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View Full Version : Not well-coached and TK may not be the answer...

11/8/2014, 02:16 PM
A mistake here and there, by the coaching staff... we all see it, should expect it. But, we get called for ridiculous for or are guilty of just completely ridiculous stuff. 12 men on the field, when you have the opponent stopped in the red zone? 10 men on the field giving up huge plays? Watching them go away from things that are working, or not adjusting to the other coaching staff's adjustments, to what was working?

TK, as someone noted in the game thread, seems to be brilliant with his arm, if its not a designed pass play, or he has to move because of pressure (ones he doesn't rightfully throwaway). Set pass plays, he locks on his primary receiver before the ball is snapped. Its like he's at the line and he's thinking the whole time, "OK... going to throw it to Shep, right here, at this moment." Never thinking he might have to go through reads.

And why isn't the coaching staff playing to his strengths? We don't need him to run the ball. We just need to get him out of the pocket, give him options to use his legs. He seems to make good decisions there. Keep pounding them, with that huge line (but not straight up the middle, for each running play, on obvious running down/yard situations), rotating the best backfield combo in the country, with a mobile QB and we'll win.

But its like we see different teams, on different drives. "OK, that worked last time... let's see if we can do this to."

NO! You keep doing what's working, until they prove they can stop you. We went away from it, as soon as BU adjusted. We threw the whole thing in the crapper, because BU adjusted. Know what you do, when the other team puts a spy on your QB... you mix it up, go quick, go both sides, spread it out. That's not what OU does. We'll suddenly start handing it off to the RB up the gut, 3 consecutive times... or turn TK into a pocket passer (where he locks onto primary targets).

We've got some problems. Hopefully, TK just needs another year of seasoning. Though a couple of those throws today are very concerning. Twice literally hitting BU defender in the torso region, with the ball.

Those coaching mistakes I said we all see... problem is... we see these things happen 2 or 3 times a GAME, 2 or 3 times a year. They're big mistakes. They're mistakes that cost us games. That just can't happen, repeatedly.

Hope Coach Stoops doesn't lose 2 game in Norman, in a single season. Has he done that yet?

There definitely needs to be some sort of shifts in the off-season. Whether they be personnel, philosophy, whatever... but, this is getting old and I'm a lifetime member of the Sunshine Pumpers Club.

11/8/2014, 02:26 PM
In 2012 they lost to K State and Notre Dame at home.

11/8/2014, 02:27 PM
Ahem. "Someone?"

11/8/2014, 02:38 PM
In 2012 they lost to K State and Notre Dame at home.

Thank you for the prompt reply. I wasn't asking to be a smartass. I honestly couldn't remember... and didn't want to look it up. Kind of sore, right now.

11/8/2014, 02:39 PM
We have already changed philosophies. Time to change the coaching staff. It won't happen unless Bob leaves on his own. We have maybe the 4th best coach in a crappy league and about the 6th best staff.

11/8/2014, 02:43 PM
I think the main problem is that many people bought into the hype for this season. The expectations were based solely on the Alabama game. In reality, we have a decent QB, good but not great, strong RBs, average secondary (at least the scheme seems to be average,) and average WRs outside of Shep. Of course, it's hard to tell if the other receivers are average or if the QB is to blame. I think if we were unranked to start the season, most people would have a different reaction. I think we have a good team, it's just not one of the elite units when you throw everyone together.

I also think Knight gives is the best chance to win, since the coaches know what will happen if they put in a replacement. So until someone better comes along, Knight will continue to be the guy. Hopefully he gets much much better at his decision making. He shows flashes of brilliance against good teams, but seems to make too many mistakes for the team to overcome, some his and some caused by the other team.

