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View Full Version : 2014-15 college basketball meltdown thread

11/19/2014, 01:58 PM
It's that time of year again. Here's how it goes:

1- The scoreboard
2- An image from the game (or something related)
3- Posts from opposing fans after loss
4- Most of the time NSFW

That's it! Kicking things off our weekend football opponent and Big 12 basketball overlords...

KU 40, Kentucky 72

The Fighting Olivia Wilde Vs Ashley Judd Game Thread

Put the ******* ball in the ******* basket for ***** sake!

I hate every one of these Kentucky illiterates

Perry Ellis is a goddam *****. Worthless

Dammit dammit dammit

Watch the rest of this game or jam a fork in my eyes? Decisions, decisions

No ****. If you are going to foul someone - ******* kill the guy. Remember our 08 team? We'd ******* punch you in the ******* face when we fouled you

I wish Perry had transferred with his fellow Wichita p*ssy Frankamp

Bilas... Go suck Cal's dick some more

We suck

I hope we get to 40 points

Chant from K-State fans: Worse than Buffalo (clap-clap, clap-clap-clap)

This place is a dumpster fire even worse than this game. And most of you are idiots


The things UK is going to do to the SEC this year......oh my. Get the lube ready, boys


This was the basketball equivalent of the Spanish-American War

11/20/2014, 12:20 PM
lsu 69, texas tech 64

should i watch this or play new tracks on Mario Kart?

this is the first time Tech has a legit BCS roster in a decade

Our guys love to start halves ice cold, huh?

Can't even breathe on LSU right now

The announcer actually screamed out "BOOM" when the LSU player hit the three pointer. What's up with that?

How can you keep your plant foot planted when you get pushed?

Tech sports. Good ******* Godddddddd kbadabjkdvvnnklzvnkan.kzvdkn.vadzd

Gawd damn freaking cheaters

the Pink Faders have to show up and dog on the team

Seriously, why the **** do I even watch Tech sports. Chocking ******* losers, so godamnnnnnnnn tired of it. Please prove me ******** wrong for once

%^%&&#$$^^%%&%$##%%&@&&@&&%@^$^^^& the refs

Good thing women's soccer is our university's forte because the two main revenue sports are just terrible right now. We needed a big win like this and we absolutely **** the bed

Between the football team choking, I really needed this win vs ******* lsu. We had it. It should of been over. Biggest choke I've seen in a long time from the bball program. ******* disgusted. Really need to take a break from Tech sports, they never fail to disappoint me lately

baj here: why waste a perfectly good stop at the tech board and not do a football meltdown also? You can check out that and other seasonal highlights in this thread here. (http://www.soonerfans.com/forums/showthread.php?184086-2014-15-college-football-meltdowns/page7) Also, from now on, thanks to the screwjob they've put on Baker Mayfield, Mike Leach and countless others, Texas Tech is now the "pink faders." haha they suck and they lose at sports haha

1/6/2015, 11:09 AM
OU 70, whorn 49
^^^haha whorn was ahead and some point in the game... UNACCEPTABLE! ;)


Forgot these $#@!wads swept us last year. I'm pissed off now

The only thing worse than the state of Oklahoma, is the gooners from Norman. Kill those mufa bitches

Hide the children......

ou $#@!ing sucks

$#@! OU

Tashawn Thomas can EABOD

shoot me

This is like a Barnes tourney game

felix is $#@!ing retarded

Nothing is more frustrating than the watch OUsux do good at shooty hoops

This is pathetic

Holy $#@!

$#@! this


We look like we suck

My name's Rick Barnes and i know WHEN TO CALL A $#@!ING TIMEOUT

Texas with more turnovers than points...

Goddamn mother$#@! $#@!s



/caps and clap

Four minutes later...

...Texas STILL with more turnovers than points

Well, that was fun! FUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKK

It's like watching us try out for the retard Olympics, and no one is going to even make the cut

(WTF did I just watch?)Forcible rape

$#@! this shiiiittttttt

$#@! this fire rick barnes right now... this is $#@!. i don't even care if the players are $#@!ing sucking.

edit: i'm off my meds

we used to be good at sports

GIVE RICK BARNES ANOTHER RAISE! Surely he'll have the motivation he needs to make the team not suck donkey balls

Oh good we are on Big Monday again soon!

Its not Barnes' fault the team sucks. Its not like he's telling them during practice to suck $#@!, you idiots

Our nuts $#@!ing shriveled tonight

And again, why is Felix given so much latitude to suck? He was getting killed by Cousins, does nothing in the half court except pass the ball around the perimeter and shot jumpers. He does nothing to make the players around him better or involve his teammates. This isn't another hate on Felix post; he is what he is. But why the $#@! does Barnes allow him to dictate our offensive game??? The only think I can think of is, as a $#@!ty offensive coach who only seems to care about not turning the ball over, Barnes values players who take care of the ball regardless of their overall $#@!tiness. It's obvious that Barnes is content with letting Felix pass the ball around the zone and then try and shake his man for a jumper as the shot clock is winding down.

http://www.quickmeme.com/img/9f/9f26f19c802fbc0bcb69661e1479fec2027fcd40d1bb655da3 fb6e9480e2bfa4.jpg

That game was like a teenager had an abortion, and then that abortion had an abortion, but like.. in a politically correct way

Yeah, I chose two posts of the meltdown this time because it was such an awesome win...btw... texas intro video is this:

1/6/2015, 11:46 AM
What a terrible intro video! No wonder the wine and cheese crowd was unenthused!

1/6/2015, 02:14 PM
I kept waiting for the shoe to drop....

and kept getting reminded by "coach Fran" and mushmouth...UGH man those two #ucked last night. Wish I had the OU broadcast, you would have thought OU wasn't even playing. It was NEVER about how well OU was playing but how crappy ut was....and just wait, they'll pull it out~

1/7/2015, 12:24 PM
I've been neglecting this thread during football depression... so to make up for lost time, here's our conference opener...
OU 73, Baylor 63

Gotta get a hand in Hields face or he will destroy

So much for that 7 point lead

cut that sh!t out guys!

Was there a new NCAA rule this year that anyone can hang all over Gathers


OU getting every shot they want

What pisses me off is that OU's scoring is coming from a guy who was at Houston last year and didn't have to sit out a year

No foul?! Get bent

and ... we immediately throw it away

Are you genetically hard wired to be a stupid dick or do you work at it?

Did you make a new year's resolution to be positive or are you setting your expectations high so you can trash Drew if we don't make the tourney?

I like it better when baylor has a bad team that has no hope. they really get potty mouthed then. ah well the conference season is young.

1/8/2015, 09:57 PM
Ah man, these are the laughs I needed. Thank you. Good stuff.

1/9/2015, 09:47 AM
Glad you all like them. I started doing bball ones in addition to football ones right after the Cotton Bowl travesty in 2013...

And refined it a bit last year:

Basketball is by far more frustrating than football for fans. Comebacks are a lot more likely; underdogs are more likely to upset; refs are a lot more WTFish... the list goes on.

I've been neglecting this a bit due to football depression; but I promise to get over it and post more as the season goes on. After all, we've got a damn good MBB team this year!*

*And WBB beat KU so I guess that's awesome too

1/19/2015, 10:27 AM
https://fbexternal-a.akamaihd.net/safe_image.php?d=AQAErc25LR5tfqaF&w=470&h=246&url=https%3A%2F%2Fscontent-b.xx.fbcdn.net%2Fhphotos-xap1%2Fv%2Ft1.0-9%2Fs720x720%2F10372593_10152667990151446_38652941 05034181275_n.jpg%3Foh%3Dd7a2e3729e3fd34aab82ed085 d170875%26oe%3D556A4CD2&cfs=1&upscale=1&sx=0&sy=0&sw=720&sh=377
OU 82, Poke 65

Lloyd Noble is such as horrible looking arena

1996 called and said to tell you awesome tat Spangler

That's it. I've finally snapped. LeBryan Nash is LAZY!!!!

He's not lazy. He's as emotional as a 12 year old girl. He checks out mentally when the game's not going his way

Toby Keith'll put a boot in your ***. ******

Toby Keith is complete total moron....as far as boots go he couldn't poor **** out of his if instructions were on the heal

Hahahaha. Lloyd Noble in the conversation for NCAA's best arenas? You gotta be f'ing kidding me

I knew I would regret getting happy basketball feelings again

Billy Tubbs....what a jerk

I guess we are going to get our *** kicked

Great view of the future ****** bag OU fans

Guys, it sucks now but we will be ok. Just let ford get his players and system in place. We are gonna kick ***!

I swear to God if we get swept by these guys again this year............

Awesome showing!!

Bravo coach Ford!!!!

I am so sorry for all the bad things I have said about your ability to coach!

This is soooooo dumb

First off, my father played for Coach Iba, and I had season tickets during all of Eddie and Sean Sutton's years while they were head coach, and until last year of Travis Ford as head coach. This is one of most pathetic examples of how a basketball team should play. If the 3's are not falling, then wake up and get the ball inside, and crash the boards. I feel like I just visited Mexico and drank some of their wonderful, tainted water


If he would shut up an quit yelling and 1 in every drive they might start blowing the whistle. Nash is te biggest cry baby I have ever seen at OSU that's why he doesn't get calls

At least baseball is just around the corner!

