View Full Version : Official Game Thread: OU versus Baylor (2014)

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11/8/2014, 01:40 PM
Coaches !!! Get yer **** together! 10 players on the field? ****

11/8/2014, 01:40 PM
For the love of GOD......only 10 men on the field??

11/8/2014, 01:40 PM
WTF is up with all these cushions

All I can think is they want to keep everything in front of them it's so frustrating to watch

11/8/2014, 01:40 PM
I think we need to accept that OU is just not very good this year.

11/8/2014, 01:40 PM
What a cluster ****

11/8/2014, 01:41 PM
All I can think is they want to keep everything in front of them it's so frustrating to watch

Sure but on 4th and 4?

11/8/2014, 01:41 PM
Two terrible calls may be the turning point in this game. The incomplete call and the roughing the kicker call to extend the Baylor drive

11/8/2014, 01:42 PM
And we had 12 men on the field earlier after a timeout. How much is OU paying these coordinators who apparently cannot count to 12?

11/8/2014, 01:42 PM
Most of these mistakes are coaching

11/8/2014, 01:42 PM
It's 11.
That's not 12.
And it's not 10.


11/8/2014, 01:42 PM
Sure but on 4th and 4?

I agree it's ridiculous

11/8/2014, 01:43 PM
Really? They had to measure that?

11/8/2014, 01:43 PM
Pretty pissed off, at this point.

11/8/2014, 01:43 PM
Throw the kitchen sink at Petty

A couple blitzers, too.

11/8/2014, 01:44 PM
Unless we score before half this game is over

11/8/2014, 01:44 PM
West VA beat Baylor by given 20 yd cushions and pressing Petty! Not!! ARRRGGGGG!!!!

11/8/2014, 01:44 PM
What a cluster ****


11/8/2014, 01:45 PM
Unless we score before half this game is over


11/8/2014, 01:45 PM
I think we need to accept that OU is just not very good this year.
But we could be. We have all of the elements.
This is one of the sloppiest, non-improving teams I've seen. OU and otherwise.

Sometimes, when we do everything right, we can beat anyone.
Other times we can't get out of our own way (vs horns).
KSU was much more disciplined.
And vs TCU (and probably Baylor) a better team will beat us.

11/8/2014, 01:45 PM
Great... 2 score game now.

Way to dig a hole, Sooners.

11/8/2014, 01:45 PM
Loving how Mike Stoops is yelling at his players. Hey Mike, if anyone deserves to get yelled at its YOU. Own it you loud mouth.

11/8/2014, 01:45 PM

11/8/2014, 01:45 PM

11/8/2014, 01:46 PM
Up by 11to down by 10.... Complete ****ing collapse. Completely ****ing stupid.

11/8/2014, 01:46 PM
20 fricking 1 unanswered points

11/8/2014, 01:46 PM
Most of these mistakes are coaching

I think the coaching mistakes have been minor. What has killed us is the missed FG, roughing the punter, and Knight's pick. Those are all on the players, and it's why we're not up 17-10.

11/8/2014, 01:47 PM
How can we continue to make these types of mistakes this far into the season? We were disciplined to start the season. This baffles me. I know we are playing stiffer comp but come on. These are self inflicted wounds!

11/8/2014, 01:48 PM
I think we need to accept that OU is just not very well coached this year.


11/8/2014, 01:49 PM

This is the best we can come up with?

11/8/2014, 01:50 PM
FInally a big play. Let's play it smart... and move it down the field.

11/8/2014, 01:50 PM
Are you ****ing kidding me? Here's the difference between the two teams playing today:

Avg yards to go on third down

11/8/2014, 01:50 PM
Mike Stoops is awful but Little Game Bob will always blame execution over scheme

11/8/2014, 01:50 PM
I think the coaching mistakes have been minor. What has killed us is the missed FG, roughing the punter, and Knight's pick. Those are all on the players, and it's why we're not up 17-10.

Roughing the punter was a coaching mistake. Who the hell tries to block when you have a 35 mph wind advantage...?

11/8/2014, 01:50 PM
Better put some points on the board here

11/8/2014, 01:50 PM
Now that was shear "want to" by TK there

11/8/2014, 01:50 PM
Be nice if they would show the clock on the screen.

11/8/2014, 01:51 PM
TD... no FG. TD

BU getting the ball back, we have to open the half with a stop.

11/8/2014, 01:51 PM
I think the coaching mistakes have been minor. What has killed us is the missed FG, roughing the punter, and Knight's pick. Those are all on the players, and it's why we're not up 17-10.

Although I agree with this statement, wasting time outs and not being able to manage substitutions and keep 11 people on the field has been the norm for this staff!

11/8/2014, 01:51 PM
Be nice if they would show the clock on the screen.

I made the same comment to my kid. Its like, guys... we're in crunch time of the half.. final possession! Clock?

11/8/2014, 01:52 PM
Why can't we EVER make a good play coming out of a timeout on offense this year?

11/8/2014, 01:52 PM
No downfield blocking

11/8/2014, 01:52 PM
Roughing the punter was a coaching mistake. Who the hell tries to block when you have a 35 mph wind advantage...?