11/8/2014, 03:07 PM
Agree with the title.
Don't know how coordinators survive a complete blundering cluster(*&^ like this year w/o nepotism from the top. Just pitiful game plans on both sides of the ball (not playing to the strengths and especially no quality halftime adjustments).
Seriously we're not even well coached enough for an end (wide-receiver) around to wait for his blocks to develop w/o running up the back of our blocker and falling down. I know the guy is a frosh, but geeez, at the very least this staff could do if you've got that play in the playbook is coach the wrs up a little during the week.

As far as TK goes, I think he's good for 8 or 9 wins a season in this watered down conference and maybe a shared conference championship in the next couple of years but unless he learns not to lock on to his primary receiver and actually see the defenders in the middle of the field before unloading, he won't take us anywhere close to the playoffs. The argument that he's still young after 11 game starts, just doesn't hold sunshine-pumper water anymore. imo.

Typical, 3rd down and one from about the 3 and we run a slow developing hand-off up the middle and get stuffed, and then we throw incomplete on 4th down--from the opponents 3 yard line, and we can't get into the ez. Just pizz-poor coaching.

We need a quality 3rd quarter to get back into the game and get outscored 14-0. pitiful. Wouldn't be surprised if we fall apart the rest of the year, and start by getting drubbed by Tech in Lubbock.

11/8/2014, 03:10 PM
I'd change it to not well coached and TK is not the answer, but otherwise--pretty much.

11/8/2014, 03:18 PM
I'm so thankful we have this thread. It's much better than the other 10 that have been started this year...

11/8/2014, 04:05 PM
I'm so thankful we have this thread. It's much better than the other 10 that have been started this year...


11/8/2014, 04:13 PM
You just gotta love giving the WR's a 10 yd cushion letting them pick up first downs so easy and not make an adjustment all game hell even the DB's were pissed about it

11/8/2014, 05:35 PM
I agree with SoCal's title. This is not a well coached team and the coaches are not getting it done. Stoops = Kelvin Sampson now, i.e. Hold the ball and pass around until the last second and then miss the shot. Sitting pretty in his big contract, no worry about performance. There is no excuse for this score against Baylor, frickin Baylor. Getting outcoached by art biles is just sad and Stoops has been outcoached by him for several years now. Just sad. I will delete this game and never watch it, don't need to waste my precious time with that. In fact, ole Stoopsie has cured me of rabid football fandom, thanks. I am done as a fan as long as we see coaching performances like this...

East Coast Bias
11/8/2014, 08:04 PM
Not well coached and Knight is not the answer. I got drilled on here a few weeks ago by the sunshine pumpers for saying OU is a middle-tier team. We are not elite but in the class with the UCLA's , Clemson and Nebraska's of the world. The high expectations have not been not validated. For me the Texas game said it all. We barely got out of there and Texas stinks. We can't out-talent anyone anymore, we need an upgrade at QB and both lines.

11/8/2014, 08:26 PM
Didn't get to see the game today as was on the road all day. Seems like I've seen more posts saying the defense was bad today but I'm confused a bit. I understand giving up 48 doesn't look good on a defense but I'm looking at 14 points, 13 first downs, and about 10 minutes of possession difference. Just looking at the box score it doesn't look like the offense did much. I know this D isn't what everyone seemed to think it would be but I also know when an offense goes 3 and out a bunch and can't score points there are a lot of teams out there that will eventually stress a defense and put up points. Maybe someone can enlighten me.

11/8/2014, 08:46 PM
Didn't get to see the game today as was on the road all day. Seems like I've seen more posts saying the defense was bad today but I'm confused a bit. I understand giving up 48 doesn't look good on a defense but I'm looking at 14 points, 13 first downs, and about 10 minutes of possession difference. Just looking at the box score it doesn't look like the offense did much. I know this D isn't what everyone seemed to think it would be but I also know when an offense goes 3 and out a bunch and can't score points there are a lot of teams out there that will eventually stress a defense and put up points. Maybe someone can enlighten me.We were just 4 for 13 on 3rd downs and 0-2 on 4th downs. Those 4 3rd down makes must of happened in the 1st quarter. Pretty bad to score zero in the last 3 quarters and expect to keep up, much less beat a Baylor, K-State, or TCU or for that matter any top 30 team.
About the only way to beat these offenses is for our offense to stay on the field and score touchdowns. I know our D had some problems today but some of that can be directly related to our abysmal offense. Not all of it, but some of it.
There is no way that the Baylor D should hold our offense to just 2 TDs. No way. If we don't take it to the house with breakaway long runs (Ross stumbling today) or passes and especially if we don't get any turnovers on D, we're screwed. It's just as simple as that.

