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View Full Version : College Football Playoff Tickets (does this seem odd to you?)

7/13/2014, 09:34 PM
This afternoon, I discovered the "new" College Football Playoff website and wanted to get an idea about how much tickets to the playoffs would cost. I figure it would be incredibly hard/expensive to get tickets for the ordinary fan, but thought it would be worth investigating. As I suspected, you can buy package deals through the site. Of course the prices were about where I suspected (anywhere from $2800 to $6000 per person). That's what they call the "Playoff Premium package" and is basically a ticket to the game, some access to food/drinks, parking and various merchandise (depending on which package you pay for). There is also a second option to buy tickets...

The website calls it "Team Tix". You basically bid for the right to buy tickets if your team qualifies. So, every team has a bidding area. What seems odd is that you're bidding on the right to buy tickets with the general public (I know that's not something new, but the way they've set this up seems new/odd). In order to buy the rights, the person that currently holds them (the previous highest bidder) must agree to sell them. The website says you will be charged for the rights, and then have to pay for the tickets (I assume at face value) if your team qualifies. I find that odd for a couple of reasons:

1. How many tickets are going to be made available to the qualified team's fanbase? Surely there's more than one set (2 tickets), so I don't understand why they would set things up like this.

2. It almost seems like an artificial bidding war between two random people. What's in it for the CFP (or NCAA, or BCS or whomever is behind the whole thing)? If nothing is in it for them, why set it up this way?

I don't know if this is an attempt to keep the ticket brokers out of it, or if they're trying to create some "fun" way to get tickets or if there is money to be made for whomever is running this (which is what I suspect).

Here's the team bidding area (like a mini stock market, except I don't think the prices ever go down): Here (http://collegefootballplayoff.teamtix.com/markets/sports/college-fb/event/2015-national-championship-game?host=cfp) (click the "Get Started" button to see the teams if they don't automatically show up)

Here's the "how it works" section (it does a better job of explaining the whole thing than I did): Here (https://collegefootballplayoffsecure.teamtix.com/content/howDoesThisWork?host=cfp)

Maybe this is normal, and I've just never seen it. Thoughts?

EDIT: I see that the TeamTix sales are non-refundable, so if you buy the rights and your team doesn't make it, you're out whatever you paid. Wonder where than money goes?

7/13/2014, 09:47 PM
Are you charged anything for having a highest bid if you can't buy tickets for your team?
Perhaps you're just bidding in case your team gets in and then you pay both the bid and for the tickets?

7/14/2014, 01:02 AM
...completely ghey, Im not doing it.

There is nothing sacred or pure in our world anymore, it is all about money. Everything sucks


7/14/2014, 07:12 AM

7/14/2014, 08:36 AM
Let the racket continue. Bowl games usually require teams to sell (or buy on their own) an allotment of tickets to be invited. It's how teams like UConn when they lost to us in the Fiesta Bowl lost money going to the BCS.

Now they're just skipping the teams and going straight to the fan's wallet.

7/14/2014, 11:11 AM
My biggest complaint all along has been the way bowl game tickets were allotted. The best seats are reserved for the city's big sponsors, that never show up, or leave after the first quarter, and the teams' fans are given end-zone seats. The bowl committees sell the best seats to the scalping on-line ticket vendors. Everything is a big RIP! That is why the lesser bowls have such poor showings, first the fans do not have a tradition of going to bowls, and second they can't afford to go, especially if the travel is prohibitive. That is why I am so proud of the OU fans, we always show up, even it is not the bowl we wanted.

7/14/2014, 11:56 AM
Also, no more crystal football. Here's the new trophy:

Say a little prayer for all the schools that poured money into making all their previous championship trophies crystal footballs. Poor Texas

7/14/2014, 12:10 PM
'playoff' realized in college football puts a smile on my face every time I see it-

7/14/2014, 03:43 PM
Are you charged anything for having a highest bid if you can't buy tickets for your team?
Perhaps you're just bidding in case your team gets in and then you pay both the bid and for the tickets?

It sounds like you pay as soon as the current rights holder agrees to accept your bid. Sounds like if your team doesn't make it, then you're out whatever you paid for the right to buy tickets.

7/14/2014, 04:02 PM
It sounds like you pay as soon as the current rights holder agrees to accept your bid. Sounds like if your team doesn't make it, then you're out whatever you paid for the right to buy tickets.

Then that is just plain crazy.

7/14/2014, 07:54 PM
Also, no more crystal football. Here's the new trophy:

Say a little prayer for all the schools that poured money into making all their previous championship trophies crystal footballs. Poor Texas

''It can be lifted out of the base and hoisted in quite an inspirational manner,''
CFPED Bill Hancock ( college football playoff executive director )
