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View Full Version : One Last Push for Pugh

6/18/2014, 10:05 PM
My brother in law is running for state house district 82-- seat being vacated by Mike Turner. He is up against Kevin Calvey, who in my estimation epitomizes all of the current problems within the GOP. Been running for office all over the metro for 20 years with a very spotty record. He has outspent Adam 3 to 1 in this campaign, but he hasn't come close to outworking him.

Over the past 2+ months Adam has personally knocked on over 11,000 doors. No, that is not a typo or exaggeration. He has gone after this as he has with everything else in his life-- full speed ahead and he's done so with passion and conviction.

On Saturday, we are organizing on last big push before the primary Tuesday. I encourage you to check out his link. I then encourage you to think of anyone you know in district 82 (it runs from NW OKC well into Edmond) and spread the word. If you want to come out and help Saturday, please email me at the address below. If you will take the time to research Adam you will find that he provides the type of infusion needed for the GOP and needed at the state.


[email protected]

6/18/2014, 10:19 PM
My brother in law is running for state house district 82-- seat being vacated by Mike Turner. He is up against Kevin Calvey, who in my estimation epitomizes all of the current problems within the GOP. Been running for office all over the metro for 20 years with a very spotty record. He has outspent Adam 3 to 1 in this campaign, but he hasn't come close to outworking him.

Over the past 2+ months Adam has personally knocked on over 11,000 doors. No, that is not a typo or exaggeration. He has gone after this as he has with everything else in his life-- full speed ahead and he's done so with passion and conviction.

On Saturday, we are organizing on last big push before the primary Tuesday. I encourage you to check out his link. I then encourage you to think of anyone you know in district 82 (it runs from NW OKC well into Edmond) and spread the word. If you want to come out and help Saturday, please email me at the address below. If you will take the time to research Adam you will find that he provides the type of infusion needed for the GOP and needed at the state.

www.adamforthehouse.com (http://www.adamforthehouse.com)

[email protected]

Sorry, but your email addy looks too much like REDSKIN, and that's offensive to all the white guilt peeps. Please change it post haste. TIA.