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9/11/2014, 08:44 AM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/s552x414/10659147_657880724307135_1353514136860809274_n.jpg ?oh=1f3a8f28729bd0d4f9216f1402f7d3a0&oe=549A0CCD&__gda__=1419169579_e56e480fee8a7b48a45a8ab6c38dd73 7

9/11/2014, 09:19 AM
Yeah, despite the grim topic, I had to laugh out loud when POTUS declared such rubbish.

9/11/2014, 09:57 AM
Yeah, despite the grim topic, I had to laugh out loud when POTUS declared such rubbish.

Someone orta be fired for putting that up on his Teleprompter.

****ing Idiot. the 1st word that ISIS stands for is "Islamic"

9/11/2014, 10:52 AM
I had to laugh out loud when I see posters who can't read between the lines.

You are usually funny, but that is sauteed in the weakest sauce

9/11/2014, 11:43 AM
I had to laugh out loud when I see posters who can't read between the lines.

You are usually funny, but that is sauteed in the weakest sauce

Dont Blame ME. I dint say it. Nor did I watch , I just report.

9/11/2014, 12:19 PM
Dont Blame ME. I dint say it. Nor did I watch , I just report.

See, the president assumes you understand that statement.

"Okay class lets try this on."

"You are sitting in church one day and the good pastor states, 'Brothers and sisters, I have invited the congregation from Bucks Grove, TN, to speak to you on their interpretation on the word of God.'"
"A very small group of people file in. Several of them are toting wooden crates. An elderly gentleman walks up to the pulpit, introduces himself as the pastor and opens his crate. He proceeds to pull out a 5 1/2 foot, very much alive, western diamond back rattler. He informs you that you must handle this snake because it is the word of God. Oh, and if you get bit, you are not allowed to get medical treatment. The lord will determine if you are fit to enter the kingdom."

"These people call themselves Christians. The funny thing is that most christians think that this form of worship is absolutely crazy. Most folks would be reticent to even label that as Christianity. The truth of the matter is they really exist. YES . See class, they have disorted the word of God into something that his nothing to do with spirit and message of true Christianity"

"ISIS is a complete distortion of Islam. They have taken advantage of the lack of good education to brainwash people into taking excerpts of scripture
and disrorting the message. The vast majority of muslims do not consider them to be true muslims.....thereby bringing us full circle, back to what the president said."

"Okay class, dont forget tommorow is your big test on the multiplication. tables. STUDY HARD TONIGHT."

hawaii 5-0
9/11/2014, 12:24 PM
......and Gorbachev literally tore down the Berlin Wall with his own two hands, cause St. Ronnie told him to.


9/11/2014, 12:32 PM
See, the president assumes you understand that statement.

"Okay class lets try this on."

"You are sitting in church one day and the good pastor states, 'Brothers and sisters, I have invited the congregation from Bucks Grove, TN, to speak to you on their interpretation on the word of God.'"
"A very small group of people file in. Several of them are toting wooden crates. An elderly gentleman walks up to the pulpit, introduces himself as the pastor and opens his crate. He proceeds to pull out a 5 1/2 foot, very much alive, western diamond back rattler. He informs you that you must handle this snake because it is the word of God. Oh, and if you get bit, you are not allowed to get medical treatment. The lord will determine if you are fit to enter the kingdom."

"These people call themselves Christians. The funny thing is that most christians think that this form of worship is absolutely crazy. Most folks would be reticent to even label that as Christianity. The truth of the matter is they really exist. YES . See class, they have disorted the word of God into something that his nothing to do with spirit and message of true Christianity"

"ISIS is a complete distortion of Islam. They have taken advantage of the lack of good education to brainwash people into taking excerpts of scripture
and disrorting the message. The vast majority of muslims do not consider them to be true muslims.....thereby bringing us full circle, back to what the president said."

"Okay class, dont forget tommorow is your big test on the multiplication. tables. STUDY HARD TONIGHT."

Yet they are ISLAMIST correct? Class dismissed!

......and Gorbachev literally tore down the Berlin Wall with his own two hands, cause St. Ronnie told him to.