You're really reaching. Our players know not to rough the punter.

11/8/2014, 01:52 PM
I'm going to leave this thread until later,,,,I'll come back after I eat BBQ and have a cold drink.

11/8/2014, 01:52 PM
I think the coaching mistakes have been minor. What has killed us is the missed FG, roughing the punter, and Knight's pick. Those are all on the players, and it's why we're not up 17-10.

There shouldn't be plural "mistakes" by coaching. One of those mistakes caused a penalty leading to a first down in the red zone. And that last time out? Just another Huepel special. Head up ***, needing straws in nose to breath.

11/8/2014, 01:52 PM
Another ****ing penalty to negate positive plays

11/8/2014, 01:52 PM
Most penalized team in college football and they're throwing the flags on the OTHER team.

11/8/2014, 01:54 PM

11/8/2014, 01:54 PM
TK didn't see the BU guy, he hit him in the back?

11/8/2014, 01:54 PM
We just suck unless we are playing a lesser team. Got to swallow the truth as bad as it taste going down.

11/8/2014, 01:55 PM
This is ****ing terrible...

11/8/2014, 01:55 PM
Later guys.

I'll leave it up to the Board Nanny to tell you all the excuses of why we should feel good about why we're losing this game.

11/8/2014, 01:55 PM
what a crock of ****

11/8/2014, 01:56 PM
Game is over at halftime, just like last season

11/8/2014, 01:56 PM
I honestly thought that after the first qtr, we we going to be feeling great going into the half....not so much. I feel like they spotted us 14 points and are laughing at us...Baylor and the refs.

11/8/2014, 01:57 PM
Outscored 21-0 in the 2nd quarter ... total collapse in all phases ... see what this team is made of coming out of the locker room for the 3rd quarter.

11/8/2014, 01:57 PM
Trevor Jones with another underthrown ball. Trevor Knight stinks, plain and simple. You guys can blame play calling all you want but Knight's a bum.

11/8/2014, 01:58 PM
Seriously can't decide whether to go back to bed or have another bloody Mary or 3 and keep watching.

11/8/2014, 01:58 PM
Big Game Bob!!!

11/8/2014, 01:58 PM
I'm as inspired as Oklahoma's last drive on this team...

11/8/2014, 01:59 PM

Could be worse ... could be in my shoes ... I still have my poor Aggies at Auburn to suffer through, lol

11/8/2014, 02:00 PM
It's interesting how quickly Arizona climbed back into the top 25 after Stoops left. It looks like ou might have a hard time staying in the top 25 with him on the staff. Coincidence?

11/8/2014, 02:00 PM
We used to be unbeatable at home

11/8/2014, 02:00 PM
There shouldn't be plural "mistakes" by coaching. One of those mistakes caused a penalty leading to a first down in the red zone. And that last time out? Just another Huepel special. Head up ***, needing straws in nose to breath.

There shouldn't be. But that's not what's costing us this game.

When Quick is wide open down the field and Knight underthrows him...that's not playcalling. That's execution.

11/8/2014, 02:01 PM
Might be time to let the other QB have a shot we have open WR's TK just can't hit em

11/8/2014, 02:01 PM
Didn't like the body language we showed on the way to the locker room.
Hoping for a stop to start the second half.....this may be a stupid suggestion,but seeing we kick off to
Baylor why not try an onside kick?

11/8/2014, 02:02 PM
I've seen better games.

11/8/2014, 02:03 PM
More mistakes made in one half of football than a whole year of high school at a girl's catholic school. Drive-killing, stupid mistakes. intercepts, holding penalties wiping out momentum and long runs/catches, and once again our corners playing 10 yards off the ball, at least 5 yards behind the yard to make line. I feel like I am in a surreal John Blake movie witnessing the devolution of OU football.

11/8/2014, 02:03 PM
Didn't like the body language we showed on the way to the locker room.
Hoping for a stop to start the second half.....this may be a stupid suggestion,but seeing we kick off to
Baylor why not try an onside kick?

Certainly would catch them off guard as we never do anything like that

11/8/2014, 02:05 PM
How long do the coaches stick with Knight? And I don't mean today, and perhaps not even the rest of the year. Is this going to be a situation where, pretty much no matter what happens unless he's knocked out by injury, they're going to keep him in until he's gone? Or do they open up the competition in the spring (and not lip-service, but really open it up)? Because I don't see us doing any better than 2 losses a year with Knight, and could easily lose 4 a year.

11/8/2014, 02:05 PM
Didn't like the body language we showed on the way to the locker room.
Hoping for a stop to start the second half.....this may be a stupid suggestion,but seeing we kick off to
Baylor why not try an onside kick?

I'm afraid that would require some degree of decent execution on our part.

11/8/2014, 02:05 PM
No shep= no chance.

11/8/2014, 02:07 PM
That was a really bad 2nd quarter, but I'm not giving up yet.

I expect Stoops will come after Petty here, and hopefully he makes a mistake. If so, game on.

