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View Full Version : Texass QB Expects to be in the Playoffs... this year

mikee likee
9/22/2014, 02:29 PM
They have another Radio on their hands.
kbohls @kbohls

Texas QB Tyrone Swoopes said he "expects to be in the College Football Playoff." This year, he said.

Swoopes said, "We have the talent to do it." With two losses? He said yes.

9/22/2014, 02:44 PM
Another horn player that likes weed?

9/22/2014, 03:07 PM
Impossible to smoke that much weed and still be intelligible. No. To make such a statement sincerely would require something far, far stronger than mere weed.
I'm thinking an angry combination of LSD and Jimson Weed. Perhaps some ibogaine. Throw in some bath salts and a touch of sodium pentathol. That might make such a statement possible. But it would be a close run thing.

9/22/2014, 03:18 PM
I think he meant women's volleyball.

9/22/2014, 03:30 PM
I didn't know Radio was back as the QB at texas.

9/22/2014, 03:31 PM
Impossible to smoke that much weed and still be intelligible. No. To make such a statement sincerely would require something far, far stronger than mere weed.
I'm thinking an angry combination of LSD and Jimson Weed. Perhaps some ibogaine. Throw in some bath salts and a touch of sodium pentathol. That might make such a statement possible. But it would be a close run thing.

I really doubt it. I remember a few years back when they had the Miami cannibal attack where the guy bit off part of a guys face. There was speculation it was bath salts or other street drugs that caused the attack but I've never heard these type of drugs causing anything as delusional as this.

9/22/2014, 03:54 PM
True, but you'll note that I used the bath salts for only the final 'over the edge' push and the more industrial grade concoction to move the heavy weight. And also keep in mind that bath salts are a catch all term that can cover a pretty wide group of chemicals. Were I to attempt making someone honestly believe the UT would make the playoffs this year, I'd not mess about and would source my salts from a little lab up on the Mekong 100 km or so W of Louangphrabang.
Mind you that Tyrone seems less than the sharpest crayon in the box, but still in all, you're talking about a tall order.

9/22/2014, 04:00 PM
My advice to Swopes?Stick with weed and put away the crack pipe.

9/22/2014, 05:26 PM
Well I think we can all agree that he is a very delusional young man. Good news for him is that there is a course of treatment that has proved very effective in tragic situations like his. It's called Sooner Blunt Force Trauma Therapy. It's a painful, grueling four quarter treatment but should clear his illusions once and for all.

9/22/2014, 07:52 PM
Did he get his bell rung one too many times too?

9/22/2014, 08:17 PM
Hey, I like the kid's swagger, even though this prediction is a little bit out there as far as Pluto. At least he's talking FB and not jumping on a table in the middle of the Student Union, and spewing about "wimmen's anatomy"

I've been somewhat impressed with him as a QB so far, and he's sure a lot better than Derp, imo. I sure hope we don't let him have a career game in 3 weeks. If they don't cough it up to Kansas and happen to beat Baylor or play Baylor close even if they lose, then Charlie will pull out all the stops to pull another embarrassing upset at the Cotton Bowl, which I think he does anyway. It would even be more embarrassing this year than last year if our players and coaches believe the press clippings as they did last year and we cough another one up to them.
One game at a time though, TCU has a pretty darned good team.

Curly Bill
9/22/2014, 10:09 PM
This is one of those I know people deals, but I know people that know this kid and none of them vouch for his brilliant mind.

...and I've been far from impressed by him. Hell, he wasn't an especially good QB at one of the lowest levels of high school football in Texas. If his name wasn't Swoopes he'd be the starter at Southeastern Oklahoma right now.

9/23/2014, 08:23 AM

9/23/2014, 08:28 AM
Wow, that's a serious break with reality going on down there in Austin...

9/23/2014, 10:48 AM
Technically, if they sweeped the Big XII, they'd have a pretty good shot. Of course, they'll probably be lucky to do better than .500 in the Big XII. I'm glad they have expectations of winning, though. That way it will actually be heartbreaking when they lose to us.

9/23/2014, 12:11 PM
They've lost 2 games already. Whatever shot they had left at the end of the UCLA game.

9/23/2014, 12:19 PM
The manner they lost to BYU cuts their odds a bunch even before UCLA. All I care is that we beat them.

9/23/2014, 12:26 PM
Maybe if they fly a couple of planes around at the end of the year with banners showing the score of an important game they have won, that will get them into the playoff.

9/23/2014, 12:28 PM
Last year after the BYU loss Mac said texas would challenge for the B12 title. Everyone on this board ripped him. The week of the game in Dallas, everyone was not predicting not just an OU win, but 40 and 50 point spreads. From kickoff to whistle they dominated us. The B12 came down to the final game, baylor against texas. Just sayin. Lunatics sometimes shouldn't be taken lightly.

9/23/2014, 12:50 PM
Last year after the BYU loss Mac said texas would challenge for the B12 title. Everyone on this board ripped him. The week of the game in Dallas, everyone was not predicting not just an OU win, but 40 and 50 point spreads. From kickoff to whistle they dominated us. The B12 came down to the final game, baylor against texas. Just sayin. Lunatics sometimes shouldn't be taken lightly.

True, but I don't think Stoops and Co. have ever taken the horns lightly - including last year. They were a bad match-up for us last year, but that shouldn't be the case this year.

9/23/2014, 12:59 PM
Sadly, I was at that game last year.