And Out of the Blue we have this retort Hilarious !

9/11/2014, 01:27 PM
Yet they are ISLAMIST correct? Class dismissed!

And Out of the Blue we have this retort Hilarious !
Read your own quote. ISIS is not Islam.

Not islamist...

Go to the cafeteria, there is a hot bowl of d**k waiting for you.

9/11/2014, 02:29 PM
Read your own quote. ISIS is not Islam.

Not islamist...

Go to the cafeteria, there is a hot bowl of d**k waiting for you.

Do you REALLY want to devolve to a sub class like your Buddy KC/8th? Getting into the Name callin insult form of Posting with ME? Really?

Ill let you think on that for awhile. I got Important things to do right now, Like Spoil my Grandsons!

hawaii 5-0
9/11/2014, 03:41 PM
Vet, you should do a quick review of the word 'context'. Learn to differentiate it from the word 'literal'.

I'd really like to believe you're just trolling yet again.

I'm just not certain this time.


9/11/2014, 03:51 PM
Vet, you should do a quick review of the word 'context'. Learn to differentiate it from the word 'literal'.

I'd really like to believe you're just trolling yet again.

I'm just not certain this time.


You Libs orta understand "Tongue in Cheek" :boxing:

9/11/2014, 04:10 PM
Do you REALLY want to devolve to a sub class like your Buddy KC/8th? Getting into the Name callin insult form of Posting with ME? Really?

Ill let you think on that for awhile. I got Important things to do right now, Like Spoil my Grandsons!

Not at all... I just wanted to reinforce the spirit of my first post. You inferred something that wasn't there for a 2nd time in this thread.

I told you to go to the cafeteria and have a hot bowl of duck. A tasty fowl if there every was one.

If you inferred something else from my post, that is on you.

Enjoy the time with your grandkids... I look forward to that day.

9/11/2014, 04:14 PM
Do you REALLY want to devolve to a sub class like your Buddy KC/8th? Getting into the Name callin insult form of Posting with ME? Really?

Ill let you think on that for awhile. I got Important things to do right now, Like Spoil my Grandsons!

Last time the rightwingnut whine was he didn't terrorist, now it's he said terrorist! Make up your minds.

hawaii 5-0
9/11/2014, 04:35 PM
“It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt”

― Mark Twain

The moral of this story boys and girls is to not pay attention to Trolls.


9/11/2014, 05:37 PM
“It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt”

― Mark Twain

GREAT advice for conservatives.

9/11/2014, 07:08 PM
"These people call themselves Christians. The funny thing is that most christians think that this form of worship is absolutely crazy. Most folks would be reticent to even label that as Christianity. The truth of the matter is they really exist. YES . See class, they have disorted the word of God into something that his nothing to do with spirit and message of true Christianity"

Yes many Christians would think that this would be nonsensical but however odd it may seem they still may well be Christians. Playing with snakes doesn't either make or prevent you from being Christian.

Same with ISIS. Perhaps some other muslims don't agree with ISIS but that doesn't mean that members of ISIS aren't Islamic.

9/11/2014, 07:11 PM
Yes many Christians would think that this would be nonsensical but however odd it may seem they still may well be Christians. Playing with snakes doesn't either make or prevent you from being Christian.

Same with ISIS. Perhaps some other muslims don't agree with ISIS but that doesn't mean that members of ISIS aren't Islamic.

Let me ask you - is Scott Roeder a Christian?

hawaii 5-0
9/11/2014, 07:43 PM
I guess we can all call the Westboro Baptist Church a bunch of Christians as well.

Lots of bad stuff has happened in the name of religions.


9/11/2014, 07:46 PM
Let me ask you - is Scott Roeder a Christian?

I don't know. I've never met Scott Roeder and have read next to nothing about him. If you are asking if it is possible for somebody who is Christian to commit an illegal or immoral act then the answer is yes. Happens every day.

9/11/2014, 08:21 PM
I don't know. I've never met Scott Roeder and have read next to nothing about him. If you are asking if it is possible for somebody who is Christian to commit an illegal or immoral act then the answer is yes. Happens every day.

Google him.

