of them on you. The easiest way to do that is to kill off initiative and make you needed of the government to give you sustenance.

11/23/2014, 11:02 AM
Hey low IQ ignorant hillbilly, have you figured out why scores don't count when they are called back by a penalty? Some one who is too fvcking stupid to figure out that penalty yards on the offense can be gained back shouldn't shoot their dumbass, ignorant, inbred, hillbilly retarded *** mouth off about other people being stupid.

You are an ignorant stupid child.

Typical mouthy Lib Moran.
Dude said your rant was stupid , You said thats True

11/23/2014, 12:25 PM
Typical mouthy Lib Moran.
Dude said your rant was stupid , You said thats True

First off dumbass I said all of it true not that's True. Only someone who is so fvcking stupid that they cannot figure out when the offense get penalized you gain those yards back and scores don't count when there is an offensive penalty knows I was talking about my "rant". You only keep embarrassing yourself on here with your stupidity.

11/23/2014, 01:42 PM
First off dumbass I said all of it true not that's True. Only someone who is so fvcking stupid that they cannot figure out when the offense get penalized you gain those yards back and scores don't count when there is an offensive penalty knows I was talking about my "rant". You only keep embarrassing yourself on here with your stupidity.

****in Moran. I dont embarrass myself, I just come by and poke you with a sharp stick from time to time.:chuncky:

11/23/2014, 02:55 PM
****in Moran. I dont embarrass myself, I just come by and poke you with a sharp stick from time to time.:chuncky:

Yes you do embarrass yourself, people who are not dumbasses like you laugh at you not with you why do you bother to come on here? Are you so immature that you have nothing better to do than to **** with people on a message board? That is truly pathetic. You don't offer anything at all, no substance, no depth, hell you make fun of libs and dems - a party you claim to belong to, so you are making fun of yourself and you are to ****ing stupid to realize it.

Sooner in Tampa
11/24/2014, 08:55 AM
****in Moran. I dont embarrass myself, I just come by and poke you with a sharp stick from time to time.:chuncky:

It is too easy to poke the angry little dem! He is ate up with lib talking points...and all he knows is that Pubs are lemmings and he loves Obamadong

11/24/2014, 09:00 AM
Yes you do embarrass yourself, people who are not dumbasses like you laugh at you not with you why do you bother to come on here? Are you so immature that you have nothing better to do than to **** with people on a message board? That is truly pathetic. You don't offer anything at all, no substance, no depth, hell you make fun of libs and dems - a party you claim to belong to, so you are making fun of yourself and you are to ****ing stupid to realize it.

Ya wanna do a Pole?
****in moran