11/8/2014, 09:37 PM
We have already changed philosophies. Time to change the coaching staff. It won't happen unless Bob leaves on his own. We have maybe the 4th best coach in a crappy league and about the 6th best staff.


Hopefully even the most ardent Stoops defenders are beginning to realize that OU is incapable of competing for a national title. And, once again, OU fallen off the national radar before the middle of November.

11/8/2014, 09:49 PM
We were just 4 for 13 on 3rd downs and 0-2 on 4th downs. Those 4 3rd down makes must of happened in the 1st quarter. Pretty bad to score zero in the last 3 quarters and expect to keep up, much less beat a Baylor, K-State, or TCU or for that matter any top 30 team.
About the only way to beat these offenses is for our offense to stay on the field and score touchdowns. I know our D had some problems today but some of that can be directly related to our abysmal offense. Not all of it, but some of it.
There is no way that the Baylor D should hold our offense to just 2 TDs. No way. If we don't take it to the house with breakaway long runs (Ross stumbling today) or passes and especially if we don't get any turnovers on D, we're screwed. It's just as simple as that.
Yes, it was a cluster**** all the way around, but if you watch Baylor's first drive of the second half you'll understand the frustration. It was surreal.

11/8/2014, 10:15 PM
As I commented in the "Baylors 1st drive of the 2nd half thread" that defensive philosophy was not only poor, but just downright stupid, imho. I thought we were maybe baiting them for a pick, but to let them continue with completing the short passes right down the field for 6 was something that even Boo Blake wouldn't have let them do w/o some kind of adjustment. (well, perhaps Blake would've, but I never thought that I'd see that from either Mike or Bob).

11/8/2014, 10:28 PM
Oh, and TK is definitely not the answer. I have been patient with the kid, but he has Landry Disease without the benefit of Landry's accuracy. His legs can offset that somewhat, when we choose to use them. You can improve accuracy, but the kid has lousy field vision, particularly when his midget self has to look over the middle of the field past a bunch of 6'5" linemen on both sides of the ball. Unless he grows about 3-4 more inches, that isn't going to change. And the other thing is he's fragile. I know he got a bit crunched on the play that hurt him, but c'mon. The kid has about a 50/50 shot of coming up gimpy if he is hit. No wonder Bob doesn't like running him. But since the season is effectively over and we'll be playing in some worthless toilet bowl, him being hurt might be a good thing if it is long term and gives some reps to our backups. Cody Thomas doesn't look very good, but maybe he can actually improve with reps, unlike TK.

Another thing I noticed is the team didn't just quit tonight, but they appeared to quit on the coaches. The Stoops Bros were jawing at some poor DB over something in the second half, and he looked to be giving it right back at them, as if to say, "The entire stadium is booing the fact that we are playing 10 yards off these guys. Why are you yelling at me?" I fear that perhaps Mike has lost his defense, much like he lost his entire team in Arizona. If that's the case, he has to go regardless of his performance (and he has still been an upgrade over Venables). The problem is that Bob will never let that happen, and Bob will never be shown the door.