Only OSU could make Buddy Hield look like an All-American

The entire team and staff should have to walk back to Stillwater. Ford doesn't need to go back to Stillwater

OU chanting "Little Brother" at a basketball game was the most OU thing ever

Fun Ford Fact: He has more wins in Allen Fieldhouse than Lloyd Noble

1/19/2015, 02:22 PM
First off, my father played for Coach Iba, and I had season tickets during all of Eddie and Sean Sutton's years while they were head coach, and until last year of Travis Ford as head coach. This is one of most pathetic examples of how a basketball team should play. If the 3's are not falling, then wake up and get the ball inside, and crash the boards. I feel like I just visited Mexico and drank some of their wonderful, tainted "STOOL"water

Guess he must have slept thru the Sam Aubrey, Guy Strong and Jim Killingsworth eras!!!

1/19/2015, 02:45 PM
Wow tycat that name dropping action just earned you an anti-Baylor post :P

KSU 63, Bailure 61
seriously, was just gonna either only do the gooner game or KU's loss to ISU but Sam Aubrey, Guy Strong and Jim Killingsworth are some impressive no-names to drop... btw, Baylor's game wasn't televised immediately due to B1G game overrun, so we'll kick off with that drivel...

god these two sh*tty big ten teams keep fouling each other

Give up Penn State, there are little boys that need ****ing!

Every since I started watching they started sucking


badger: please don't, big 12 office ;)

My god these rims!!

now a "bullsh!t" chant from the butthurt students... classy bunch


lucky *** trash pass

someone grab LouisianaBear a giant tampon... good god, man

Wow when this teams wants to suck they really suck

All bricks. All ****ing bricks


holy sh!t, our fanbase is so clueless about basketball. same sh!t every year

1/19/2015, 03:56 PM
YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! I'm glad all those Hypocrites are sooooo classy!!!

1/19/2015, 10:58 PM
YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! I'm glad all those Hypocrites are sooooo classy!!!

I kept it pretty classy as I was giving your mother a Cleveland steamer last night.

1/20/2015, 02:32 PM
Hey look! I found the Big 12's ONE TRUE CHAMPION in football on the Internet!

Big 12 should combine TCU and Baylor. As Bart Simpson would say, twice the pet and none of the mess.

1/29/2015, 10:14 AM
OU 81, Taco 36

We won in Norman last year and was a great road victory. We'll see if we can do it again

My two favorite teams...TT and anyone who plays ou


Nightmare so far

Watching this team and our teams for the last 5 years make me want to kick GM and Hance in the nuts. You had to really try to take the best facility in the Big 12 and create the worst basketball program. And they managed to do the same with the best women's basketball program in the league. Unbelievable

why does this team even bother to travel to away games. The pattern we see is so familiar. A waste of time, money and tv time

we play like we couldn't beat a little dribblers team

intramural type offense, everyone just jacks up a shot

We don't give a $hit about the ball

You have to admit, it takes some talent to field an entire roster that can't shoot in a P5 conference

Me and three other Tech fans not having a good time in Norman

Bench every one of these guys...don't put them back in. They don't care and it shows. Leave them in Oklahoma

I'd seriously jerk this team off the floor, put them on a Greyhound and head them back to Lubbock. Right now. If they don't get there, cancel the rest of the season and save the expense.

Jesus 53-17, is this real life?

Nice to see the football players aren't the only quitters on campus

I hope Luke Adams has a body guard. OU has done everything but sexually assault us tonight & I fear for his Justin Bieber likeness

I have no patience for bad basketball. I apologize, but I just can't keep watching and hoping with basketball. It's why I turned off the women's game against OU the other day. Too much bad fundamentals that are taught in grade school...how we have coaches that allow that to continue year after year after year is puzzling to me. Don't take care of the basketball, dribble in traffic, throw to where there's nobody in that spot, shoot with no purpose (just jacking up crap), people standing on offense AND defense. It's old. I'm done

I remember watching the Pat Knight blowouts thinking "this is as bad as it gets"

how many games have the announcers given the 'young' talk and maturation process? take a shot.

be drunk in about 5 minutes

Remember all the smack talk about how at least with Tubby, there would be no more blow outs?

And their walkons are pulling away

36 to mothereffing 81

Worst loss I can ever remember for Tech in basketball. Absolutely disgraceful. And OU isn't even all that great.

I think the BB team watched the FB team TCU game film and tried to duplicate. Tech sports are an undeniable disaster these days. Not good is one thing, but horrendous is another and year after year of the crap is establishing quite a history. Thirty-six mother fn points. That point total doesn't even compete an all-white 1950s girl scout team accomplished in the art of two-handed set shots and underhanded free-throws

So like an assist is just where you pass a ball and someone scores right? This lazy nearing 40 5'7 white guy with short fat fingers could stand on the court and pass the ball to someone

TCU just passed our point total for the night...against Kansas with 17:30 still left in the second half. I will go cry now

We got our a$$es handed to us by a mid-pack team in an empty arena. It's not like this was Kansas at Allen Fieldhouse

We be breakin records yall!!!

No team on the planet is luckier than OU

I really have a hard time picking a meltdown post of the game... but the bieber one made me laugh out loud reading it the first time. This is Luke "Bieber" Adams btw, who was my very first meltdown game photo several years ago:

2/4/2015, 03:43 PM
Nothing from OSU - part deux or WVU?????

2/4/2015, 04:01 PM
yes, badge is slipping....sucks being spoiled! lol

2/5/2015, 11:43 AM
I got caught up in signing day a bit too much. I promise to do both Poke and Mountie soon

2/5/2015, 12:07 PM
Poke loses to us again haha

if Lonny wants to maul Forte all night, he shouldn't expect the refs to swallow their whistles as much this time around

I hate seeing Gooners in Stillwater!



Buck-toothed Buddy a whinin

OU should be called for a foul every damn possession
baj: halftime over...

Welp there goes that decent lead

God I'm so sick of Ou players having career games against us. This Woodard guy plays like craps until he plays us

I swear to God if we get swept 2 years in a row..........

Jesus Christ....Travis Ford is the new Danny Nee

Why the f**k can't we ever just cruise to win against these *********s? Like they cruise against us in Norman all the time. I'd like to relax for once during one of these games

We are so well coached to jack up 3's

my theory that Ford was hired to destroy osu basketball looks more valid every day

BULL**** CALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FU refs you suck

can spangler just go ahead and graduate????

Sit Nash down already damnit coach

air ball 3 with 18 seconds left on the shot clock. How much did we pay ford to draw that play up?

Seriously when is fords contract up? 2016, 2017, 2030???

10 more years!!! 10 more years!!!

We need to ask the question which Rob Lowe is Travis Ford? I like the peaked at UMASS Rob Lowe


This team is great at letting you down

Thank you Coach Ford for yet another disappointing year of cowboy basketball. thank you coach holder for taking a program that was once in the mix for winning the NCAA year in and year out and flushing it down the toilet.

I'm sure there are several steps down our program can take and I have no doubt this steady decline will continue under your watch.

This is sickening...anyone who defends the state of our basketball program has consumed way to much cool aid.

This sucks

The worst part is with that bright orange jacket there isn't even a chance Ford gets hit by a bus

Another nail in the coffin for Cowboy Basketball. What was once a respected program is now just an ash coated, charred black, cold steel bin, where a dumpster fire once burned

eff it. there's another dozen pages but i can only take so much of america'a brightest orange. here, have a video of Lon Kruger's halftime speech. You'll love it :)

2/5/2015, 01:46 PM
OU 71, Mountie 52

I foresee another frustrating night spent cussing my DSL internet connection

I don't really understand the 6 point underdog. Did they not have players available when we beat them by 21 in Morgantown? Does Vegas really think that OU's home is worth 27 points?

( I hope we continue our good play from Saturday and come away from Normal with a W)Don't you mean ... abNormal, OK?

the freakin spread is OK -6. I'm betting the paycheck on this one. I don't see why not

the game is like razorblades to my ears

I guess OU gets 25.5 seconds to cross halfcourt

We have 6 fouls. They have 0. At home. Oh okay cool

They are in the bonus... and haven't committed 1 foul. Oh okay


Wow, tattoo boy sure likes to run his mouth

I don't like Oklahoma!


I don't like the big 12, the texas tin foil plt is real


As I am explaining to my wife, got em just where we want em . At half, big 12 refs go , oh ****, we owe wvu 15 fouls!! Hence we get back in the game

Only down 2 touchdowns at halftime

OU's balls are under deflated. Any one else see the ball boy?



This game is so **** fixed

Funny, my wife fro ky! Yes I have turned a blue blood to an eer over the ears. Even she alights at the biased referring!!

I hope we play these d bags in the tourney

Buddy Heild laughing...

If we see them again, we will kick their ***. Bet your paycheck on that one!!!