He is an anti-choice anti-government religious nut who murdered George Tiller IN his church. I don't care what he calls himself, he is not a christian nor is Westboro Baptist Church.

9/11/2014, 10:29 PM
I guess we can all call the Westboro Baptist Church a bunch of Christians as well.

Lots of bad stuff has happened in the name of religions.


This I will agree with.Many are Called Christians Few ACT Christian. Same with Islam .

If we could Outlaw religion a Lot of the worlds Problems would change into something else Because its all about Power and Greed.

9/11/2014, 11:12 PM

9/11/2014, 11:21 PM

By the way had a great time with Grandson . Picked him up after school. we came here to my shack then left and picked up a friend of mine. Drove to McAlester went to the Auto auction let him see about what used cars and trucks are going for now so he can get to saving LOL
We went and ate and I got home about 45 minutes ago. great time

9/11/2014, 11:28 PM

9/11/2014, 11:32 PM
ISIS members are followers of Islam. They justify their actions based on their interpretation of their religious philosophy. You may say that interpretation is warped and corrupt and erroneous but there are a hell of a lot of Muslims who buy into that interpretation. There are a billion Muslims in the world. If only 10% of all Muslims follow this radical interpretation that is 100 million radical Islam practioners looking for infidels to kill. That is a hell of a pool of fanatical lunatics.

Obama's attempt to give cover to the religion that spawns this level of hatred is naive and misguided.

BTW, the argument trying to draw a moral equivalency between Westboro and radical Islam is stupid. The last time I checked none of the crazy SOBs in Westboro have beheaded any non-Christians.

But by all means, continue to give Islam a pass on the incredible amount of hatred it breeds.

9/11/2014, 11:42 PM


hawaii 5-0
9/12/2014, 12:54 AM
I don't recall any Muslims showing up protesting at funerals either.

"God hates america and this doomed world." ------- Westboro slogan

"Stupid knows no religion" --------- Hawaii 5-0


9/12/2014, 01:25 AM
I don't recall any Muslims showing up protesting at funerals either.

"God hates america and this doomed world." ------- Westboro slogan

"Stupid knows no religion" --------- Hawaii 5-0

Again, the crazies at Westboro have beheaded, crucified, or suicide bombed how many people? Also, a couple of dozen loud mouth idiots are comparable to tens of millions of radical Islam followers? Is that a moral equivalency argument you really want to insist on making?

9/12/2014, 01:34 AM
Religion of Peace:

9/12/2014, 08:31 AM
I don't recall any Muslims showing up protesting at funerals either.

"God hates america and this doomed world." ------- Westboro slogan

"Stupid knows no religion" --------- Hawaii 5-0


As repugnant as just about everybody finds the Westboro group, there is no real equivalency between them and a group like ISIS or Islam in general. You do realize that many so-called mainstream muslims are OK with stoning to death for say adultery, death for blasphemy etc?



9/12/2014, 08:53 AM
Per OklaHomey on Facebook

With regard to Islamic extremists. Statistics vary, but the consensus appears to be between 7 and 9 percent of the world's Muslims are radicalized. Fair enough. But that's 150,000,000 people. Which is about half the size of the US population.

Sooner in Tampa
9/12/2014, 09:59 AM
Again, the crazies at Westboro have beheaded, crucified, or suicide bombed how many people? Also, a couple of dozen loud mouth idiots are comparable to tens of millions of radical Islam followers? Is that a moral equivalency argument you really want to insist on making?

I couldn't agree more!! Those giving a free pass and "not wanting to offend" Muslims makes me ****ing puke!!! If 'only' 10% Muslims are extremists and radical, please tell my why the other 90% doesn't say a word about them? EVERYBODY talks about how bat **** crazy the Westboro bunch is...but, as FaninAma said...they are yet to behead anyone, hold mass executions, or invade cities.

So, lets compare apples to apples boys and girls...and quit giving the barbaric Muslims a free pass..mmmmmkay

9/12/2014, 10:46 AM
I couldn't agree more!! Those giving a free pass and "not wanting to offend" Muslims makes me ****ing puke!!! If 'only' 10% Muslims are extremists and radical, please tell my why the other 90% doesn't say a word about them? EVERYBODY talks about how bat **** crazy the Westboro bunch is...but, as FaninAma said...they are yet to behead anyone, hold mass executions, or invade cities.