We continue to slide toward irrelevance in a conference that is mediocre. Texas has had a nice slide and we don't pick up the slack. Instead, we let all the also-rans take those Texas recruits that Mack underachieved with and they actually figure out how to use them, unlike Mack Brown and-- apparently-- unlike Bob Stoops. Bob is washed up. I hate saying it, but it's obvious. We can't win the conference even when Texas is twiddling its thumbs. What we are seeing is Joe Pa in his last 20 years, only 20 years too soon. We are witnessing Mack Brown's last 4 years in the form of Bob Stoops. We continue to make excuses. We continue to say wait until next year. There is no next year as long as Bob Stoops is running the show. It's just a multiyear weenie tease that we get and nothing more. You think we are going to be playoff bound next year with TK, an improving Texas, and Baylor, OSU, and KSU on the road? I don't. It is going to be more of the same. More failure. More brainfarts. More TK throwing to wide open linebackers. More wasted timeouts. More games where either the team or the coaches don't show up. It is system and endemic at this point. The only solution is wholesale change.

Tear Down This Wall
11/8/2014, 11:16 PM
This 'Knight and his legs' baloney has to go. His legs don't mean crap. He is a quarterback. At this level, you have to be accurate and have a quick release. He has neither of those things.

He's nothing but Practice Squad Manziel. Our "brain trust" have now wasted two season trying to convince everyone that he's an FBS-level quarterback suitable for a top team. He's not.

As I've stated many, many, many times before, Alabama sleepwalking through the Sugar Bowl was a fluke. Knight belongs at Texas State or Sam Houston State of Stephen F. Austin. He is not an FBS-level QB.

11/9/2014, 01:00 AM
This 'Knight and his legs' baloney has to go. His legs don't mean crap. He is a quarterback. At this level, you have to be accurate and have a quick release. He has neither of those things.

Have to agree with this. I understand how everyone wants TK to keep on an option because it is sooo wide open. But the reality is that it's wide open exactly because he always hands off so the defense ignores him. But as we saw today, after he made a few yards by keeping early in the game, Baylor adjusted and had Hagar spy him and that QB option was over. Sure the threat puts more pressure on the defense, but the bottom line is that a QB must be an efficient passer in today's game and there is no way around it (other than playing Iowa State every week).

11/9/2014, 11:53 AM
Have to agree with this. I understand how everyone wants TK to keep on an option because it is sooo wide open. But the reality is that it's wide open exactly because he always hands off so the defense ignores him. But as we saw today, after he made a few yards by keeping early in the game, Baylor adjusted and had Hagar spy him and that QB option was over. Sure the threat puts more pressure on the defense, but the bottom line is that a QB must be an efficient passer in today's game and there is no way around it (other than playing Iowa State every week).

Which is why you can have a couple two back sets in the rotation. It's not like we don't have the depth to pull it off.

11/9/2014, 02:19 PM
Have to agree with this. I understand how everyone wants TK to keep on an option because it is sooo wide open. But the reality is that it's wide open exactly because he always hands off so the defense ignores him. But as we saw today, after he made a few yards by keeping early in the game, Baylor adjusted and had Hagar spy him and that QB option was over. Sure the threat puts more pressure on the defense, but the bottom line is that a QB must be an efficient passer in today's game and there is no way around it (other than playing Iowa State every week).

Actually, I've never been very impressed with TK in general. He had the game of his life against Bama but before and after pretty vanilla. Reminds me a lot of LJ. Give him lots of protection against inferior teams and you might get the idea he's good. Problem is he, and for that matter the team as a whole for years now, just aren't top caliber. Beat up bad teams but choke in the games that count. That's why the Bama game was so refreshing. Seemed like we actually turned a corner and would compete as one of the big boys again. Bringing back a lot of the players from that game would only lead one to think we'd do well this year. Not just OU fans but most observers. It's definitely a let down and really unexplainable. Again, we seem to have quality players as most years. I'd say as good as TCU, KSU, Baylor and you could include a lot of other teams. So why the same futile results year after year? Players or coaches?

Tear Down This Wall
11/9/2014, 10:14 PM
Except that Landry Jones was drafted to at least sit on an NFL bench. Knight would be lucky to sniff a contract from the Arena League.