A TD would just about be a dagger, though.

The plays are there, though. We just aren't executing.

11/8/2014, 02:08 PM
Or do they open up the competition in the spring (and not lip-service, but really open it up)?

I'd think they'd have to let the kid that came from Tech have a shot. Iron sharpens iron ... and Knight needs to be pushed ... let all the QBs compete and let the best one start game one of 2015.

11/8/2014, 02:09 PM
Didn't like the body language we showed on the way to the locker room.
Hoping for a stop to start the second half.....this may be a stupid suggestion,but seeing we kick off to
Baylor why not try an onside kick?

Yep. Reminded my of the TT game a few years ago

11/8/2014, 02:10 PM
No shep= no chance.

Pretty much, although Quick has really stepped up. The only beef I have with the coaches is going after the punt. You always risk the flag and we didn't need it at that point in the game. They were punting into a stiff wind and the offense had moved the ball well on the previous possession.

Other than that, I'd say "we are who we thought we were". Pretty consistent with other games against good teams.

11/8/2014, 02:10 PM
The defense has been pretty decent. For all intents and purposes they've given up 17 points. We have to be able to punch these guys in the nose with the ground game or we are toast. Have we even lined up in one power running formation all day?

11/8/2014, 02:11 PM
Not gonna really b!tch too much.

11/8/2014, 02:12 PM
That was a really bad 2nd quarter, but I'm not giving up yet.

I expect Stoops will come after Petty here, and hopefully he makes a mistake. If so, game on.

A TD would just about be a dagger, though.

The plays are there, though. We just aren't executing.

we were...but when ya play your dbacks 10 yards off the receivers with only 3-4 yards to go for a first down it doesn't work.

In pregame they showed how WV beat them...jam the receivers at the line...we are not doing that.

Biggest 3 plays..obviously, #1 - the COACHES call punt block....WHY THE HELL? into the wind..we stopped them....#2 Cut MISSING another FG. #3 TK starring DOWN the receiver again. He's lucky he doesn't have 2 pics.

I understand Ford is a stud...but Pernine has been great...yet very few carries.

Oh well...the good is we didn't just "burn" TO's....LOL

11/8/2014, 02:12 PM
Speaking of QBs .... A&M has had 5 star Kyler Murray (his dad Kevin played at A&M under Jackie Sherrill) committed for a while but given our recent collapse his commitment is shakey right now. He's visited OU a few times recently ... whats the word up in Norman on this kid?

11/8/2014, 02:12 PM
How long do the coaches stick with Knight? And I don't mean today, and perhaps not even the rest of the year. Is this going to be a situation where, pretty much no matter what happens unless he's knocked out by injury, they're going to keep him in until he's gone? Or do they open up the competition in the spring (and not lip-service, but really open it up)? Because I don't see us doing any better than 2 losses a year with Knight, and could easily lose 4 a year.

If we lose 4 this year, I fully expect to have an open competition in the offseason.

But you know how Bob is. If we win out, he's going to stick with his guy. I don't remember ever benching an established starting quarterback (Thompson doesn't count, as we all knew he was a stopgap until Bomar was ready).

I suspect Knight will miss a game or two next year, though, due to injury. That would be their chance to take the job.

11/8/2014, 02:15 PM
Pretty much, although Quick has really stepped up. The only beef I have with the coaches is going after the punt. You always risk the flag and we didn't need it at that point in the game. They were punting into a stiff wind and the offense had moved the ball well on the previous possession.

Other than that, I'd say "we are who we thought we were". Pretty consistent with other games against good teams.

agree totally.

Is OU becoming the ksu of the Big 12...? beat the crap out of worthless teams...win closer ones against decent teams...lose against good teams..

11/8/2014, 02:15 PM
I'd think they'd have to let the kid that came from Tech have a shot. Iron sharpens iron ... and Knight needs to be pushed ... let all the QBs compete and let the best one start game one of 2015.

Poor qb play is only one of our problems. We came out of a timeout with 12 guys on the field on D giving them a first down inside the red zone, came out and had to call a timeout by having 10 on the field after a long delay, 100th and something in pass defense. It's time for mike to go. Big game is making too much money, $5.25M a year second most in the country, to not have the best coached team on the field every weekend.

11/8/2014, 02:15 PM
The defense has been pretty decent. For all intents and purposes they've given up 17 points. We have to be able to punch these guys in the nose with the ground game or we are toast. Have we even lined up in one power running formation all day?

I don't see much chance for success there. They have the best run D in the conference and with the wind, they are definitely going to force TK to win with his arm. Now that they have Haggar spying TK for the keeper, we must be efficient in the air including hitting a big one or 2. Can't believe TK missed that last throw to Quick by so much… sigh.

11/8/2014, 02:15 PM
Pretty much, although Quick has really stepped up. The only beef I have with the coaches is going after the punt. You always risk the flag and we didn't need it at that point in the game. They were punting into a stiff wind and the offense had moved the ball well on the previous possession.

Other than that, I'd say "we are who we thought we were". Pretty consistent with other games against good teams.