Oklahoma was a bunch of open-mouth breathers

We beat them in our house by 21. They beat us in their house by 19. We win by 2
baj: Thanks a lot for missing both free throws, mr end-of-bench-i-don't-remember-your-name-but-it-wasn't-frachilla ;)

Dear Nate Adrian,

Please for the love of god STOP shooting 3 pointers!! You're no good at it, maybe you could do it in High School but you can't anymore. We are past the halfway point in the season and you are shooting below 15% from 3, that is not a shooting slump, you can't make them.

P.S. pass this note along to Holton as well






2/6/2015, 09:24 PM
hahaha, ah great stuff! Keep them coming this year, very enjoyable.

2/9/2015, 11:14 AM
OU 68; TCU does not care 56
This is about the time of year where I remind you all that of the Big 12's teams, there is one that does not give a crap about basketball, and it is TCU. They might be renovating their bball facilities and subjecting their teams to nearby lesser homes for this season (hence Saturday's game in some high school gym), and they might have had that long undefeated streak before Big 12 season started, but for the most part:


As such, here's some #BAYLORTEARS thread posts from KillerFrogs.com. The thread is 105 pages. They really hate Baylor. They really don't give a crap about basketball.

darn Baylor, darn them right in the [Smelly Cat]

Baylor is the [Smelly Cat].

I'm sitting in a grad school class at Baylol right now and all I can think is how much I hate Baylol. Seeing this thread reminds me of all of the things I hate about Baylol, which brings me joy.

This is my third year of Baylol grad school. I still have one year left after this year. It was great the first year getting to rub it in their faces. I got stood up in class for over an hour the Monday after the game because I said Baylor had no defense. Last year was awful. But this year has been the worst. Last year people treated me like the poor child who's parents are sick, this year everyone acted like total jerks. I can hardly wait for Black Friday

Why-- why on God's green earth did you choose to go to Baylor for anything? Even their law school--which has a fair reputation--isn't worth attending because you'll be surrounded by Baylor people the whole time. Plus, you'll either be an unsocial dork who doesn't engage with anyone, or you'll be a friend to a bunch of Baylor dorks for the rest of your life

It's an unwritten rule that you don't jump on your graduate schools bandwagon so those that did in the program are supergay

God every single year that school attracts some of the biggest dorks on the planet. I'm not talking about the cool quirky Stanford type of dork, the Baylor guys aren't smart and they remind me of the Shermanator. The worst part is their egos grow into overly confident dorks while being surrounded by more overly confident dorks that don't understand why the world hates them

Baylor is just soooooo weird. I swear they survive on bravado and a self-perpetuated myth. How do 100% of outsiders not see through it?

Reminds me of a few years ago when TCU hung bowl banners in their indoor practice facility.

Evidently, Baylor thought that was a good idea. Except they hung banners from bowls they had never been to

Art Briles to ESPNU: Its kinda like one of my hashtags: were the young brand. Were the brand the young guys think is a happening place

I was looking on Google for videos of nerdy Baylor fans dancing videos so I typed gay Baylor fans. Check out what popped up first, a thread on Baylorfans.com about the large underground gay community at Baylor

Just...wow. They're socially backwards at least 200 years. I can't believe the terrible and ignorant things they're saying

You guys need to let this BaylorTears crap die. 100+ pages for this thread? Obsessed much?

So anyways, when we beat TCU again and again in basketball and you ask "Where is my meltdown post?" This is your answer. TCU no care. But TCU hates Baylor.

2/9/2015, 01:09 PM
good grief wv fans are frickin backwards a$$ hillbillys from the mountains....

no fouls? do they even know HOW basketball is SUPPOSE to played? They foul the crap out of EVERY TEAM EVERY TIME. dumb inbred hill billys...

2/10/2015, 11:23 AM
OU 94; ISU 83
http://worldonline.media.clients.ellingtoncms.com/img/photos/2015/02/02/ku_bkc_isu_24_t600x371.JPG?10cdb4b8ea0d0d19e5290e6 1480ea9b3aeb46e37

"Oklahoma is fatigued right now" Time for them to go on another run

Is it really that goddamn difficult to get a ******* defensive rebound?!

Land Theives!!!

Oklahoma is the best "fatigued" team I've ever seen

I guess it's cool we're one of the very few games OU fans show up for

If I hear fatigue one more time

We so suck at defense

Fran's kid plays on OU lol


Fatigue DRINK

"oklahoma's fatigued" here comes an ou bucket


Way to **** the bed. **** this

Hey I've got an idea. Let's clank a bunch of threes, miss our free throws, and then not play defense. Works every time on the road

KSU can win in Norman but we can't WTF!

Reality can be a hard pill to swallow

Shut the **** up about Kane saving us. What the **** would he be doing right now. You know that Kane lost at OU last year too right?

you shut the **** up. I don't give a **** what you think. We are not tough. You can argue with that? **** off

UNI would give the Sooners a better game on the road

Is it FB season yet?

I am sure glad the NCAA granted Thomas the waiver

OU busting out the 'hey hey, goodbye' chant, don't hear that much this side of the 90's

OU: some of the worst fans in college basketball. Seriously do not deserve that team and coach

In their defense, it's not football

would have been nice to take it to them after the OU football beatdown. It happened again. Kool aid all sticky on the floor

2/16/2015, 11:37 AM
TCU (does not care) 70; Poke 55
Ok so technically that photo is from OSU weekend rasslin but who cares? TCU does not care. To OrangePower!

Did we get high school refs with the high school gym

Stop jacking 3s!!! Play basketball!!

We are a second half team we will be fine

Not good when you allow a Mickey Mouse team hang around

Nash is being a complete dip$&#*... but what's new. Last year!

Nash's problems could have easily been handled by Ford if he had been a coach instead of a chum

Playing like sh*t

Here comes ANGRY NASH!!!!!

The blind pig is bound to miss a few acorns, just didn't think it would be this one

WHAT THE F**K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are about to lose to a team with 15 fans

This piece of crap team was 1-10

Ford best Kansas!!!!! Extend his contract!!!!

Coach of the Year material he is

Here come the trolls


We lost to a team with 15 fans

We lost to Tulsa university in fortworth

We got spanked in a high school gym to a high school team! Lovely

Fire Ford Fast

OMFG. And OU gets swept by KSU. We would've been tied with them if we would've won today. The knife gets twisted just a little bit more

if we lose to the tortilla tossers ford needs to be fired

We still suck

UO losing made it a tad better

2/16/2015, 11:20 PM
KU lost at wvu tonight by 1. Should be fun.

2/17/2015, 10:03 AM
WVU Mountie 62, KU Jayjay 61

Self needs to get fined. Tired of this garbage

Get a goddam ******* rebound!!!! Frick

It's so frustrating because WVU is not good

stop whining about the refs...if the players would seek out a body and put their butt into them they would get the over the back calls. you aren't goign to get that call when you just stand there

Why didn't the officials look at the shot clock violation when there was a time out? The clock showed 00 before the guy released the ball
badger: Yes, why don't our officials look at shot clocks when they're on zero and the opponent is still holding the ball? Hmmmm...


Omg these ******* rebounds

WVU in the bonus before Kansas simply doesn't pass the smell test

WVU hasn't shot more FTs than a single Big XII opponent this year. Until tonight

You gotta be facking kidding me

God we play so dumb so etimes

What do you know? Some little twerp has the game of his life against Kansas

I abhor mustberger

How do I sign up to get the job of bouncing that cheerleaders bean on the back of my neck

It looks like one random guy from the student section gets to carry a cheerleader on his shoulders

(Shut up Huggins!)How much do you think he weighs these days?

in pounds or by percentage alcohol?

How sad is it that Huggins 5x wvu shirt is still too small?

Huggins looks like Chet from Weird Science after Kelly Lebrock turns him into the slimy blob

We can be so ******* stupid!

Son of a whore


F me

That's gay

Our program has become sh** the past two seasons

**** that ********. *********

**** ********** ******** f*ckface garbage trash dogsh!t c#nt hors ****

Big 12 better review the refs

I want that 2 points back when WV had a no call shot click violation. watched it 20 x. very clear
badger: Once again, you and me both, jayjay

LOL and yet ANOTHER ranked team storms the court against us. Bush league

And that folks is a national title celebration

DUNK, DUNK, DUNK! Easy win with the DUNK! ****!

royally f#cked all game because they want this bg 12 race to remain interesting

People hate Ku because they win.
Its why asshats like you are on the KU Board.
You are on a KU board.
Youre jealous too

so angry about this ******* hatchet job. WVU was handed that game. **** you West virgina **** off big 12 refs **** Sh!t **** bullsh!t turd sucking garbage

we will beat those f ucks by 25 in Allen

You don't rush the court after a close win against a team that isn't special

god ******* damnit. the worst part of losing is listening to fran and mushmouth slurp each other up

Hahah I went to ku so stfu. I just know that this board cries with the best of them. Do you realize how much of a dbag you sound like to cry jealous?? Christ you sound like a cat, and probably hate them for the same thing. Stfu please. Thanks

Finally watched the disputed shot clock play- Um yeah, he DID NOT get the shot off in time. Never should have counted

F*** you Big12 Refs congrats on your "win" the refs gifted you WVU

If I was a KU hater I would be all over these boards right now lapping up the melt down some people are having

Hope WVU has the lube ready for their trip to Lawrence. That kind of garbage defense doesn't work when the ***** officials aren't intimidated by the crowd

basketball in heneral needs to het rid of this slide, grab ur nuts and take a charge ****

Dude stop trying to use reason. This is a meltdown

Everyone knows he traveled - Everyone knows the GD shot clock expired- Everyone knows the BIG 12 is a complete FUGGIN JOKE when it comes to officiating! NO EXCUSE for having complete and inept a$$clowns deciding games of the best conference in Basketball. Does anyone here think Duke or Kentucky or Villanova would get the same treatment in Morgantown? Not a FUGGIN chance....only in the GD Joke BIG 12

Can we lock it up? Christ, what an embarrassment this thread is. So many crybaby hypocrites here. I'm not happy with the loss, but some of you are just the worst. Grow up losers
Aaaaand...locked :P

2/17/2015, 11:13 AM
I'm sure the jayhawks fans were elated when ksu used an expired shot clock bucket to beat OU....we were their biggest threat to take the league title.....payback is a *itch.