Anyway, I hope Cody Thomas starts the rest of the season, giving him fuel for the spring battle with Baker Mayfield and Justice Hansen for the starting job in 2015.

11/9/2014, 11:57 PM
I agree with SoCal's title. This is not a well coached team and the coaches are not getting it done. Stoops = Kelvin Sampson now, i.e. Hold the ball and pass around until the last second and then miss the shot. Sitting pretty in his big contract, no worry about performance. There is no excuse for this score against Baylor, frickin Baylor. Getting outcoached by art biles is just sad and Stoops has been outcoached by him for several years now. Just sad. I will delete this game and never watch it, don't need to waste my precious time with that. In fact, ole Stoopsie has cured me of rabid football fandom, thanks. I am done as a fan as long as we see coaching performances like this...

Unfortunately, this is ringing true for me too. I don't have the hope and faith in the Sooners like I did in the early to mid 2000s and when Bradford was QB. The fun is gone when we play talented teams. Thats why this season is such a pizzer...the Sugar Bowl win gave everybody hope that our defense is back, our toughness is back, we are moving in the right direction, we will win a Championship again soon maybe in 2014.

Now we look like crap for about the 4th game this year...as in game changing mistakes that championship teams don't commit - whether it is coaches or players.

11/9/2014, 11:57 PM
Except that Landry Jones was drafted to at least sit on an NFL bench. Knight would be lucky to sniff a contract from the Arena League.

Anyway, I hope Cody Thomas starts the rest of the season, giving him fuel for the spring battle with Baker Mayfield and Justice Hansen for the starting job in 2015.

Yes, I wasn't quite clear. I thought LJ was a great guy and if given great protection was a pretty good passer. TK seems like a good guy but is no LJ when it comes to passing. Frankly, I never understood how he was the best we had.

11/10/2014, 12:08 AM
This 'Knight and his legs' baloney has to go. His legs don't mean crap. He is a quarterback. At this level, you have to be accurate and have a quick release. He has neither of those things.

He's nothing but Practice Squad Manziel. Our "brain trust" have now wasted two season trying to convince everyone that he's an FBS-level quarterback suitable for a top team. He's not.

As I've stated many, many, many times before, Alabama sleepwalking through the Sugar Bowl was a fluke. Knight belongs at Texas State or Sam Houston State of Stephen F. Austin. He is not an FBS-level QB.

I've never been real excited to have TK as our qb. I spent the summer of 2013 thinking finally Blake Bell will get his chance. Then the staff trots out TK as our starting qb? TK has the game of a lifetime against Alabama and I'm thinking "OK, I get it". Then we hardly ever see that level of performance again.

I got nuthin

11/10/2014, 12:52 AM
I agree with SoCal's title. This is not a well coached team and the coaches are not getting it done. Stoops = Kelvin Sampson now, i.e. Hold the ball and pass around until the last second and then miss the shot. Sitting pretty in his big contract, no worry about performance. There is no excuse for this score against Baylor, frickin Baylor. Getting outcoached by art biles is just sad and Stoops has been outcoached by him for several years now. Just sad. I will delete this game and never watch it, don't need to waste my precious time with that. In fact, ole Stoopsie has cured me of rabid football fandom, thanks. I am done as a fan as long as we see coaching performances like this...

I'm not sure why getting out-coached by Art Briles is just "sad." He's a brilliant offensive coach, and one of the best coaches, period, in the nation. He out coaches a lot of coaches. As for getting beat by Baylor -- this isn't a Kevin Steele team and we don't have Greg Cicero under center anymore. I think too many still seem to delude themselves into believing that Baylor's ineptitude for most of the Big XII is somehow relevant to today. The only thing that matters is the here and now.

11/10/2014, 01:11 AM
I'm not sure why getting out-coached by Art Briles is just "sad." He's a brilliant offensive coach, and one of the best coaches, period, in the nation. He out coaches a lot of coaches.