I agree. The reward is not worth the risk. Frankly unless your coach is Frank Beamer circa 2000 I'm not generally a fan of attempting block but in that situation it is just a stupid call

11/8/2014, 02:15 PM
If you want to watch an Oklahoma team winning tune into the Tulsa game. They are actually beating someone.

11/8/2014, 02:15 PM
I hate having to read these conversations about OUr QB but damn he struggles to not make mistakes

11/8/2014, 02:16 PM
I don't mind the cushion we're giving them. With the exception of that one drive, they haven't been able to beat us deep, and we turned in a great defensive effort if you erase the Knight pick and the roughing the punter penalty.

But yeah, that 4th down play was terrible. Can't give them 10 yards on 4th and 4.

11/8/2014, 02:17 PM
Dumb penalties and poor defense.

11/8/2014, 02:17 PM
We just suck unless we are playing a lesser team. Got to swallow the truth as bad as it taste going down.

I'm not sure we're the better team today. I hope we are.

11/8/2014, 02:18 PM
Already giving the reciever too much room

11/8/2014, 02:18 PM
Pretty much, although Quick has really stepped up. The only beef I have with the coaches is going after the punt. You always risk the flag and we didn't need it at that point in the game. They were punting into a stiff wind and the offense had moved the ball well on the previous possession.

Other than that, I'd say "we are who we thought we were". Pretty consistent with other games against good teams.

Which is another blunder by the coaching staff.

How many costly blunders do we see like this, every game it seems? We know we see it at least 2 or 3 times a season.

11/8/2014, 02:19 PM
I don't mind the cushion we're giving them. With the exception of that one drive, they haven't been able to beat us deep, and we turned in a great defensive effort if you erase the Knight pick and the roughing the punter penalty.

But yeah, that 4th down play was terrible. Can't give them 10 yards on 4th and 4.

2 plays 1st down...10 yrd cushion = 5 yrd route...nice call

11/8/2014, 02:19 PM
Every play this drive we give them 6 yard cushion and they are getting 6 yards a play.

11/8/2014, 02:19 PM
Baylor is glad to get these free 4-6 yards throws. So dumb

11/8/2014, 02:19 PM
Too easy

11/8/2014, 02:20 PM
3rd and 3 10 yard cushion...1st down

11/8/2014, 02:20 PM
We ain't that good, because at the most important position on the field we ain't that good. That's the bottom line this year

11/8/2014, 02:20 PM
We are giving the gifts every down. Free 4-5 yards every plsy

11/8/2014, 02:20 PM
this is a joke. NO adjustment already on our 20

11/8/2014, 02:21 PM
Is our defensive game plan just a cruel joke?

11/8/2014, 02:22 PM
lol...this is hilarious...

coaches yelling at guys...

TD bu

11/8/2014, 02:22 PM
More pathetic body language and the crowd is on it

11/8/2014, 02:22 PM
This team has no emotion. They don't even want to be playing right now. Their body language says it all. Game over.

11/8/2014, 02:22 PM
Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

11/8/2014, 02:22 PM

11/8/2014, 02:22 PM
I always write (say) dumb things. Baylor is a better football program than OU,,,,NOT. EVEN. CLOSE.

11/8/2014, 02:22 PM
Starting to see a little of the I quit body language

11/8/2014, 02:22 PM
Welp, barring a big play (Quick?) here to answer, that's just about gonna do it.

Really surprised we didn't at least try to jump one of those routes. It was obvious what they were going to do.

11/8/2014, 02:22 PM

11/8/2014, 02:23 PM
Not sure I ever remember booing our team.

11/8/2014, 02:23 PM
That drive was all on Mike Stoops. Im done. See you next week.

11/8/2014, 02:23 PM

11/8/2014, 02:23 PM
I'm beyond words.

11/8/2014, 02:23 PM
I'd say 51 to 21...OU.

Stoops and co give up another milestone...bu NOT winning in Norman.

I'm just going to believe OU is very average, so if they win I'll be happy.

11/8/2014, 02:24 PM
This is all on the coaches. They're not even giving the players a chance to compete.

11/8/2014, 02:24 PM
At this point just want to see the guys show some pride and fight to the end ... hard to expect a win now ... but don't want to see the team roll over

11/8/2014, 02:24 PM
I think Basketball Season starts next week.

11/8/2014, 02:24 PM
lol...this is hilarious...

coaches yelling at guys...

TD bu

Yeah, great job stoops - both of you.

11/8/2014, 02:24 PM
I can't wait to hear the excuses for this sh$t. That was the best example losing football I believe I have ever seen. The defensive players should refuse to take the field if that's the best that can be done.

11/8/2014, 02:25 PM
Remember when it was 14-3 OU?

11/8/2014, 02:27 PM
Pretty sad that we can't come close to winning the conference when texas has been a non factor. Stoops is officially done. He's like joepa was in his last 20 yrs, only joe had the excuse of being ancient

11/8/2014, 02:27 PM
We are getting our @$$ whipped.

11/8/2014, 02:27 PM
I don't EVER remember not watching a game....I'm pretty close to just going and working on Jeep...need to change locking hubs.