2/18/2015, 10:47 AM
OU 71, whorn 69

No matter what sport OU $#@!ing sucks. They could make curing cancer look negative. They sucked before I came into this life. They have sucked up until this day. They will continue to suck farts until I exit this life. And they will suck long after the worms have broken through my coffin, picked my bones clean, and the sediment has hardened around me preserving me enough to ensure the fossilization of my person. And when they dig me up eons from then whatever finds me will have many doubts about what our civilization was and who we were... but there will be no doubt that OU. $#@!ing. Sucks.

I hate Mondays. I hate the offseason. But I hate OU more

$#@! those $#@! suckers

(you guys are nuts, OU will win this by 10+) Hope you contract fish AIDS


OU sucks. $#@!ing $#@!s

That trailer trash tattoo fits his accent to a disturbing level

I quit/got fired from my job yesterday. Wasn't intending it obviously. Kinda anxious about what's coming next. Could really use a dub tonight for the moral

$#@!ing hell... is there a more embarrassing chant than boomer sooner?

$#@! OU. Bastards

Jesus god damned christ







I like how the OU playeer is raising his hand acknowledging the foul and the crowd is all, "BOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

Seriously. Dumb $#@!ing trash bags

Grrrrr. My TV has been hijacked to the dog show

this team is going to break our $#@!ing hearts, right? can i just be a ***** and turn it off now with the lead?

jesus. $#@!ing. Christ

Shut your meth smoking mouths, inbred $#@!heads

Do Sooner fans usually tomahawk chop?

$#@! OU. $#@! their piece of $#@! state, mindset, economy, and culture. $#@! em all. seriously, a $#@! stain on the greatness that is the USA

Norman still has the X-mas lights up Downtown... What a $#@! hole

Oh hell yeah we kicking some inbred ***

$#@! $#@! $#@! $#@! $#@! $#@! $#@! $#@! $#@! $#@! $#@! $#@! $#@! $#@! $#@! $#@! $#@! $#@! $#@! $#@! $#@! $#@! $#@! $#@! $#@! $#@! $#@! $#@! $#@! $#@! $#@! $#@! $#@! $#@!

God $#@!ing dammit

$#@! javan Felix right in the *****

anyone who defends felix in the slightest, please PM me and we can meet in a dark alley so I can beat the $#@! out of u

The $#@!? I leave the room for one minute and it all went to $#@!

$#@! ou? sure... but seriously $#@! rick barnes

$#@! you barnes

Why do I even shooty hoops?

12-0 run by OU to end the game... lmaoppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppoiii

die rick barnes die

Cmon Sooners. Do something Okie like and Foul us on a 3

Javan has a punchable face. Real punchable

I'd rather see Mack Brown coach this team the rest of the way

Lost 4 in a row to OU. Cool

Congrats Mack Barnes

badger: Texas hits a 3 at the buzzer... but OU was up by 5, so...

Holmes hit it!!!! Holmes hit it!!! OMFG!!!! Wait....

Make that 3 of 19 when it doesn't $#@!ing matter

lollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll l

of course holmes makes the last 3

Hello NIT

I am so tired of losing to these inbreds

We $#@!ing suck

Holmes has gone from NBA draft pick to 6th grade gym coach in about 3 months


Here's the thing kid, heroes get remembered, but legends get swept by OU

Oklahoma got barnesd-----Texas got $#@!ed

Umm...that's on the players! They must improve the speed at which they pass the ball around the horn 14 times!

The 20 second offense, courtesy of:
:D:D:D:D <<< one smiley for each of our four-straight wins over whorn in bball

2/18/2015, 03:26 PM
lol...good lord, some of those guys are just pure retards. I don't really care for ku, long story, kind of like you good folks don't like osu...but man, the hatred is funny...grow up, life is more than college sports. I do think a good amount of texans think their butt's don't stink...but still...such vial hatred.

2/18/2015, 06:12 PM
Longhorn fans are usually more creative than that. They were redundantly repetitive. lol

2/19/2015, 09:58 AM
Sometimes wading through the muck isn't fun... but the condensed cliff's notes version you all see here hopefully doesn't reflect that. Pretty much every team hates us, but the vile and contempt from whorn is usually the worst... mobile home meth inbred etc etc :mack:

Anyways, let's all block Phil Forte's latest hero ballin' and see how OP likes that...

ISU 70, Poke 65
http://amestrib.com/sites/amestrib.com/files/styles/large/public/field/media/web1_r620-10f5eb181d47f96001d6020c0ea69f35_0.jpg?itok=d64znw Oc

This could make up for crapping the bed on Saturday

We will win Wednesday night

Driving 200 miles each way for this game

I have us winning out at home and losing out on the road

As an eternal optimist, I think we win 4 of 5. But my internal realist says we win 3. Oh the inner conflict!

baj: yes, reading this stuff after the fact is like watching the 7 stages of grief play out over and over

(Perimeter D - What's that?) My old rap name

Put a hand in a shooter's face.

Put a butt on a body on rebounds.


Why is it that we're so bad the most fundamental things?

Lots of pouting by #2

Looks like GIA turned-out the lights on the 300 level sections behind the goals so it doesn't look so empty on TV

Interchangeable parts this, interchangeable parts that, Niang's balls are awesome.

Just shut up already!!!

yes lets not continue to go inside which was scoring points lets just soot outside # sarcasm

God I hate Niang

Wow that was pathetic why did I even turn this on to watch

I hate Corn State. I hope we beat them by a hundred in football this year

And I hate Naz Long too. F that guy

yay. Loss

Travis Ford 0-9 combined against Iowa State and OU in the last 9 games

Starting to hate these chumps more than ou

ISU hasn't won on the road in FIVE ****ing weeks. Just come to Stillwater

Another suck butt performance

Is it football season yet?

We are the cure to what ails your losing problems

F it. Rudolph will air out 5 touches in that sh*thole this fall

He is the most overpaid coach in the country. He is absolutely stealing money from the university

By the way you don't renew tickets because of the coCH. yOU RENEW BECAUSE YOU LOVE THE TEAM. tHAT IS WHAT A FAN IS.


it sure makes it easier to rationalize the price of season tx if the team wins… my wife gives me crap otherwise… 'YOU SPENT HOW MUCH TO GO SEE A TEAM LOSE'???

Fire Ford, he's making Ferrari money and giving Yugo results

All you negative Nancy's....shame, shame, shame

how's your pee taste?

same sh!t, different season

OSU's 7 stages of suck:
- We are going to win no doubt
- Bench LeBryan he's such a pouty loser
- Second half run we so awesome
- Rawwrrrrrr meltdown to end the game
- I love OSU but I'm sick of losing
- Fire Ford overpaid underperforming gurble

2/19/2015, 11:23 AM
lol,,,nice I was actually pulling for osu to help ou. BUT the good news is when that happens (ku losing mon) we usually screw up any good karma to come our way. SO, we should win out!

2/23/2015, 11:23 AM
OU 79, Taco 75 (OT)

1000 fans there? Doubtful

In one of our patented scoring droughts

Booker for OU looks and seems like a grade A dbag

Serious question… where are the students?

They don't show up well for football either at the 11 AM games

the empty seats look so sad

Another moral victory for the worst athletic program in the Big 12

Spring sports are all that we have to hang our hat on right now, and very few people care about collegiate spring sports

I did not watch this game. I played golf. I've rarely missed watching any televised game since 1969 and usually make it out to Lubbock for at least one game. I've had football season tickets since 2002, had basketball season tickets one year during Knight's tenure. Try that sometime when you live 300 miles away. The return on my investment in RRC donations, ticket prices and travel costs is unsatisfactory. Do you have any facts to dispute my statement? We are the worst athletic program in the Big 12 right now. The numbers don't lie

we've been hearing this "next year will be better" promise for years. When will next year get here?

