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View Full Version : So Reid and The Democrats Actually Were The Obstructionists: Washington Post Expose

11/6/2014, 09:51 AM

Apparently Obama was close to at least 2 different agreements with The GOP prior to the "Fiscal Cliff" agreement but was torpedoed both times by Harry Reid and Chuck Schumer. It makes me wonder if Obama was all theat unhappy to see Harry Reid kicked to the curb as Senate Majority leader.

Both parties put party interest above the country's interest in a lot of matters but it looks like Harry Reid and Chuck Schumer were all about holding on to power for the Democrats despite the cost to the country and in the end it cost them. BTW, it breaks my heart to see all of the in-fighting among the Democrats. :tan:

11/6/2014, 11:24 AM
Doesn't surprise me in the least with those two fricktards...