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View Full Version : Cantor goes down to defeat to tea party.

6/10/2014, 08:35 PM
Cantor got his azz clocked by brat...wasn't even close.

Amnesty looks like it was part of his undoing.

Now if only some other rinos would bite the dust.

6/10/2014, 08:59 PM
Cantor got his azz clocked by brat...wasn't even close.

Amnesty looks like it was part of his undoing.

Now if only some other rinos would bite the dust.

Cantor is a rino?

6/10/2014, 09:05 PM
If he is an amnesty supporter then he is a rino in my books.

6/10/2014, 09:28 PM
If he is an amnesty supporter then he is a rino in my books.

2/3rds of Americans support a pathway to citizenship.

6/10/2014, 09:33 PM
2/3rds of Americans support a pathway to citizenship.

Rasmussen, October 22, 2013 — Poll of likely voters
Only 25% think it is even somewhat likely that the federal government will secure the border and prevent illegal immigration with new immigration legislation; 65% consider it unlikely.
Only 18% think illegal aliens should be given immediate amnesty; 62% believe legalization should occur only after the border is secured, and 19% are unsure.
40% favor the immigration bill passed by the Senate (S.744); 40% oppose it, and 20% are undecided. Support was down from 53% just one month earlier.
29% think the House should pass Senate bill. 44% think that the House should review the Senate bill piece by piece. 27% are undecided.
Only 28% believe "comprehensive" immigration reform will pass Congress and be signed by the President this year.

55% of American adults oppose "providing free public education benefits to children of immigrants who are in the United States illegally" (PDK/Gallup, August 2013).

56% of American adults want the border secure before any type of amnesty is granted to illegal aliens. Only 37% want amnesty before border security (CBS News, July 2013).

31% of illegal aliens surveyed identified themselves as Democrats; 4% as Republicans. In addition, 23% of illegal aliens lean toward the Democratic Party while 15% lean toward the Republican Party (Pew Hispanic Center, July 2013).

When told that the Senate immigration bill (S.744) would only decrease illegal immigration up to 50% of its current rate, according to the Congressional Budget Office, only 39% of U.S. likely voters supported the bill (Rasmussen, July 2013).

80% of American adults support "stricter border control to try to reduce illegal immigration." This includes 93% Republicans, 76% Democrats, 83% Independents, 74% Blacks, 61% Hispanics, and 75% of 18-39 year olds (ABC News/Washington Post, April 2013)

Curly Bill
6/10/2014, 10:05 PM
Now...if we could get rid of Boehner also!

6/10/2014, 11:09 PM
2/3rds of Americans support a pathway to citizenship.

chirp...chirp....chirp...the crickets are singing....lol

6/10/2014, 11:41 PM
Now...if we could get rid of Boehner also!

Not sure when his seat is due, but this should have sent a loud, noticeable shot across the bow that I'm sure several folks took note of. Things, they could be a changin'

This isn't going to be a Republican issue only, the same things will occur on the left.

People are very tired of Capital Hill doing nothing except call the other party the "wrong guy". The country doesn't want to hear that ****.

6/11/2014, 12:18 AM
Not sure when his seat is due, but this should have sent a loud, noticeable shot across the bow that I'm sure several folks took note of. Things, they could be a changin'

This isn't going to be a Republican issue only, the same things will occur on the left.

People are very tired of Capital Hill doing nothing except call the other party the "wrong guy". The country doesn't want to hear that ****.


6/11/2014, 04:50 AM
2/3rds of Americans support a pathway to citizenship.

7/5ths of ALL SF posters say yer a ****ing Moran.

Sooner in Tampa
6/11/2014, 05:29 AM
7/5ths of ALL SF posters say yer a ****ing Moran.

You are being generous...

6/11/2014, 05:33 AM
7/5ths of ALL SF posters say yer a ****ing Moran.

Poll: 62% of Americans Favor a Path to Citizenship

Around 62% of Americans favor a legal pathway to citizenship for immigrants currently living illegally in the U.S., according to a poll released Tuesday. The Public Religion Research Institute poll, conducted in conjunction with the Brookings Institute, found American sentiment toward immigration reform hasn’t changed much since 2013.


Go **** yourselves you ignorant *******s.