2/23/2015, 11:38 AM
Welcome to the bubble, OSU. So much for beating Kansas, eh?
WVU 73, Poke's third loss in a row 63

Tech and OU going to OT. Go Tech!!

Good ole Travis Ford coaching. Same shat for years

Bob Huggins don't wear no suit. He wears a fat guy "athletic" shirt

Jesus ****, #14 is a flopper

OMG...Get undercut and its a charge. F_ck these refs

F me

#14 flops worse than Marcus Smart

How the F#@k can you not teach players to rebound the F@#king ball?

We look like we are in full "fire drill" mode against the press

The basketball gods got extremely pissed with all that stupid Travis Ford for coach of the year talk and struck down with great vengeance and furious anger

Big 12 tournament projections show OSU having to play OU again. Nothing like getting swept 3 times in one season by your rival

Time to start jacking 3's so we can lose by 15+

#14 is a little bitch

We can't fire him! He beat Kansas!

We will probably lose to the tortilla raider rash

Holder is an arrogant golf coach whose best friend is a billionaire. He is not a good AD

I hate to say this but maybe the best thing to happen is for us to get raider rash next game. The next game get our couched burn and hope throughout the madness we miss the bus to Kansas city and wind up with a new coach come next season

Like many I unfortunately drank the orange koolaid and am now faced with the disappointment of watching a team in a freefall regression

My phone won't even give me scoring updates for the basketball team. It use to, guess my phone has even wised up

If you don't like cowboy basketball today, your not a true fan...in fact you are like those spoiled sooner fans who complain all the time.

I say "huzzah" to coach Ford...10 more years!!!!!!!

2/24/2015, 11:40 AM
KSU storms court; KU lol
http://worldonline.media.clients.ellingtoncms.com/img/photos/2015/02/23/ku_bkc_ksu_19_t640.JPG?a6ea3ebd4438a44b86d2e9c39ec f7613005fe067
Forget the game thread, let's just relish in stuff like a thread dedicated to the student pictured above and a thread titled "Kstate fans are pieces of ****"

Shouldn't be much of a shock given their general lack of intelligence, but it always amazes me when it's displayed on national tv

Pretty classless f$&k KU chant too

Sure they weren't chanting "Let's go f$&k a ewe"?

If he weren't blind and deaf, Fran would be very astute. He's also constantly slobbering all over the refs' nutsacks

The real question did they throw a dead chicken out on the court?


After tonight's violent display, I won't be cheering for K state in the tournament. Oh wait- they won't f&cking be there. What a holes

Bunch of backwoods mouth breathing hillbilly cousin f*ckers

KSU and their fans can all die in a fertilizer plant explosion

Maybe we shouldn't have lost to a 12-13 team in embarrassing fashion and then none of this would have happened

And like a bunch of moths attracted to the light, the mouth breathing knuckledraggers fly into the bug zapper

We're so much better than them

KSU needs to stop the court storming for their own benefit. Cowboy boots and manure is just horrible for the court

K-State Police ‏@KStatePolice 25m 25 minutes ago

K-State Police would like help identifying this fan. Send a tip at http://www.ksu.edu/police/silent or call 532-6412eek

And now... a thread dedicated to ^^^that guy^^^

I know! It's Sam Brownback. Yep, pretty sure on that. Let's get him

If KU had taken care of business like they should have, this tool would have been back in his ******** apartment by the time the buzzer sounded jerking his tiny johnson to chicks with dicks vids on pornhub

Looks like it took a lot of semen for that guy's hair to stand up like that

Sad that even dorks in the stands feel like they can push Jamari around with absolutely no consequences

He goes to K suck, sheep porn brah

Everybody else blocked out and bitch slapped Traylor tonight. Just add this kid to the list

So what do we know about the perp?

- Puts jizz into his hair (possibly animal)
- Has a thing for clown/bowling shoes
- Possibly racist
- Wears white ****** watch



So glad I didn't go to a school with the word "state" in it. "State" brings the crazy out of kids I think

2/24/2015, 12:04 PM
Yeah this whole thing has t boone tech written all over it but without the actual winning part. Yes, I was there when we lost in fball but it's bball season. OU sports year round kicks the crap out of watching poke fans reenact the "The Human Centipede" movie with OU as the mouth and the stunned aggie as the anus.

2/24/2015, 12:15 PM
well, puts OU in a great position...but like I've said before...it seems when all is right and things set up well for OU, we just seem to **** the bed....ugh

2/24/2015, 12:46 PM
Hard to see a win in Ames. Haven't seen many since Julius michalik played there. Maybe we even lost back then, too.

2/24/2015, 01:06 PM
yes, at isu will be very tough. I'm sure they'll plan on OU beating ku in norman, so this may very well be for the big 12 reg season title. So they will be very pumped. They have about 5 guys that can really score. It seems we can never get all of our guys, Buddy, Cousins, Booker, Thomas to be on fire at the same time. Hopefully they will....tough one though.

2/26/2015, 05:20 PM
OU 68, Bailure 64
There is one Big 12 fanbase we can rely on WBB meltdowns, and only one (actually, I know where to look for an OU one but I'd never do it).

it shouldn't be a pain in the *** to listen to a broadcast of the No. 3 ranked women's team in the country

OU Network first had an ad for DUI and now they had an ad for gambling......what does that tell you about OU fans?

Dammit, Kim, don't ***** about your seeding until you actually earn it!!!!

This is ****ing highway robbery

Coale was acting as if she won a national championship

How would she know what that feels like?

Doesn't she have a couple? Oh wait

Well, that is about as close as she will ever get!! I love it that we have 2 and they have none!! Too busy with her dresses and her curly hair!! I hate losing to OU worse than anyone except maybe those Louisville thugs

the whining over refs any time we lose a game in any sport at Baylor has become tiresome

She still has the unredeemed certificate for the guaranteed national championship from Courtney Paris

Doesn't Paris still owe that scholarship money she wagered?

OU lost more games this season than BU has in 4 seasons

A confetti hangover, a little too much Kim Mulkey estrogen, and girl drama

the OU bench should be embarrassed that they acted like they had never won a game before. One chick was rolling on the floor. Give me a break - act like you've beaten a good team before. Oh hey you beat a team that had just won the big 12 and were probably unfocussed and distracted by all the weirdness after the Championship. They are my new aggy for sure

I know we have a lot of OU fans quietly lurking on our board today. So,

Congrats to the Sooners. Based on the reaction of your coach and players right after the game, and your fans on the internet since the game has been completed, it is obvious what a huge win this is for you! Not just a huge win, but a win that could change the direction of your program. A win that you will remember for decades. A win that will make whatever postseason result you have meaningless. A win that extends contracts.

It is not every day you get a win over an elite program. This should sustain you for another five years! Again...congrats!
they're cute. they should go to whatever conference louisiana tech is in so they can talk about all those national championships they used to win

2/26/2015, 06:14 PM
It doesn't take long for a fan base to morph into an arrogant mob, does it? Is that evolution or de-evolution?

2/26/2015, 07:50 PM
It doesn't take long for a fan base to morph into an arrogant mob, does it? Is that evolution or de-evolution?

Trick question! It's evolution either way. Like acceleration and deceleration.

2/26/2015, 11:28 PM
It doesn't take long for a fan base to morph into an arrogant mob, does it? Is that evolution or de-evolution?

A holier than thou, Hypocritical mob, at that! When will the Big 12 flush the toilet and get rid of that floater?

2/27/2015, 02:17 PM
lol...good grief...baylor acts like they've been the top dog in wbb forever...ummm, no. Yes, OU has been there...we are really young, we've struggled this year, so yes. Beating the #3 team, 25-1, 15-0 in conf is a big thing. Doesn't mean we haven't been there...I believe OU is the only team to go undefeated in the league? (might be wrong...) but we def were in bu spot before. They are just pissy. Like ku fans...scerw em....

yes, 05-06 - 16-0
08-09 - 15-1

so we have been there...

2/28/2015, 07:03 PM
Probably time to get the meltdown in Stoolwater thread ready. They just blew the game in Lubbock, about an hour ago, on a three-pointer in the final 8 seconds.

3/2/2015, 03:49 PM
You all are too demanding... but I need something to get my mind off the WBB's woes....
Taco 63, Poke 62
I am NOT gonna go through 28 pages of this crap... go find a new meltdown threader....gah... let's see how much i'll do before i quit...

This is some hard sh-t to watch. 8 points in 10 mins. And we are a tourney team??

I wonder what they practiced on all week?

I've seen 7th grade girls basketball games more exciting than this

why is it that our guards have what looks like white waistbands and the rest of the team has orange? could Ford not source the uniforms from the same place?

OSU Basketball is a pathetic dumpster fire

F*****G pathetic

I'm not even mad that we are getting raider rash

Ford Coach of the Year.


