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View Full Version : 85 percent of ObamaCare ‘inconsistencies’ can’t be fixed

Sooner in Tampa
7/2/2014, 09:56 AM
WASHINGTON — Federal officials can’t resolve 85 percent of 2.9 million “inconsistencies” on applications for ObamaCare even after nine months of trying, according to new data provided by the administration.
Most of the problems involve certifying citizenship and income, key components of the national health plan.

But some of the problems are downright nutty.

One unidentified state-run marketplace cited situations in which infants and young children were “erroneously identified as incarcerated, according to federal data,” the inspector general for the Health and Human Services Department revealed Tuesday.

Just 425,000 problematic applications have been resolved out of 2.9 million that states and the federal exchange reported, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services told The Post.
Only citizens are eligible for ObamaCare, and only people at certain income levels are eligible for tax credits and subsidies.

But in 77 percent of the applications under scrutiny, federal records differed from what applicants submitted on those two key qualifications.
The CMS responded that the agency is “committed to verifying the eligibility of consumers who apply for enrollment in qualified plans.”

Link (http://nypost.com/2014/07/02/85-percent-of-obamacare-inconsistencies-cant-be-fixed/)

7/3/2014, 10:33 AM
Yeah, we need more gubment in our lives... i.e. VA and Indian Health care...

7/4/2014, 05:55 PM
Link (http://nypost.com/2014/07/02/85-percent-of-obamacare-inconsistencies-cant-be-fixed/)

Welcome to Chicago/Detroit style of government. You don't have to be competent to govern...you just have to care enough to spend as much of other people's money as you can get your hands on. This includes present and future tax payers.

7/5/2014, 03:12 PM
so what is the problem?

i'm assuming this means that these people aren't getting covered. isn't that the idea of checking?

7/5/2014, 11:45 PM
so what is the problem?

i'm assuming this means that these people aren't getting covered. isn't that the idea of checking?

The problem has a few angles to it. First, this another example of trying to claim as many people as possible being covered in order to claim political victory. It is disingenuous at best, but I can let this pass. Politicians do this crap all the time.

Another angle is that there are millions of people who are getting treatments that are not covered. Those costs don't just go away.

Most importantly though, we are spending untold dollars tracking these idiots down and trying to reconcile the whole thing. With the volume we are talking about it won't be long before the costs will be in the billions. Those are billions in addition to the costs that are already way above the initial estimates.

Healthcare is a complex issue. Unfortunately, the ACA treats it like buying a loaf of bread.

Sooner in Tampa
7/7/2014, 06:58 AM
so what is the problem?

i'm assuming this means that these people aren't getting covered. isn't that the idea of checking?

The enormous cost/effort that is going to be required just resolve this issues is mind numbing...as well as highlighting how horrifically inefficient that government is when it comes to running a business...and make no mistake about it...HEALTH CARE IS BIG BUSINESS

Just 425,000 problematic applications have been resolved out of 2.9 million

But in 77 percent of the applications under scrutiny, federal records differed from what applicants submitted