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View Full Version : Remember when THA said The Leftists is after your guns, well he is and THA was right

6/11/2014, 09:41 AM
Stories today...

The Leftists wants to act unilaterally on gun control... (http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2014/06/10/white-house-obama-looking-to-act-administratively-unilaterally-on-guns/)

He praises Australia's gun confiscation program... (http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/380033/obama-praises-australias-gun-confiscation-charles-c-w-cooke)

And a hilarious laugh and in your face story to shove it up Bloombergs computer terminal...
Dude finds direct evidence of fabrication of statistics in Bloomberg's "everytown for Gun Safety" false issue group... (http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2014/06/10/wow-journalist-attempts-to-debunk-anti-gun-groups-list-of-school-shootings-in-america-since-sandy-hook-heres-what-he-found/)

The author tweets hilarity on the disingenuous stretching of statistics to prove the socialists view...

Why do they want your guns? They want you impotent when they try to take over the government and suspend your Rights given to you in the Constitution. The Leftist has shown his hand by unilateral decisions, avoiding Congress and ignoring advice from other agencies and like a mob boss, told others in government how to investigate and silence those who don't think like him...

Ton Loc
6/11/2014, 10:02 AM
Stories today...

The Leftists wants to act unilaterally on gun control... (http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2014/06/10/white-house-obama-looking-to-act-administratively-unilaterally-on-guns/)

He praises Australia's gun confiscation program... (http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/380033/obama-praises-australias-gun-confiscation-charles-c-w-cooke)

And a hilarious laugh and in your face story to shove it up Bloombergs computer terminal...
Dude finds direct evidence of fabrication of statistics in Bloomberg's "everytown for Gun Safety" false issue group... (http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2014/06/10/wow-journalist-attempts-to-debunk-anti-gun-groups-list-of-school-shootings-in-america-since-sandy-hook-heres-what-he-found/)

The author tweets hilarity on the disingenuous stretching of statistics to prove the socialists view...

Why do they want your guns? They want you impotent when they try to take over the government and suspend your Rights given to you in the Constitution. The Leftist has shown his hand by unilateral decisions, avoiding Congress and ignoring advice from other agencies and like a mob boss, told others in government how to investigate and silence those who don't think like him...

Yeah - They aren't going to be able to take your guns. Not in your lifetime. It'd be nice if they had more gun control or maybe just something consistent across the country. You can go to Florida, buy a gun at a show, take a 15 minute class, and walk out with your concealed carry. I don't know any other kind of background check/class that takes less than an hour. Of course - that's Florida - and they're all kinds of ****ed up. I have a couple guns. I got them with zero to no hassle. I was surprised.

BTW- I have no idea who the "left" and "right" really are anymore. I assume they're just faceless groups that change members and leaders based on the issue at hand.

6/11/2014, 10:47 AM
So, what's wrong with buying at a show and walking out with it? It is my Right to do so...

6/11/2014, 11:13 AM
So, what's wrong with buying at a show and walking out with it? It is my Right to do so...

Yes, because you are a sane, non-felon. I strongly support the 2A, but don't have a problem with checks at gun shows.

6/11/2014, 12:51 PM
Yes, because you are a sane, non-felon. I strongly support the 2A, but don't have a problem with checks at gun shows.

You will not buy a firearm at a gun show from a vendor without them performing a back ground check...

6/11/2014, 12:57 PM
Yes, because you are a sane, non-felon. I strongly support the 2A, but don't have a problem with checks at gun shows.

You will not buy a firearm at a gun show from a vendor without them performing a back ground check...

Correct as far as that goes, A Dealer is required to do the checks an individual is free to sell to whomever he/she wants.

6/11/2014, 01:00 PM
an individual is free to sell to whomever he/she wants.The same as I could sell whatever gun I want to a friend, neighbor, inlaw, outlaw...

6/11/2014, 01:10 PM
Yes, because you are a sane, non-felon. I strongly support the 2A, but don't have a problem with checks at gun shows.

The same as I could sell whatever gun I want to a friend, neighbor, inlaw, outlaw...

Yup. Perzackery

Ton Loc
6/12/2014, 09:11 AM
Seems like its easier to own a gun now than ever before. Even with all the BS being thrown around by both sides. Certainly easier to get concealed carry and open carry seems to be spreading. Yet, people seem to be worried about their guns being taken away.

Our priorities - or at least the **** we complain about the most - never seem to match up with our real problems.

6/12/2014, 09:30 AM
Gun violence is a symptom. The problem is societal, the glorification of violence, breakdown of the family, general attitude of "if you have more than I do, you owe me".

6/12/2014, 09:52 AM
If you look at the data, the liberal utopian bastions where people get free housing, free food, do not have to work or pay bills, do or sell drugs, and generally thug about are the places with gun violence . Shocking! This is not happening in the more conservative areas where people are busy providing for themselves and family, doing the correct things, have a faith in God and keeping their stuff straight with pride of ownership.

rock on sooner
6/12/2014, 11:26 AM
If you look at the data, the liberal utopian bastions where people get free housing, free food, do not have to work or pay bills, do or sell drugs, and generally thug about are the places with gun violence . Shocking! This is not happening in the more conservative areas where people are busy providing for themselves and family, doing the correct things, have a faith in God and keeping their stuff straight with pride of ownership.