6/11/2014, 05:37 AM
Rasmussen, October 22, 2013 — Poll of likely voters
Only 25% think it is even somewhat likely that the federal government will secure the border and prevent illegal immigration with new immigration legislation; 65% consider it unlikely.
Only 18% think illegal aliens should be given immediate amnesty; 62% believe legalization should occur only after the border is secured, and 19% are unsure.
40% favor the immigration bill passed by the Senate (S.744); 40% oppose it, and 20% are undecided. Support was down from 53% just one month earlier.
29% think the House should pass Senate bill. 44% think that the House should review the Senate bill piece by piece. 27% are undecided.
Only 28% believe "comprehensive" immigration reform will pass Congress and be signed by the President this year.

55% of American adults oppose "providing free public education benefits to children of immigrants who are in the United States illegally" (PDK/Gallup, August 2013).

56% of American adults want the border secure before any type of amnesty is granted to illegal aliens. Only 37% want amnesty before border security (CBS News, July 2013).

31% of illegal aliens surveyed identified themselves as Democrats; 4% as Republicans. In addition, 23% of illegal aliens lean toward the Democratic Party while 15% lean toward the Republican Party (Pew Hispanic Center, July 2013).

When told that the Senate immigration bill (S.744) would only decrease illegal immigration up to 50% of its current rate, according to the Congressional Budget Office, only 39% of U.S. likely voters supported the bill (Rasmussen, July 2013).

80% of American adults support "stricter border control to try to reduce illegal immigration." This includes 93% Republicans, 76% Democrats, 83% Independents, 74% Blacks, 61% Hispanics, and 75% of 18-39 year olds (ABC News/Washington Post, April 2013)

Not one of these mentions a PATHWAY TO CITIZENSHIP and you people call me a moron.


6/11/2014, 05:43 AM
Poll: 62% of Americans Favor a Path to Citizenship

Around 62% of Americans favor a legal pathway to citizenship for immigrants currently living illegally in the U.S., according to a poll released Tuesday. The Public Religion Research Institute poll, conducted in conjunction with the Brookings Institute, found American sentiment toward immigration reform hasn’t changed much since 2013.


Go **** yourselves you ignorant *******s.

I Love you too. Here this is for YOU

Sooner in Tampa
6/11/2014, 07:36 AM
Poll: 62% of Americans Favor a Path to Citizenship

Around 62% of Americans favor a legal pathway to citizenship for immigrants currently living illegally in the U.S., according to a poll released Tuesday. The Public Religion Research Institute poll, conducted in conjunction with the Brookings Institute, found American sentiment toward immigration reform hasn’t changed much since 2013.


Go **** yourselves you ignorant *******s.

WOW...they really went all out on this poll...600 people...LEGAL being the key term here dipstick

The survey of about 601 Americans was conducted via telephone in April; the margin of error is 3.3 percentage points.

Now, lets look at the original quote for poll numbers

Only 18% think illegal aliens should be given immediate amnesty

56% of American adults want the border secure before any type of amnesty is granted to illegal aliens Border security is the KEY to ANY immigration reform!!!

80% of American adults support "stricter border control to try to reduce illegal immigration." This includes 93% Republicans, 76% Democrats, 83% Independents, 74% Blacks, 61% Hispanics, and 75% of 18-39 year olds

Let's try to stay on topic and compare apples to apples!!!

6/11/2014, 07:52 AM
Let's try to stay on topic and compare apples to apples!!!

That's not the libtard way, don't ya know?

6/11/2014, 08:27 AM
And here comes the BIG FONT, RED LETTER response in 3....2.....

6/11/2014, 09:01 AM
WOW...they really went all out on this poll...600 people...LEGAL being the key term here dipstick

Now, lets look at the original quote for poll numbers

Border security is the KEY to ANY immigration reform!!!

Let's try to stay on topic and compare apples to apples!!!

The survey of 1,000 Likely Voters was conducted on October 20-21, 2013 by Rasmussen

WOW really went all out didn't they?

LEGAL is the ONLY way to be a citizen dumbass

6/11/2014, 09:15 AM
WOW...they really went all out on this poll...600 people...LEGAL being the key term here dipstick

Now, lets look at the original quote for poll numbers

Border security is the KEY to ANY immigration reform!!!

Let's try to stay on topic and compare apples to apples!!!

Study: PPP Most Accurate Pollster Of 2012, Rasmussen And Gallup Among Least Accurate

24th out of 28, but you believe Rasmussen. Tell me again how the polls were off in 2012.