11/8/2014, 02:27 PM
Remember when it was 14-3 OU?

Was that today?

11/8/2014, 02:28 PM
I think Basketball Season starts next week.

At least we'll overachieve in the regular season. Hopefully we've forgotten this football season by March, though.

11/8/2014, 02:28 PM
Nice job o-line. Way to look like little bitches on third down.

11/8/2014, 02:28 PM
I can't wait to hear the excuses for this sh$t. That was the best example losing football I believe I have ever seen. The defensive players should refuse to take the field if that's the best that can be done.

And remember folks, this is happening on our home turf. Made to look like b!tches in front of our fans.

11/8/2014, 02:29 PM
I just love how coaches are yelling at players....I thought the coaches were the ones that had to "put the guys in a position to make plays"....playing 10 yards off of the receivers the WHOLE FRICKIN drive was a joke.
Good job Mike...

11/8/2014, 02:29 PM
Not only should have the ****ing coaches called for a measurement after the second round run, we fail yet again to convert on short yard situation

11/8/2014, 02:29 PM
Well,,,sheet,,guess I'll do some house work. PITIFUL

11/8/2014, 02:30 PM
I don't know about y'all but this is pretty embarrassing to watch. After the first half, I seriously though things were pointing toward a good win for us. Then we go away from everything that was working well, and wet the bed. Simply ridiculous

11/8/2014, 02:30 PM
Time for a big change...

11/8/2014, 02:31 PM
Yeah, great job stoops - both of you.

Not getting you money's worth?

11/8/2014, 02:31 PM
Ok I'm done.

11/8/2014, 02:31 PM
I won't miss Wilson...

11/8/2014, 02:32 PM
I don't know about y'all but this is pretty embarrassing to watch. After the first half, I seriously though things were pointing toward a good win for us. Then we go away from everything that was working well, and wet the bed. Simply ridiculous

Discouraging - yes. Embarrassing - I never get that one.

11/8/2014, 02:32 PM
Starting to wonder what the worst Sooner loss in Norman has been under Bob

11/8/2014, 02:32 PM
Blown out at home. Unbelievable

11/8/2014, 02:33 PM
going to let younger guys play to get experience..?

11/8/2014, 02:33 PM
Never thought I'd say this but,,,MS Defense is HORRIBLE,,,like,,,a lot of games. Not just one. Don't put me in the crowd that blames coaches,,just saying.

11/8/2014, 02:33 PM
Starting to wonder what the worst Sooner loss in Norman has been under Bob

Just wait for this one to go final.

11/8/2014, 02:33 PM
Not getting you money's worth?

NO, are you? 35 straight points unanswered.

11/8/2014, 02:33 PM
I won't miss Wilson...

I've been getting on Wilson since his, "they get scholarships too, ya know" comment after getting scorched by TCU. I love the Stoops and Wilson shouting match cause they all stink.

11/8/2014, 02:33 PM
wow...just wow.

11/8/2014, 02:35 PM
Meltdown on sf.com
Fans going at each other.
Players yelling at coaches.
Broken glass everywhere and people pissing in the street.

11/8/2014, 02:35 PM
do we score again? dang, this might be a ku/bu type of score.

Ya have to believe that both briles and petty are going to put as many points on the board as possible.

11/8/2014, 02:35 PM
NO, are you? 35 straight points unanswered.

I haven't paid a cent, so yes - regardless.

11/8/2014, 02:36 PM
I've been getting on Wilson since his, "they get scholarships too, ya know" comment after getting scorched by TCU. I love the Stoops and Wilson shouting match cause they all stink.

Do we not have a backup we can put in there that won't give up 6-7-8 yards on easy plays AND get beat deep?

11/8/2014, 02:36 PM
Meltdown on sf.com
Fans going at each other.
Players yelling at coaches.
Broken glass everywhere and people pissing in the street.

Dogs and cats living together.

11/8/2014, 02:36 PM
4th rushing touchdown of the day and at the 8:18 mark of this 3rd quarter Bob looks a lot like Coach Fran did way back in the day. Karma???

11/8/2014, 02:37 PM
Meltdown on sf.com
Fans going at each other.
Players yelling at coaches.
Broken glass everywhere and people pissing in the street.

maybe so, but honestly, nothing like the one's badge post in the meltdown thread. As frustrated as we fans on the board are...I don't see equivalent quotes.

11/8/2014, 02:37 PM
I haven't paid a cent, so yes - regardless.

A better question is - is the program getting it's moneys worth? The answer is NO.

11/8/2014, 02:37 PM
I'm slowly starting to move into the crowd that's wants to kick the coaches out. Won't take much for me to totally flip. DONT mess with me. I've backed them, but I'm losing faith.

11/8/2014, 02:37 PM
I think all our towels have been thrown in at this point and Briles ain't about to let up.

11/8/2014, 02:38 PM
Awful----We will be lucky not to end up 7-5

11/8/2014, 02:38 PM
They might well hang half a hundred on us at this rate.