I agree with 79, doubtful Stoops has ever taken those guys lightly.

I just don't think the two losses they have would stack up against 2 losses an SEC team could throw out there as far as quality losses go if they sweep the rest of their games.

9/23/2014, 02:03 PM
They don't have to impress more than a hypothetical two-loss SEC champ, they just have to impress more than the fourth-most impressive (hypothetical) two-loss team. (Rhymes with co-champion of the South Division of the Big XII.)

Has there ever been a two-loss team in the top four of the BCS?

Ah, fuhgeddaboudit. He's delusional.

9/23/2014, 02:11 PM
They don't have to impress more than a hypothetical two-loss SEC champ, they just have to impress more than the fourth-most impressive (hypothetical) two-loss team. (Rhymes with co-champion of the South Division of the Big XII.)

Has there ever been a two-loss team in the top four of the BCS?

Ah, fuhgeddaboudit. He's delusional.

LSU won a natty with two losses a few years back.

9/23/2014, 02:28 PM
LSU won a natty with two losses a few years back.

Exactly... Precedence has been set.

9/23/2014, 02:44 PM
If the horns run the table going forward, they would have a chance to be included. However, I think they would have to beat everyone by larger-than-average margins.

So, hypothetically, there's still a chance.

Realistically, there isn't a chance in hell.

The horns are could lose the majority of their remaining games. They do have a defense that can keep them hanging around, but in this league that's not guaranteed. Even a 'good' defensive performace in the Big XII can result in allowing 30 points. I'm not sure Texas can score 30 points.

Swoopes has done exactly what they've asked him to do the past couple of weeks, which has basically been "don't turn the ball over". He hasn't shown the ability to take control of a game, nor has he really shown the ability to expose defenses. If Texas decides to open the play book, and let him throw down field, I'm not sure what would happen, but it's probably not good. At this point, I think they're hoping Swoopes can stay healthy the rest of the year, so Heard can develop.

It's going to get much darker in Austin in the coming weeks.

9/23/2014, 03:29 PM
So, hypothetically, there's still a chance.

Realistically, there isn't a chance in hell.


This is Texas we're talking about. Delusions of grandeur are part of the DNA of that program. I'm not entirely sure why this is news. :)

9/23/2014, 05:59 PM
The manner they lost to BYU cuts their odds a bunch even before UCLA. All I care is that we beat them.

If for some reason, they ran the table and beat OSU, OU, and Baylor, they're back in the picture. I'm not saying they're a guarantee, but they'd be one of the top 5 or 6 teams considered. Like I said, it's not realistic that they will win the Big XII, but if they did...

9/23/2014, 09:10 PM
all I know is that I want OU to stomp 2 mud holes into Texas this year.....

9/24/2014, 08:34 AM
Quite frankly, the only Texas-based team I don't want our guys to humiliate is TCU. I want to win that one, no mistake; but there's not a lot of hate there.

9/24/2014, 09:01 AM
I need some kind of beatdown on sa*et to erase the memory of Pony-lite's career game.

9/24/2014, 09:58 AM
all I know is that I want OU to stomp 2 mud holes into Texas this year.....

I want 6,314 mudholes, no less.

9/24/2014, 10:16 AM
I want 6,314 mudholes, no less.

That's an interesting number. What is the significance to that number?

9/24/2014, 10:51 AM
Security code on the Rosecrucians secret Gathering Hall in Geneva.

Now we have to shoot you.

9/24/2014, 10:55 AM
Maybe the kid has got a free ticket to the game.

9/24/2014, 11:33 AM
That's an interesting number. What is the significance to that number?

Are you suggesting that I should have requested 6,513 mudholes instead?

9/24/2014, 01:04 PM
Are you suggesting that I should have requested 6,513 mudholes instead?

Nope, I'm happy with whatever number of mudholes we end up with. A couple hundred more certainly won't hurt!

9/24/2014, 03:08 PM
All right then, 120 mudholes it is... and if nobody has pointed it out yet to Swoopes, the playoffs are next year, not this year. Jan 1 semis are at Sugar/Rose and Jan. 12 is the championship

9/24/2014, 07:32 PM
Are you suggesting that I should have requested 6,513 mudholes instead?

Although it is a few less mudholes, I really like the effect of 5,517. :joyous:

9/24/2014, 07:41 PM
I need some kind of beatdown on sa*et to erase the memory of Pony-lite's career game.

The manner in which the season ended last year erased any pain for me. I imagine it was very frustrating to be a horn fan and finally win against their arch rival, only to have it be meaningless by years end. Sooners go to the best bowl outside the BCS final just as they would have had they won in Dallas. Horns go to a who-cares bowl to send off Mack while being humiliated by a disinterested Duck team just as they would have had they lost in Dallas. Apparently, the universe hates burnt orange.

But we still need a beatdown in Dallas this year to establish the correct pecking order with Mr. Strong.

9/24/2014, 08:00 PM
But they are purple!!! And they beat us in 2005 and 1996!! :mad: :mad:

9/25/2014, 08:24 AM
Although it is a few less mudholes, I really like the effect of 5,517. :joyous:

See now I like the way this guy's talking. :mack:

9/25/2014, 09:19 AM
I see what you guise did....nice, very nice.....

9/28/2014, 01:44 PM


9/28/2014, 01:45 PM
Aww shucks, I don't know how to make that attachment bigger. It says "Texas 1," though.