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View Full Version : Baylor, The Official Thug Team of The Big 12

8/31/2014, 07:50 PM
Looks like their thuggishness remains even with the departure of thugs like Ahmad Dixon....who was fined $28,000 by the NFL this week for an illegal hit.

8/31/2014, 08:00 PM
This makes me laugh but they do cause a lot of PF

9/3/2014, 11:25 AM
The cheap targeting hit on Sterling last year made me a Baylor hater for the foreseeable future.

9/3/2014, 12:31 PM
I still can't believe we are talking about Baylor as being relevant

9/3/2014, 03:14 PM
Looks like their thuggishness remains even with the departure of thugs like Ahmad Dixon....who was fined $28,000 by the NFL this week for an illegal hit.

I think you have some issues.

9/3/2014, 03:18 PM
The cheap targeting hit on Sterling last year made me a Baylor hater for the foreseeable future.

Yeah, that wasn't targeting. And the hypocrisy of listening to OU fans bitch and whine about players being too rough is astounding. If this were an OU player you guys would be cheering the physicality of your defense. Especially if this were all happening 5+ years ago. Wipe the sand out of your vaginas.

What this is really about is that Sooner fans have a sense of entitlement as if they and only they and the 'premier' programs in the country should ever be the ones that have success or relevance. The real issue is that you absolutely cannot stand perennial basement dwellers like Baylor having new found success and relevancy. That's what this is all about.

9/3/2014, 03:42 PM
Its football not checkers !! Bad hits happen, even our Sooners make them!

9/3/2014, 03:53 PM
Yeah, that wasn't targeting. And the hypocrisy of listening to OU fans bitch and whine about players being too rough is astounding. If this were an OU player you guys would be cheering the physicality of your defense. Especially if this were all happening 5+ years ago. Wipe the sand out of your vaginas.

What this is really about is that Sooner fans have a sense of entitlement as if they and only they and the 'premier' programs in the country should ever be the ones that have success or relevance. The real issue is that you absolutely cannot stand perennial basement dwellers like Baylor having new found success and relevancy. That's what this is all about.

No, I think we can't stand the fans of former perennial basement dwellers, who think that a couple of years of success and relevancy (relatively speaking) put their program on an equal footing with the more storied programs of the NCAA - by which I mean OU, yes, but also 'Bama, Michigan, USC, tOSU, ....

That and fans of other teams who, as guests on an OU board, tend to act kinda dick-ish. But maybe that's just me.

9/3/2014, 04:14 PM
Moving on, Sicem, what's the progression if/when Petty is unable to go due to his back? Straight up question, I don't know the Baylor depth chart.

9/4/2014, 08:32 AM
Moving on, Sicem, what's the progression if/when Petty is unable to go due to his back? Straight up question, I don't know the Baylor depth chart.

Seth Russell is QB2; Chris Johnson is QB3. Russell did not look too sharp out there on Sunday. There are some reasons why, so I'm not ready to pass judgement on him yet especially since he did well enough in mop up duty last year. However, Johnson showed some really exciting potential in the few snaps he took on Sunday.

9/4/2014, 08:37 AM
Here's hoping Petty doesn't eff up his pro career by developing a chronic back issue.

9/4/2014, 10:31 AM
Yeah, that wasn't targeting. And the hypocrisy of listening to OU fans bitch and whine about players being too rough is astounding. If this were an OU player you guys would be cheering the physicality of your defense. Especially if this were all happening 5+ years ago. Wipe the sand out of your vaginas.

What this is really about is that Sooner fans have a sense of entitlement as if they and only they and the 'premier' programs in the country should ever be the ones that have success or relevance. The real issue is that you absolutely cannot stand perennial basement dwellers like Baylor having new found success and relevancy. That's what this is all about.

Wake me up when Baylor can perform on the road and not choke in a bowl game against a mid-major. Please rephrase "new found success and relevancy" as "temporary new found success and relevancy", because little league programs only last as long as their greatest coach in history is around. Once Briles is done at Baylor, so is Baylor once again. Same with Gundy at OSU and Patterson at TCU and Boise St. is already getting a taste without Pederson. Sucks to be you.

9/4/2014, 10:36 AM
Hey wait... I thought we had more than one resident Baylor fan now... why is SicEm being forced to defend his beloved Bears without any backup? Poor SicEm. Here, let me help you out.