I'm going back to bed as soon as I finish my drink.

Unbelievable. And Petty broke an Rgiii record in our house! Words fail me and that just never happens.

11/8/2014, 02:38 PM
Nice run there by Ross!

11/8/2014, 02:38 PM
Do we not have a backup we can put in there that won't give up 6-7-8 yards on easy plays AND get beat deep?

Nope. Also some of it's scheme. The Stoops boys don't play press coverage on the WRs

11/8/2014, 02:38 PM
Dogs and cats living together.

Mass hysteria.

11/8/2014, 02:38 PM
A better question is - is the program getting it's moneys worth? The answer is NO.

In terms of wins or revenue?

11/8/2014, 02:39 PM
They might well hang half a hundred on us at this rate.

I'm going back to bed as soon as I finish my drink.

Unbelievable. And Petty broke an Rgiii record in our house! Words fail me and that just never happens.

he!! might hang MORE....

11/8/2014, 02:39 PM
Too bad he got tripped up, I think we struggle to punch it in

11/8/2014, 02:40 PM
Do we not have a backup we can put in there that won't give up 6-7-8 yards on easy plays AND get beat deep?

I'm hoping this is an age-loyalty thing. If we don't have better CB's in the wings, we're screwed. I had high hopes for Dakota Austin.

11/8/2014, 02:40 PM
Why idon't get the ball in the hands of a 220# home run threat more often? I don't understand it.

11/8/2014, 02:40 PM
Awful----We will be lucky not to end up 7-5

Well ... doesnt OU finish with Tech, Kansas, and oSu? Sooners should easily beat all three ... all are more akin to Iowa St than Baylor.

11/8/2014, 02:41 PM
what's crazy is our starting field position has been great due but nothing...

11/8/2014, 02:41 PM
Can Ross play defense?

11/8/2014, 02:41 PM

11/8/2014, 02:41 PM
Can Ross play defense?

Or offensive line.

11/8/2014, 02:42 PM
Wow .. have to go for it here

11/8/2014, 02:42 PM
That has been disappointing all year. When we need 1 yard, we can't seem to line up and just push the Dline for a yard.

11/8/2014, 02:42 PM
...the defense is embarrassing and the offense has no balls...the team has had no swagger since I can't remember when and everyone outside the conference doesn't give a **** about playing OU at Owen field...blow it all up and fire all the rich ***** coaches and get some players that want to play OU football...somewhere, Bud Wilkinson is throwing up on Josh Heuple


11/8/2014, 02:42 PM

11/8/2014, 02:42 PM
Just when I think it can't get more painful...

11/8/2014, 02:42 PM
Talk about rolling snake eyes!!

11/8/2014, 02:43 PM
You have got to be joking

11/8/2014, 02:43 PM
geeze....every time they talk about our NFL size oline...then we give up a TFL, or like that...let the rush in.

NO it wasn't an IMPRESSIVE drive...it was ONE play by Ross...then we $hit on ourselves.

11/8/2014, 02:43 PM
Why do conferences need commercials?
It's always perplexed me.
Are they trying to sell me something?

11/8/2014, 02:43 PM
Seriously did anybody here think that either of those plays were going to work?

11/8/2014, 02:44 PM
We're making that lousy Baylor defense look pretty good. Our OL is completely overrated

11/8/2014, 02:44 PM
Too bad he got tripped up, I think we struggle to punch it in

Like I said....

So damn predictable

11/8/2014, 02:44 PM
geeze....every time they talk about our NFL size oline...then we give up a TFL, or like that...let the rush in.

NO it wasn't an IMPRESSIVE drive...it was ONE play by Ross...then we $hit on ourselves.

I know, was that a screen? Just going by how many DL came thru...

11/8/2014, 02:45 PM
geeze....every time they talk about our NFL size oline...then we give up a TFL, or like that...let the rush in.

NO it wasn't an IMPRESSIVE drive...it was ONE play by Ross...then we $hit on ourselves.

Also, every time the booth tries to audible...and we "meerkat" to get the late play...it's a stinker.

11/8/2014, 02:45 PM
Seriously did anybody here think that either of those plays were going to work?

Uh, no.

11/8/2014, 02:46 PM
We sure do look cute in those uni's though.

11/8/2014, 02:47 PM
For as long as I can remember going back to 07 or 08, everybody knows what we will run on 3rd and goal. Then, once that fails we call some goofy ninja formation crapola that we knew was a fail from the beginning.

11/8/2014, 02:47 PM
That has been disappointing all year. When we need 1 yard, we can't seem to line up and just push the Dline for a yard.

Completely over rated OL. When they're up against much small DL they can look good, but as you said they cant get 1 yard against respectable defenses. Sad this is we don't have one of those in front of us today. Baylor defense sucks

11/8/2014, 02:47 PM
so petty was right....just ready for OU...

11/8/2014, 02:47 PM
Julian Wilson is the second best cb ou has? Holy crap. The future is bleak.

11/8/2014, 02:47 PM
...and Wilson still sucks.

11/8/2014, 02:47 PM
We sure do look cute in those uni's though.

