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View Full Version : Guber debate last nite: Fallin vs Dorman

10/3/2014, 01:17 PM
Anyone else watch on C-SPAN (no joke, the governmental boring channel broadcast it) or OETA last night? I did, even if it meant missing the Packers first few touchdowns. How was I supposed to know the Vikings would suck as much as they did?!

Anyway, if you missed, you can see the hour-ish thing in its entirety here:

I must say that I was hoping for a legit reason to vote for Dorman, but it just wasn't there. The clear difference between them is not R and D, but rather, that one will do the ACA thing and one will continue to say Oklahoma can't afford it... and that will make no difference, because the governor, whether R or D, will get overrridden by the Republican majority state House and state Senate if they dare encroach on the anti-Obamacare thing going on right now.

Dorman started as the weed candidate, but weed didn't even get mentioned last night and there were two possible opportunities--- prison population and healthcare. And they were even on a college campus (OSU, where they both went).

Now, Dorman's the anti-Fallin/Barresi candidate that is getting grouped with Obama in nasty TV ads as the poll margins are closing... but really, will our extremely red state cast our votes for Democratic governor like we did for Brad Henry?

I say no, unless Brad Henry himself is allowed to run again. If they wouldn't pick a qualfied candidate like Jari Askins over Mary Fallin, Joe Dorman doesn't stand much chance.

What say you?

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
10/3/2014, 01:28 PM
Your College Fans Meltdown thread is superb. Thanks for doing it.

10/3/2014, 01:33 PM
Your College Fans Meltdown thread is superb. Thanks for doing it.

LOL, I didn't expect you to say that there would be any chance you'd vote for Dorman... but would you at least admit you wish you had someone to vote for besides Fallin? :D

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
10/3/2014, 04:12 PM
I would Sooner she run the USA than the person who does. He has promised amNASTY for countless illegals within 2 months after the 2014 elections are over.

Ton Loc
10/6/2014, 02:46 PM
I would Sooner she run the USA than the person who does. He has promised amNASTY for countless illegals within 2 months after the 2014 elections are over.

Question dodger

Of course you'd rather vote for another republican candidate than Mary Fallin. Jesus, what a terrible choice to have to make - Dorman or Fallin. Ugh - and they're both from OSU.

10/6/2014, 03:54 PM
and they're both from OSU.

I know right surely OU has produced at least one viable governor at some point who could run. Hell, the OU president is a politician and all

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
10/6/2014, 03:59 PM
orange aggy vs commie in sports...I would pull for the commie.
orange aggy vs commie in politics...ewe go, aggy!
commie orange aggy vs anybody in anything...fugeddaboutit

10/6/2014, 11:19 PM
If their both from OSU, then we're screwed either way. Can't expect them to get anything right.