Sooner in Tampa
6/11/2014, 09:36 AM
The survey of 1,000 Likely Voters was conducted on October 20-21, 2013 by Rasmussen

WOW really went all out didn't they?

LEGAL is the ONLY way to be a citizen dumbass

Okay, you little ****tard, try and keep you eye on the prize...LEGAL PATH!!! Amnesty is just a blanket thrown down...a bandage if you will

NOW...don't forget about BORDER SECRITY!!! Something your chicken **** president doesn't give a **** about

I will resort to your little childish games to get the point across since you are so ****ing hard headed and stupid

80% of American adults support "stricter border control"

Sooner in Tampa
6/11/2014, 09:42 AM
And since you have such a boner for polls...here are a couple for ya

54% Believe Federal Government Encourages Illegal Immigration
http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/current_events/immigration/november_2013/54_believe_federal_government_encourages_illegal_i mmigration

60% Think U.S. Not Aggressive Enough In Deporting Illegal Immigrants.

http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/current_events/immigration/december_2013/60_think_u_s_not_aggressive_enough_in_deporting_il legal_immigrants

Only 29% of Likely U.S. Voters think the government should stop deporting illegal immigrants until Congress passes an immigration reform plan.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 57% oppose a halt to deportations

And one final note...The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 64% of Likely U.S. voters consider immigration, when done within the law, to be good for America.

I have yet to see anyone say they are not for LEGAL immigration

6/11/2014, 09:43 AM
Cantor is a rino?
Yes!, more concerned with lobbyists than his own district. He wouldn't do town halls for constituents that asked...

6/11/2014, 09:44 AM
2/3rds of Americans support a pathway to citizenship.

No they don't...

6/11/2014, 10:05 AM
Okay, you little ****tard, try and keep you eye on the prize...LEGAL PATH!!! Amnesty is just a blanket thrown down...a bandage if you will

NOW...don't forget about BORDER SECRITY!!! Something your chicken **** president doesn't give a **** about

I will resort to your little childish games to get the point across since you are so ****ing hard headed and stupid

80% of American adults support "stricter border control"

Pathway to citizenship you dumbass. Try to understand.

6/11/2014, 10:48 AM
No pathway to citizenship. Just free **** for uneducated illegal alien laborers who lower the earning power for other Americans...

6/11/2014, 11:01 AM
No pathway to citizenship. Just free **** for uneducated illegal alien laborers who lower the earning power for other Americans...

FINALLY! First no free **** for uneducated illegal alien laborers, american born kids of them do. But the kids are american citizens. I disagree with it, but we have to change the constitution to do it. Second that is the biggest problem with illegals is the driving down of wages, not to mention companies that play by the rules are being punished by having higher labor costs.

6/11/2014, 01:12 PM
8th, perhaps on this we agree. I think we should prosecute with strong vigor those businesses that hire illegals intentionally and continue to do so, to the point of revoking their business license, strong fines or prison... People are living on a false economy and the pols are doing it to placate the voters and keep them quiet. I am the only person on my block as far as I can tell that mows their own lawn. I used to hire a teenager in the neighborhood from time to time, but he has since aged out.

8th, many of the kids for the Dreamers ARE NOT American. They were born elsewhere and brought here. Sucks for them, but they have no claim to the American way. Just check Japan or any other country but us and France that flaunt our borders so willy nilly.

6/11/2014, 02:10 PM
Not one of these mentions a PATHWAY TO CITIZENSHIP and you people call me a moron.


That's right it doesn't. Just the same way you omitted the other facts which convey a different message then your terse statement of "2/3rds of Americans support a pathway to citizenship".

hawaii 5-0
6/12/2014, 02:46 AM
Breaking News ! !

Eric Cantor has reversed his stance and now he's suddenly in favor of unemployment benefits.


Curly Bill
6/14/2014, 11:03 PM
Breaking News ! !

Eric Cantor has reversed his stance and now he's suddenly in favor of unemployment benefits.


OK, that's kinda funny!

6/15/2014, 11:39 PM
It's more than 2/3.


Note: after 5 years of permanent residency, one is eligible to apply for citizenship.

So, 71% favor some type of pathway to citizenship.


6/17/2014, 07:14 AM
juan, nice stretch. Those people polled didn't "know" citizenship could be applied for after 5 years nor was that the question.

They also didn't ask about land mines or firing squads....a pity.