Indeed. Now if we only had Clint Trickett hair…

11/8/2014, 02:48 PM
hey a stop..LOL..only by bu dropping the ball.

11/8/2014, 02:48 PM
Anybody remember when we were ranked 4th and we were talking about the playoff?

11/8/2014, 02:48 PM
Really??? And this was supposed to be a NC type team? Wow,,,who said that? Lol I'm done. Gonna cook a cake

11/8/2014, 02:49 PM
Was that Jordan Thomas in there against Coleman?

11/8/2014, 02:49 PM
Anybody remember when we were ranked 4th and we were talking about the playoff?

that Koolaide was good tastin while it lasted!

11/8/2014, 02:50 PM
good news is OU's soccer is playing for Big12 championship...against bu

11/8/2014, 02:50 PM
1. I'm sick of hearing how great this O-line is, they're big but never get a push when they need it.

2. The defensive game plan is an EMBARRASSMENT. Don't pressure and give ten yard cushions and give Baylor easy outs. The whole damn thing has been ugly.

3. Knight has to improve in the passing game. He stares down receivers and makes it far to easy for the defenders.

4. I hope the coaching staff watches the game film and realizes this is what a team adjusting looks like. They look like Baylor. Baylor made adjustments to curb Knight's running and forced him to throw. They're offense takes what OU gives.

5. It looks like the team has quit.

11/8/2014, 02:50 PM
Indeed. Now if we only had Clint Trickett hair…

We can't have it all!

11/8/2014, 02:50 PM

Or as my son says,,,Clit Trinkets

11/8/2014, 02:50 PM
We sure do look cute in those uni's though.

I don't think cute is the appropriate word here. The big brown stains on the seats of their pants don't help the look either.

11/8/2014, 02:51 PM
that Koolaide was good tastin while it lasted!

Turns out it was actually left-over Flavor Aid from Jonestown someone happened to find and give to our hyped-up season hopes...

11/8/2014, 02:52 PM
so, say OU wins the rest...

10-3...6-3 conf.(4th?)

wins a crappy bowl...11-3

Will stoops get a contract ext?

11/8/2014, 02:53 PM
Mondays presser. I hope Bob gets grilled to the point of explosion. Bob needs the push.

11/8/2014, 02:53 PM
Williams is the biggest overhyped F'ing Turd I have ever seen!

11/8/2014, 02:54 PM
Going to do just about anything better with this day than watch this crapfest. I'll check out how bad the final score ends up later.

11/8/2014, 02:54 PM
lol...another pic?...whew...close.

11/8/2014, 02:54 PM
Knight's REALLY bad.

11/8/2014, 02:55 PM
so, say OU wins the rest...

10-3...6-3 conf.(4th?)

wins a crappy bowl...11-3

Will stoops get a contract ext?
He will probably get a bump up to 6 mil

11/8/2014, 02:56 PM
5. It looks like the team has quit.

That's kind been of our trademark whenever we get punked, ever since the So Cal beatdown game

11/8/2014, 02:56 PM
stadium NEEDS to empty. As long as OU wins 9-11 games, sell-outs, plays in a bowl...goes 50/50 in bowls nothing will change. Stoops, like most coaches, don't GAS about fans...

11/8/2014, 02:57 PM
Outside of the win at W, Virginia ... has OU really beaten anyone? Texas win felt like a loss and the Horns aren't a good team ... Tennessee is a good name but not a good team, really.

11/8/2014, 02:57 PM
so, say OU wins the rest...

10-3...6-3 conf.(4th?)

wins a crappy bowl...11-3

Will stoops get a contract ext?

If this team ends the season with a 4 game winning streak?

I hope so.

11/8/2014, 02:57 PM
The ENTiRE team as a whole played poorly,,,,that is NOT a player problem. Let's put this one where is needs to go.

11/8/2014, 02:58 PM
We've replaced the Stooges scheme with the Keystone cops alignment.

11/8/2014, 02:58 PM
Mondays presser. I hope Bob gets grilled to the point of explosion. Bob needs the push.

You know that won't happen. Same ol excuses, move on to next week, and cash that fat check.

11/8/2014, 02:59 PM
If this team ends the season with a 4 game winning streak?

I hope so.

oops...lol, 9-3, 10-3 with crappy bowl win. (don't we have team bye in a couple of weeks?)

11/8/2014, 02:59 PM
The ENTiRE team as a whole played poorly,,,,that is NOT a player problem. Let's put this one where is needs to go.

Yeah. Not much positive here. Wilson has been exceptionally bad, though. There would have at least been a glimmer of hope had Wilson not been picked on all game.

11/8/2014, 03:02 PM
This game is a waste of good beer.

11/8/2014, 03:02 PM
oops...lol, 9-3, 10-3 with crappy bowl win. (don't we have team bye in a couple of weeks?)

I'm just saying that if we can win out, I would consider that semi-impressive. This team looks BAD.

11/8/2014, 03:03 PM
You know that won't happen. Same ol excuses, move on to next week, and cash that fat check.