I am at this game and they are racing Weener dogs at half time. It's more exciting than watching ford ball

Looking for a group of about 8-10 guys. Each person bring 10 boxes because WERE PACKING UP FORD'S HOUSE TONIGHT!! On the phone with Uhaul now! The oldest resident of Wentz Hall will coach the team the remainder of the season

Just when I thought the broadcast couldn't get worse - "One TRUE Champion" rears its ugly head

We suck. Really bad

The battle of suck. Who wants the tortilla the baddest? Who will come out of the panhandle with raider rash.... All this later on taco tech television network

Kick ball?????!?!?!#&&&#&&#%@(%)%)%+-#

Holy f**k, we're actually gonna lose this

Gonna lose to the last place team in the conference which is full of walk-ons. Get this damn season over

On the plus side, we haven't shoved any TT fans this game



Ford coach of the year? Remember that?

For those living in Stillwater..............it has NOT been snowing outside lately..........that is how 3.5 Million dollar bills look when blowing in the Oklahoma wind

My only solace is that our arrogant, aloof AD has to get up every morning during these basketball seasons, look in the mirror, and think "how could anyone be so stupid?"

There is literally nothing to look forward to

We're stuck with Ford embrace the mediocrity

It's Eddie Suttons' fault

it's the fruity drink Eddie had

We are going to be tarp people. They will.tarp off the third level. We are so embarrassing

By the time ford leaves we will be selling the OU package--tix, shirt, hot dog for $5

The whole football team will come and leave after the hot dogs are gone...;expect 500 people there

Please don't deprive anyone here the God given right to whine about ford

I will deprive. bye bye OP.com. please start winning so i don't have to visit you against for awhile :mad:

3/3/2015, 11:02 AM
Texas 61, Baylor 59, Ejections 7
43 pages? dear bay-lord...

(What's this crap we are running?)you answered your own question

Can't play grab *** for 3 minutes

Holy S***

Lucky that double barreled brain fart only cost us one point

Garbage playing not to lose bull****

scrub felix is killing us

Some one just slap f out of Felix and let him know we are there

baj: And now... the fight...

Taylor got butthurt and reacted like a b!tch

That was a vicious **** fight

A bunch of thugs from TX trying to come off the bench then Rico walks over and they all go back to the bench

He panicked like a TX QB does

ESPN & LHN calling the officials. TEXAS must win

Bout to give out ejections like Oprah

He's making a list and checking it twice... or three times...

Perry Jones III WAS JUST SUSPENDED 6 additional games as a result of that fight! THANK YOU NCAA!

f*cking disgusting


**** **** **** **** **** ****

well fvck chit a$$ whorre

and f*ck that little gremlin taylor

Taylor is a piece of S***. What an *** clown. He should of been the first to be ejected. What a bunch of BS

Welp..... House of cards

What did Taylor do? I threw my ipad across the room after our last miss


Taylor is why you need a Kevin Stallings to tell him he will <€>*ing kill him

(Lady bears are kickin butt! If that makes anyone feel better)Nope

Whorn players and fans yelling trash at our players as they leave the court. Real classy

Well on the bright side, maybe this saved Barnes' job

Nothing a loss to bring the b!tches out in full force. We should have won and played very poorly down the stretch, but some of you guys suck. Our offense has struggled on the road much of the year and it did again tonight, but before this loss, we were playing as well as any team in the country the last 10 or 11 games. No need to bleed through your britches and make a scene

you hope our team took the bus? wtf does that mean? how the.hell do you think they got to austin? hot air ballon? i could swallow scrabble.letters and vomit them back up and the combination that lands at my feet would make more sense than you. You are really terrible and should seek counseling of.some sort. im not quite sure which

Just shut up

Come and make me

no idea who's more diva -- them or poke

3/13/2015, 01:08 PM
ISU 69, NITexas 67
To Shaggy!

$#@!ing pathetic *** offense

I'm losing my $#@!ing mind

what a $#@!ing choke job

why do we make everything look so damn difficult?

$#@! this $#@!

$#@! $#@! $#@!

you saw this $#@! coming a mile away

Better save those time outs rick. $#@!ing dip $#@!

Im gonna need a new remote and looking like I've broke a lamp too


God Felix is goddamn $#@!ing idiot

Felix and barnes are made for each other, both stupid $#@!s


I hate this $#@!ing team. A bunch of $#@!ing mental midgets with a $#@! coach

Stupid mother $#@!ers. I hope we don't make the tourney. God $#@!ing dammit

Lolol, $#@! you barnes $#@! you jevan $#@! you bbal, let's do the nit

HE'S A LEGEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He doesn't know to call timeout with 10 seconds, shot clock off and the ball, but he's a LEGEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!

Well at least I can say I watched the games that got both Mack Brown and Rick Barnes fired

$#@! off rick you $#@!ing p*ssy and your p*ssy approach to coaching, you deserve to lose this game $#@!ing milking the clock with 7 min left in the game.. You ruined the one game we were in rhythm hitting threes.. You suck $#@!

why the $#@! is felix only a junior?????????????????? declare for the $#@!ing chinese league right now

We pay that coach money. I can't wrap my head around that. We pay him

Same $#@!in Banes ---if he is back Patterson is worse than Barnes. Howmany times do we see that $#@!in perplexed look on his face--- he is completely clueless at the most opportune time------aaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggggggg gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg gggggg


$#@! you rick you $#@!ing vagina $#@!, $#@! your mom and her $#@!ing hairy vagina and $#@! your daddy who probably rabbit $#@!ed her got her all worked up then slowed the pace down to a snail hump! You are the $#@!ing worst end game coach I've ever $#@!ing seen your $#@!ing $#@! face, small $#@!ed, lip licking ****** sack $#@! heel!

The only highlight of the game for me:

Can only imagine how these jackwads react when the corn harvest doesn't yield

We sacrifice a virgin in each village
good note to end on heh

3/13/2015, 05:13 PM
Guess I'll have to make the effort and trudge over to the Stool State board to view their melt.
Sure hope our BB team doesn't come out tonight in the 1st half like they did last night. I don't think I've ever watched a worse "lid over the basket" like we had in the 1st half against the Pokes. Missing all those layups was brutal. We do that tonight and we'll get bent over.
Maybe ISU let it all hang last night against Whorn and they''ll be winded tonight, and we'll have one of those 1sts like we did in Ames and then bury them early in the 2nd to make a statement. These conference tourney games all in a daily row are just ridiculous, especially this year.
KU vs Baylor should be a good warm-up to watch before our game.

Quote Originally Posted by ISU lurker in response
We sacrifice a virgin in each village LMAO

3/13/2015, 06:13 PM
Yup.... like I said in game thread for tonight....BOTH teams and go on runs and droughts....

3/16/2015, 09:51 AM
Nobody wants you; your season's over


Montana couldnt hold my jock, they're awful

Alabama let its coach go. The Tide must be good

CIT bracket released. No frogs. Hey Incarnate Word made it!!

We beat Ole Miss who lost to Kentucky by 3. That has to count for so something right
baj's final meltdown grade for season: F. Care more about basketball, dammit


If we can't compete for championships in the Big 12, then we should get the hell out. This mediocre is ok mentality has got to go

Middle of the Big 12 made the tournament this year, so...

64+ teams made the tournament. It's really not that big of a deal to tell the truth

Man, I sure hope I have a good basketball team to watch sometime again in my lifetime

Another miserable season, but it was made easier by being on here complaining about it

Thank god its over. This team had no chance in the B 12. No superlative talent compared to the other B12 teams. We played majority freshmen because we did not have other upper classmen who could compete. Some are optimistic about 2015-16, but I remind you the other B12 teams are reloading and will have an upper hand. The only way our program can move upward is recruit better caliber players than the previous several years. We need "ringers." Its on the coaches to find them. That's all. I have set your target fire away
baj's final meltdown grade for season: C. They care, they just don't care a lot because they know how much they suck.

https://usatftw.files.wordpress.com/2015/01/usp_ncaa_basketball__kansas_state_at_kansas_704670 62-e1422736165198.jpg?w=1000&h=581

Selection Sunday is now.... yard work Sunday for me

At the start of the year I stated that I was tired of one and outs in the NCAA, I was told my wait was almost over. That poster was right we will not be one and out this year

did we get in?

The CBI should be calling at any moment

You know what's really sad, I just watched the NIT selection show hoping for some kind of miracle
baj's final meltdown grade for season: B-minus. It would be higher, but I'm still bitter that our only home loss this year was to these losers

Who's season end's next? Tune in later this week (but not the weekend; baj needs time off from you internet nerds)

3/16/2015, 02:28 PM
Guess I'll have to make the effort and trudge over to the Stool State board to view their melt
As much as I'd love to, I can't live over here and do meltdowns for everyone. BUT, since you all seem very interested in our last victim...
OU 3; Poke swept
Since that's what they call us, get it :stunned:

OU is a better program


Delete season, ban ford

Buddy hield has a hard time keeping his teeth in his mouth

The amazing thing is he wore braces last year. I'd say malpractice suit against the orthodontist

I thought I couldn't understand what he was saying last year because he had a mouth full of metal. Turns out he could talk better with the braces

Ford can't coach himself out of a wet paper bag

Travis Ford to Lon Kruger, "thank you sir may I have another"

Oh yeah, what does winning this game matter? The embarrassment of Ford being owned by the sooners is such a non factor. Means nothing at all. How the f**k do we lose so many games and people still say we are a shoe in for the tourney?

