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View Full Version : The "I Appreciate John Gruber" Thread

11/13/2014, 10:39 AM
I think it is great that the one of the ultra-elitist Democrats pulled back the curtain and exposed how the Democrats really feel about the electorate.


11/13/2014, 10:52 AM
The entire electorate or the ones that voted for the people that enacted this mess since it was pretty much a partly line vote.

11/13/2014, 11:39 AM
No, the elitist that they are...They are superior intellect and you should know it. They will build a society where they are on top and they know better than you how you should live and will tell you to live your life...The Progressives will disseminate their rulings to you for you to conform to... Just like the Leftist lives, do as I say, not as I do. Sort of like the Hunger Games society...

11/13/2014, 07:24 PM
yeah, the right-wing nut jobs don't tell anyone how to live...

11/14/2014, 07:25 AM
yeah, the right-wing nut jobs don't tell anyone how to live...
Nice ad hominem. But hey, when that's all you've got......

While I appreciate your dislike for conservatives dictating behavior(you seem to not mind liberals doing the same) I would ask that you provide examples of conservatives going to such levels of dishonest as the Dems did with obamacare. I know you will throw out the "Bush Lied About WMDs" mantra . Do you have any other examples?

11/14/2014, 02:52 PM
I'm finished with partisan blah blah. Let's see some action that helps Americans move forward, whether you're a Federalist, Whig or Know-Nothing party member :P

The only time I boast about my Republican voter registration is when I remind everyone who isn't that they didn't get the chance to vote against Janet Barresi like they all wish they did. Nyah nyah I'm Republican

11/14/2014, 04:18 PM
I'm finished with partisan blah blah. Let's see some action that helps Americans move forward, whether you're a Federalist, Whig or Know-Nothing party member :P

The only time I boast about my Republican voter registration is when I remind everyone who isn't that they didn't get the chance to vote against Janet Barresi like they all wish they did. Nyah nyah I'm Republican

I concur. The GOP has to promote opportunities for individuals....not opportunities for politicians to buy votes.