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View Full Version : Dallas Ebola casualty..."Nobody helped him"

10/10/2014, 09:58 PM
So, by now everyone is familiar with Eric Duncan's death (the guy in Dallas). In a recent CNN interview with his nephew, Joseph Weeks, Mr. Weeks said:

"Nobody tried to help Eric, If they would have given him a chance, he would have fought his way through."

I've also read that Mr. Duncan went to the hospital and was sent home, and that family members were upset that nobody helped him until it was too late.

This is the kind of **** that drives me nuts.

I'm not trying to trample on a dead man's grave, but at what point did Mr. Duncan think it was okay to avoid telling anyone he had been in contact with a body containing Ebola? Why did he mention that specifically (or even the word Ebola)? Was he just expecting to be cured because he was in the USA?

He may have been a great person, with a wonderful heart, but getting onto that plane (after lying about coming in contact with Ebola) is about as selfish an action as one can take.

Anyway, after reading the interview with the nephew, I'm just waiting for the lawsuit. Because you know, that's how it works.

10/10/2014, 10:51 PM
Jesse Jackoff done been running his Mouth about that

Mr Jackson and Sharpless would do well to meet a Mr Ray

10/11/2014, 09:10 AM
Al and Jesse need to go over to Sierra Leone and do some fact finding

10/11/2014, 09:16 AM
Louie FairaCon says that eboler is a racial targeting bio-weapon that don't affect honky's.

10/11/2014, 02:46 PM
The government should sue his family for not coming clean. I'm sure not mourning about this selfish POS's death.

10/11/2014, 07:27 PM
Not a conspiracy guy (well maybe a little) but as soon as I heard this I would have put money down this guy dies. If he lives it would have been an advertisement for anybody infected with Ebola that can hop a flight to the USA to come on over.

10/12/2014, 12:39 PM
Louie FairaCon says that eboler is a racial targeting bio-weapon that don't affect honky's.

Oh it affects honkys,,it just don't killem off like it does blacks. Does anyone know how Ebola affects Mecksicans or Asians?

10/12/2014, 04:51 PM
Not a conspiracy guy (well maybe a little) but as soon as I heard this I would have put money down this guy dies. If he lives it would have been an advertisement for anybody infected with Ebola that can hop a flight to the USA to come on over.

Damn, I hadn't thought about that. You may not be that far off...

10/13/2014, 01:02 AM
I am sorry, Boo Hoo... He traveled when he knew he was exposed. IF he had lived, I hoped the Dallas DA would have done what he said he would, indict the guy.

Now, do you think we will ever know the true story of how the nurse got infected? The CDC sure wants wraps on this... Claiming she had breached protocol. I wonder if she really did?

10/13/2014, 08:52 AM
I am sorry, Boo Hoo... He traveled when he knew he was exposed. IF he had lived, I hoped the Dallas DA would have done what he said he would, indict the guy.

Now, do you think we will ever know the true story of how the nurse got infected? The CDC sure wants wraps on this... Claiming she had breached protocol. I wonder if she really did?

They, CDC, seems way too eager reach that particular conclusion and I can understand since if that isn't the answer here this becomes a bigger problem. Folks are already plenty nervous as it is.

10/13/2014, 01:48 PM
anyone watch CSI last night? man that was a quick storyline they put in...and what's scary is I'm sure that is very plausible.

10/13/2014, 01:59 PM
Not a conspiracy guy (well maybe a little) but as soon as I heard this I would have put money down this guy dies. If he lives it would have been an advertisement for anybody infected with Ebola that can hop a flight to the USA to come on over.

I think I read that it takes months to get a visa to come here. It's not something someone could do at the last minute.

10/13/2014, 02:04 PM
Now, do you think we will ever know the true story of how the nurse got infected? The CDC sure wants wraps on this... Claiming she had breached protocol. I wonder if she really did?

My guess is yes. Think about caring for a patient that is likely throwing up and bleeding. You could end up with a soiled suit pretty easily. At that point it's pretty easy to expose yourself to the fluids when taking the protective clothing off if you don't follow the protocols to the letter.

Also, I would imagine that the nurses were not trained nearly as well as you would see in some of the hospitals that are specifically trained for this scenario. It's not like they were given prior knowledge that an Ebola patient would be coming.

The fact is, as of right now nobody exposed to this guy who wasn't a healthcare worker has gotten sick. That's a pretty clear indication that it doesn't exactly spread like the common cold.