We suck our program is being disgraced

Spangler looks like that guy on the news who just lost his trailer to a tornado

Travis ford sucks and our program is a joke

Not even NIT caliber!

I'm so disappointed I'm going to Night Trips right now. Sierra here comes daddy. SCORE

Hand out those $1 scholarships

We paid for a Ferrari but got a ford

Remember when we used to look forward to March? Now we're the team that Pepsi co. puts on the bottle caps

Anymore requests???

3/18/2015, 08:45 PM
As much as I'd love to, I can't live over here and do meltdowns for everyone. BUT, since you all seem very interested in our last victim...
OU 3; Poke swept
Since that's what they call us, get it :stunned:

Anymore requests???

Kansas after the loss in Norman? That was great to beat those elitist bozos that way.

3/19/2015, 03:11 AM
UConn's loss last night in the NIT? Not only do they care, but they vicariously put all of their sports success into hopes of joining P65 conference. Makes for some good material.

3/19/2015, 10:07 AM
Kansas after the loss in Norman?
KU has a really active Internet fanbase. It would be like me trying to find our bowl game meltdown at this point. I can't do it a few weeks after the fact, sorry :P

UConn's loss last night in the NIT?
I don't really see an active Internet community, sorry. This is probably why no real conference wants them :P

3/20/2015, 09:33 AM
UAB no haz futbol 60; nor haz ISU 59

I'm going to die young because of this team

Why do I like sports?

Not sure they make a nut cup thick enough

At least we still have 2 other Iowa teams to follow

LOL, we are Iowa State

Thanks, Obama

When does football start?


Terrible. I have a flight to catch a 3 in the morning full of hawkeye fans. I might kill myself with sleeping pills

(learning experience?)For whom? The team or we fans?

Should have known we were in trouble when I saw the hair dye jobs

Tired of the nutcup, but I still gotta wear it. Thought for sure I wouldn't this time.

I was wrong

I received a job offer today for a great job with a big pay increase and I am utterly depressed. Thanks State

59 ******* points against a team that lost to Louisiana Monroe, South Florida, Chattanooga, North Texas, Florida Atlantic, FIU, Rice

I think football was #9 in 2002 when their collapse occurred

Get ready for football......UNI will beat us be 20 at home

Niang was *** poop **** ****

Thanks for bringing still more futility to Iowa State University, guys. Much appreciated

If UAB was good, they would have beat us by 20

I'm going to start drinking and not stop until I can't feel feelings

GRRRRRRRR I scheduled my vasectomy so I could have a reason to spend a few days on the couch watching ISU in the first and second rounds... now I'm stuck on the couch with a literal and figurative kicked in the nuts feeling
I don't think I'll be able to top that one so I'll stop there :D
baj's final meltdown season grade: A Never stop being the great cornholio, Iowa State Internet fans. More profanity and NSFW stuff would probably raise you even higher

3/20/2015, 10:12 AM
I have high expectations for Baylor's meltdown.

3/20/2015, 10:41 AM
Georgia State 57; Bailure Baylol 56

We now have them against the ropes; time to put 'em on the canvas!!!!

SIC 'EM BEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Medford for 3! YES! 10-point lead for Baylor now
Ok, ok, I'll skip ahead to the part where they lose...

Come on bears get your heads out of your asses

Step on their damned necks!!!!

Well, I had nice fingernails at the beginning of this ballgame

I am now in Oh SH!T mode!!!!!!

Its the ghost of the Cotton Bowl again

Holy ****ing ****

These stinkin refs


Dear LORD, please don't let us be the second B12 team to head home

What the everloving **** just happened?

I just... holy ****ing god

Dammit, we are a dumb basketball team sometimes

Holy ****

Holy S***

Ho. lee. fuk.

Drew can take this half court **** and shove

45 years of Baylor frustration all bundled up into these past four minutes... humiliating defeat for Baylor and for the Big 12. Now we have to depend on the women to hold up Baylor pride

First the Cotton Bowl. Now this s#!+.

Postseason has been the Year of the Beotch for BU athletics

I feel like we're in the SEC and it is bowl season

We had been doing a decent job at getting "Bayloring" out of the vernicular when it comes to describing the many creative ways to lose ball games in all sports that Baylor had devised over the years

Hotels.com. We won't be needing it tonight
baj's final meltdown season grade: A-minus. Blasphemy sounds funnier when coming from a religious affiliated school :D

3/20/2015, 10:54 AM
It still sucks to be Baylor.

3/20/2015, 01:06 PM
Butler 56; Texas sucks 48
(just the first half)
http://mediaassets.caller.com/photo/2015/03/19/NCAA%20Texas%20Butler%20Bas_Spof%20_OP_4_CP__14268 01102006_15189550_ver1.0_640_480.jpg

For some reason a packed a flask this morning for work

Wearing my lucky shirt. But I probably need a bottle of Jack

$#@! Butler and $#@! the Sooners

how soon until felix phucks things up?

$#@! we look disorganized, disinterested, and downright terrible. Fire barnes immediately after we choke this one

Has a coach of a major basketball program ever been fired at halftime of a NCAA tournament game? Asking for a friend

God damn, Felix has such a punchable face

Christ, it's like we have no clue the shot clock is expiring. Not a $#@!ing clue


You're $#@!ing 6 foot $#@!ing 9. Dunk the $#@!ing basketball

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA how did we expect anything else. $#@! YOU BARNES YOU THIEF!

Do we have to wait for the end of the game to fire Barnes

Y'all remember when we were good at football and basketball? That was fun

Butler some skank *** hoes

Not tryin' to be vulgar, but RB needs to give JH a wet, sloppy BJ during HT

Will whorn be the third Big 12 team to fall, or will they survive and advance?

Spoiler: They don't. Tune in shortly for the second half meltdown :mack:

3/20/2015, 01:36 PM
Butler 56; Texas still sucks 48
http://cache2.asset-cache.net/gc/466917284-alex-barlow-of-the-butler-bulldogs-vies-for-gettyimages.jpg?v=1&c=IWSAsset&k=2&d=GkZZ8bf5zL1ZiijUmxa7QSiT7a71jwkugdHvnoEkPDiM2XeG Z%2FUwkAjAtXIEZ0c1iVz5OkZrT4XtPSGBeLFwYw%3D%3D
(and now, the second half)

So we suck as a team, but talent alone may carry us.. seems like a familiar story.. I thought we already canned mac

All I can say is this is all a bunch of horse$#@!. The whole thing. Horse$#@!

thanks baylor and iowa state for $#@!ing my bracket, $#@!ing clowns

Well, when you spend all year playing in the toughest conference and beating each other up, having to play in a dumb exhibition tournament like this one, sometimes you just don't get up for it, ya know? Oh, it's not an exhibition? Huh. Well the point stands.

we still suck

We are taking after Greg Davis. It's called the East-West Weave offense

that's $#@!ing horse$#@!. he stuck his $#@!ing leg out!


Texas has less offensive flow than a postmenopausal 84-year-old


We look like a bunch of scrambling ants offense

Gotta love watching the dude with a limp blow by are big men for the bucket. $#@!!

their gimpy 21 just drives it down our throat! lol

we just let a cripple score on us

We just let a one legged man drive straight to the hole

dude with a gimp knee beating a Texas team? I think I've seen this before. Time to turn off the TV

$#@!! This team is like a bad ex gf. They $#@!ing rip my heart out. And then they just pull me back in!

these gay *** $#@!ing refs are on the take. they $#@!ing suck donkey $#@!


Damnit you $#@!ty $#@!ing refs

So their unathletic white guys can shoot FTs? Not fair!

Suck my $#@!ing $#@! rick barnes you $#@!ing piece of $#@!ing dog $#@!

Lammert you $#@!ing ***** *** bitch waste of space

felix you dumb $#@! why foul there. its over you retarded gnome

Hey Barnes GET THE $#@! OUT

So a bunch of nobody crackers and a dude with a gimp leg just snuffed out our team. How sweet

What's the point of having one token white guy, that actually plays minutes, if he can't shoot?

you pussies could not even ban me or neg me enough!!!!!!!

bunch of pussies around here

Just got white boyed. Maybe they kin to niggar family ala chappelle


Notre Dame will $#@!ing crush Butler and would have crushed us as well. At least we will not have that done to us so at least there is that......god damn mother $#@!ing $#@! sucking baby raping mongloid $#@!ing god damn $#@!. MOTHER $#@! !

Move over Mack. Barnes is joining you in the grave

Barnes can carpool with Mack to the unemployment office.............oh wait!! We made multi-millionaires out of them...$#@!!!

$#@! Baylor, $#@! Iowa State and $#@! Rick Barnes, the Fred Akers of Texas basketball
baj's final meltdown season grade:A+ If you are not melting down like shaggybevo.com, you are melting down wrong.

3/21/2015, 09:48 AM
most excellent read for the morning!