So, lets compare apples to apples boys and girls...and quit giving the barbaric Muslims a free pass..mmmmmkay

You are forgetting the "Christian" crazies who murder doctors who perform abortions.

Sooner in Tampa
9/12/2014, 10:59 AM
You are forgetting the "Christian" crazies who murder doctors who perform abortions.

No, dumbass, I am not. IDGAF about them. When they commit a crime...they go straight to jail.

BTW...when was the last time this happened? Roeder in 2009 and Kopp in 1998 ~ 2 murders in 16 years...2 journalist beheaded in 1 month

lets compare apples to apples boys and girls...and quit giving the barbaric Muslims a free pass..mmmmmkay...Now, move along junior...

9/12/2014, 11:50 AM
No, dumbass, I am not. IDGAF about them. When they commit a crime...they go straight to jail.

BTW...when was the last time this happened? Roeder in 2009 and Kopp in 1998 ~ 2 murders in 16 years...2 journalist beheaded in 1 month

lets compare apples to apples boys and girls...and quit giving the barbaric Muslims a free pass..mmmmmkay...Now, move along junior...

Dumbass huh? 2 journalist beheaded in 1 month in an area they knew was dangerous. These people were in the US, right here at home.

Since 1991, there have been 17 attempted murders of abortion providers. One of those providers was Dr. Tiller, who was shot twice in the arm outside his health center in 1993. Eight clinic workers have been killed, starting with Dr. David Gunn and two clinic receptionists.

Since 1977 in the United States and Canada, property crimes committed against abortion providers have included 41 bombings, 173 arsons, 91 attempted bombings or arsons, 619 bomb threats, 1630 incidents of trespassing, 1264 incidents of vandalism.

Who is giving "giving the barbaric Muslims a free pass" you ignorant *******. Pull your head out of your rightwingnut *** and see how obama said what they are - TERRORISTS WHO USE ISLAM AS A COVER.

Sooner in Tampa
9/12/2014, 12:02 PM
Oh well, since they were in Syria...it's ok to behead them because it was 'dangerous'.

Well, using your liberal logic...the people committing crimes against abortion clinics are terrorist hiding behind Christianity!!

Two can play at this game...pull your head out of Obama's *** and think for yourself.

ISIS is ALL about religion dip****

Perhaps the single most important factor in ISIS' recent resurgence is the conflict between Iraqi Shias and Iraqi Sunnis. ISIS fighters themselves are Sunnis, and the tension between the two groups is a powerful recruiting tool for ISIS.

The difference between the two largest Muslim groups originated with a controversy over who got to take power after the Prophet Muhammed's death, which you can read all about here (http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=7280905). But Iraq's sectarian problems aren't about relitigating 7th-century disputes; they're about modern political power and grievances.

9/12/2014, 12:21 PM
Sooner8th doesn't doesn't comprehend the silliness of the comparison he keeps throwing out.

9/12/2014, 12:25 PM
Oh well, since they were in Syria...it's ok to behead them because it was 'dangerous'.

Well, using your liberal logic...the people committing crimes against abortion clinics are terrorist hiding behind Christianity!!

Two can play at this game...pull your head out of Obama's *** and think for yourself.

ISIS is ALL about religion dip****

You just don't follow logic. It was a war zone with terrorists, not people going to work in the UNTIED STATES OF AMERICA!

And YES the people committing crimes against abortion clinics are terrorists hiding behind Christianity. You are finally catching on.

Perhaps the single most important factor in ISIS' recent resurgence is the conflict between Iraqi Shias and Iraqi Sunnis. ISIS fighters themselves are Sunnis, and the tension between the two groups is a powerful recruiting tool for ISIS.

Terrorists using religion as a recruiting tool. One guy from the bush administration tweets it and the whole rightwingnut picks it up and runs with it. Just like the color of obama's suit.