Generally, I agree with your post, especially "conservative areas". I'd
point out, though, that there have been 74 shootings all around the
country, since Newtown, Connecticut. Those shootings come in all
flavors...handgun, assault rifles, shotguns. Clearly, there a lot of holes
in the system but I don't know how to plug them. Those two in Vegas
scare the bejeezus outa me!

6/12/2014, 12:08 PM
Yes, because you are a sane, non-felon. I strongly support the 2A, but don't have a problem with checks at gun shows.

Generally, I agree with your post, especially "conservative areas". I'd
point out, though, that there have been 74 shootings all around the
country, since Newtown, Connecticut. Those shootings come in all
flavors...handgun, assault rifles, shotguns. Clearly, there a lot of holes
in the system but I don't know how to plug them. Those two in Vegas
scare the bejeezus outa me!

Rock of those 74 shootings the Libs that are condemning Guns have included everything. even a suicide. Its NOT 74 school shootings as they would have you believe.

6/12/2014, 03:57 PM
Those two in Vegas
scare the bejeezus outa me!

How come? Cause they was white?

rock on sooner
6/12/2014, 04:11 PM
How come? Cause they was white?

Hell no! What scares me is they walk in to a pizza joint, gun down
two cops (cover one with a Nazi crap) then go into a Walmart, gun
down an innocent! Other cops got him and she got herself...absolutely
insane. Not one ounce of sanity! Ain't a rule, background check or doctor's
opinion that would catch it....sure seemed to be obvious to some, though.
That's what I meant earlier about holes in the system and not knowing
how to plug 'em.

6/12/2014, 04:34 PM
Hell no! What scares me is they walk in to a pizza joint, gun down
two cops (cover one with a Nazi crap) then go into a Walmart, gun
down an innocent! Other cops got him and she got herself...absolutely
insane. Not one ounce of sanity! Ain't a rule, background check or doctor's
opinion that would catch it....sure seemed to be obvious to some, though.
That's what I meant earlier about holes in the system and not knowing
how to plug 'em.

There aint no pluggin Bro. when the Left quits screaming to take em ALL and is willing to sit down and discuss the issues at hand Ill be one of the 1st to listen, But Like I said they use their scare tactics much as the NRA use's theirs. Nothing gets ****ing done and nothing will.

We as a People have the right to own and use any firearm we want. (IMHO) including a ****ing Abrams Tank or a stryker fully armed. Yet I will admit there comes a time when a Person by their actions GIVE up those rights.

When the Left AND the Right quit with the Histrionics and talk sensible THEN we might get sompun done.
But really as long as the Press keeps covering this crap the way they do and Making Folk heroes out of these asshats then they gonna keep doing it to get their 15 minutes of Fame .

rock on sooner
6/12/2014, 06:59 PM
Welp, Vet, I dunno, I believe in the 2A and I own a couple of
equalizers. I believe I'm an okay citizen and I only read/listen
to the press. As bad as it is, there some truth....so many idjits
caint figger whats right and we as a group of "pragmatic citizens"
are left with what do we do? So much on the right, so much on
the left and there aint ONE mofo can figger out how to git some
where in the middle.

I'm sorry, the TEA party sez my way or the highway, moderate
Pubs keep their mouhs shut ('fraid of the Tea Party) Dems aint
got enuf sense to backroom stuff...wow, ARE THERE ANY SMART

6/12/2014, 07:03 PM
Welp, Vet, I dunno, I believe in the 2A and I own a couple of
equalizers. I believe I'm an okay citizen and I only read/listen
to the press. As bad as it is, there some truth....so many idjits
caint figger whats right and we as a group of "pragmatic citizens"
are left with what do we do? So much on the right, so much on
the left and there aint ONE mofo can figger out how to git some
where in the middle.

I'm sorry, the TEA party sez my way or the highway, moderate
Pubs keep their mouhs shut ('fraid of the Tea Party) Dems aint
got enuf sense to backroom stuff...wow, ARE THERE ANY SMART

Just me an You I think Bro

6/12/2014, 07:05 PM
If you look at the data, the liberal utopian bastions where people get free housing, free food, do not have to work or pay bills, do or sell drugs, and generally thug about are the places with gun violence . Shocking! This is not happening in the more conservative areas where people are busy providing for themselves and family, doing the correct things, have a faith in God and keeping their stuff straight with pride of ownership.

You got any facts to back that up? The states with the highest rate of gun violence are red states.

6/12/2014, 07:12 PM
You got any facts to back that up? The states with the highest rate of gun violence are red states.

Read on this I'll be back in a bit!

6/12/2014, 07:14 PM
According to Wiki I aint even read it yet, It is what it is.

rock on sooner
6/12/2014, 08:25 PM
According to Wiki I aint even read it yet, It is what it is.

I looked at some of the stats and have decided that I'll stay
out of D.C., MD, MO, MI, and AZ 'cause there's a bunch of
wastin' goin on.....

6/13/2014, 09:31 AM
I looked at some of the stats and have decided that I'll stay
out of D.C., MD, MO, MI, and AZ 'cause there's a bunch of
wastin' goin on.....

You musta missed seeing Cal. It has the Highest % of Murders and one of the Lowest %s of Gun ownership LOL