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6/9/2014, 07:49 PM
Will there come a time when corp. sponsorship is priced out of the market? I hope so.


6/10/2014, 03:10 PM
Step up, Poulan-Weed Eater!

6/10/2014, 03:51 PM
Mazeppa, I'm curious, are you thinking that the price of sponsorship will be too high for some corp to afford? It seems like the story was one of different corps rushing to fill the gaps left by FritoLay and Discover, so it would indicate that finding new sponsors will be pretty easy.
Or are you more fundamentally opposed to corp sponsorship in general? Corps are still going to buy advertising on whichever teevee channel carries the games (and I would hope you are not opposed to televised football games. If you are, then may god save your soul, because I know of no man who could.) And somebody's got to pay for putting the whole thing together.
What's your game, man?! You're not one of those commiefagjunkienewengland people are you?

6/10/2014, 08:15 PM
Mazeppa, I'm curious, are you thinking that the price of sponsorship will be too high for some corp to afford? It seems like the story was one of different corps rushing to fill the gaps left by FritoLay and Discover, so it would indicate that finding new sponsors will be pretty easy.
Or are you more fundamentally opposed to corp sponsorship in general? Corps are still going to buy advertising on whichever teevee channel carries the games (and I would hope you are not opposed to televised football games. If you are, then may god save your soul, because I know of no man who could.) And somebody's got to pay for putting the whole thing together.
What's your game, man?! You're not one of those commiefagjunkienewengland people are you?

I'm just tired of seeing a corp name attached to everything. I'm 60 years old and i remember the day when you could just watch football without the corp naming of a superimposed yellow line and so on. But I know it's the way things are these days, but by gawd I don't have to like it and I'll never get used to it.

6/10/2014, 08:20 PM
i guess i missed the Peach Bowl as a playoff site

how exactly would corporate sponsors get priced out? i mean how does Frito Lay get priced out??

6/10/2014, 08:24 PM
Will there come a time when corp. sponsorship is priced out of the market? I hope so.

Like you, I hate all the corporate sponsorship crap, but they made the market and will never be priced out. Corporate sponsorship is here to stay. I just pray that the few things left unsponsored (The Super Bowl, World Series, etc.) are left alone. It's probably only a matter of time though.

I was never thrilled about the addition of "Gaylord Family" to Memorial Stadium, but at least it's a family and a donor that has ties to the school. It could have been worse:

"Welcome to The Sonic Drive Through Memorial Stadium in Norman Oklahoma. It's the #1 ranked Sooners hosting Iowa State..."

6/10/2014, 08:37 PM

6/10/2014, 11:25 PM


That was interesting, thanks for the link.

I still can't get over the fact that ESPN holds the "rights" for the bowl game names. In this day and age of players wanting some kind of compensation, and some fans talking about how much money the NCAA makes (which is next to nothing btw), ESPN sidesteps the whole process and rakes it in on naming rights. Of course they have to pay the leagues to show games, but they get a nice advertisement dollar to offset that. ESPN, ultimately Disney, is where the big buck end up.

6/11/2014, 08:45 AM
I, too, remember the days before corp sponsorship. But I don't pine for those days. Because, in those days, you hardly ever got to see the sooners. Because sports was rarely on tv. Maybe a game or two and perhaps a bowl game. And you treated them like national holidays because they were so rare. If a few ads are the price I pay for seeing most games, hell, I'll even promise to sit there and watch the ads. And not go pee or refill my glass.

6/11/2014, 10:51 PM
I, too, remember the days before corp sponsorship. But I don't pine for those days. Because, in those days, you hardly ever got to see the sooners. Because sports was rarely on tv. Maybe a game or two and perhaps a bowl game. And you treated them like national holidays because they were so rare. If a few ads are the price I pay for seeing most games, hell, I'll even promise to sit there and watch the ads. And not go pee or refill my glass.

You could pee TO refill your glass. Just trying to trouble shoot here. You're welcome in advance.

6/12/2014, 07:34 AM
As much as I dislike corporate logos on everything, I don't miss the old days. There was reason it was called The Game of the Week, because it WAS the game of the week, the ONLY game of the week. And never forget, Oklahoma and Georgia paid dearly for standing up to the NCAA, wresting control of the television rights so we could see all these games. Now if only someone, somehow could wrest control from ESPN . . .

6/12/2014, 08:15 AM
I, too, remember the days before corp sponsorship. But I don't pine for those days. Because, in those days, you hardly ever got to see the sooners. Because sports was rarely on tv. Maybe a game or two and perhaps a bowl game. And you treated them like national holidays because they were so rare. If a few ads are the price I pay for seeing most games, hell, I'll even promise to sit there and watch the ads. And not go pee or refill my glass.
Hell Bro Ill sit in my recliner, have an Ice chest handy and Pizz myself before Id want to go back to enjoying the Games on this!