Sooner in Tampa
9/12/2014, 01:02 PM
Sooner8th doesn't doesn't comprehend the silliness of the comparison he keeps throwing out.

He is a complete and udder BOOB...

Sooner in Tampa
9/12/2014, 01:07 PM
You just don't follow logic. It was a war zone with terrorists, not people going to work in the UNTIED STATES OF AMERICA!

And YES the people committing crimes against abortion clinics are terrorists hiding behind Christianity. You are finally catching on.

Perhaps the single most important factor in ISIS' recent resurgence is the conflict between Iraqi Shias and Iraqi Sunnis. ISIS fighters themselves are Sunnis, and the tension between the two groups is a powerful recruiting tool for ISIS.

Terrorists using religion as a recruiting tool. One guy from the bush administration tweets it and the whole rightwingnut picks it up and runs with it. Just like the color of obama's suit.

Good Lord...you are too stupid to live...QUIT trying to compare apples to oranges...you logic is left wing hippie bull****

ISIS is trying to take over Syria and Iraq...they want to build a caliphate (look it up numbnuts)...it is a religious battle and it has been for thousands of years in the region. Quit comparing to a minor dust up of a few extremists fighting against abortion. They are not even in the same realm for ****s sake.

9/12/2014, 01:32 PM
Good Lord...you are too stupid to live...QUIT trying to compare apples to oranges...you logic is left wing hippie bull****

ISIS is trying to take over Syria and Iraq...they want to build a caliphate (look it up numbnuts)...it is a religious battle and it has been for thousands of years in the region. Quit comparing to a minor dust up of a few extremists fighting against abortion. They are not even in the same realm for ****s sake.

Terrorists are terrorists. Tell me - is beheading Americans and posting it on the web an act or terror or not?

it is a religious battle and it has been for thousands of years in the region.

Finally catching on to what we have been saying for years. Funny how conservatives called it a war on terror right up until obama called it a war on terror. Typical................

hawaii 5-0
9/12/2014, 01:34 PM
I just brought up Westboro in the first place to show there are 'religious' groups that do things in the name of their religion and have very little or nothing to do with the actual teachings and dogma of their religions. 2 examples. Throw in John Brown and his bloody massacres in Kansas as well. Examples, not comparisons.

Anything beyond that, leave me outta it.


9/12/2014, 02:57 PM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/s552x414/10659147_657880724307135_1353514136860809274_n.jpg ?oh=1f3a8f28729bd0d4f9216f1402f7d3a0&oe=549A0CCD&__gda__=1419169579_e56e480fee8a7b48a45a8ab6c38dd73 7
His comment has got to be the stupidest, dumb as$, idiotic, example on no intelligence I have ever heard. What a stupid ****ing Moran!

9/14/2014, 09:40 PM
https://scontent-a-pao.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10425869_558884537544500_937860091096248884_n.jpg? oh=9150dd1cf8ab46356e0ea163ee4bcd25&oe=54C84535

9/15/2014, 07:49 AM
I'm sure his faithful lemmings are all lined up to back his statements up with an endless stream of DNC talking points... queue up 8th to start providing the supporting "Facts" shortly....

9/15/2014, 07:58 AM
I'm sure his faithful lemmings are all lined up to back his statements up with an endless stream of DNC talking points..
. queue up 8th to start providing the supporting "Facts" shortly....


9/15/2014, 12:29 PM
https://scontent-a-pao.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10425869_558884537544500_937860091096248884_n.jpg? oh=9150dd1cf8ab46356e0ea163ee4bcd25&oe=54C84535

LOL...dude THAT is funny...

9/15/2014, 12:47 PM
I'm sure his faithful lemmings are all lined up to back his statements up with an endless stream of DNC talking points... queue up 8th to start providing the supporting "Facts" shortly....

Facts huh? You people wouldn't know a fact if it slapped you in the face because you inhabit an alternate universe with your own "facts" spoon fed to you from faux "news", rush, world daily net and the rnc. No matter how much data and proof is presented, you will not believe ANYTHING that is not sanctioned by fellow rightwingnuts.

Let me see if I have this straight - Obama was born in Kenya, is a secret Muslim, sat in a pew of a radical christian pastor for 20 years believing and agreeing with him on every issue, pals around with terrorists, is a socialist, hates America, loathes the military, was elected into office by voter fraud by ACORN - TWICE, has apologized for America, had no part in killing bin laden or the Somali pirates, personally told the IRS to target conservative groups, personally told the military not to aid Benghazi, has massively raised taxes and regulations, is continuing and/or expanding bush policies (does that make bush a socialist too?), the economy is worse off than when he took office and the only jobs that are being produced are all low wage. Obamacare, cap and trade and deregulating credit default swap and pulling out of Iraq are NOT Republican ideas and/or policies. 9/11, the great republican recession and insurgents in Iraq are NOT bush's fault. Democrats cannot bring up dubya - BUT CLINTON LIED!!!!

There is no "outrage" small enough for you guys to grab your pick-forks and torches, obama put his feet on the desk in the oval office, obama is not wearing a suit in the oval office, obama shook hands with a commie, obama wore a tan suit to a press conference and obama uses a, oh god no!!! don't say it!!, a teleprompter! You delusion extends to the press, anything that is contrary to your beliefs are not to be believed - the entire mainstream media is lying and covering for obama and democrats, but limbaugh, faux "news" and anyother rightwingnut crackpot is not only believed but defended to the very end. One of you go to vote in an primary in an off year election in rural Oklahoma and you have to wait for 19 seconds and that is proof no one has to wait to vote, the lamestream media is making it all up.

Anything contrary goes in one ear and straight out the other, because there is nothing to slow it down in the middle. Keep on votin' republican and waitin' for your conservative savior, like reagan, who never ever raised taxes, did NOT legalize abortion in California, did NOT triple the deficit and debt, did NOT trade arms for hostages and did NOT cut, run when 240+ Americans were killed in a Beirut terrorist attack and IMMEDIATELY flew home from is vacation and took control of the Russians shooting down a Korean airliner situation.


9/15/2014, 01:24 PM
Facts huh? You people wouldn't know a fact if it slapped you in the face because you inhabit an alternate universe with your own "facts" spoon fed to you from faux "news", rush, world daily net and the rnc. No matter how much data and proof is presented, you will not believe ANYTHING that is not sanctioned by fellow rightwingnuts.

Let me see if I have this straight - Obama was born in Kenya, is a secret Muslim, sat in a pew of a radical christian pastor for 20 years believing and agreeing with him on every issue, pals around with terrorists, is a socialist, hates America, loathes the military, was elected into office by voter fraud by ACORN - TWICE, has apologized for America, had no part in killing bin laden or the Somali pirates, personally told the IRS to target conservative groups, personally told the military not to aid Benghazi, has massively raised taxes and regulations, is continuing and/or expanding bush policies (does that make bush a socialist too?), the economy is worse off than when he took office and the only jobs that are being produced are all low wage. Obamacare, cap and trade and deregulating credit default swap and pulling out of Iraq are NOT Republican ideas and/or policies. 9/11, the great republican recession and insurgents in Iraq are NOT bush's fault. Democrats cannot bring up dubya - BUT CLINTON LIED!!!!

There is no "outrage" small enough for you guys to grab your pick-forks and torches, obama put his feet on the desk in the oval office, obama is not wearing a suit in the oval office, obama shook hands with a commie, obama wore a tan suit to a press conference and obama uses a, oh god no!!! don't say it!!, a teleprompter! You delusion extends to the press, anything that is contrary to your beliefs are not to be believed - the entire mainstream media is lying and covering for obama and democrats, but limbaugh, faux "news" and anyother rightwingnut crackpot is not only believed but defended to the very end. One of you go to vote in an primary in an off year election in rural Oklahoma and you have to wait for 19 seconds and that is proof no one has to wait to vote, the lamestream media is making it all up.

Anything contrary goes in one ear and straight out the other, because there is nothing to slow it down in the middle. Keep on votin' republican and waitin' for your conservative savior, like reagan, who never ever raised taxes, did NOT legalize abortion in California, did NOT triple the deficit and debt, did NOT trade arms for hostages and did NOT cut, run when 240+ Americans were killed in a Beirut terrorist attack and IMMEDIATELY flew home from is vacation and took control of the Russians shooting down a Korean airliner situation.