(throws on green and gold attire, which has nothing to do with tonight's Packers game)

We have been disrespected for so long in this league, it's about time our team show some grit and toughness and won't back down from anyone! Art Briles is the greatest thing to happen to Baylor football, and he's been good for the Big 12 too! We need national level respect, and that comes with penalties, not just points! It's not like the flags are costing us points, either, because in case you missed it, SMU DIDN'T SCORE ANY LAST SUNDAY! BWHAHAHAHAHAHA PAW PAW PAW CLAW CLAW CLAW grrrrrr look at my open hand it looks like a bear claw

9/4/2014, 10:53 AM
Could team mascots be considered 'Graven Images"?

I can see that in animal mascots like Bears, Tigers, Fighting Cocks, etc. Straightforward, Levy-Strauss Totem and Taboo type stuff. But what are we to make of non-animal symbols like Hurricanes, Waves or Conestoga Wagons?

And what of teams that eschew fierce animals to model themselves after, for example, cows? Or Okra?

It's all quite perplexing.

9/4/2014, 10:54 AM
Wacko! Home of the Official HYPOCRITE U!!!

9/4/2014, 10:58 AM
Do you mean because purported Baptists get drunk and make the beast with two backs with people they are not married to? Well, you make a prima facie case, but I think you should check results of the latest synod, there've been lots of changes to the theological interpretations these days. I'm not sure all that stuff is even frowned upon anymore.

9/4/2014, 10:58 AM
Could team mascots be considered 'Graven Images"?

Probably not, but they DID just erect a statue of RG3

9/4/2014, 11:11 AM
Yeah, that wasn't targeting. And the hypocrisy of listening to OU fans bitch and whine about players being too rough is astounding. If this were an OU player you guys would be cheering the physicality of your defense. Especially if this were all happening 5+ years ago. Wipe the sand out of your vaginas.

What this is really about is that Sooner fans have a sense of entitlement as if they and only they and the 'premier' programs in the country should ever be the ones that have success or relevance. The real issue is that you absolutely cannot stand perennial basement dwellers like Baylor having new found success and relevancy. That's what this is all about.

Part of me agrees with you.

The other part wonders why you are so surprised that this is an OU board, and that you choose to be so offended by Pro-OU statements.

9/4/2014, 11:13 AM
I'm still waiting for the 600 ft statue of Tebow outside of Colorado Springs.

9/4/2014, 11:14 AM
Do you mean because purported Baptists get drunk and make the beast with two backs with people they are not married to? Well, you make a prima facie case, but I think you should check results of the latest synod, there've been lots of changes to the theological interpretations these days. I'm not sure all that stuff is even frowned upon anymore.

Oh yeah, it's still frowned upon. To the best of my knowledge Baylor hasn't received a special exemption from the Baptist state convention.

9/4/2014, 12:50 PM
I'm still waiting for the 600 ft statue of Tebow outside of Colorado Springs.

Only 300 ft when its Tebowing

9/4/2014, 01:56 PM
I see it in half crouch. 'Tebowing'? Maybe. Maybe coiling to take contact on the field. With flashing red eyes visible from Castle Rock at least. And with huge speakers mounted in his cavernous mouth belting out scriptural verse from 5:30 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. (Excepting Sunday alone) which can be heard from atop Pike's Peak.

9/4/2014, 02:08 PM
I'm still puzzling over that crazy TCU promo video, which concludes with the coach of Texas Christian University, urging players and fans to "give 'em hell." Say what?

9/4/2014, 02:39 PM
I know, I expected him to urge them to 'give 'em H E Double hockey sticks' (wink, wink, naughty simper). That would have been so much....cleaner.

9/4/2014, 04:31 PM
I'm still puzzling over that crazy TCU promo video, which concludes with the coach of Texas Christian University, urging players and fans to "give 'em hell." Say what?

TCU is only nominally a 'Christian' school. They rarely even refer to themselves as 'Texas Christian University' -- they re-branded years ago to just be TCU.

9/4/2014, 04:32 PM
Wake me up when Baylor can perform on the road and not choke in a bowl game against a mid-major. Please rephrase "new found success and relevancy" as "temporary new found success and relevancy", because little league programs only last as long as their greatest coach in history is around. Once Briles is done at Baylor, so is Baylor once again. Same with Gundy at OSU and Patterson at TCU and Boise St. is already getting a taste without Pederson. Sucks to be you.

That's some crackerjack analysis, Al.

9/4/2014, 04:33 PM
Part of me agrees with you.

The other part wonders why you are so surprised that this is an OU board, and that you choose to be so offended by Pro-OU statements.

I'm not offended at all by pro-OU statements. I make pro-OU statements all the time. It's the lack of self-awareness and perspective that's the problem.

9/4/2014, 04:44 PM
TCU is only nominally a 'Christian' school. They rarely even refer to themselves as 'Texas Christian University' -- they re-branded years ago to just be TCU.

Between that, and the Lickety Lickety Sis Boom Rah nonsense, I believe they've lost their collective minds. But then, to name yourself the Fightin' Horny Toads or whatever it is, just confirms it.

9/5/2014, 06:58 AM
That's some crackerjack analysis, Al.

The truth hurts, bitch.

9/5/2014, 09:00 AM
The fact that we play in a league that has fighting horny toads and Baylor is able to field a semi-legit teams is a sad statement to the Big XII. If the XII was still together Baylor wouldn't be worth a ****!!

No, Baylor will lose in style to OU! Mark it. Baylor has a loooooong ways to go Sicem to even sniff respect!

9/5/2014, 04:22 PM
I'm still waiting for the 600 ft statue of Tebow outside of Colorado Springs.

I was expecting you to say Gainesville. When you ended with Colorado Springs...well, that's just funny as hell.

9/5/2014, 04:48 PM
I used to live there. It's a weird community: on the North end, you have Focus on the Family and any number of frothing-at-the-mouth Fundy groups; drive fifteen minutes and you're in a community (Manitou) that's strongly Wiccan and biker and warmed over aging hippie. There used to be a mosh-pit punk bar next door to the VFW...and guys would stop in at the latter to get cheap beer before going to the former. A 600 ft tall statue of Tebow looming over town would probably not get more than passing attention from the shell shocked residents; their lives are subject to such violent jibs and tacks that its doubtful anyone's mental moorings are sound anymore. I had to move to SE Asia just to reset back to something closer to 'normal'.

9/5/2014, 09:15 PM
Yeah, that wasn't targeting. And the hypocrisy of listening to OU fans bitch and whine about players being too rough is astounding. If this were an OU player you guys would be cheering the physicality of your defense. Especially if this were all happening 5+ years ago. Wipe the sand out of your vaginas.

What this is really about is that Sooner fans have a sense of entitlement as if they and only they and the 'premier' programs in the country should ever be the ones that have success or relevance. The real issue is that you absolutely cannot stand perennial basement dwellers like Baylor having new found success and relevancy. That's what this is all about.

You are a wannabe. Plain and simple. You come to this site because you (wet)dream that your team that you love with all your being, just might someday be something close to what OUr team is, a historic, national contending team, year in and year out. You put false bravado in your posts because every once in a blue moon your team does something special, and maybe once or twice in 18 meetings, your team manages to pull off a victory against OUr team, so you come onto OUr site, where you seem to spend alot of time posting about your team - which we could care less about. This I don't understand. Let me just explain it to you in very basic, so that you can understand, verbage: We have a rivalry against texas; we have a rivalry against osu, even though our win/loss is equivant to what we have against your lower tier school. I'd say we even have a rivalry with the following schools: Miami, USC, Florida State, Nebraska, Alabama, and even Tulsa. We have a rivalry with Tulsa! Get that? I did not include your school in that list. We do not have a rivalry with the 1st school to have a man play for their womens basketball team! You are a loser. You will always be a loser, rooting for a loser. Face it. We don't care about baylor! Come back and talk all this foolish smack when your team has won just 1 national championship! Please?

9/5/2014, 11:07 PM
I think you have some issues.
Oh the irony. LOL.

9/5/2014, 11:12 PM

9/5/2014, 11:20 PM
They were thuggish even when they still sucked. Also, not suprised to see TT on this list.

9/6/2014, 12:14 AM
How do you think they became relevant? By developing an attitude. Miami did the same thing decades ago.

Thug U.

The baylor fan knows its true. Unfortunately for them, at least Miami has some name recognition so becomes somewhat relevant every now and then. baylor will just go back to being insignificant.