Pretty much.

I will say, though, that if we swapped Petty/Coleman/Cannon/Goodley for Knight/Quick/Neal/Young and replayed this game next weekend, I'd take us. The fact is, we've been outrecruited and outdeveloped at the QB and WR positions. Of course, there isn't a lot of shame in that, because Art Briles has been outrecruiting and outdeveloping every coach at those two positions for years by a pretty large margin. He's the best in the country in that regard.

I suspect we'll close the WR gap pretty quickly, as Norvell is exceptional at bringing in talented WRs. My concern is at the QB position. We've only brought in one NFL-caliber QB since 2006. That needs to change, or heads need to roll.

Tear Down This Wall
11/10/2014, 10:24 AM
I'm not sure why getting out-coached by Art Briles is just "sad." He's a brilliant offensive coach, and one of the best coaches, period, in the nation. He out coaches a lot of coaches. As for getting beat by Baylor -- this isn't a Kevin Steele team and we don't have Greg Cicero under center anymore. I think too many still seem to delude themselves into believing that Baylor's ineptitude for most of the Big XII is somehow relevant to today. The only thing that matters is the here and now.

Which is why he and his team got their as*ses whipped by C-USA Champion Central Florida in the bowl game last season.

Briles is dog vomit and so is Baylor. The Big 12 - essentially, Texas and Oklahoma - chose to let the best competition from the conference go, running them off as fast as they could so that they could get a bigger share of the pie.

Well, OU and Texas got their money. But, doing so has greatly watered down the competition in the conference. The Big 12 is now no better than the former Big East.

Our AD fumbled greatly by allowing Mizzou to take the last spot in the SEC. He was too busy counting dollar signs with Deloss Dodds to worry about competition. Texas got smart quick and got rid of DeLoss and Mack Brown...and the president who wouldn't fire them. You wonder how long it will take OU's boosters to get wise enough to do the same up here.

Sooner in Tampa
11/10/2014, 10:29 AM
The Big 12 is now no better than the former Big East.

I stopped reading, right there. Complete and utter bull$hit!!!

Tear Down This Wall
11/10/2014, 10:36 AM
I stopped reading, right there. Complete and utter bull$hit!!!

Stay in denial as long as you like. Just hope our "leadership" and boosters don't do the same.

11/10/2014, 10:44 AM
Heading into Saturday the B12 had 4 teams in the top 15. That's Big East level?

11/10/2014, 11:00 AM
As far as TK not being the answer. He must be a helluva practice player, or our pass defense just flat sucks in practice as well as on the field, for HCBS to say after the Sugar Bowl something like "now the fans see what we (the coaches see) in practice every day from him.
He does makes some L.Jones/Bradford type "on the money" throws but he also has a tendency to be way out of the strike zone.
I do think he can be a serviceable SEC type QB, but our OC, or whichever coach is calling the plays has got to step up his game several notches (translated many notches) to keep him from throwing a strike to the other side.
I don't think I've ever seen an OU team just flat fold and give up after a pick like ours did on Saturday. coaches and players. They should all be wearing Kotex on campus this week.

Tear Down This Wall
11/10/2014, 11:07 AM
And, so, does it still have four in the top 15?

Remember, there was a time when the Big East had Miami and Virginia Tech leading the way and always in the national title picture. Syracuse, West Virginia, and Pitt were there as well.

Once Miami and Virginia Tech, they began adding in the South Floridas, Cincinnatis, and Louisvilles. Great for basketball, occasionally good for football.

But, your football leaders were suddenly Syracuse, Pitt, and West Virginia. Nice programs, but not elite.

We've watched Nebraska and Texas A&M go. We've let Colorado go (yes, I understand they became far less competitive after they mistakenly fired Gary Barnett, but they still beat us in 2007 as an underdog...another in the long list of Stoops brainfarts, post-2003 regular season).