Great Job Badge...what about the pokes? Course they probably didn't expect to win. Man, that was God awful to watch...bright orange and neon yellow/green crap of oregon...even my fiance who doesn't watch ball was like..."that hurts my eyes...." lol.

Also, when the hawks go down...that'll be classic.

3/23/2015, 08:44 AM
As noted last week, I take weekends off around here :D

I'll get to each and every Big 12 loser soon, promise. Everyone except us and mountie (speaking of, way to punch that ticket WVU. you really hit on all cylinders and shoved that door to the sweet 16 wide open... YOU WERE VIOLENT AND IT WASN'T AGAINST US SO I DONT CARE BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA)

3/23/2015, 11:58 AM
Quack 79, Poke 73

Have we ever lost to ou 4 times in one srason?

The reason Thomas didn't sign with OSU, is their cheating head coach,(kelvin Sampson) gave him his unconditional release to play anywhere in the country except you guessed it . OSU

(Sweet Sixteen here we come)If your gonna smoke crack then atleast smoke it all. Final four pokes

Well Travis, how are those "big" wins over Baylor and Texas and "playing in the toughest conference in the country" looking right now?

you don't have to shoot everytime you touch the ball forte. its okay to pass sometimes

After going ahead by 8, we end the half on the wrong side of a 15-3 run. Same old bull**** as always

That idiot actually told his player to foul the 4th best FT shooter in the entire NCAA. How can anyone defend this joke??

Man, good thing the Thunder are playing tonight. Can't wait to watch Ibaka and KD dominate...wait...

It looks like the movie Dumb and Dumber is already out. Starring Ford Pinto

It's just one guy Ford! DOUBLE TEAM HIS ***!!!

There are way too damn many TV timeouts. Dragging out the inevitable misery

Unfortunately for us, the coach is part of the team

Keep shooting 3's dumbos

Just keep jacking just keep jacking

And we resort to the 3 ball of death

Any Ford defender is a moron and/or OU fan



Well golly shucks. Now we're stuck waiting for another eight months for another spectacular season of Ford brand basketball. Sigh. Can't wait

But, we're one of the best 68 teams in the country Isn't that enough?

How dare you all pile on Ford....he just needs a few more of his players in the system and we are golden

He's our Josh Heupel. Everyone else in Big12 will be sad when we fire him


There's going to be tens of people in GIA for basketball games next season

Gottlieb just said boomer sooner. I bet he feels dirty now

Well if pat Jones didn't know NCAA violations were going on and whatnot, how was the AD supposed to know?

View this since I don't think I can embed it:

Travis Ford: "Next year the way we'll play and possibly shoot more 3's."
baj's final meltdown season grade: A. Why did you think this year would be better, OSU? You lost Markel and Marcus to the NBA. Phil Forte is not close to the shooter Keiton Page was. Also, Eddie Sutton is not coming back and even when he was there, you only got McDonald's All Americans that had been dismissed by other programs or red-flagged by other programs. Why do you hate Travestry Fraud Ford Pinto so much? Poke gonna Poke. See you all next year regardless of who's coaching you :stunned:

3/23/2015, 04:01 PM
Shockers 78, Sunflowers 65
http://cache2.asset-cache.net/gc/467291912-the-kansas-jayhawks-bench-looks-on-against-gettyimages.jpg?v=1&c=IWSAsset&k=2&d=GkZZ8bf5zL1ZiijUmxa7QeFn6t%2f6TEu6EpA%2boSNZxVh9 WrHkB%2fzWOYEhsGczeyMZHirDC%2fidyVUUNBTvbzUwzw%3d% 3d

Is is similar to Stoops at OU. Fat and happy

I want Bill to go to OKC and Brad Stephens to get fired from Boston and come to KU

That is some ******* ******** right there. What a shady *** team

smug pumpkin nosed facker

its sad that I honest to f****** god almost checked out and didn't want to watch this f****** game once I saw John Higgins was refereeing that is absurd that he has such control of a f****** basketball game. I f****** hate that guy

Selden is a ******* fraud


LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL getting completely dominated. LOLOOLOL

Selden is f ucking horrible

Selden needs to transfer. Washburn or Fort Hays state could use him

I have to ask too...why the smirk, Bill?

You are getting your *** kicked by a team YOU will not play, and you're smirking?

I get the sick feeling that our Kentucky of the early 2000's period is beginning

That reminds me...fire up the T-shirt machines!

Just turned the game off. F UCK this!

Allen Fieldhouse homecourt advantage and a paper tiger conference can make any coach look like a wizard

We are chokers and Self is a terrible tournament coach. I'm really so ******* sick of this ****

I ******* hate VV now. What a prick. What a ****** person. **** him

Oh, **** off, Elmore. I've lived in this state my whole life, almost 40 years. I don't give a **** if we play these clowns ever

as I type this, they show Sam Brownback. Is CBS trying to **** me off?

If this doesn't solidify Gregggggg Marshallllllll as the next coach at Texas, then the AD is a moran

I hate March. Thanks, Self. Will he shake hands with ********* Greg or will he hide from him under the KU bench?

Everyone prepare for the nonstop crap from WSU fans

WSU the new "elite"

KU the new Indiana

Dolla dolla Bill y'all

If I hear one word from the turds I work with about this, I WILL throat punch somebody!!!

After this I do NOT want a home and home with WSU. PERIOD!!!


I have been telling everyone for years that KU is an elite program and playing WSU would be a waste of time. Now I have to eat crow until we play again..... 25 years from now!

What we need are pointers from Bruce Weber
baj's final meltdown season grade: A-minus. Lose more often please. ;)

4/1/2015, 11:16 AM
We want Doug Gottlieb not Travis Ford
http://www.quickmeme.com/img/e0/e00a043ac5ca794eebaf3322e72236ec03d31ac3c77e10b185 8f110403ec7237.jpg
How in the hell is Doug Gottlieb everyone's favorite next OSU coach...

I think it would be neat to have Doug but I worry about it because of how painful it might be for him if things didn't work out

Hopefully Holder is negotiating a contract extension to quash rumors about a buyout. I'd say adding another 6 years sounds about right

Here's a few things about Doug that interest me...

1. Passion for the game
2. Loves OSU
3. Analyzes basketball constantly
4. Massive personal experience in the game
5. Connections too Coaches and AAU for recruiting purposes
6. Recognizable Name
7. Knows Stillwater and the OSU landscape
8. Fans will show up to see this guy work

1. Experience coaching

the kicker is that he could be had EXTREMELY CHEAP

Step 1 - Call Bill. Still not interested (or laughed off the phone)? OK, move to Step 2. Step 2 - Call Doug

Coaching basketball isn't rocket science. Doug would be just fine. Ford has been coaching for 15 years and has one more NCAA tournament win than Doug...so....

We need to focus on what we can really accomplish which brings me to my suggestion that we hire Andre Williams and pay him with Twizzlers

Gott - Lieb, Gott - Lieb, Gott - Lieb ...has a better ring than DOUG, DOUG, DOUG

I'm in Travis Ford's camp! He deserves more time at #OKState

Boone, I love what you've done for OSU, but sometimes you really need to keep your damn mouth shut

I bet Gundy wishes he'd get that kind of public support from our owner... I mean, um, "largest donor."

Boone should stay away from basketball. He has never shown any interest in it. Let Yelling Guy make all the decisions

Dumpster fire wins

*sad trombone*

I think the most surprising thing in all of this is that people actually thought we would pony up the $9.6 million. LOL!

All I've looked for all year is hope. Today, I find none


You know who's happiest about Ford staying? No, not Ford, ou fans. That's 2 more automatic wins every year on their schedule. 2nd happiest is whoever we draw in the NCAA tournament
baj: Don't you mean 3? :D:D:D:D

I just have one message for Boone, Holder and Ford.
Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You kill my basketball program. Prepare to die

I'll be doing my best to push my desire to hire Doug next season after we finish 8th in the league

All Big 12 programs are laughing at us now and are looking forward to playing us next year

Welcome to historic Gallagher-Iba Arena. The emptiest arena on the country!

Might as well save money and leave the curtains of shame up. None of the programs using GIA will need the capacity the curtains conceal

This thread pretty much confirms that we've become Texags

Soooo, does this mean that Robert Allen doesn't know what he is talking about?

I can hear them now saying Free tickets get your Free Tickets to for the KU game, OU game, etc etc etc.

All Gundy has done is take Football to never before seen heights and yet he gets the treatment Ford should get

We'll have a sea of orange seats

I remember looking for my name in the O'Colly in the mid 90's to see if I was picked as a student to have the privilege to purchase men's basketball season tickets. Holy crap, that was a lifetime ago

I will not watch or attend a single game. Screw it all

I need more time to win a NIT

Maybe we can sign Jeff Capel to a 10 year 100 million dollar contract

Just think: if Mike Holder had been our Athletic Director 20 years ago, Pat Jones would probably still be our football coach

(Its also a fact we were a very average team under every succeeding coach after Iba until Eddie Sutton. It is only under Eddie Sutton that we had any sustained success. The second best coach is Ford.)

Never stop being Orange Power, Orange Power. Seriously. We love you, little brother. :stunned: