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View Full Version : Ever increasing chance I make the Tenn. game.

7/22/2014, 05:13 PM
Ok, forecast is sunny for me and my family making it to Norman on 9/13. We'll be crunching the numbers, checking the flights, etc... tonight. I had planned to come back for the TU game in Tulsa but when they changed the date that nixed it.

Hoping to come down on Saturday for game, spend the night and then hit the State Fair the next day. I have my wife, kids age 12 and 9 and my mother. Last game we went to was UW in Seattle in 08. Last home game for me was 05 OSU.

I'm looking forward to showing my boys the campus and where I spent a significant part of my life.

7/23/2014, 06:39 AM
Heading out to the Tennessee Game as well. Leaving Vermont with my son to fly into DFW, then spending Thursday, Friday & Saturday in Norman & vicinity. Will see some of the sites afterward & visit the old farm that I spent my summers many moons ago working the family farm in East Central Oklahoma. Really don't believe in bucket lists, but if one existed in my life, it would be that my son would see the dearest places in my past, and of course, that includes seeing the Sooners in Norman. Can't wait!!!