And, we let Mizzou, of all schools, leapfrog us into the SEC.

We replaced all of these schools with vomit: Big East retread West Virginia and spare conference vagabond TCU...who were in the Big East for a few weeks until we unexpectedly, and unnecessarily, invited them into the Big 12.

I've predicted that the Big 12 will again fall apart once Texas decides to jump ship. Although, it is running out of options now. My guess is, the Pac-12 makes another run at them, packaging either us or BYU.

I hate it because I hate the Pac-12. But, we've already let the SEC ship sail.

11/10/2014, 11:36 AM
I liked the PAC-12 idea, and I think Boren and Joe C. were ready to pull the trigger and had a verbal agreement from Scott until Colorado, the Arizona Schools and possibly Utah vetoed Larry Scott's idea.
It all goes back to the Big 12 prezs and ADs failure to act on Weiberg's idea at the beginning to implement a Big 12 conference TV network. If the whorns wanted to go it on their own with a single TV network, the conference should've just given them an ultimatum or sent them packing and then added TCU to replace them. Deloozer had the other conference univ prezs and ADs as buffaloed as much as HCBS has the local press at his Monday pressers. Every conference the whorns have been in, they've destroyed.
I hope when Joe C. retires, he writes a book, or does a 30/30 type show and details what exactly transpired between Larry Scott, the PAC Univ Prezs, and OU during their conference realignment negotiations.
What I don't like is being tied to the hip with Stool State. While I would like to see them in the same conference with us, it shouldn't ever, ever be a deal breaker.

Sooner in Tampa
11/10/2014, 11:51 AM
Stay in denial as long as you like. Just hope our "leadership" and boosters don't do the same.

Whatever man, you can go full retard and start embellishing to make your point and I for one am glad that you are not in charge of our football staff...I can't even remember the last time you had something positive to say about our team...it was probably in the 80s

Your comparison to the Big XII and the Big East are far from logical...Baylor, TCU, and KSU are head and shoulders above anyone that ever suited up in the BE...with the xception of the U's criminal teams

11/10/2014, 12:13 PM
I can see Baylor's and TCU's rise to the top with where their proximity to the Texas recruiting hotbed and with the whorns turmoil the last 5 years and all. But what's puzzling to me is the way that Snyder continues to do it year after year with his philosophy. Once the guy retired, they hired a pretty good coach in Prince, and then went in the toilet. When he came back, they're right back to being very competitive again.
The guy's not a home decorator, constantly looking for the best financial adviser or beach house investment property, hiring his unqualified friends as coaches, or the next best head coaching gig. He's just a darned good football coach who has one goal in mind, and that's for the KSU football staff and team to be the best they can possibly be.
Considering the school location, lack of quality recruits in the immediate area, watered down conference, and the way he has them competitive year after year, the guy imo is right up there with coaches like Bud, and the Bear.

11/10/2014, 03:22 PM

Anyway, I hope Cody Thomas starts the rest of the season, giving him fuel for the spring battle with Baker Mayfield and Justice Hansen for the starting job in 2015.

Man, I am 100% with you on that thought! Dude never impressed me all of last year in the passing department, until the fluke Sugar Bowl game. After his abysmal performance in the second half against TCU this year, I was ready to pull the plug on Knight.

This year is effing over. Develop Cody Thomas for the rest of the year so hopefully Thomas, Mayfield or Hansen can help get us to the promised land next year. Yeah TK can run, put his passing is just too inconsistent. At least Landry could dink and dunk us down the field. As long as we didn't have any offensive penalties, he could usually get us into the endzone. TK, not so.

11/10/2014, 03:39 PM
I too hope to see Thomas get a start - even if it's just to throw some competition into the equation. I'd like to see more PT for backup players at other positions too. I'm not suggesting wholesale changes of the starting lineup, but just more rotation to get some guys in live game situations with the ones. It's time to start thinking about next year.