Please don't get me confused here,,I'm not of your ilk. A man/women should make what they can. I'm not bitching about his salary,,I'm bitching about the product.

11/8/2014, 03:03 PM
it really is interesting.....

if OU gets down by more than 10 points it really seems they do "give up"...don't have the fight..something. Mental toughness? Been believing they are really better than other players?

I asked about our "natural talent" in another thread....our guys are not better than a lot of other guys.

Stoops first back/back losses at home. The positive is it took 16 years to do that.

11/8/2014, 03:03 PM
Outside of the win at W, Virginia ... has OU really beaten anyone? Texas win felt like a loss and the Horns aren't a good team ... Tennessee is a good name but not a good team, really.

With all the starters back on defense I had high hopes, but as you say this team hasn't had a quality win outside of WVA.

11/8/2014, 03:04 PM
There is no I in team but there is in quit!

11/8/2014, 03:04 PM
good news is OU's soccer is playing for Big12 championship...against bu

We beat BAYLOR!!!! in Womens soccer on Friday night! Y'all need to come over to the Womens soccer section of the forum and celebrate our victory over Baylor. Screw all this football chit chat. :)


11/8/2014, 03:04 PM

11/8/2014, 03:04 PM
Sad and embarrassing that BAYLOR is taking it's foot off our throat early in the fourth quarter, AT HOME!

11/8/2014, 03:06 PM
I'm just saying that if we can win out, I would consider that semi-impressive. This team looks BAD.

dang, ya think OU can't win out? that will be sad. I did say TT in lubbuck might be a tough game. our Dbacks are not good...they run a up tempo, it would be a huge win for tt, OU will be out mentally of it....we'll see.

11/8/2014, 03:06 PM

11/8/2014, 03:07 PM
We beat BAYLOR!!!! in Womens soccer on Friday night! Y'all need to come over to the Womens soccer section of the forum and celebrate our victory over Baylor. Screw all this football chit chat. :)


ah cool so they did win? nice

11/8/2014, 03:07 PM
Didn't need to hear that BU is currently 0-11 here in Norman. Looks like the law of averages is being applied today. 1st time for Bob to drop back-to-back games at home? 38 unanswered points?

11/8/2014, 03:07 PM
At the end of the day do you guys think that the Stoops boys are embarrassed? I mean do the Stoops get together and say, "MAN we need some help, maybe we are doing it wrong?" I mean this year overall hasn't been a good one, and there are times were the Sooners were embarrassed. BUT!!!!, getting embarrassed at home with a national audience is a special kind of "WOODSHED WHUPPIN!"

11/8/2014, 03:08 PM
38 unanswered points for Baylor

11/8/2014, 03:08 PM
seriously, we get GREAT field position and can't do jack.

11/8/2014, 03:08 PM
Billy Sims high stepping ... highlight of the ball game

11/8/2014, 03:09 PM
At the end of the day do you guys think that the Stoops boys are embarrassed? I mean do the Stoops get together and say, "MAN we need some help, maybe we are doing it wrong?" I mean this year overall hasn't been a good one, and there are times were the Sooners were embarrassed. BUT!!!!, getting embarrassed at home with a national audience is a special kind of "WOODSHED WHUPPIN!"

lol, are you kidding me? no way.

11/8/2014, 03:10 PM
I made another drink and am still watching. Loyal fan or glutton for punishment? You make the call.

11/8/2014, 03:11 PM
again, the announcers making bu sound great...by playing OU...OU isn't that good this year. bu has only beat 1 team above .500, tcu.

11/8/2014, 03:11 PM
Just part of being a loyal fan SDSG

11/8/2014, 03:11 PM
I made another drink and am still watching. Loyal fan or glutton for punishment? You make the call.

lol, same here...no drink though.

11/8/2014, 03:12 PM
dang, ya think OU can't win out? that will be sad. I did say TT in lubbuck might be a tough game. our Dbacks are not good...they run a up tempo, it would be a huge win for tt, OU will be out mentally of it....we'll see.

I think we can win out, but it's going to take some quality coaching (like last year).

11/8/2014, 03:12 PM
Are we really goi to punt there? How pathetic

11/8/2014, 03:13 PM
Billy Sims high stepping ... highlight of the ball game

No, I think Knight's hurdle was. The guy he leaped over turned around with a nearly audible WTF?

11/8/2014, 03:13 PM
Yes, I am very serious. I would be embarrassed if the product that I was paid to produce looked like this today.

11/8/2014, 03:13 PM
Georgia 63 ... Kentucky 24 ... bad weekend for the Stoops clan

11/8/2014, 03:13 PM
This ought to be interesting following a timeout on 4th and 2.

11/8/2014, 03:13 PM
Are we really goi to punt there? How pathetic

Seriously. I can't believe that was even a thought. Might as well put Thomas in.

11/8/2014, 03:14 PM
Uh oh ... Knight down :(

11/8/2014, 03:14 PM
what a way to end the day....well, looks like we may be getting a new QB, TK down

11/8/2014, 03:15 PM
"clean-up shot"...that's a late hit dumba$$es