And 8th delivers the goods!

Looks like you had to go back in time for some stock DNC responses on Obama though.

Nothing official has been approved by the DNC for regurgitation by the faithful on this topic yet?

9/15/2014, 02:03 PM
And 8th delivers the goods!

Looks like you had to go back in time for some stock DNC responses on Obama though.

Nothing official has been approved by the DNC for regurgitation by the faithful on this topic yet?

More proof that you all live in an alternate universe.

9/15/2014, 02:10 PM
And 8th delivers the goods!

Looks like you had to go back in time for some stock DNC responses on Obama though.

Nothing official has been approved by the DNC for regurgitation by the faithful on this topic yet?

Do folks really read his drivel ?

9/15/2014, 02:14 PM
More proof that you all live in an alternate universe.

Kinda like you living on the tip of Obamadong?

9/15/2014, 02:41 PM
Kinda like you living on the tip of Obamadong?

There you go again, talking about dong. Don't you get enough from ol' vet?

9/15/2014, 03:03 PM
Do folks really read his drivel ?

I hang on every word...

I'm just happy to not be in the same room where it's being cut/pasted otherwise I would have it all over my shoes.

9/15/2014, 08:39 PM
Let me see if I have this straight - Obama was born in Kenya, is a secret Muslim, sat in a pew of a radical christian pastor for 20 years believing and agreeing with him on every issue, pals around with terrorists, is a socialist, hates America, loathes the military, was elected into office by voter fraud by ACORN - TWICE, has apologized for America, had no part in killing bin laden or the Somali pirates, personally told the IRS to target conservative groups, personally told the military not to aid Benghazi, has massively raised taxes and regulations, is continuing and/or expanding bush policies (does that make bush a socialist too?), the economy is worse off than when he took office and the only jobs that are being produced are all low wage. Obamacare, cap and trade and deregulating credit default swap and pulling out of Iraq are NOT Republican ideas and/or policies. 9/11, the great republican recession and insurgents in Iraq are NOT bush's fault. Democrats cannot bring up dubya - BUT CLINTON LIED!!!!

damn...you finally saw the light!

Curly Bill
9/15/2014, 09:02 PM
Facts huh? I love obamadong, especially when he slaps me in the face with it!

I bet you do!

9/15/2014, 09:35 PM
I hang on every word...

I'm just happy to not be in the same room where it's being cut/pasted otherwise I would have it all over my shoes.

I put KCs asz on Iggy at the start of Season. aint got time to mess with him. If Yall wouldnt quote him I would never know what hes sayin. Cept I know hes always talkin Crazy shat .

Curly Bill
9/15/2014, 09:39 PM
I put KCs asz on Iggy at the start of Season. aint got time to mess with him. If Yall wouldnt quote him I would never know what hes sayin. Cept I know hes always talkin Crazy shat .

Has he asked ya to slap him in the face with your dong? I hear he's into that!

9/15/2014, 09:48 PM
Has he asked ya to slap him in the face with your dong? I hear he's into that!

Mines WHITE! wont werk

Curly Bill
9/15/2014, 10:09 PM
Mines WHITE! wont werk

They do say once you go black you never go back. Is that true KC//8th - of all the posters here you'd be the one most qualified to comment on that.

9/15/2014, 10:11 PM
They do say once you go black you never go back. Is that true KC//8th - of all the posters here you'd be the one most qualified to comment on that.

KC is funny.

Curly Bill
9/15/2014, 10:16 PM
KC is funny.

He is a funny little troll and dong lover.

9/16/2014, 07:55 AM
I put KCs asz on Iggy at the start of Season. aint got time to mess with him. If Yall wouldnt quote him I would never know what hes sayin. Cept I know hes always talkin Crazy shat .

Aw c'mon, when you go fishin' you need to see what you caught every now and then... :-)

9/16/2014, 10:12 AM
Aw c'mon, when you go fishin' you need to see what you caught every now and then... :-)

Its funnier seeing his responses in quotes LOL