11/10/2014, 03:53 PM
Which is why he and his team got their as*ses whipped by C-USA Champion Central Florida in the bowl game last season.

Briles is dog vomit and so is Baylor. The Big 12 - essentially, Texas and Oklahoma - chose to let the best competition from the conference go, running them off as fast as they could so that they could get a bigger share of the pie.

Well, OU and Texas got their money. But, doing so has greatly watered down the competition in the conference. The Big 12 is now no better than the former Big East.

Our AD fumbled greatly by allowing Mizzou to take the last spot in the SEC. He was too busy counting dollar signs with Deloss Dodds to worry about competition. Texas got smart quick and got rid of DeLoss and Mack Brown...and the president who wouldn't fire them. You wonder how long it will take OU's boosters to get wise enough to do the same up here.

If we're "dog vomit" and you can't beat us then I'm not sure what makes you think you could win against tougher competition. Your logic isn't very compelling. And do you really want to talk about ****ting the bed in bowl games?

The idiotic written diarrhea you've been espousing on this subject for years is tiresome, factually and demonstrably untrue, and positively dripping with personal resentment.

11/10/2014, 04:20 PM
I stopped reading, right there. Complete and utter bull$hit!!!

That's where you screwed up. That implies that you actually read TDTW's posts at all.

11/10/2014, 04:25 PM
Which is why he and his team got their as*ses whipped by C-USA Champion Central Florida in the bowl game last season.

The Big 12 - essentially, Texas and Oklahoma - chose to let the best competition from the conference go, running them off as fast as they could so that they could get a bigger share of the pie.

Just b/c Texas A&M put a couple extra conference championships up on their stadium wall doesn't mean that's what actually happened. I do miss Nebraska, but Mizzou and Colorado were only relevant in the weak North division and A&M was like the creepy uncle living downstairs in the South. TCU and WVU have more than made up for the competition we lost imo. Three days later I can't give your sobriety the benefit of the doubt on this one.

Tear Down This Wall
11/10/2014, 04:29 PM
Whatever man, you can go full retard and start embellishing to make your point and I for one am glad that you are not in charge of our football staff...I can't even remember the last time you had something positive to say about our team...it was probably in the 80s

Your comparison to the Big XII and the Big East are far from logical...Baylor, TCU, and KSU are head and shoulders above anyone that ever suited up in the BE...with the xception of the U's criminal teams

Yes. I know that each of them has been to bowl games two decades in a row, as Virginia Tech as well, right? K-State's only saving grace is that they were former Big 12.

Baylor has had maybe half a dozen decent football seasons. TCU about a dozen. The only thing TCU has over Baylor, if anything, is that they actually won the BCS bowl they played. Maybe if they'd played a C-USA Champion, like Baylor, they'd have lost as well.

But, the Rose Bowl doesn't take C-USA Champions, anyway, so it's a moot point. And, Fiesta Bowl found out quickly enough how few people care about Baylor and UCF when they have the two schools return 15,000 tickets - for two schools playing in their first BCS bowl. Their own fanbases didn't even give a crap.

That's the type of school Castiglione and Boren chose to conference with when they decided to keep us in the Big 12 instead of going SEC. Smart.

Tear Down This Wall
11/10/2014, 04:35 PM
I too hope to see Thomas get a start - even if it's just to throw some competition into the equation. I'd like to see more PT for backup players at other positions too. I'm not suggesting wholesale changes of the starting lineup, but just more rotation to get some guys in live game situations with the ones. It's time to start thinking about next year.

Agree 110%. Let's see whether Thomas can read more than one or two progressions, and can put the ball where it needs to be, and quickly, like the pre-Knight Sooner QBs used to do.

11/10/2014, 05:18 PM
I stopped reading, right there. Complete and utter bull$hit!!!

Nope. The man speaks the truth. Watch what happens this bowl season. I guess baylor might catch a totally disinterested power conference team in a bowl game like OU did last year and get the W but I doubt it.