6/12/2014, 08:23 AM
You could pee TO refill your glass. Just trying to trouble shoot here. You're welcome in advance.

mmmm mmmm. No. Ran the traps on that one years ago. Problems: first, evaporation and transpiration mean an ever decreasing supply of liquid. Result: dehydration and crankiness. Second, low alcohol content. Third, high temperature (for a beverage). I like your commitment, but this idea fails.

Perhaps we could compromise and the advertisers could just promise only ads with Danica Patrick or Sofia Vergara. And we'd show our good faith by promising to not turn the sound off.

6/12/2014, 08:23 PM
The way things are going this is going to be your tv screen in the not so distant future. ha


6/12/2014, 08:48 PM
The way things are going this is going to be your tv screen in the not so distant future. ha


That's terrible! How did we let the horns score 10 that early in the 2nd qtr?

6/13/2014, 10:37 PM
I'm suprised that you could find the score

6/13/2014, 11:53 PM
The way things are going this is going to be your tv screen in the not so distant future. ha


I'm suprised that you could find the score

I love it when you Youngster's Bitch, Even what YOU posted Beat what we had in the 70s and further back.

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ3RMC0jijw6kvMLE1AqarkRpESOtdli x4t_bnUxx8Y4dJDZ-j6

6/14/2014, 10:37 AM
i guess i missed the Peach Bowl as a playoff site

how exactly would corporate sponsors get priced out? i mean how does Frito Lay get priced out??

Frito Lay in my area has been looking at ways to cut expenses for quite a while; I'm assuming nationally we are doing the same thing. It's hard to maintain their target in sales growth every year so when that doesn't happen it's time to look at cutting expenses. I for one never understood why we felt the need to sponsor a bowl game because I thought the money should be invested back into trucks, warehouse locations, and people

6/16/2014, 08:27 PM
I love it when you Youngster's Bitch, Even what YOU posted Beat what we had in the 70s and further back.

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ3RMC0jijw6kvMLE1AqarkRpESOtdli x4t_bnUxx8Y4dJDZ-j6

I was born in 1953 that doesn't qualify me as a youngster. :)

6/16/2014, 10:17 PM
The way things are going this is going to be your tv screen in the not so distant future. ha


I was born in 1953 that doesn't qualify me as a youngster. :)

So why ya bitchin? At least we get to see our Sooners on TeeVee .

6/17/2014, 12:36 PM
Yes I know, just the grouchy old man in me coming out. ha

6/17/2014, 08:13 PM
Buffalo Wild Wings pulls sponsorship:


6/19/2014, 12:56 PM
Bitcoin to sponsor St. Petersburg Bowl

Nick Bromberg
By Nick Bromberg
June 18, 2014 10:34 AM

Will online currencies become the new bowl game sponsorship trend?

Wednesday, BitPay announced that the St. Petersburg Bowl would be known as the Bitcoin St. Petersburg Bowl. The game will be December 26 at Tropicana Field in St. Petersburg, Fla., and was formerly sponsored by Beef O'Brady's.

“Our goal is to continue to move bitcoin into the mainstream and sponsoring the St. Petersburg Bowl offers us that opportunity,” Tony Gallippi, executive chairman of BitPay said in a statement. “College football fans and the bitcoin community represent a similar target demographic – tech-savvy men between the ages of 18 and 40.”

It's a three-year sponsorship deal and in addition to traditional transactional channels, Bitcoin will be able to be used for merchandise and tickets.

Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer online currency system and transactions are posted to an online public ledger. Because it's a peer-to-peer system, it's like cash. There's no central authority overseeing the transaction, other than the record of it. That contributed to the disappearance of 850,000 Bitcoins from Mt. Gox, which was the biggest bitcoin-exchange site until it shut down in March of 2014 because of the issue.

The price of Bitcoins (in real U.S. dollars) fluctuates. According to this website, one Bitcoin is worth approximately $608. At one point near the end of 2013, a Bitcoin was worth over $1,000.

Earlier this year, Dogecoin, another type of online currency, sponsored two Olympians as well as NASCAR driver Josh Wise. Because of the power of the Dogecoin loyalists (people on Reddit who are called "Shibes") Wise won the fan vote for the All-Star Race in May over Danica Patrick.

While you may think Bitcoin is a bubble and may not be around or relevant much past the expiration of its sponsorship contract, given previous bowl game sponsorships it doesn't look absurdly ridiculous. After all, this is a sport that once had the uDrove Humanitarian Bowl, the PapaJohns.com Bowl, the GalleryFurniture.com Bowl, the Vitalis Sun Bowl, the MicronPC.com Bowl, the HomePoint.com Music City Bowl, the EV1.net Houston Bowl and many others.

As long as sponsors are willing to pay – in real dollars of course – bowl games are willing to take them.